
[#DIV28SUPER] University of New Mexico T32 Postdoctoral Fellowship in alcohol research

Dear Friends and Colleagues,


The Center on Alcohol, Substance use, and Addictions (CASAA) at the University of New Mexico has at least one opening for a post-doctoral fellow on our NIAAA Institutional Research Training grant starting August 2022.  The goal of the grant is to prepare future NIH scientists to conduct research to (1) elucidate the processes of change in drinking behavior, (2) develop and test effective methods to effect changes in alcohol use through self-change, treatment and indicated prevention, and (3) develop and test models to disseminate knowledge of effective interventions for diverse populations with alcohol use disorder.  Post-doctoral fellows may come from any discipline relevant to the goals of the training program. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Additional information about the training program can be found at: https://casaa.unm.edu/traininggrant.html . Interested applicants should submit a curriculum vitae and a 1-2 page cover letter that addresses their qualifications for and interest in the training program to Katie Witkiewitz, Ph.D., katiew@unm.edu. Applications received by January 15, 2022 will be given best consideration.


Thank you,

Katie Witkiewitz

Director, UNM CASAA T32 Alcohol Research Training Program



Katie Witkiewitz, PhD

Editor, Psychology of Addictive Behaviors

Regents’ Professor, Department of Psychology

Center on Alcohol, Substance Use, And Addictions (CASAA)

University of New Mexico

Logan Hall, Room 118

MSC 03-2220

Albuquerque, NM 87131

Lab website: https://abqresearch.org

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers 




[#DIV28SUPER] University of New Mexico T32 Postdoctoral Fellowship in alcohol research

Dear Friends and Colleagues,


The Center on Alcohol, Substance use, and Addictions (CASAA) at the University of New Mexico has at least one opening for a post-doctoral fellow on our NIAAA Institutional Research Training grant starting August 2022.  The goal of the grant is to prepare future NIH scientists to conduct research to (1) elucidate the processes of change in drinking behavior, (2) develop and test effective methods to effect changes in alcohol use through self-change, treatment and indicated prevention, and (3) develop and test models to disseminate knowledge of effective interventions for diverse populations with alcohol use disorder.  Post-doctoral fellows may come from any discipline relevant to the goals of the training program. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Additional information about the training program can be found at: https://casaa.unm.edu/traininggrant.html . Interested applicants should submit a curriculum vitae and a 1-2 page cover letter that addresses their qualifications for and interest in the training program to Katie Witkiewitz, Ph.D., katiew@unm.edu. Applications received by January 15, 2022 will be given best consideration.


Thank you,

Katie Witkiewitz

Director, UNM CASAA T32 Alcohol Research Training Program



Katie Witkiewitz, PhD

Editor, Psychology of Addictive Behaviors

Regents’ Professor, Department of Psychology

Center on Alcohol, Substance Use, And Addictions (CASAA)

University of New Mexico

Logan Hall, Room 118

MSC 03-2220

Albuquerque, NM 87131

Lab website: https://abqresearch.org

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers 




[#DIV28SUPER] Division 28, Year in Review

Kelly Dunn, Ph.D., M.B.A.
President, Division on Psychopharmacology and Substance Use (Division 28)
American Psychological Association

Associate Professor
Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
5510 Nathan Shock Drive
Baltimore, MD 21224
P:410-550-2254; F:410-550-0030


[#DIV28SUPER] Reminder: APA 2022

Hi All, 


Hope you are having a nice break. Thanks to those of you who have already submitted your abstract.  

  • Regarding in-person vs. remote format: I have been told that, "APA is planning an in-person convention in Minneapolis at this time...a virtual component will be scheduled a few weeks later." 

    • Additionally, in case you have not seen it, the APA convention website FAQ states that: "All division programs will be in-person and not offered virtually. We will consider division proposals that have up to 25% of the speakers participating remotely. The remaining 75% of the program's presenters must be present in Minneapolis." 

    • I plan on sending you an email to further clarify the structure of the in-person vs. remote options.  


If you have any questions (or comments / suggestions / concerns) definitely send me an email. If you have a question or concern, that means others probably have the same question/concern. Knowing what is on everyone's mind will help us create an even better Division 28 program for 2022. 




Jacob Borodovsky, Ph.D. 

Research Scientist 

Center for Technology and Behavioral Health 

Department of Biomedical Data Science 

Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth 


[#DIV28SUPER] New SPARC Funding Opportunity



SPARC Funding Opportunity Announcement: RFA-RM-22-002: SPARC VNS Endpoints from Standardized Parameters (U54 Clinical Trial Required) 


The NIH Common Fund's Stimulating Peripheral Activity to Relieve Conditions (SPARC) program aims to accelerate development of therapeutic devices that modulate electrical activity in nerves to improve organ function. In December 2021, NIH announced a new SPARC Funding Opportunity: RFA-RM-22-002: SPARC VNS Endpoints from Standardized Parameters to support a large multisite study of the multi-organ effects of vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) in humans. The SPARC VNS Endpoints from Standardized Parameters Center will implement a common study protocol of direct stimulation of the cervical vagus nerve in participants with implanted VNS devices and will document and analyze the physiological outcomes from at least three peripheral physiological systems. The data from this study will help inform the optimization of VNS treatment by providing key information on the functional connectivity of the human vagus nerve.  


Funding Opportunity Announcement 

RFA-RM-22-002: SPARC VNS Endpoints from Standardized Parameters 


Save the Dates 

Check the SPARC Scientific Meetings webpage for registration links (coming soon) 

  • Informational Webinars 
    • January 21, 2022 at 4:00pm ET 
    • February 2, 2022 at 3:00pm ET 
  • Team-Building WebinarFebruary 18, 2022 at 3:00pm ET 


Important Dates 

  • Letter of Intent Due DateMarch 1, 2022 (not required, but strongly encouraged) 
  • Application Due DateApril 1, 2022 by 5:00pm local time of applicant organization 


You can find answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and learn more about the program on the SPARC website. We also encourage you to sign up for the SPARC listserv to keep up to date with the latest SPARC news and information. 


Please share this information widely with interested colleagues and relevant email lists. 




Email: sparc-v@od.nih.gov  


The National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services  TO UNSUBSCRIBE: send email to listserv@list.nih.gov Copy and paste UNSUBSCRIBE NIDA_NEURO_SCIENCE-L




[DIV28ANNOUNCE] Division 28 Newsletter - Winter 2021

Dear Division 28 


Happy Holidays! I hope everyone is doing well. Attached please find the latest issue of the Division 28 Newsletter.​ 


Warm wishes,  

Meredith (Division 28 Newsletter Editor) 


Meredith S. Berry, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Health Education and Behavior
Department of Psychology
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida 32611
Email: mberry@ufl.edu


[#DIV28SUPER] Reminder: Call for APA 2022 Board and Committee Call for Nominations

Hello colleagues,

Just a friendly reminder to please consider nominating yourself or a colleague for a position in the APA leadership. Please also contact me directly (Kdunn9@jhmi.edu) if you'd like to discuss having Division 28 formally nominate you. Division 28 is a strong scientific division and our members have a history of providing important perspective and expertise across a broad number of issues and efforts throughout the APA organization.

Please note that we are particularly interested in having a Division 28 member on the Committee for Postdoctoral Education and Training Programs in Psychopharmacology for Prescriptive Authority, which has high content overlap with our division. Please contact us if you'd like us to formally nominate you for this role.  The deadline for nominations is January 31, 2022.


Warm regards and happy holidays



The 2022 APA Board and Committee Call for Nominations is now open.  Please visit https://nomination.apa.org/ to make a self-nomination or to nominate someone else.  You will need to login using your MyAPA account ID and password.  If you haven't yet registered for your MyAPA account or have forgotten your login ID or password, simply follow the instructions provided once you click on the link.  January 31, 2022 is the deadline for submitting nominations. 


Nominations are sought for the following boards and committees whose members are elected by Council:


  1. Board for the Advancement of Psychology in the Public Interest
  2. Board of Convention Affairs
  3. Board of Educational Affairs
  4. Board of Professional Affairs
  5. Board of Scientific Affairs
  6. Commission for the Recognition of Specialties and Subspecialties in Professional Psychology
  7. Committee on International Relations in Psychology
  8. Committee on Rural Health
  9. Ethics Committee
  10. Finance Committee
  11. Membership Board
  12. Policy and Planning Board
  13. Publications and Communications Board


Nominations are sought for the following committees whose members are appointed by the Board of Directors:


  1. Committee for Postdoctoral Education and Training Programs in Psychopharmacology for Prescriptive Authority
  2. Committee on Aging
  3. Committee on Associate and Baccalaureate Education
  4. Committee on Children, Youth, and Families
  5. Committee on Disability Issues in Psychology
  6. Committee on Division/APA Relations
  7. Committee on Early Career Psychologists
  8. Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs
  9. Committee on Professional Practice and Standards
  10. Committee on Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity
  11. Committee on Socioeconomic Status
  12. Committee on Women in Psychology
  13. Continuing Education Committee
  14. Fellows Committee
  15. Health Equity Committee


Boards and committees typically have one hybrid (option to attend in-person or virtually) and one virtual meeting each year as well as monthly calls, but this varies depending on the group. Additional details can be found in the description for each board and committee. A video platform, such as Zoom, is used for all virtual calls and meetings.


If you have any questions, please contact the Election Office via email, or by phone at (202) 336-6087. All nominations must be submitted using the online form.


Additional Information:


·         The Board of Directors encourages the nomination of those members who may be new to APA volunteer leadership or who are underrepresented in the current volunteer leadership structure.

·         Self-nominations are encouraged.

·         2022 Calendar

o    January 31 is the deadline for submitting nominations.

o    The election slates are developed by respective boards and committees in the spring for those elected by Council members.

o    The Board of Directors approves the slates by mid-April for those elected by Council.  Following approval of the slates by the Board, nominees are contacted to confirm their willingness to run, and serve, if elected, and to submit a statement to be included with the ballot.

o    The Ballot is sent to members of the 2022 Council on August 15.

o    The Board of Directors approves continuing committee appointments by August 30.



Thank you

Election Office


Garnett Coad

Director, Elections, Governance Office

American Psychological Association


750 First Street NE, Washington DC  20002-4242




For your security, it is suggested that you do not send credit card or confidential information via email. You may fax to (202) 336-5502 or call the Service Center at 1-800-374-2721 with your information during our business hours 9am to 6pm Monday – Friday, Eastern Time.


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An email will automatically open with "Unsubscribe" in the subject area. Just Send the message, as is, to unsubscribe from this list.

_____________________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org
Div28m members may post here list archive
twitter: @apadiv28 #div28


[#DIV28SUPER] Special Issue of Psychology of Addictive Behaviors dedicated to Howard Rachlin: Call for Papers

Many thanks to those of you who are planning papers.  We hope that others will consider this opportunity as well.


Call for Papers for Special Issue of Psychology of Addictive Behaviors on

“Addictive Behavior as Behavioral Allocation”


Guest Editor Jalie A. Tucker with Associate Guest Editors Joanna Buscemi,

James G. Murphy, and Derek D. Reed


Fifty years ago basic science research on behavioral choice fomented a revolution in reinforcement theory by showing that any voluntary behavior can be fruitfully studied as choice arising out of a context of all possible behaviors and associated environment constraints. As epitomized by the pioneering work of psychologist Howard Rachlin, research on behavior patterns over time in relation to available activities in the surrounding environment demonstrated that preference for a given activity varies with constraints on its access and on the other alternatives, and strength of preference for an activity is measured by the relative amount of resource (e.g., time, effort, money) allocated to gain access to it. This molar level of analysis relating rates of behavior to rates of consequences over time laid the foundation for the emergence of behavioral economics in the 1980s, and seminal applied connections were soon made between the molar choice perspective, behavioral economics, and the analysis of substance use in humans. This work has continued to the present and has expanded to include other addictive and health behaviors.


This special issue, dedicated to Howard Rachlin who died in 2021, honors his work and recognizes his influence on applied research on addictive behaviors, the initial area of application and arguably the most successful to date. Manuscripts are sought in all areas of research on human addictive behaviors spanning the basic to applied continuum that aim to understand addictive behavior as molar behavior allocation patterns over time. Conceptual, empirical, and methodological contributions that advance applied research on addictive behaviors and inform positive behavior change at the individual or community level will be considered. For example, papers may focus on the behavioral economics or neuroeconomics of addictive behaviors; choice behavior and decision-making processes; choice biases and choice architecture in strategies to reduce addictive behavior; intervention approaches informed by behavioral economics or theories of choice; natural recovery from addictive behavior patterns; measurement approaches in laboratory and natural environments; quantitative methods for representing and analyzing data on behavioral patterning over time; social cooperation and interactions with addictive behaviors; and unresolved and under-developed conceptual and empirical issues in the field. Papers that contextualize individual choice behavior within broader community and policy environments and consider social determinants of health will be given favorable consideration.


We will consider full-length articles and brief reports that present on original research and scholarship. All submissions must adhere to journal guidelines and will undergo peer review. The special issue article type is open for submissions with a deadline for manuscript submission on February 15, 2022. Prior to submitting a manuscript, authors are asked to submit a brief letter of intent to Guest Editor Dr. Jalie A. Tucker (jaliet@ufl.edu) though this is not required.


For more information about the journal submission process, please visit https://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/adb


Jalie A. Tucker, Ph.D., M.P.H.


Department of Health Education and Behavior

College of Health and Human Performance

University of Florida

FLG Room 5, Stadium Road, P.O. Box 118210

Gainesville, FL 32611-8210

Phone:  352.392.0583

FAX:    352.392.1909

email:    jaliet@ufl.edu


Director, Center for Behavioral Economic Health Research

University of Florida

Yon Hall North, Room 32

1908 Stadium Road

Gainesville, FL 32611

Phone:  352.392.0583

FAX:    352.392.1909


[#DIV28SUPER] Fw: Pre-application TA Webinar for HEAL RFA-Preventing Opioid Misuse and Co-Occurring Conditions by Intervening on Social Determinants



The NIH HEAL Initiative, in cooperation with multiple NIH Institutes and Centers, has released a call for applications to test multi-level interventions to prevent opioid misuse and co-occurring conditions by intervening on social determinants.  For more information about this initiative, please see RFA-DA-22-036.  Letters of intent are due February 2, 2022, and, while not required, assist review officials with planning for the review.   Complete applications are due on March 2, 2022.   

NIH will be holding a pre-application TA webinar for this funding initiative on Thursday, January 6th at 2pm Eastern time.  Pre-registration for this event is required. To register, please go to https://nih.zoomgov.com/j/1604193665?pwd=OTBWN292a2h4K3N1VVI3QVg3ak5YZz09.  For questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Aria Crump  at aria.crump@nih.gov.   Thank you.






Division of Epidemiology, Services, and Prevention Research (DESPR)
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)




[#DIV28SUPER] Call for Applications: 2022-23 Summer Training & Research Funding For Early Career Investigators

Dear Colleagues,

I would appreciate your help in forwarding the attached NIDA-funded, prestigious fellowship announcement to your early career investigator colleagues working in HIV prevention and drug use research.

Please do not hesitate to contact me or our Program Administrator, Rimah Jaber, at ethicsinst@fordham.edu or (718) 817-0927 if you have any questions.

Wishing you a wonderful holiday,


Apply to become a fellow of the NIDA-funded
Director & Principal Investigator (R25DA031608)
  • Attend two summer training institutes: July 11-18, 2022 (In-Person, NYC) and July 2023 (TBD) with fully funded travel and lodging 
  • Receive a $30,000 grant to conduct a mentored research study that will contribute to evidence-based HIV & drug abuse research ethics practice 
  • Join an international network of scholars examining current challenges in HIV & drug abuse research ethics
In-person versus online participation will be in compliance with COVID-19 Safety New York State, New York City, and University policies.

Institute alumni have published findings from their Institute-funded research in high impact journals, incorporated findings as pilot data for successful NIH grant applications, and have become recognized as experts in the responsible conduct of HIV and drug abuse research. To see our trainees' accomplishments, visit our publications page or the "HIV/AIDS & Drug Abuse Research Ethics" online collection at www.researchethics.net.

Visit www.fordham.edu/RETIapply for the application requirements and form, or contact Rimah Jaber at ethicsinst@fordham.edu for more information. Applications are due February 23, 2022. Applicants will be notified of award decisions by April 30, 2022.

*Applicants who have completed their medical or doctoral degree within the past 10 years.

Celia B. Fisher, PhD.
Marie Ward Doty University Chair in Ethics
Professor of Psychology, 
Fordham University, Dealy hall
441 East Fordham Road
Bronx, NY 10458
e. Fisher@fordham.edu  t. (718)817-3793  f. (718)817-0731
Administrative Assistant Lori Merone, lmerone@fordham.edu (718) 817-0926
HIV/Drug Abuse Program Administrator Rimah Jaber, ethicinst@fordham.edu (718) 817-0927
Follow the Ethics Center on Twitter and Facebook: @FordhamEthics and on our blog ethicsandsociety.org
Preferred pronouns: she, her, hers


_____________________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org
Div28m members may post here list archive
twitter: @apadiv28 #div28


[#DIV28SUPER] mentorship interest survey

Dear Division 28 Colleagues-

As part of an interdivisional collaboration with Divisions 12, 45 and 50, Division 28 is working on a mentoring program called Promoting Underrepresented Minorities in Psychology (PUMP).

Our first step is understanding who among our membership would be interested in this program. Please take a moment to complete this survey at your next convenience.



Bill Stoops.

William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
telephone: (859) 257-5383

Departments of Behavioral Science, Psychiatry and Psychology
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky

Regulatory Knowledge and Support Core-Center for Clinical and Translational Science
Clinical Research Support Office

Associate Director for Clinical Research
Substance Use Priority Research Area

The contents of this e-mail message and any attachments are confidential and are intended solely for the addressee. The information may also be legally privileged. This transmission is sent in trust, for the sole purpose of delivery to the intended recipient. If you have received this transmission in error, any use, reproduction or dissemination of this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail or at (859) 257-5383 and delete this message and its attachments, if any.


[#DIV28SUPER] Reminder request to complete 2-minute APA Division 28 survey

Hello colleagues,

We hope this email finds you doing well. This is a brief reminder of our request for all former, current, or never members of APA's Division on Psychopharmacology and Substance Use (Division 28) to please complete the brief membership feedback survey via the link provided below. In the survey, we will ask you about your experience with the Division and assess what resources may be most helpful for us to offer. From this survey, we hope to identify ways to improve your experience in the future to ensure you get the most out of your membership. Our intention is to repeat this survey on a yearly basis so we can track changes over time.

The survey is confidential and brief, and should require no more than 2 minutes of your time. Members who complete the survey will be entered for a chance to receive one of ten $20 e-gift cards.  We will close the survey at the end of the year.

We thank you for your help in advance.

If you have any questions, concerns, and any other thoughts, please feel free to reach out to Kelly Dunn at kdunn9@jhmi.edu or feel free to contact Neo Gebru at ngebru@ufl.edu for questions/comments specific to the survey.

Warm regards,
Kelly Dunn, on behalf of the Division 28 Social Media and Executive Committees

Kelly Dunn, Ph.D., M.B.A.
President, Division on Psychopharmacology and Substance Use (Division 28)
American Psychological Association

Associate Professor
Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
5510 Nathan Shock Drive
Baltimore, MD 21224
P:410-550-2254; F:410-550-0030

[#DIV28SUPER] APA 2022 Board and Committee Call for Nominations

Hello colleagues,

This message follows the message sent by Dr. Bill Stoops and outlines the leadership positions that are coming available within the greater APA organization. Please consider nominating yourself or a colleague from Division 28 to serve in these vitals roles and help continue our longstanding tradition of representing science within the APA organization. - Kelly


The 2022 APA Board and Committee Call for Nominations is now open.  Please visit https://nomination.apa.org/ to make a self-nomination or to nominate someone else.  You will need to login using your MyAPA account ID and password.  If you haven't yet registered for your MyAPA account or have forgotten your login ID or password, simply follow the instructions provided once you click on the link.  January 31, 2022 is the deadline for submitting nominations. 


Nominations are sought for the following boards and committees whose members are elected by Council:


  1. Board for the Advancement of Psychology in the Public Interest
  2. Board of Convention Affairs
  3. Board of Educational Affairs
  4. Board of Professional Affairs
  5. Board of Scientific Affairs
  6. Commission for the Recognition of Specialties and Subspecialties in Professional Psychology
  7. Committee on International Relations in Psychology
  8. Committee on Rural Health
  9. Ethics Committee
  10. Finance Committee
  11. Membership Board
  12. Policy and Planning Board
  13. Publications and Communications Board


Nominations are sought for the following committees whose members are appointed by the Board of Directors:


  1. Committee for Postdoctoral Education and Training Programs in Psychopharmacology for Prescriptive Authority
  2. Committee on Aging
  3. Committee on Associate and Baccalaureate Education
  4. Committee on Children, Youth, and Families
  5. Committee on Disability Issues in Psychology
  6. Committee on Division/APA Relations
  7. Committee on Early Career Psychologists
  8. Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs
  9. Committee on Professional Practice and Standards
  10. Committee on Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity
  11. Committee on Socioeconomic Status
  12. Committee on Women in Psychology
  13. Continuing Education Committee
  14. Fellows Committee
  15. Health Equity Committee


Boards and committees typically have one hybrid (option to attend in-person or virtually) and one virtual meeting each year as well as monthly calls, but this varies depending on the group. Additional details can be found in the description for each board and committee. A video platform, such as Zoom, is used for all virtual calls and meetings.


If you have any questions, please contact the Election Office via email, or by phone at (202) 336-6087. All nominations must be submitted using the online form.


Additional Information:


  • The Board of Directors encourages the nomination of those members who may be new to APA volunteer leadership or who are underrepresented in the current volunteer leadership structure.
  • Self-nominations are encouraged.
  • 2022 Calendar
  • January 31 is the deadline for submitting nominations.
  • The election slates are developed by respective boards and committees in the spring for those elected by Council members.
  • The Board of Directors approves the slates by mid-April for those elected by Council.  Following approval of the slates by the Board, nominees are contacted to confirm their willingness to run, and serve, if elected, and to submit a statement to be included with the ballot.
  • The Ballot is sent to members of the 2022 Council on August 15.
  • The Board of Directors approves continuing committee appointments by August 30.



Thank you

Election Office


Garnett Coad

Director, Elections, Governance Office

American Psychological Association


750 First Street NE, Washington DC  20002-4242




For your security, it is suggested that you do not send credit card or confidential information via email. You may fax to (202) 336-5502 or call the Service Center at 1-800-374-2721 with your information during our business hours 9am to 6pm Monday – Friday, Eastern Time.


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