
[#DIV28SUPER] Graduate Student Opportunities at the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington

We are pleased to share that we are recruiting students for our PhD program in Health Behavior for fall 2021. Our program offers outstanding training for individuals interested in pursuing careers in public health research. We are especially looking for students with interests in—among other areas—the causes, prevention, and treatment of substance use problems, chronic pain, and related mental health conditions.


Our school has embarked on a period of rapid growth in faculty and research, in part through Indiana University's Responding to the Addictions Crisis Grand Challenge. This ambitious university-wide research initiative seeks to prevent and reduce the public health impact of opioid use and other addictive behaviors. Now is an exciting time to join us!


Available New Addictions Faculty Mentors in the Health Behavior Program

Dr. Kit Elam studies longitudinal genetic and environmental influences on adolescent and adult psychopathology and substance use (alcohol, marijuana, illicit drugs). His work focuses on how parenting and peer relationships in childhood and adolescence serve as risk and resilience factors for substance use, and their interplay with genetic influences. He studies these processes using longitudinal studies and methods spanning infancy to adolescence, and adolescence to adulthood. For more information, see here: https://go.iu.edu/34qt


Dr. Alison Greene studies how intervention design and implementation impact substance use and sexual health outcomes for adolescents, and how systems can improve conditions to support protective factors, impact health determinants, and decrease risk factors among adolescents and their families. She utilizes CBPR, mixed method designs, and translational science to conduct community-engaged adolescent health intervention research. For more information, see here: https://go.iu.edu/37pz


Dr. Patrick Quinn studies the causes and consequences of substance use. His interests range across substances (e.g., from cigarette smoking to opioids) and across the lifespan (e.g., from prenatal drug exposure to medication treatment for adults with ADHD). In particular, much of his research examines pain and its treatment with opioid medications, using longitudinal studies and methods from epidemiology and behavioral genetics. For more information, see here: https://go.iu.edu/35Ez


Our Program: The PhD program in Health Behavior helps students pursue rigorous research to address today's most pressing public health issues (https://publichealth.indiana.edu/academics/doctoral/phd-health-behavior/index.html). You will work with fellow outstanding students and an award-winning faculty in a versatile department that emphasizes the study of the promotion of health and the prevention of health problems. The program offers a breadth of opportunities for research, teaching, coursework, and professional development (https://bulletins.iu.edu/iub/phb/2019-2020/graduate/doctoral/health-behavior.shtml).


Incoming students will receive a competitive funding package including a stipend, health insurance, and tuition remission.


Located in beautiful Bloomington, IN, the Health Behavior program is housed in the Department of Applied Health Science of the Indiana University School of Public Health, a top-50 US school of public health.


How to Apply: Prospective students are highly encouraged to communicate with Drs. Elam, Greene, or Quinn to confirm a match of research interests before applying. A master's degree is required, and students should demonstrate an interest in a research-involved career, as well as evidence of research experience or potential. To receive priority consideration, please apply by January 15, 2021.

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