
Re: [#DIV28M] survey for psychology teachers

Dear Colleagues-
My apologies for the second email, but it appears that the UK email servers changed the link for the survey. To take the survey, please use this link:

William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
phone: (859) 257-5383
facsimile: (859) 257-7684

Associate Professor
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Behavioral Science
Department of Psychiatry
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Psychology

Regulatory Knowledge and Support Core
University of Kentucky Center for Clinical and Translational Science

The contents of this e-mail message and any attachments are confidential and are intended solely for the addressee. The information may also be legally privileged. This transmission is sent in trust, for the sole purpose of delivery to the intended recipient. If you have received this transmission in error, any use, reproduction or dissemination of this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail or at (859) 257-5383 and delete this message and its attachments, if any.

From: Stoops, William W
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2016 7:20 AM
To: div28m@lists.apa.org
Subject: survey for psychology teachers

Sent on behalf of Dr. Kristi Multhaup at Davidson College.

Dear Psychology faculty colleagues (with apologies to those affected by postings to multiple APA divisions),


We are collecting data about psychology professors' behavior in teaching situations.  In order to report accurately about the current state of behaviors related to the teaching of psychology at the collegiate level, we need a robust sample size.  Thus we hope you will participate through the link below.


The survey is anonymous and should take roughly 20 min to complete.  Participants will complete the survey about teaching behaviors anonymously; they have the option to enter in the second, separate survey their name and email address for compensation purposes (a drawing for one of seventy $25 Amazon gift cards).


The project has been approved by the Davidson College HSIRB.


In the spirit of helping us obtain accurate data and a robust sample, you are welcome to share the link with your colleagues who teach psychology at the collegiate level


You can access the survey by clicking HERE


Or, you can copy and paste this link in your browser



Thank you for your time,

Erica Clancy

Kristi Multhaup

Scott Tonidandel

Email: krmulthaup@davidson.edu

William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
phone: (859) 257-5383
facsimile: (859) 257-7684

Associate Professor
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Behavioral Science
Department of Psychiatry
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Psychology

Regulatory Knowledge and Support Core
University of Kentucky Center for Clinical and Translational Science

The contents of this e-mail message and any attachments are confidential and are intended solely for the addressee. The information may also be legally privileged. This transmission is sent in trust, for the sole purpose of delivery to the intended recipient. If you have received this transmission in error, any use, reproduction or dissemination of this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail or at (859) 257-5383 and delete this message and its attachments, if any.

[#DIV28M] survey for psychology teachers

Sent on behalf of Dr. Kristi Multhaup at Davidson College.

Dear Psychology faculty colleagues (with apologies to those affected by postings to multiple APA divisions),


We are collecting data about psychology professors' behavior in teaching situations.  In order to report accurately about the current state of behaviors related to the teaching of psychology at the collegiate level, we need a robust sample size.  Thus we hope you will participate through the link below.


The survey is anonymous and should take roughly 20 min to complete.  Participants will complete the survey about teaching behaviors anonymously; they have the option to enter in the second, separate survey their name and email address for compensation purposes (a drawing for one of seventy $25 Amazon gift cards).


The project has been approved by the Davidson College HSIRB.


In the spirit of helping us obtain accurate data and a robust sample, you are welcome to share the link with your colleagues who teach psychology at the collegiate level


You can access the survey by clicking HERE


Or, you can copy and paste this link in your browser



Thank you for your time,

Erica Clancy

Kristi Multhaup

Scott Tonidandel

Email: krmulthaup@davidson.edu

William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
phone: (859) 257-5383
facsimile: (859) 257-7684

Associate Professor
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Behavioral Science
Department of Psychiatry
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Psychology

Regulatory Knowledge and Support Core
University of Kentucky Center for Clinical and Translational Science

The contents of this e-mail message and any attachments are confidential and are intended solely for the addressee. The information may also be legally privileged. This transmission is sent in trust, for the sole purpose of delivery to the intended recipient. If you have received this transmission in error, any use, reproduction or dissemination of this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail or at (859) 257-5383 and delete this message and its attachments, if any.


[#DIV28SUPER] 2016 APA Convention Program

Hi all,

Hope everyone is gearing up for the APA convention next week - finalizing posters, prepping talks and planning your conference agenda. I've attached another copy of the Division 28 program, and have noted a few plenary talks that may be of great interest to our division (below). Finally, I want to make another plug to attend the Division 28 50th Anniversary Symposium (8/6 @ 12 PM) and social hour (8/6 @ 5 PM). These will be highlights of the conference that you won't want to miss!

Igor Grant, MD
Marijuana as Medicine: Can We See Past the Smoke?
Sat 08/06 3:00PM - 3:50PM
Convention Center/Room 203 Level 2-Meeting Room Level

Carl Hart, PhD
How Pot Can Cure Racism
Sat 08/06 4:00PM - 4:50PM
Convention Center/Room 203 Level 2-Meeting Room Level

J. Scott Tonigan, PhD
12-Step Spirituality: Is It Worthwhile to Pray for Recovery?
Fri 08/05 2:00PM - 2:50PM
Convention Center/Room 205 Level 2-Meeting Room Level

Safe travels to Denver!


Mollie Miller, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Brown University
Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies
121 South Main St., Box G-S121-4
Providence, RI 02912

_____________________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org
Div28m members may post here list archive
twitter: @apadiv28 #div28


[#DIV28SUPER] ECP Special Issue Call for Papers

Dear Colleagues-
Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology will be publishing a special issue on Animal Models of Neuropsychiatric and Subsance Use Disorders. Details regarding the special issue are attached.

William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
phone: (859) 257-5383
facsimile: (859) 257-7684

Associate Professor
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Behavioral Science
Department of Psychiatry
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Psychology

Regulatory Knowledge and Support Core
University of Kentucky Center for Clinical and Translational Science

The contents of this e-mail message and any attachments are confidential and are intended solely for the addressee. The information may also be legally privileged. This transmission is sent in trust, for the sole purpose of delivery to the intended recipient. If you have received this transmission in error, any use, reproduction or dissemination of this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail or at (859) 257-5383 and delete this message and its attachments, if any.


[#DIV28SUPER] postdoctoral position announcement

VTCRI Addiction Recovery Research Center Postdoc Opportunity


The Addiction Recovery Research Center of the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute has NIH-funded postdoctoral research associate opportunities in a state-of-the-art research facility. The postdoctoral associate will contribute to NIDA, NIAAA, NCI, and NIDDK funded research studies employing behavioral economics and neuro-economic approaches to address addiction, obesity, and other health behaviors using both human laboratory and clinical trial methodologiesThese positions will participate in studies using our International Quit & Recovery Registry and studies employing neuro-modulatory transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and fMRI technologies. Research duties will involve authoring and co-authoring manuscripts, assisting with grant writing, and collaborating with investigators. The Addiction Recovery Research Center has an exceptional track record of helping postdoctoral associates further their careers as investigators. 


Appointment:  2-3 yrs.


Eligibility: Applicants should be interested in pursuing a career in addiction, obesity, and health behaviors research. Applicants should also be effective and productive writers and have research training in clinical, experimental, or cognitive psychology or related disciplines. Applicants must have completed a Ph.D. in psychology, behavior analysis, or a related field. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.


Benefits: Full-time annual salary, medical insurance coverage, and travel funds supported by NIH grants. Translational research training and career development opportunities are provided as part of this position.


For more information:  Contact Ms. Patsy Marshall (patsym@vtc.vt.edu).


To apply: Send cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of research interests, and 3 letters of reference to:  Dr. Warren K. Bickel c/o Ms. Patsy Marshall (patsym@vtc.vt.edu). Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.


About us: The Addiction Recovery Research Center (ARRC) was established in 2011 as part of the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute, an innovative partnership of Virginia Tech and Carilion Clinic. The facilities and research teams are world-class and focus on transdisciplinary research on the scientific underpinnings of health and a range of diseases and disorders. Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute represents a new model for biomedical and behavioral science in which creative scientists can approach major problems with breadth and depth in a nurturing and intellectually challenging environment. 


About Roanoke, Virginia: Roanoke, Virginia is located in Southwest Virginia in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains and accessible by the Blue Ridge Parkway. Roanoke is a vibrant community with an active downtown full of restaurants, theaters, museums, and a new amphitheater that is home to many seasonal festivals and music events. Roanoke also offers great opportunities for an active outdoor lifestyle with 30 miles of greenway connecting charming neighborhoods and beautiful parks along the Roanoke River.

William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
phone: (859) 257-5383
facsimile: (859) 257-7684

Associate Professor
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Behavioral Science
Department of Psychiatry
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Psychology

Regulatory Knowledge and Support Core
University of Kentucky Center for Clinical and Translational Science

The contents of this e-mail message and any attachments are confidential and are intended solely for the addressee. The information may also be legally privileged. This transmission is sent in trust, for the sole purpose of delivery to the intended recipient. If you have received this transmission in error, any use, reproduction or dissemination of this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail or at (859) 257-5383 and delete this message and its attachments, if any.


[#DIV28SUPER] Program Announcement of Interest

This program announcement may be of interest to Division 28 members:

The PAR-16-353 titled "Target Assessment, Engagement and Data Replicability to Improve Substance Use Disorders Treatment Outcomes (R21/R33)"  is now published. The Program Contact for NIDA is Will Aklin.



William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
phone: (859) 257-5383
facsimile: (859) 257-7684

Associate Professor
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Behavioral Science
Department of Psychiatry
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Psychology

Regulatory Knowledge and Support Core
University of Kentucky Center for Clinical and Translational Science

The contents of this e-mail message and any attachments are confidential and are intended solely for the addressee. The information may also be legally privileged. This transmission is sent in trust, for the sole purpose of delivery to the intended recipient. If you have received this transmission in error, any use, reproduction or dissemination of this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail or at (859) 257-5383 and delete this message and its attachments, if any.


[#DIV28SUPER] Endowed Chair and Two Senior Faculty Positions at the Rutgers University Brain Health Institute (BHI)

Dear Colleagues-

BHI is currently soliciting applications for three senior faculty positions- the Klein Endowed Chair in Alzheimer’s Disease & Neurodegeneration, Director of a new Autism Research Center and Director of a new Human Imaging Center at Piscataway. We are asking the Rutgers Neuroscience Community to reach out to their colleagues at other institutions and let them know about these positions. Please let us know of candidates that you think might be interested in these senior positions. . Feel free to circulate the three advertisements that I have attached to this e-mail. If you have any questions about these positions, please reach out to either Gary (gsa35@ca.rutgers.edu ) or me (kuzhikev@ca.rutgers.edu ).

Thanks for your help.

Best regards- Eldo


Eldo Kuzhikandathil, PhD

Managing Director

Rutgers Brain Health Institute

683 Hoes Lane West

SPH, Room 161

Piscataway, NJ 08854

Phone: 973-972-1157

E-mail: kuzhikev@ca.rutgers.edu

Web site: brainhealthinstitute.rutgers.edu



[#DIV28SUPER] APA Division 28 newsletter

Hello APA Division 28,

Attached is the summer issue of the newsletter. 

Mikhail Koffarnus

Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute

2 Riverside Circle

Roanoke, VA 24016


_____________________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org
Div28m members may post here list archive
twitter: @apadiv28 #div28

[#DIV28SUPER] Fwd: [DIVOFFICERS] violence in our cities

From: "McDaniel, Susan (Psychiatry)"              <SusanH2_McDaniel@URMC.ROCHESTER.EDU>
Date: July 11, 2016 at 3:00:41 AM EDT
Subject: [DIVOFFICERS] violence in our cities
Reply-To: "McDaniel, Susan (Psychiatry)"              <SusanH2_McDaniel@URMC.ROCHESTER.EDU>

Good evening to you all:

While I work with staff on an Op Ed piece about psychological science, the roots of violence, racial bias—conscious and unconscious, and the challenges facing police, I want to write more immediately to recognize for all of us psychologists how heart-breaking and tragic these recent events are for our communities and our country.  The headlines of today's NY Times, above the fold, say it all:  America Grieves, Tense and Wary; Seeking Unity, Nation Debates Racial Chasm; Officers Confront Dual Role:  Villain and Victim; and Gunman Honed Military Skills to a Deadly Outcome in Dallas. 


It is a time for us, individually and collectively, to put our psychological science and practice skills to work as best we can—reaching out to our patients, our colleagues, our students, our friends, our families, and our communities--to encourage dialogue over violence, understanding over ignorance, and to bring about greater equity and opportunity for all people in our country.  As leaders in APA, we all know there is so much talent in our discipline and our association; let us each bring it bear in helping this awful moment move towards something much stronger for the futures of all our people.


In February of this year in response to my Presidential column in the Monitor on developing a "Collaborative Habit," I received a hand-written, passionate letter from a psychologist who described himself as "88.6 years old."  Attached was a typed essay he wrote a couple years before in which, based on his work with group psychotherapy, he proposed starting a nationwide network of psychologists who would facilitate diverse groups of people to "just talk" and work towards greater understanding of each other.  Believe me, I am not implying life is that simple.  The structural racism and violence in this country goes far beyond just talk.  But it is an example of one psychologist wanting to use his skills to improve our country.  Similarly, a clinical researcher wrote  and after talking about empathy, the ability to listen and understand, concern about the welfare of others, and the ability to remain non-judgmental in difficult situations, she said:  As psychologists, we can serve as models for what kind of attitude and actions we can take to get ourselves out of the current mess we are in as a country.


My heart is heavy tonight.  I hope we can each find a way to contribute professionally and personally, as effectively as possible, through our knowledge of psychological science, practice, education, and policy.  We must do more to improve the lives and opportunities available to all our people.  Thanks for all you do,



Susan H McDaniel PhD ABPP

Dr Laurie Sands Distinguished Professor of Families & Health

Director, Institute for the Family, Department of Psychiatry

Associate Chair, Department of Family Medicine

University of Rochester Medical Center

Rochester NY


2016 President, American Psychological Association




[#DIV28M] Position announcement

VTCRI Addiction Recovery Research Center Postdoc Opportunity


The Addiction Recovery Research Center of the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute has NIH-funded postdoctoral research associate opportunities in a state-of-the-art research facility. The postdoctoral associate will contribute to NIDA, NIAAA, NCI, and NIDDK funded research studies employing behavioral economics and neuro-economic approaches to address addiction, obesity, and other health behaviors using both human laboratory and clinical trial methodologiesThese positions will participate in studies using our International Quit & Recovery Registry and studies employing neuro-modulatory transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and fMRI technologies. Research duties will involve authoring and co-authoring manuscripts, assisting with grant writing, and collaborating with investigators. The Addiction Recovery Research Center has an exceptional track record of helping postdoctoral associates further their careers as investigators. 


Appointment:  2-3 yrs.


Eligibility: Applicants should be interested in pursuing a career in addiction, obesity, and health behaviors research. Applicants should also be effective and productive writers and have research training in clinical, experimental, or cognitive psychology or related disciplines. Applicants must have completed a Ph.D. in psychology, behavior analysis, or a related field. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.


Benefits: Full-time annual salary, medical insurance coverage, and travel funds supported by NIH grants. Translational research training and career development opportunities are provided as part of this position.


For more information:  Contact Ms. Patsy Marshall (patsym@vtc.vt.edu).


To apply: Send cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of research interests, and 3 letters of reference to:  Dr. Warren K. Bickel c/o Ms. Patsy Marshall (patsym@vtc.vt.edu). Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.


About us: The Addiction Recovery Research Center (ARRC) was established in 2011 as part of the Virginia Tech CarilionResearch Institute, an innovative partnership of Virginia Tech and Carilion Clinic. The facilities and research teams are world-class and focus on transdisciplinary research on the scientific underpinnings of health and a range of diseases and disorders. Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute represents a new model for biomedical and behavioral science in which creative scientists can approach major problems with breadth and depth in a nurturing and intellectually challenging environment. 


About Roanoke, Virginia: Roanoke, Virginia is located in Southwest Virginia in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains and accessible by the Blue Ridge Parkway. Roanoke is a vibrant community with an active downtown full of restaurants, theaters, museums, and a new amphitheater that is home to many seasonal festivals and music events. Roanoke also offers great opportunities for an active outdoor lifestyle with 30 miles of greenway connecting charming neighborhoods and beautiful parks along the Roanoke River.


Sent from my iPhone


[#DIV28SUPER] Fwd: Take Action Now - Urge Congress to Addreess the Opioid and Heroin Epidemics

Dear Colleagues,
It's not a perfect bill but it's the loudest conversation we've had about substance use disorders on Capitol Hill in recent memory, so please contact your Members of Congress today. You should find the automated system, linked in the action alert below, quick and easy to use on a day when numbers count.  

For those interested in additional background, please see:


Begin forwarded message:

From: APA's Federal Action Network <cmalley@apa.org>
Date: July 7, 2016 at 2:19:42 PM EDT
To: <gmumford@apa.org>
Subject: Take Action Now - Urge Congress to Addreess the Opioid and Heroin Epidemics
Reply-To: <cmalley@apa.org>

Take Action Now to Address the Opioid and Heroin Epidemics

Ask Your Members of Congress to Vote in Favor of the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act Conference Report

The Conference Report of Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act is expected to move to the floor for a vote this Friday. Now is the time to contact your Members of Congress and urge them vote in favor of this critical legislation. 

The United States is currently in the midst of two national epidemics. Heroin use and prescription opioid misuse are having a devastating impact on the public health and safety of our communities nationwide. Each day, 129 Americans die as a result of drug overdose and more than half of those deaths involve opioids. As psychologists, we know that substance use disorders are treatable, yet only about 10 percent of individuals who need treatment are receiving it. Discoveries in the science of addiction have led to life-saving advances in drug abuse treatments. However, there is critical need for training and resources to disseminate information and improve access to evidence-based treatment nationwide.

The Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA) will save lives and improve the health and safety of our communities by addressing critical components of the response to the opioid epidemic including: prevention, treatment, recovery, and interactions with the criminal justice system. Please contact your Members of Congress TODAY to ask them to vote in favor of the CARA Conference Report and send it to the President's desk for signature.

 Take Action 


Powered by CQRC Engage

[#DIV28SUPER] Addictions Brochure for APA Convention

Hi All,

Please find the Addiction Research and Clinical Practice brochure for the APA convention attached. This was published by NIDA/NIAAA in collaboration with APA Divisions 28 and 50 and highlights the addictions research at APA. You'll notice the impressive representation and breadth of research being presented this year. 

See you in Denver in less than a month!

Mollie Miller, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Brown University
Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies
121 South Main St., Box G-S121-4
Providence, RI 02912

_____________________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org
Div28m members may post here list archive
twitter: @apadiv28 #div28


[#DIV28SUPER] Director, UNL Center for Brain, Biology and Behavior

Please share...



Director, UNL Center for Brain, Biology and Behavior

and Tenured Associate or Full Professor

University of Nebraska-Lincoln


The University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the UNL Center for Brain, Biology and Behavior (CB3) are seeking applicants with national recognition in research and expertise in neuroscience and brain imaging to direct CB3. This interdisciplinary, research-dedicated center engages a broad spectrum of investigators across disciplines including basic and applied scientists, clinicians, and engineers, and is actively involved in a unique research collaboration with University Athletics. CB3 is housed within a new 30,000 square foot building. The facility’s centerpiece is a Skyra 3 Tesla Siemens scanner equipped with an MR-compatible 256-electrode high-density EEG system and an eye tracker. The center also features several specialized laboratories for NIRS, TMS, vestibular/balance, behavioral genetics, GALILEO somatosensory and motor control, neuromagnetics, eye tracking, psychophysiology, and high-density EEG/ERP, as well as a salivary bioscience core facility. The center’s state-of-the art facilities and interdisciplinary environment enable diverse studies to expand understanding of brain function and its effects on human behavior. The Director will provide leadership for CB3’s faculty and staff, and administrative oversight for the center. The successful candidate will be expected to help build innovative programs and participate actively in multidisciplinary initiatives that span the UNL campus and include connections to researchers, teachers, clinicians and students across Nebraska institutions, including University of Nebraska Omaha, University of Nebraska Medical Center, and University of Nebraska at Kearney. The Director will report to the Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development and serve as a faculty member in a tenure home department. As an interdisciplinary hire, the tenure home of the successful applicant will depend upon candidate interest and background. Rank for this position is Associate to Full Professor.


Qualifications include a Ph.D. or equivalent in neuroscience or a related field, an established and visible neuroscience research program with a track record of grant funding, and potential to contribute to teaching and engagement missions. Leadership experience in an organization that seeks and receives grant funding is preferred. Responsibilities will include serving as director of CB3, maintaining an active program of research, including the pursuit of external funding, and teaching in the tenure home department. 


Review of applications will begin October 31, 2016 and continue until the position is filled. To be considered for the position, please go to http://employment.unl.edu, requisition #F_160124, and click on “Apply to this job.” Candidates should attach a letter of application, curriculum vitae, research statement, and contact information for three letters of reference. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is committed to a pluralistic campus community through affirmative action, equal opportunity, work-life balance, and dual careers. See http://www.unl.edu/equity/notice-nondiscrimination.





