
[DIV28SUPER] Article: Primary Sources: Operation Delirium : The New Yorker

Early history, and the shift from LSD to phencyclidine studies at Edgewood 

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Re: [DIV28SUPER] Video: War of the Mind : The New Yorker

Another installment in this series is online today, more on Sims and the use of LSD in interrogation settings.
As expectation might influence the setting, lack of prior consent became a necessity. As everyone at Edgewood Arsenal came to expect that a sudden period of disorientation might be the work of base employees, the evaluation of drug effects were moved off the base...

On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 7:45 PM, Ronald Wood <ronaldwood@gmail.com> wrote:
Additional films from the Edgewood program now online
December 12, 2012



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[DIV28SUPER] Change in Federal Register regarding buprenorphine dispensing practices

"Opioid drugs in maintenance and detoxification treatment of opiate addiction; proposed modification of dispensing restrictions for buprenorphine and buprenorphine combination as used in approved opioid treatment medications. Final rule."


Kelly Dunn, Ph.D.
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
5510 Nathan Shock Drive
Baltimore, MD 21224
BPRU Phone: (410) 550-2254
CLH Phone: (410) 550-5370
Fax: (410) 550-0030
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I was unable to write my usual-type blog post this week, but I did managed to get a few words down.



For people everywhere, can there be a more tear-soaked weekend than this.




[DIV28SUPER] Peter Dews, 90; Harvard psychobiologist studied connection between behavior and medications - Obituaries - The Boston Globe


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[DIV28SUPER] Psychological therapies for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder in children and adolescents | Cochrane Summaries

In light of the recent horror and universal discussion, one can only wonder about the surviving children.

The Cochrane library last week published a review (some evidence for cognitive behavior therapy) and call for more research, including examining use of medications.


This was mentioned last week on the RXP list reposting ken pope and then tracked down the citation.

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Begin forwarded message:

From: "Eiser, Arielle" <aeiser@APA.ORG>
Date: December 14, 2012 3:17:51 PM EST
Reply-To: "Eiser, Arielle" <aeiser@APA.ORG>

Please share this announcement with your individual memberships:
December 14, 2012
Urgent Funding Alert to the Psychology Education and Training Community: New Graduate Psychology Education (GPE) Cycle Announced; Reviewers Needed
We wanted to alert you that the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has announced the opening of the application process for the Graduate Psychology Education (GPE) Program. The GPE Program will provide grant funding during Federal Fiscal Years (FY) 2013-2015, for a three-year project period, from July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2016. Approximately $3,946,000 is expected to be available in FY 2013 to fund an estimated 25 grants at an average award of $134,200 per grant with a ceiling amount of $190,000 per grant per fiscal year. The program is authorized through Title VII, Sections 750 and 755 (b)(1)(J) of the Public Health Service Act.Applications are due by February 8th, 2013.
Approximately eight to fourteen grants will be awarded to APA-accredited graduate training schools and programs targeting doctoral psychology students interested in clinical practice with vulnerable and underserved populations. An additional eight to fourteen grants will be awarded to state and local governments, or other appropriate public or private nonprofit entities, with APA-accredited pre-degree internships for students enrolled in a doctoral psychology program.
If you do not intend to apply but are interested in becoming a reviewer, please contact the two GPE program officers below. Reviewers are very much needed.
As stated in the grant announcement, two technical assistance calls will be held on:
December 19, 2012
Call-in Number: 1-888-989-8178
Participant Code: 7844452
For replay information (The recording will be available until March 19, 2013): 1-888-402-8746
January 3, 2013
Call-in Number: 1-888-989-8178
Participant Code: 7844452
For replay information (The recording will be available until April 03, 2013): 1-800-839-1117
The grant announcement and application is available on the HRSA website at:
The HRSA points of contact are:
Cynthia Harne, MSW
Public Health Analyst
Graduate Psychology Education Program
HRSA, Bureau of Health Professions
Division of Public Health and Interdisciplinary Education
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857
Telephone: (301) 443-8998
Fax: (301) 443-0157
Rebecca Wilson, MPH
Public Health Analyst
Graduate Psychology Education Program
HRSA, Bureau of Health Professions
Division of Public Health and Interdisciplinary Education
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857
Telephone: (301) 594-4466
Fax: (301) 443-0157
APA Education Government Relations Office Team:
Nina Gail Levitt, Ed.D. l Associate Executive Director
Jennifer Beard Smulson l Sr. Legislative & Federal Affairs Officer
Arielle Eiser| Legislative & Federal Affairs Associate
Alexandra Ginsberg| Legislative Assistant
Sheila Lane Forsyth | APA Education GRO Grassroots Consultant
Arielle Eiser | Legislative & Federal Affairs Associate
Office of Education Government Relations
Education Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Tel: 202.312.6483 |  Fax: 202.336.6063
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[DIV28SUPER] [GRAYMAIL] EUREKA Request for Applications (RFA)

Exceptional Unconventional Research Enabling Knowledge Acceleration (EUREKA) for Neuroscience and Disorders of the Nervous System (R01)  http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-NS-13-007.html

Posted Date: December 7, 2012

Open Date: (Earliest Submission Date) February 21, 2013

Application Due Date:  March 21, 2013 , by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.

AIDS Application Due Date: March 21, 2013

Earliest Start Date September 2013

This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) solicits Research Project Grant (R01) applications addressing exceptionally novel hypotheses and/or remarkably difficult problems in neuroscience and disorders of the nervous system.  This announcement is for support of new rather than ongoing projects, and is not intended for pilot research.  The proposed research may have a high risk of failure, but it must promise results with especially high impact should it be successful.  The research should be groundbreaking, innovative, original and/or unconventional, with the potential to solve important problems or open new areas for investigation

Participating Institutes

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
National Institute on Aging (NIA)

Before submitting an application, it is extremely important to verify that the proposed research is of interest to at least one of the NIH Institutes that is participating in this FOA, since applications that are not germane to the mission of one or more of the participating Institutes will  not be reviewed. Applicants are encouraged to contact the appropriate Institute representative listed in the FOA to ensure that the proposed research will be responsive to this FOA.  Applicants are strongly advised to include a cover letter indicating the appropriate Institute.  Please see FOA for details at: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-NS-13-007.html



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People dealing with substance abuse often have trouble dealing with conflicts.  I thought, therefore, that some division 28 members might get a kick out of the following:




Man, that Charles Schultz was a genius when it comes to intrapersonal conflicts!

It has been said that until we learn to deal wisely with our own intrapersonal conflicts, we will be lacking in our ability to resolve conflicts with others.





[DIV28SUPER] Video: War of the Mind : The New Yorker

Additional films from the Edgewood program now online
December 12, 2012



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[DIV28SUPER] Workshop on the Feasibility of Using Incapacitation Agents Against Terrorists

Jean Bidlack and I agreed this was a timely moment to make the proceedings of this 1986 workshop available. This workshop was organized by the University of Rochester.

The previous generation of our colleagues participated in this event, members of APA and CPDD are well represented in this discussion of the use of behaviorally active agents in terrorist event suppression contexts.

Ron Wood


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[DIV28SUPER] NPR.org » 'Operation Delirium:' Psychochemicals A nd Cold War

An interview (audio or transcript) by ter gross with the New Yorker investigative reporter


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a video excerpt of some edgewood arsenal films is now available:

On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 11:59 AM, Ronald Wood <ronaldwood@gmail.com> wrote:
"...Decades after a risky Cold War experiment, a scientist lives with secrets.  ..."


This is a riveting story of army supported psychopharmacology at Edgewood Arsenal.  


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twitter: @apadiv28 join our network

[DIV28SUPER] [GRAYMAIL] Joint NIH Council Meeting re: Functional Integration of NIDA, NIAAA and NCI - Dec. 13


Dear Colleagues,


There will be a Joint Meeting of the National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, the National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse, and the National Cancer Advisory Board on December 13, 2012, 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. ET.  Dr. Lawrence Tabak, Principal Deputy Director, National Institutes of Health (NIH), will provide an overview of the Trans-NIH Substance Use, Abuse, and Addiction Functional Integration Plan.  Please note, the public is welcome to join the call  1-888-324-8014 (toll-free); Passcode is 4418818

Webmeeting: http://webmeeting.nih.gov/suaa/.   Attached for your information is a copy of the open agenda. The public is also invited to submit additional comments to SUAAinfo@nih.gov through Friday, December 28, 2012.   Best regards,



Jane E. Smither
Constituent Liaison
Office of Science Policy and Communications
National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH
6001 Executive Boulevard
Room 5230 MSC 9591
Bethesda, MD  20892-9591
Telephone - (301) 443-6071
Fax - (301) 443-6277
E-mail - jsmither@nida.nih.gov





National Institutes of Health

Bethesda, Maryland


Joint Meeting of the

National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, the National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse, and the National Cancer Advisory Board

December 13, 2012

11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. ET

1-888-324-8014 (toll-free); Passcode is 4418818

Webmeeting: http://webmeeting.nih.gov/suaa/

Thursday, December 13, 2012 - OPEN

11:30 a.m. Call to Order

Lawrence A. Tabak, D.D.S., Ph.D., Principal Deputy Director, NIH

Review of Policy and Procedures

Justin D. Hentges, M.P.P., Special Assistant to the Principal Deputy Director, NIH

11:35 a.m. Overview of the Trans-NIH Substance Use, Abuse, and Addiction Integration Plan

Lawrence A. Tabak, D.D.S., Ph.D., Principal Deputy Director, NIH

12:05 p.m. Council Discussion

12:45 p.m. Public Comments*

1:00 p.m. Adjourn

*The public is invited to submit additional comments to SUAAinfo@nih.gov through Friday, December 28, 2012. The comments will be shared with the three Committees




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"...Decades after a risky Cold War experiment, a scientist lives with secrets.  ..."


This is a riveting story of army supported psychopharmacology at Edgewood Arsenal.  


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twitter: @apadiv28 join our network


[DIV28SUPER] [GRAYMAIL] NIH PA-13-018 Administrative Supplements for Research on Sex/Gender Differences (Admin Supp)

The NIH Office of Research on Women's Health (ORWH) and participating ICs including NIDA released on November 13 the  FOA, PA-13-018 Administrative Supplements for Research on Sex/Gender Differences (Admin Supp).  Supplements will be funded by an ORWH set aside.    The earliest submission date is December 12, 2012 and the application due date is January 11, 2013.
As is the case for all administrative supplements, research proposed under this announcement must be within the original scope of the parent grant.  Applicants should propose research that, if successful, would contribute to a greater understanding of the implications of sex/gender differences (or similarities) in human health or disease outcomes.   Applicants may use the following approaches to address sex/gender comparisons:


  • The addition of another group of subjects (human or animal) of the opposite sex when subjects of only one sex were used in the original study for comparative analyses of sex/gender. Applicants proposing to use subjects of only one sex/gender will be considered non-responsive UNLESS the data will be compared with those from the opposite sex within the administrative supplement period;   
  • The addition of more subjects  (human or animal) of both sexes to sufficiently power a study that was insufficiently powered to conduct or detect a sex/gender difference (or similarity) in the original study; or 
  •  The analyses of preexisting data where sex-specific data are included and power is sufficient, but a sex/gender analysis was not performed as part of the original study.


TO UNSUBSCRIBE: send email to listserv@list.nih.gov<mailto:listserv@list.nih.gov>, Copy and paste UNSUBSCRIBE NIDA_NEURO_SCIENCE-L   in the message body of the email - You will receive a confirmation email if successful.

If you have problems contact jpollock@mail.nih.gov     301-435-1309

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)  at the National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services 


[DIV28SUPER] APA Congressional Fellowship Porgram: online application open

Great opportunity- see below:


Spend a year working on Capitol Hill


APA seeks applications for its Congressional Fellowship Program. This opportunity allows up to two psychologists to spend a year in Washington, D.C., where they receive first-hand experience with federal policymaking. Congressional Fellows work as special legislative assistants in congressional member or committee offices and engage in a diverse range of policymaking activities.  APA offers specialized Congressional Fellowships for midcareer professionals, experts in health and behavior issues, and developmental psychologists and clinicians with experience working with children.  The program offers a year-long stipend and funds to support relocation, travel, and the purchase of health insurance. For more information, visit http://www.apa.org/about/gr/fellows or call the Public Interest Government Relations Office at 202.336.5935.


Applications must be postmarked by Jan. 11, 2013.

Kelly Dunn, Ph.D.
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
5510 Nathan Shock Drive
Baltimore, MD 21224
BPRU Phone: (410) 550-2254
CLH Phone: (410) 550-5370
Fax: (410) 550-0030
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twitter: @apadiv28 join our network


[DIV28M] Call for papers for Special Issue of Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology

Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology will publish a Special Issue focused on Psychopharmacology of Attention: The Impact of Drugs in an Age of Increased Distractions in October 2013.  The goal of this special issue is to highlight progress made during the past 15 years in understanding how licit and illicit drugs impact attention within the context of prevailing contemporary distractions. Topics such as distracted driving, social networking, animal and human models of multitasking, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder are just a few of the areas of relevance to this special issue.   

Laboratories engaged in research in this area may submit review articles or primary research reports to Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology to be considered for inclusion in this Special Issue. Please contact the Guest Editor, Dr. Anthony Liguori, or the Editor, Dr. Suzette Evans, directly (see below) with your topic, a draft title and a draft abstract before submitting your manuscript.  These will also us to create a dynamic and diverse issue on these topics.  Manuscripts should be submitted as usual through the APA Online Submission Portal, and the cover letter should indicate that the authors wish the manuscript to be considered for publication in the Special Issue on Psychopharmacology of Attention. While we cannot guarantee that your submission will be accepted for inclusion in the final published special section, we hope that you will consider submitting a manuscript for this Special Issue. Manuscripts received no later than February 15, 2013 will be considered for inclusion in the Special Issue. 

Questions or inquiries about the Special Issue can be directed to the Guest Editor of the issue, Anthony Liguori, Ph.D., at aliguori@wakehealth.edu or the Editor, Suzette M. Evans, Ph.D., at se18@columbia.edu.

Suzette M. Evans, Ph.D.
Professor of Clinical Neuroscience and Research Scientist VI
Director of the Women's Research Center
Editor, Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology
Columbia University and the New York State Psychiatric Institute
1051 Riverside Drive
Unit 66, Room 3704
New York NY 10032

Voice: 212-543-5895
Fax: 212-543-6018

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[DIV28M] APA Division 28 Awards 2013

Dear Colleagues:  Please find attached the Call for Nominations for the Division 28 APA awards for the upcoming 2013 meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii.  Feel free to share this announcement with others and post in your departments.  We look forward to receiving your nominations!
Dr. Sharon L. Walsh
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
Department of Behavioral Science
Phone:  859-257-6485
Fax: 859-257-5232
email:  sharon.walsh@uky.edu


[DIV28_ANNOUNCEMENT] Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction - Deadline Extended!

The Planning Committee for the first-ever Division 28/50 Annual Conference recognizes that the holiday season is a

busy one and has extended the deadline for Breakout Sessions to December 15, 2012. Please take a moment to consider

submitting a proposal AND please forward to colleagues to do the same. Presenting in the same program along with Dr. Shiffman

and Dr. Sullivan is quite an hour, and so will be presenting at the INAUGURAL conference! Don’t miss out!







Call for Proposals - Deadline– EXTENDED!

APA Division 28 and Division 50 invite you to submit a proposal for a Breakout Session or Poster Presentation at their first annual conference. Proposals that fit within the theme of "Biobehavioral RESEARCH & Implications for PRACTICE" will be considered for this first-annual endeavor.

Breakout Session: December 15 deadline, submit at www.tinyurl.com/2013CPABreakout
Poster Deadline: February 1 deadline, submit at www.tinyurl.com/2013CPAPoster

The official Call for Proposals is attached. The program committee (listed below) is available to answer any questions you have.


About the Conference


The theme for the 2013 conference is "Biobehavioral RESEARCH & Implications for PRACTICE"
>>Atlanta, Georgia / May 3-4, 2013
>>Registration will open December 2012
>>Two thought-provoking keynote sessions
>>Interactive environment for collaboration/networking
>>Several breakout session choices
>>Poster Sessions
>>Pre-conference in-depth workshops
>>Discounted rates for Early Career Psychologists
>>Student opportunities (discounted rates, special networking, etc)
>>You don't have to be a member of either or division or APA to attend the conference!

Meet the Keynoters


Saul Shiffman, PhD, is a world-renowned researcher in the fields of behavior change and relapse, self-management and self-control, field research methodology, statistical analysis, and addiction and dependence. Since 1991, he has been a professor in the departments of psychology and pharmaceutical science at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Shiffman has taught in the departments of psychology and psychiatry and behavioral medicine at various universities, including the University of South Florida, the University of Washington, and the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Shiffman has authored or co-authored over 300 published papers on a variety of topics related to psychopharmacology, substance abuse, dependence, relapse, coping, and computerized assessments of behavior, and has presented widely in medical and scientific forums. A fellow of numerous professional societies (including APA Divisions 28 and 50), Dr. Shiffman was awarded the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco’s Ovid Ferno Award for “ground breaking advances in clinical research.”


Edith V. Sullivan, PhD, is professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine and a neuropsychologist who has pioneered the study of alcoholism-related brain injury on selective cognitive and motor function. She is the recipient of a Senior Scientist Research and Mentorship Award, a grant for international collaborations on alcoholism research, and an NIAAA MERIT award for studies of neural circuitry modification in alcoholism focused on frontocerebellar systems. Dr. Sullivan is a recipient of the Research Society on Alcoholism Distinguished Researcher Award and is author of more than 250 peer-reviewed papers and numerous chapters and reviews. Dr. Sullivan will present a keynote address on Saturday, May 4, titled “Alcoholism and the Brain: Road to Ruin and Path to Recovery.”

Call for Proposals


The Committee has issued a call for proposals for Breakout Sessions, and Posters. Deadlines are as follows:

  • Breakout Sessions: December 1, 2012
  • Posters: February 1, 2013

About the Venue


The beautiful W Hotel in Midtown Atlanta will be the venue for our First Annual Conference. The hotel is located in the heart of Midtown and is local to public transportation. Room rates are $159 per night. Hotel reservation information will be launched soon!

More Information?


Sara Jo Nixon, PhD, Conference Chair
Anthony Liguori, PhD, Conference Co-Chair
John Kelly, PhD, Sponsorship Co-Chair
Katie Witkiewitz, PhD, Sponsorship Co-Chair
Jennifer Buckman, PhD, Conference Treasurer
Chad Rummel, MEd, Registration and Hotel Accommodations (202-336-6121)