
[#DIV28M] Reviewers Needed for APA Dissertation Award

Dear Division 28 Members:


I am writing to enlist your assistance in identifying potential reviewers in psychopharmacology and substance abuse for the American Psychological Association Science Directorate Dissertation Awards.  I am writing to representatives from many APA divisions, in hopes that a number of scientists from Division 28 will volunteer.  I have need of many reviewers, as we ensure that applications are considered by individuals with appropriate expertise.  We receive applications from students in all areas of psychological science, so we need good coverage of the field.


Here is the link to the award description -- http://www.apa.org/about/awards/scidir-dissertre.aspx


The review task itself is modest.  The applications are not lengthy, and we ask each reviewer to complete a brief rating form.  Many past reviewers have said they can complete this task in 3 – 4 hours (for a 10-application batch).


There are no special requirements for being a reviewer, aside from having an active research career.  In the off-chance that we have more reviewers than we need for a given area, we will retain their names for future years.  We will make sure there are no conflicts of interest with applicants.  Reviewers do not need to be members of APA.


As the application deadline for the Dissertation Award is September 1, we want to firm up our list of reviewers by early September, with materials distributed for review by mid-September.  Ideally, all reviewers will complete their work by the middle of October.   


If you believe you can spare a few hours to help with this reviewing task, please send a note with your curriculum vitae to dra@apa.org.  We welcome questions and suggestions.


Thank you for your help.






[DIV28ANNOUNCE] FW: Summer briefings spotlight substance abuse research at NIH





2017 Summer Congressional Briefings Highlight Substance Abuse Research

August 18, 2017

Capitol Hill events focus on women’s drinking and preventing opioid use disorders

This summer, the American Psychological Association’s Science Government Relations Office organized two congressional briefings related to issues of substance abuse. Both briefings made the findings of NIH funded substance abuse research accessible to Congress and the broader policy and research communities.  Each was hosted by a coalition in which APA is an active member: one by the Friends of the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and the other by the Friends of the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Read More!



Cynthia A. Malley | Science Policy Associate

Science Directorate, Government Relations Office
| (202) 336 - 6182 | cmalley@apa.org 

American Psychological Association



Advancing psychology to benefit society and improve people’s lives



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[#DIV28SUPER] editorial fellow position at ECP

Dear Colleagues-
Please feel free to distribute this call to any groups or individuals who might be interested. Applications are due in approximately 2 weeks.
Bill Stoops
Incoming Editor, Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology

Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology will be adding an Editorial Fellow position, beginning January 1, 2018. The position is open to qualified candidates who hold the rank of Assistant Professor (or equivalent) and will last one year. During this time, the selected Fellow will work closely with the journal's Editor, Dr. William W. Stoops, to develop editorial and publishing proficiency, enrich scientific knowledge and bolster written communication skills. It is anticipated that the Fellow will manage approximately one manuscript per month. This process will include identifying reviewers, making an editorial decision based on review and shepherding the manuscript through to publication if accepted, all with guidance from Dr. Stoops. The successful candidate will also be expected to participate in monthly meetings with Dr. Stoops to ensure goals are met and problems are identified and addressed. The majority of these meetings will be phone conferences, although in-person meetings at scientific conferences are also possible. Upon successful completion of the fellowship, the Editorial Fellow will become a member of the journal's editorial board. All applications should include the following: 1) an interest statement, 2) a curriculum vitae and 3) three recommendation letters. Application materials are due to Dr. Stoops (william.stoops@uky.edu) on September 1, 2017 at 5 PM Eastern time and should be submitted as a single pdf file. Applications will be reviewed by members of the Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology editorial board for strength of the interest statement, research and publishing experience, manuscript review experience and enthusiasm of the recommendation letters. The top candidate will be notified of her/his selection by December 1, 2017. Address any questions to Dr. Stoops at william.stoops@uky.edu.

William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
phone: (859) 257-5383
facsimile: (859) 257-7684

University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Behavioral Science
Department of Psychiatry
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Psychology

Regulatory Knowledge and Support Core
Component Lead
Research Methods
University of Kentucky Center for Clinical and Translational Science

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[#DIV28SUPER] Call for Associate Editor Nominations - Psychology & Neuroscience

Call for Nominations for Associate Editors of Psychology & Neuroscience

The Brazilian Institute of Neuropsychology and Behavior has opened nominations for Associate Editor positions with Psychology & Neuroscience for the years 2018-2020. Incumbent Editor J. Landeira-Fernandez and Associate Editor Daniel Mograbi will chair the search.


Psychology & Neuroscience (P&N) is a peer-reviewed, quarterly publication of the Brazilian Institute of Neuropsychology and Behavior (IBNeC) and is published by the American Psychological Association.


Psychology & Neuroscience publishes articles encompassing all intersection areas between psychology and neurosciences. The journal is organized into five thematic sections:


  • Psychophysics and Perception
  • Behavior/Systems/Cognition
  • Plasticity and Neural Development
  • Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology
  • Neuropsychopharmacology


The search committee encourages nominations of individuals with expertise in one or more sub-fields of neuropsychology mentioned above. Please note that the search committee encourages participation by members of underrepresented groups in the publication process and would particularly welcome such nominees. Self-nominations are also encouraged.


Candidates should be available to start training and handling submissions by January 2018, to prepare for issues published in mid-2018. In addition to serving as action editor on a variety of manuscript submissions, Associate Editors are likewise expected to take an active role in recruiting new, high-quality research for potential publication. Associate Editors are likewise expected to develop and oversee at least one special issue of the journal during their tenure.


Candidates should be nominated by emailing (1) a brief letter of nomination and (2) a current CV to Daniel Mograbi at danielmograbi@puc-rio.br.


Prepared statements of one page or less in support of a nominee can also be submitted by e-mail to Stephanie Pollock, Managing Director, at spollock@apa.org.


Deadline for accepting nominations is December 1, 2017, when reviews will begin.



Thank you,


Stephanie L. Pollock | Managing Director, Journals

Publications and Databases | 202-336-5577 | spollock@apa.org American Psychological Association | www.apa.org


Advancing psychology to benefit society and improve people’s lives






[#DIV28SUPER] NIDA Neuroscience Update August 10, 2017: Funding Opportunities Announcements and a Learning Opportunity

Table of Contents:

I.                 Avenir Award Program for Genetics or Epigenetics of Substance Use Disorders (DP1) PAR-16-357

II.                Identification of Genetic and Genomic Variants by Next-Gen Sequencing in Non-human Animal Models (U01) (PAR-15-120)

III.              Pharmacogenomics of Anti-retroviral Therapy in People Who Inject Drugs (R01)  (RFA-DA-18-014)

IV.            HIV-associated neuropathic pain and opioid interaction (R01)  (RFA-DA-18-015)

V.              Short Course on the Genetics of Addiction at The Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine September 10-16, 2017 www.jax.org/addiction


I.                 Avenir Award Program for Genetics or Epigenetics of Substance Use Disorders (DP1) PAR-16-357

Application Receipt Date(s): October 19, 2017; October 19, 2018, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization


Funding Opportunity Purpose

Avenir means future in French, and this award looks toward the future by supporting early stage investigators proposing highly innovative studies. The award will support those in an early stage of their career who may lack the preliminary data required for an R01 grant, but who propose high impact research and who show promise of being tomorrow's leaders in the field. NIDA has developed two Avenir Award Programs, one for HIV/AIDS research and the other for genetics or epigenetics studies.


The Genetics or Epigenetics of Substance Use Disorders Avenir Award program supports early stage investigators proposing highly innovative studies that open new areas of research for the genetics or epigenetics of addiction.  These may be novel methods or approaches that can potentially be applied to the analysis of the genetics or epigenetics of addiction.  Investigators outside the field of addiction interested in applying their novel approaches to the genetics or epigenetics of addiction are encouraged to apply.  The award will support those in an early stage of their career who may lack the preliminary data required for an R01 grant, but who propose high impact research and who show promise of being tomorrow's leaders in the field of genetics or epigenetics of substance use disorders.   



II.               Identification of Genetic and Genomic Variants by Next-Gen Sequencing in Non-human Animal Models (U01)  (PAR-15-120)

National Institute on Drug Abuse

Application Receipt Date(s):  October 20, 2017; March 1, 2018, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization


Funding Opportunity Purpose

This announcement encourages applications for projects aimed at the discovery of gene variants in outbred or selectively bred non-human animals through the use of Next-Gen Sequencing technologies. The proposed projects should be based on data demonstrating the relevance of the traits to drug abuse behaviors and processes of addiction.  Investigators may employ previously selectively bred animals, re-derived strains, strains selected for some specific new phenotypes, beginning with a novel progenitor population, or an outbred population. Vulnerability phenotypes, for purposes of this FOA, are defined as individual differences that convey increased propensity to acquire, maintain or escalate to uncontrollable, compulsive drug intake, or increased vulnerability to relapse to drug seeking and drug-taking following a period of abstinence.  Vulnerability phenotypes may be defined behaviorally or neurobiologically, must have demonstrated heritability, and be suitable for mapping in outbred or selectively bred strains. The following are examples of vulnerability phenotypes that have been characterized behaviorally which would be appropriate for study; however, this is not an inclusive listing and there may be others:


High drug sensitivity, reactivity or preference

Preference or sensitivity for non-drug rewards

Somatic and affective drug withdrawal

Novelty preference or novelty seeking

Increased incentive motivation for reward-related stimuli

Sensitivity to develop escalation of drug taking


Poor cognitive flexibility (e.g., reversal learning, set shifting, etc.)

Resistance to punishment during drug-seeking

Persistent responding in the absence of drug

Heightened relapse and reinstatement

Enhanced stress reactivity

Disrupted circadian rhythms



III.             Pharmacogenomics of Anti-retroviral Therapy in People Who Inject Drugs (R01) (RFA-DA-18-014)
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Application Receipt Date(s): December 14, 2017, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.


Funding Opportunity Purpose

Antiretroviral therapies have been effective in treating HIV infection. However, variable responses to anti-retroviral therapy result from genetic variants affecting drug disposition, drug penetration, drug metabolism, drug interactions with drugs of abuse, off-site drug targets and adherence. Induction of enzymes and drug transporters in active drug users and those that relapse may affect treatment efficacy.   The identification of genetic variants that affect HIV treatment toxicity such as CNS side effects, liver and renal failure has broad implication for improving treatment outcomes for the treatment of HIV in people who inject drugs.  In addition predicting which drug regimen will ensure greatest recovery of CD4 function and prevent cognitive decline.  This initiative will use genome sequencing strategies and genome wide association methods to identify genetic variants affecting the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and HIV treatment toxicities in people who inject drugs. The research questions to be answered by this initiative areHow do genetic variants affect the response to anti-retroviral therapy in people who are injecting drugs?

  • How does injection drug use affect the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of anti-retrovirals in people who inject drugs both during active use and during abstinence?
  • What genetic and epigenetic factors predict the greatest recovery of CD4+ function and prevent cognitive decline in injecting drug users in response to antiretroviral HIV therapy?
  • How does impulsivity such as measured by delayed discounting affect compliance to anti-retroviral therapy?  Are there genetic or epigenetic variants that are associated with delayed discounting that impact compliance?

IV.            HIV-associated neuropathic pain and opioid interaction (R01)  (RFA-DA-18-015)
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Application Receipt Date(s): December 18, 2017, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.


Funding Opportunity Purpose

In this FOA, NIDA seeks to promote research investigating the underlying mechanisms by which opioids, including prescription drugs, exacerbate HIV-associated neuropathic pain. Results from these studies may help obtain information for the development of safe and effective treatments of neuropathic pain for HIV-infected patients exposed to opioids.


Note: The choice of biological system for the proposed investigations should be well justified. Applicants may propose studies that investigate body fluids or cells/tissues from human patients or non-human primates. Other models may be used (e.g. primary cells, cell lines, or animal models), but applicants should provide a strong justification for their choice of model system. Also a rationale should be developed for why these studies will provide foundational knowledge to eventually develop safe and effective treatments of neuropathic pain for HIV-infected patients exposed to opioids.      


Applications proposing drug development or NIH-defined clinical trials will not be accepted and will be withdrawn without review.


Topics appropriate for this FOA include but not are limited to the following:


The following studies are suggested for investigating the underlying mechanisms by which opioids exacerbate HIV-associated neuropathic pain.


Studies designed to understand the role of ion channels such as sodium and calcium  

Studies dissecting the relative roles of glutamatergic and GABAergic signaling

Studies of the role of glia cells (microglia and astrocytes) and perivascular macrophages or neuronal-glial cross talk

Evaluations of the role of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines

Investigations of the role of TLR4 signaling

Studies of the contributory role of gut-derived bacterial endotoxin

Studies dissecting interacting effects of HIV, Opioids, and ART

Investigating the impact of genetic variants of opioid receptors

            Investigating potential epigenetic mechanisms     



V.              Short Course on the Genetics of Addiction at The Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine September 10-16, 2017 www.jax.org/addiction


Registration scholarships are availableGo to scholarship link for more details on awards.Registration Fee: $1500 or reduced rate with Scholarship Award.
Fee includes all meals and lodging at The Highseas Conference Center.

Event Contact: Erin McDevitt; erin.mcdevitt@jax.org or 207-288-6659


This JAX short course brings together world-renowned experts in addiction, human genetics, and mouse genetics. Through a combination of lectures and hands-on computational modules, the course will feature:


·        New methods and applications of mouse genetics to addiction,

·        Genetic and bioinformatics approaches to augment behavioral studies, and

·        Techniques for analyzing human genetic studies of addiction.


The course also provides key opportunities to network with students, researchers, and other professionals; and explore potential scientific collaborations.


Genetics of Addiction is geared toward students of all experience levels, from undergraduate and graduate students who seek an introduction to the field, to experienced addiction researchers who wish to hone their genetic skills and knowledge. Course attendees are invited to bring their own data for analysis during the hands-on laboratory sessions.


Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn the latest tools and approaches in addiction and genetic research, allowing students and researchers alike to return to their own communities and make meaningful contributions to science and society.


This course is supported by a grant from the National Institutes on Drug Abuse under Award Number R13DA032192


The National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services  TO UNSUBSCRIBE: send email to listserv@list.nih.gov Copy and paste UNSUBSCRIBE NIDA_NEURO_SCIENCE-L   in the message body of the email - You will receive a confirmation email if successful. If you have problems contact jpollock@mail.nih.gov   301-435-1309




[#DIV28SUPER] post-doctoral position at UTHealth - Houston, TX

Clinical Addiction Research
Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunity for PhD Clinician Scientists

Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
McGovern Medical School at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth)

The Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, McGovern Medical School at UTHealth, is recruiting an outstanding Ph.D. clinician scientist for a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Clinical Addiction Research. The position is in the Emotions in Addiction Laboratory of Dr. Margaret Wardle, within the Center for Neurobehavioral Research on Addiction (CNRA). Our research spans from human laboratory studies to clinical trials of addiction treatments, with the role of emotional functioning in stimulant and opiate use disorders being of particular interest. The ideal candidate would be a research-oriented PhD in Clinical Psychology, although PhDs in related disciplines such as neuroscience would also be considered. Experience in clinical trials of pharmacological or behavioral treatments for addiction, human behavioral pharmacology, psychophysiological measures of emotion, NIH grant application policies and procedures, advanced statistics, and programming are desirable. Interest in a career in addiction research, excellent communication and interpersonal skills, demonstrated proficiency in scientific writing, and the desire to learn the necessary skills to transition into an independent faculty position are required. The training period would run for two years starting in September or October of 2017. A key focus for training will be the development of successful grant planning and writing skills for applications to NIH, NSF and private foundations.

Trainees will benefit from a rich learning environment. This includes collaborations with other addiction researchers in the CNRA (Dr. Joy Schmitz, Dr. Scott Lane, Dr. Jin Yoon, Dr. Michael Weaver), and recognized experts in psychiatric genetics, post-traumatic stress disorder, and inflammation and exercise both inside the department and across the larger Texas Medical Center. Supervised clinical opportunities are available for research-oriented applicants who are nevertheless seeking to accrue clinical hours for licensure.

UTHealth is an integral part of the Texas Medical Center (TMC), the largest medical center in the world, with a vibrant academic community and a plethora of outstanding collaborative and translational opportunities. Houston is the 4th largest US city and the most diverse US city, featuring continued growth and economic prosperity and a lower cost of living relative to other large metropolitan areas. Competitive salaries and benefits are available. To find out more information about this position or to apply, please e-mail a CV, a cover letter describing your background and research interests, and the names and contact information of three references to Margaret Wardle, Ph.D., 1941 East Road, Houston, Texas 77054, e-mail: Margaret.C.Wardle@uth.tmc.edu, phone 713-486-2726; https://med.uth.edu/psychiatry/faculty/margaret-wardle/. The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston is an EO/AA employer. M/F/D/V.

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[#DIV28SUPER] Convention Program for Sunday August 6th

9:00–10:50 CC Room 147

A Nicotine and Tobacco Use and Assessment among Pregnant and Nonpregnant Women of Reproductive Age
*CE Credits

11:00–11:50 CC Room 152B

Keeping the Bar High- Maintaining Scientific Integrity in a World of Big Business and Mass Media
*CE Credits
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[#DIV28SUPER] Division Programming for Saturday August 5th

8:00 – 9:50 CC Room 147A 
             Trends and Technological Approaches to Addressing HIV in Substance Users

11:00 – 11:50 CC Room 103B 
              Presidential Address by David Festinger, Ph.D.

12:00 – 12:50 CC Room 103B 
              Business Meeting (open to all members, attendance encouraged)

12:00 – 1:50 CC Room 151B 

              Pot, Psychedelics, and Speed- Exploring the Therapeutic Potential of Abused Drugs             

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twitter: @apadiv28 #div28


[#DIV28SUPER] APA Reaffirms Support for Research with Nonhuman Animals


WASHINGTON — The American Psychological Association has reaffirmed its long-standing support for ethically sound and scientifically valid research with nonhuman animals and the scientists who conduct it, noting that the application of such research has "significantly improved the health and well-being of both human and nonhuman animals."

"Historically, laboratory animal research has played a crucial role in the development of theory and research in virtually all sub-disciplines of psychology," said APA President Antonio E. Puente, PhD, who is a neuropsychologist.... 

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twitter: @apadiv28 #div28

fast paced action at #apa2017

Sent from my iPhonePrepping for addiction data blitz! CC207B

Shaping in process!

@apadiv28 #apa2017 program chair Kelly Dunn mid-shaping during carrots and sticks session. CC151B. Come join us!

carrots and sticks

An illustrious panel for @APADiv28 submitted collaborative session on positive reinforcement and behavior change!

Facing some tough choices--lots of exciting @apadiv28 sponsored/co-sponsored/co-listed sessions this morning!



[#DIV28SUPER] Friday August 4th Division 28 program

9:00 – 10:50 CC Room 147A 
Alcohol and Drug Use in Adolescents and Emerging Adults *CE Credits

10:00 – 11:50 CC Room 150A Past, Present, and Future of HIV/AIDS Science and Practice in
Psychology [Collaborative Program]

10:00 – 11:50 CC Room 151B Carrots Taste Better Than Sticks- Positive Reinforcement for
Behavior Change [Collaborative Program]

11:00 – 11:50 CC Room 207B Addiction and Behavioral Science Data Blast

12:00 – 12:50 CC Halls D & E Division 28 Poster Session (in conjunction with Division 50, Addiction)

4:00 – 5:00 MM Marquis Salon 5 Early Career Investigator Poster Session and Social Hour

4:00 – 5:50 CC Room 151A Complex Comorbidities of Pain and Disability- Innovative Advances
in Research Treatment [Collaborative Program]

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Div28m members may post here list archive
twitter: @apadiv28 #div28

11 AM

Two co-listed @apadiv28 sessions at 11 AM. Lauren Brewer in CC209A and SBIRT Skill-Building in CC159.


New Fellows Symposium

1:00 -1:50
Novel Methods to Treat Opioid Misuse

Enhancing Presentation Skills Using
Emerging Technologies


[#DIV28SUPER] Protecting American Families: Comprehensive Approach to Nicotine and Tobacco


An extraordinary initiation of a series of rulemaking processes on nicotine and tobacco announced by the Commissioner

As we celebrate the 125th anniversary of APA, we have every reason to be proud of the efforts of psychologists across the past few decades for their research, clinical care, and advocacy on tobacco and substance abuse disorders.

Ronald W. Wood, PhD
A proud long-past president of Division 28

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