
[#DIV28SUPER] Job Announcement: Friends Research Institute, Research/Senior Research Scientist

Hello Colleagues,

Please see the attached announcement for a job opening for Research or Senior Research Scientist at Friends Research Institute.

Warm regards,

Kelly Dunn, Ph.D., M.B.A.
President, Division on Psychopharmacology and Substance Use (Division 28)
American Psychological Association

Associate Professor
Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
5510 Nathan Shock Drive
Baltimore, MD 21224
P:410-550-2254; F:410-550-0030

[#DIV28SUPER] In memoriam, Dr. Mary Jeanne Kreek

Hello Division Colleagues

It is with great sadness that I am writing to share news of the tragic passing of Dr. Mary Jeanne Kreek. Dr. Kreek was a pillar in our field who helped advance addiction science and supported the career development of many of our leaders. She was known for her exemplary science and her mentorship, and was regarded highly throughout the field. She played a major role in shaping our understanding of addiction and the methods used to explore treatments. Her work undoubtedly paved the way for many of us to forge our own careers and led to the development of treatments that helped countless patients.  The Division 28 Executive Committee wishes to send condolences to her family and friends, and the many colleagues that had the privilege of knowing Dr. Kreek throughout her impactful career.

A description of her legacy is provided here and a statement from the President of Rockefeller University (shared from INRC) is provided below : https://www.rockefeller.edu/news/30284-mary-jeanne-kreek-pioneer-studies-addiction-died/

"Dear colleagues,

It is with great sadness that I share the news that Mary Jeanne Kreek, a beloved colleague and pioneering physician-scientist, passed away last night. Mary Jeanne was the Patrick E. and Beatrice M. Haggerty Professor and Head of the Laboratory of the Biology of Additive Diseases, as well as Senior Physician at the Rockefeller University Hospital. Mary Jeanne was a pioneer in the biology of addiction research and made seminal contributions that led to methadone's successful use as a treatment for heroin addiction. Beyond her scientific endeavors, she was a champion for her patients, often speaking out against the societal stigma they faced. And of course we all know her passion both for Rockefeller and for the breadth of biomedical science. Her unfailing attendance at Friday Lectures and other campus events, punctuated by incisive questions drawn from her long history in biomedicine, as well as her optimism and unwavering support for women in science are qualities we will not forget.

After graduating from Wellesley College, Mary Jeanne earned her MD degree from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. During her residency in internal medicine at what is now Weill Cornell Medical School, she first set foot on Rockefeller's campus for a research elective in Vincent Dole's lab, who was investigating the potential use of methadone in the treatment of heroin addiction. After residency she moved to Rockefeller in 1964 as an Associate Physician at the Rockefeller University Hospital to pursue these studies on addiction, and performed early studies with both Dole and Marie Nyswander that led to the hypotheses that addiction was a metabolic disorder in which addicts' brains are functionally altered, and that methadone could help mitigate the symptoms of addiction. In 1966, the trio published one of their first landmark papers showing that methadone could be used to fight heroin abuse.

This early success, large as it was, was only the beginning for Mary Jeanne. By the 70s, she had developed the first laboratory techniques for measuring methadone and similar drugs in blood and tissues. This contribution helped make possible the FDA's approval of methadone for opiate addiction. Mary Jeanne's research also facilitated the development of another drug, buprenorphine, which acts on the same receptor in the brain.

Mary Jeanne went on to become one of the first to document how drugs of abuse significantly alter gene expression in certain brain regions, resulting in neurochemical and behavioral changes. Developing animal models for addiction, and identifying many of the genes and biological pathways that act in concert to increase a person's likelihood of suffering from addiction were among Mary Jeanne's accomplishments. In recent years, her lab identified more than 100 genetic changes associated with addiction, some of which were also associated with atypical stress responses, findings that suggest a predisposition to become addicted.

Mary Jeanne has been recognized with numerous awards for her research, including the Betty Ford Award for impact on the field of alcohol and drug abuse in 1996; the Specific Recognition Award for Research in the Science of Addiction from the Executive Office of the President of the United States in 1998; the R. Brinkley Smithers Distinguished Scientist Award from the American Society of Addiction Research, and Nathan B. Eddy Memorial Award from the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, both in 1999; the Wellesley College Alumnae Achievement Award in 2012; and the Lifetime Science Award from the National Institute on Drug Abuse of the National Institutes of Health in 2014. She was the recipient of honorary degrees from Uppsala University, Sweden (2000), the University of Tel Aviv (2007), and the University of Bologna (2010). 

In 2017, Mary Jeanne was interviewed for an oral history of her life that included a short film distilled from those interviews, available at this linkhttps://www.rockefeller.edu/about/history/oral-history-project/interview-mary-jeanne-kreek/

Mary Jeanne will be remembered both for her dynamism as a scientist and her humanism as a physician, patient advocate, and mentor. 

Please join me in extending our community's deepest condolences to Mary Jeanne's family. She is survived by her two children: Her daughter Esperance Schaefer, with son-in-law Karl Welday and grandchildren Robert and Francine; and her son Robert Schaefer, with daughter-in-law Heather Fain Schaeffer and grandchildren Meryl and William.



Richard P. Lifton, M.D., Ph.D. 
Carson Family Professor
Laboratory of Human Genetics and Genomics
The Rockefeller University"


Kelly Dunn, Ph.D., M.B.A.
President, Division on Psychopharmacology and Substance Use (Division 28)
American Psychological Association

Associate Professor
Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
5510 Nathan Shock Drive
Baltimore, MD 21224
P:410-550-2254; F:410-550-0030


Re: [#DIV28SUPER] Updates from APA Council

Dear Dr. Henningfield,

As a Division 28 member but otherwise something of an outsider, please help me out.  CPDD = College on Problems of Drug Dependence, or something else?  ACNP = Acute Care Nurse Practitioners, or the American College of Neuropyschopharmacology, or something else?


—Tom Armbruster, Ph.D.

On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 8:39 AM Jack Henningfield <jhenning@pinneyassociates.com> wrote:

Thanks for the materials and your efforts Bill. It is great to see so much attention to racism and equity issues. Most scientific organizations have a very long way to go. APA is probably doing better than some, but likely with wide variation across the divisions in diversity and inclusion. I wonder how Division 28 compares to others. It would be helpful to see estimates and be tracking trends division by division.  Also, APA would be an important organization in developing better metrics for assessing diversity and inclusion. The traditional 5-6 category "race" with binary sex options are not only archaic and out of step with science and society, but they are insulting to many and do not foster inclusion. In CPDD and ACNP there appears to have been some progress in some categories – most notably women – but there have not good metrics – sort of ironic that topline biologically-focused organizations still rely on half century+ old approaches for measuring diversity. Hiding behind waiting for the too-slowly dripping pipeline is no longer acceptable to many of us.


See some thoughts on these issues as focused on ACNP and to a lesser extent, CPDD. Though every scientific organization has its own challenges I suspect that many illustrated for ACNP are cross-cutting.  These articles are collaborative efforts and they include recommendations for new survey approaches  (Henningfield, Fields, Anthony et al), initial finding from a trial launch of one approach (Fields et al.), and a sad reminder that in some ways, CPDD (and probably many other organizations) has not progressed nearly as much as we hoped when we wrote the commentary in 1994 explaining why increasing diversity was important.

Thanks again for you efforts, Jack


From: div28super reaches div28 and div28m and its nested lists (e.g. div28s) <DIV28SUPER@LISTS.APA.ORG> On Behalf Of Stoops, William W.
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 6:19 AM
Subject: [#DIV28SUPER] Updates from APA Council


Dear Division 28 Colleagues-

Please find attached a draft of the minutes from the February 2021 APA Council of Representatives meeting. A brief summary is also attached. Please let me know if you have any questions.

-Bill Stoops, Division 28 Council Representative.


William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
telephone: (859) 257-5383

Departments of Behavioral Science, Psychiatry and Psychology
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky

Regulatory Knowledge and Support Core-Center for Clinical and Translational Science

Clinical Research Support Office


Associate Director for Clinical Research

Substance Use Priority Research Area




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twitter: @apadiv28 #div28

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twitter: @apadiv28 #div28

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twitter: @apadiv28 #div28

Re: [#DIV28SUPER] Updates from APA Council

Thanks for the materials and your efforts Bill. It is great to see so much attention to racism and equity issues. Most scientific organizations have a very long way to go. APA is probably doing better than some, but likely with wide variation across the divisions in diversity and inclusion. I wonder how Division 28 compares to others. It would be helpful to see estimates and be tracking trends division by division.  Also, APA would be an important organization in developing better metrics for assessing diversity and inclusion. The traditional 5-6 category “race” with binary sex options are not only archaic and out of step with science and society, but they are insulting to many and do not foster inclusion. In CPDD and ACNP there appears to have been some progress in some categories – most notably women – but there have not good metrics – sort of ironic that topline biologically-focused organizations still rely on half century+ old approaches for measuring diversity. Hiding behind waiting for the too-slowly dripping pipeline is no longer acceptable to many of us.


See some thoughts on these issues as focused on ACNP and to a lesser extent, CPDD. Though every scientific organization has its own challenges I suspect that many illustrated for ACNP are cross-cutting.  These articles are collaborative efforts and they include recommendations for new survey approaches  (Henningfield, Fields, Anthony et al), initial finding from a trial launch of one approach (Fields et al.), and a sad reminder that in some ways, CPDD (and probably many other organizations) has not progressed nearly as much as we hoped when we wrote the commentary in 1994 explaining why increasing diversity was important.

Thanks again for you efforts, Jack


From: div28super reaches div28 and div28m and its nested lists (e.g. div28s) <DIV28SUPER@LISTS.APA.ORG> On Behalf Of Stoops, William W.
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 6:19 AM
Subject: [#DIV28SUPER] Updates from APA Council


Dear Division 28 Colleagues-

Please find attached a draft of the minutes from the February 2021 APA Council of Representatives meeting. A brief summary is also attached. Please let me know if you have any questions.

-Bill Stoops, Division 28 Council Representative.


William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
telephone: (859) 257-5383

Departments of Behavioral Science, Psychiatry and Psychology
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky

Regulatory Knowledge and Support Core-Center for Clinical and Translational Science

Clinical Research Support Office


Associate Director for Clinical Research

Substance Use Priority Research Area




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_____________________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org
Div28m members may post here list archive
twitter: @apadiv28 #div28

[#DIV28SUPER] Updates from APA Council

Dear Division 28 Colleagues-
Please find attached a draft of the minutes from the February 2021 APA Council of Representatives meeting. A brief summary is also attached. Please let me know if you have any questions.
-Bill Stoops, Division 28 Council Representative.

William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
telephone: (859) 257-5383

Departments of Behavioral Science, Psychiatry and Psychology
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky

Regulatory Knowledge and Support Core-Center for Clinical and Translational Science
Clinical Research Support Office

Associate Director for Clinical Research
Substance Use Priority Research Area

The contents of this e-mail message and any attachments are confidential and are intended solely for the addressee. The information may also be legally privileged. This transmission is sent in trust, for the sole purpose of delivery to the intended recipient. If you have received this transmission in error, any use, reproduction or dissemination of this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail or at (859) 257-5383 and delete this message and its attachments, if any.


[#DIV28SUPER] APA Division 28 award winners for 2021

Division 28 of the American Psychological Association received a high number of exceptionally competitive nominations for the 2021 Division Awards, and is pleased to announce the following winners.


MED Associates Brady-Schuster Award: Klaus Miczek

Young Psychopharmacologist: Jessica Weafer

Outstanding Dissertation (co-winners): Alba Gonzalez-Roz and Courtney Motschman


Each of the winners will receive a financial prize and an engraved plaque, and invited to present an address at the 2021 APA Convention.

Congratulations to the winners, as well as to the many who were nominated.


APA Division 28, Divisional Awards


Richard Yi, Ph.D.

Director, Cofrin Logan Center for Addiction Research and Treatment

Professor, Department of Psychology

University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045

Email: ryi1@ku.edu          Phone: 785-864-6476



[#DIV28SUPER] Managing Editor: Journal of Health Service Psychology

Dear Colleagues-
Please visit the attached link to see a call for the next Managing Editor of the Journal of Health Service Psychology.
-Bill Stoops.
William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
telephone: (859) 257-5383

Departments of Behavioral Science, Psychiatry and Psychology
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky

Regulatory Knowledge and Support Core-Center for Clinical and Translational Science
Clinical Research Support Office

Associate Director for Clinical Research
Substance Use Priority Research Area

The contents of this e-mail message and any attachments are confidential and are intended solely for the addressee. The information may also be legally privileged. This transmission is sent in trust, for the sole purpose of delivery to the intended recipient. If you have received this transmission in error, any use, reproduction or dissemination of this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail or at (859) 257-5383 and delete this message and its attachments, if any.

[#DIV28SUPER] Journal of Addiction Medicine seeking Statistical Editor

Hello colleagues,

The Journal of Addiction Medicine is looking for a statistical editor. Statistical Editors receive an annual $500 honorarium, are listed on the journal's masthead, and are members of the journal editorial board. The editor is appointed for a three-year renewable term. The position will close on April 30, 2021. Please access the position to learn more here: https://www.asam.org/about-us/jobs/statistical-editor-(jam)  Please also share this announcement widely.

Warm regards,

Kelly Dunn, Ph.D., M.B.A.
President, Division on Psychopharmacology and Substance Use (Division 28)
American Psychological Association

Associate Professor
Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
5510 Nathan Shock Drive
Baltimore, MD 21224
P:410-550-2254; F:410-550-0030


[#DIV28SUPER] NOT-GM-21-018 Notice of Special Interest: Administrative Supplements for Research on Women=?utf-8?Q?=E2=80=99s_?=Health in IDeA States

NOT-GM-21-018 Notice of Special Interest:  Administrative Supplements for Reearch on Women's Health in IDeA States

The Office of Research on Women's Health (ORWH) and the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), along with Institutes and Centers (ICs) of NIH participating in this Notice, announce the availability of administrative supplements to IDeA awards to expand research and research capacity in the IDeA states to address important issues of women's health across the lifespan. The proposed research must address at least one of the strategic goals of the 2019-2023 Trans-NIH Strategic Plan for Women's Health Research "Advancing Science for the Health of Women." Research on maternal and infant morbidity and mortality is of particular interest.  Applications are due April 19, 2021.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services  TO UNSUBSCRIBE: send email to listserv@list.nih.gov Copy and paste UNSUBSCRIBE NIDA_NEURO_SCIENCE-L




[#DIV28SUPER] Fw: APA SCIENCE: Need your expertise please! (Deadline for your comments is Monday March 29th)

Hello colleagues,

Please see below a request from APA for our Division's comments on the new NIH initiative UNITE that aims to support diversity, equity, and inclusion and identify/dismantle harmful policies or practices. APA is asking our Division to submit any feedback to them by April 1. If you have thoughts, suggestions, and/or comments that you would like to have included in our response, please email them to me by Monday March 29th so that your information can be included in our Divisional response.

Warm regards,
Kelly Dunn, Ph.D., M.B.A.
President, Division on Psychopharmacology and Substance Use (Division 28)
American Psychological Association

Associate Professor
Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
5510 Nathan Shock Drive
Baltimore, MD 21224
P:410-550-2254; F:410-550-0030

From: APA Division Presidential trios communicating about divisional topics <DIVTRIO@LISTS.APA.ORG> on behalf of Prinstein, Mitch <MPrinstein@APA.ORG>
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2021 5:33 PM
Subject: [DIVTRIO] APA SCIENCE: Need your expertise please!

Dear Division leaders:


This is an important opportunity to make an impact in an area I know we all care deeply about…


NIH launched an effort to end structural racism in biomedical research through a new initiative called UNITE which is instituting new ways to support diversity, equity, and inclusion, and identifying and dismantling any policies and practices that may harm our workforce and our science.


Our field should have substantial input in this effort, and your division has relevant expertise so we wanted to make sure that you were consulted and your knowledge is incorporated in APA's response. 


NIH has released a Request for Information seeking input on practical and effective approaches to improve and strengthen racial equity, diversity, and inclusion across all facets of the biomedical research enterprise, both within NIH and the external community, and to expand research to eliminate or lessen health disparities and inequities.  Comments can be submitted through the submission website and must be received by NIH by April 9, 2021. APA hopes to submit a comprehensive comment that would include the input from multiple divisions and governance groups, so we ask you to send your response to Pat Kobor at APA no later than 5 pm EDT on April 1. 


How can your division be most helpful? The RFI lists several subtopics, and focusing your remarks on any or all of those questions (with references if you can provide them) would be the most useful. For example the RFI asks for feedback on: 


  • Factors that present obstacles to training, mentoring, or career path (e.g., training environments) leading to underrepresentation of racial and ethnic groups (particularly Black/African Americans) in the biomedical research enterprise throughout the educational and career continuum and proposed solutions (novel or proven effective) to address them.
  • Barriers inhibiting recruitment and hiring, promotion, retention and tenure, including the barriers scientists of underrepresented groups may face in gaining professional promotions, awards, and recognition for scientific or non-scientific contributions (e.g., mentoring, committees), and proven strategies or novel models to overcome and eliminate such barriers.
  • Successful actions NIH and other institutions and organizations are currently taking to improve representation, equity, and inclusion and/or reduce barriers within the internal NIH workforce and across the broader funded biomedical research enterprise.

Your comments and feedback do not need to be polished, as we know the deadline is tight.  But we want to ensure your division's voices are included in this very important effort.






Mitchell J. Prinstein, PhD, ABPP (he/his)
Chief Science Officer
Executive Office

American Psychological Association 
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002
email: mprinstein@apa.org 
All APA staff are teleworking until further notice and are experiencing a high volume of inquiries related to COVID-19. For immediate information and resources, visit APA's COVID-19 page for psychologists, health-care workers, and the public.​




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[#DIV28SUPER] Fwd: Listserv Server Upgrade Wednesday March 17th

Welcome upgrade to APA's communications infrastructure!

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Wort, Jon" <jwort@apa.org>
Date: March 15, 2021 at 3:21:10 PM EDT
To: all-request@lists.apa.org
Subject: Listserv Server Upgrade Wednesday March 17th

Hi Listowner,


This is to let you know we will be doing a Listserv Upgrade Wednesday 17th, starting at 9am, we estimate the Listserv server's actual downtime will be around  2+ hours at some point during the day.

We are sending you this message because you are listed as an owner/ administrator of one or more APA or APA Services, Inc. Listserv lists.


We are upgrading the APA and APA Services (formerly APA Practice) Listserv servers Wednesday March 17 starting at 9am. The upgrade will improve the Listserv server's reliability, security, and functionality. We will be moving the servers to an Amazon web server and use a new SMTP mail handling server. We will be working on this migration and upgrade most of the day on Wednesday and estimate the actual down time of the server to be about 2 hours. The Listserv servers will be using a more secure website that will include HTTPS connection capability. When the upgrade is complete, users should be able to use the same bookmarks and email contacts that they've always used, however will we encourage them to use the more secure HTTPS web URL. We will maintain the current domains of lists.apa.org and lists.apapractice.org for now, and add the domain name lists.apasarvices.org which will also connect to the same server as lists.apapractice.org. Once the upgrade is complete, we want to encourage users to switch to using the lists.apaservices.org domain and eventually phase out the domain lists.apapractices.org.


The upgrade to the latest version of L-soft's Listserv 17 will enable list administrators (listowners) to use the current web look and feel or switch to the new web look for version 17. It will also be a mobile friendly look that makes it much easier to few and manage Listserv lists on mobile devices. The new version also will add better reporting abilities.

We think the improvements in speed, reliability, security, and usability will make the experience of using the Listserv servers a better one for APA and Apa Services, Inc subscribers.


Please share this notice to your list(s) so your subscribers will be aware of the upgrade.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the upgrade.


Thanks You

Jon Wort


Jonathan Wort,
Information Technology Services
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Email: listmaster@apa.org , jwort@apa.org

American Psychological Association




[#DIV28SUPER] Two psychologist positions to fill

Please help me fill two positions!

We are looking for two full-time Licensed Psychologists to join our dynamic multidisciplinary team! Our well-established practices have been proudly serving Fort Lauderdale for 14 
years. The Institute for Life Renovation, LLC is an Intensive Outpatient Program, which offers 
a uniquely individualized approach to patient care. We specialize in working with complex 
patients with multiple comorbidities. Each clinician works in specific roles with different 
patients and together, the clinicians collaborate to blend their evidence-based work with 
patients. We offer a multitude of services in-house (individual, family, groups, medication 
management, nutrition, psychological assessment/testing, etc). Our team collaborates 
several times per week to ensure best practices and improve patient outcomes. We have a 
great work environment with a friendly and collaborative team (several licensed 
psychologists, psychiatry, dietitian, art therapy, family therapy, and yoga). We offer a team-oriented environment that highly regards exceptional care of patients, while at the same time fostering an environment of continual learning, ongoing consultation, teamwork, balance, and 

Motivational Institute for Behavioral Health, LLC is a multi-specialty group psychological 
practice that offers a wide range of services across the lifespan. Both psychologists will 
provide services to patients in both programs. Each psychologist's primary program is 
determined by best clinical fit. Check out our site (www.renovationoflife.com) and sister multi-specialty group practice (www.mifbh.com) and if you feel either is a good fit, send a letter of 
interest and your CV to DrLori@renovationoflife.com. Newly licensed; license-eligible are 
welcome to apply!
• Full-time salaried positions
• Flexible schedule 
• Room to grow within the practice, nurture a specialty, and be creative 
• Benefits include:
o Paid vacation and personal days
o 10 Paid holidays 
o Medical, Dental, and Vision Insurance
o 401K
o Yearly discretionary bonuses 
o Paid malpractice insurance
o Excellent support staff/services
o Beautiful offices/location



Lori Eickleberry, Ph. D., ABPP

Licensed Psychologist, PY7732

Board Certified in Behavioral and Cognitive Psychology by the American Board of Professional Psychology

Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT)

Motivational Institute for Behavioral Health, LLC

3600 N. Ocean Blvd., 2nd Floor

Fort Lauderdale, FL  33308

Office: 954-616-5088 

Fax: 954-616-5147

For more information, please visit our website: www.mifbh.com

Or, e-mail me directly at:


Get FREE Mental Health tips and information by 


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[#DIV28SUPER] Post-Doctoral Training Opportunities at the University of Chicago

Sending on behalf of Dr. Harriet de Wit:

Post-Doctoral Training Opportunities in Addiction 

NIDA T32 Training Grant 



Join a dynamic, multidisciplinary training program at the University of Chicago.  Our training program offers a wide range of opportunities in addiction research, from basic preclinical neuroscience to human behavior.  Trainees acquire a range of experiences within their primary research area as well as through externships in other areas.  Faculty research interests include cellular and molecular mechanisms (Xiaoxi Zhuang, Bill Green, and Ming Xu), synaptic, circuit and systems-level analyses (Dan McGehee, Mark Sheffield, Dan Margoliash, and Fred Garcia), human behavioral pharmacology, fMRI imaging and treatment (Harriet de Wit, Andrea King, Jon Grant, Dave Gallo, and Chin-tu Chen) and public health, epidemiology and policy (Don Hedeker, John Schneider, and Harold Pollack). Our training grant brings together faculty and trainees from different disciplines to exchange views and participate in professional development and outreach.   


The NIDA Training Program at the University of Chicago a lively cross-disciplinary intellectual environment that includes the Grossman Neuroscience Institute, Institute for Translational Medicine, human and animal behavioral laboratories, a drug abuse treatment program, and epidemiological and policy-related studies.   


Post-doctoral candidates should contact the faculty member with whom they wish to work http://voices.uchicago.edu/addictiont32/ or submit a cover letter and curriculum vitae to Elena Rizzo <erizzo@uchicago.edu>.  Appointments are usually for two years. Applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents. 

William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
telephone: (859) 257-5383

Departments of Behavioral Science, Psychiatry and Psychology
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky

Regulatory Knowledge and Support Core-Center for Clinical and Translational Science
Clinical Research Support Office

Associate Director for Clinical Research
Substance Use Priority Research Area

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Sending on behalf of Dr. Michael Bardo:

POSTDOCTORAL POSITION IN DRUG ABUSE RESEARCH:   We are seeking to fill 2-3 postdoctoral research positions that will investigate the (1) neurobehavioral, (2) functional, and (3) genomic mechanisms of opioid abuse using preclinical models and extending them to human genetic data.  This is part of a NIDA-funded MPI collaboration between Dr. Michael Bardo (Department of Psychology), Dr. Pavel Ortinski (Department of Neuroscience), and Dr. Jill Turner (Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences).  As such, individuals will work closely together on a transdisciplinary project with opportunities for dual training in neurobehavioral, electrophysiological and/or genomic approaches.  Primary opportunities in training include drug self-administration, chemogenetics, calcium imaging, slice electrophysiology, and single-cell RNA-Seq/ATAC-Seq.  We are especially interested in applicants who are willing to exchange ideas across interdisciplinary lines.  Applicants must have completed a PhD or equivalent degree in psychology, pharmacology, neuroscience, or related discipline.  Send curriculum vitae, brief cover letter stating preferred training interests, and at least two names with contact information of individuals who can provide a letter of recommendation to:  Dr. Michael Bardo (mbardo@uky.edu), University Research Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Kentucky, Lexington KY 40536-0509, USA.  The University of Kentucky is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. 

William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
telephone: (859) 257-5383

Departments of Behavioral Science, Psychiatry and Psychology
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky

Regulatory Knowledge and Support Core-Center for Clinical and Translational Science
Clinical Research Support Office

Associate Director for Clinical Research
Substance Use Priority Research Area

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[#DIV28SUPER] NIDA Neuroscience Update, March 4, 2021

Table of Contents

I.                   Job Opening (Formulation of Drug Product - Chemist) at NIDA Headquarters - Rockville, Maryland

II.                 NIDA Data Career Seminar Series

III.              Some Recent NIDA Funding Opportunities (FOAs)


I.               Job Opening (Formulation of Drug Product -  Chemist) at NIDA Headquarters - Rockville, Maryland

The Division of Therapeutics and Medical Consequences (DTMC) supports and conducts studies to evaluate the safety and efficacy of new pharmacotherapies, behavioral therapies, devices, and digital therapeutics to treat Substance Use Disorders (SUDs). DTMC supports research and development for all stages of the medication development process.


Chemistry and Pharmaceutics: The incumbent is responsible for managing a research program of grants and contracts evaluating chemical design, synthesis, formulation, metabolism, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic, and biopharmaceutics.  While not exclusive to, the focus of this position is the formulation of drug products, which includes design, manufacturing, quality control, packaging, labeling, storage and stability.  If interested:  Please submit your cover letter, and CV to Dr. Rik Kline (rkline@nida.nih.gov) 301-827-5243.  All information provided by candidates will remain strictly confidential.  Selection for this position is dependent upon successful referral from the USAJOBS vacancy announcement (TBA).  A candidate with a Ph.D in a relevant discipline is strongly desired (salary range is between $86,335 to $157,709).



II.             NIDA Data Career Seminar Series

NIDA will be hosting a 4-part Data Science careers seminar series this spring titled Bringing Data Science to Addiction Research. The goal of this seminar series is to highlight the career paths of prominent data scientists and inspire a new generation of data science researchers who focus on addiction. This series will take place on the following dates from 9:00-10:30am EDT (Please note that this is during Daylights Savings Time): March 15th, March 22nd, March 29th, and April 5th. A separate registration will be required for each session.

Contact Dr. Susan Wright at susan.wright@nih.gov with any questions.

This series will kick off with a fireside chat with Dr. DJ Patil (Twitter: @dpatil), the former U.S. Chief Data Scientist, on March 15h from 9:00-10:30am EST. Register for this session at: https://bit.ly/3kEHw7c


III.            Recent NIDA FOAs:


Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Human Molecular Genetics of Substance Use Disorder Notice Number: NOT-DA-20-030     Application due date: Standard dates apply                                                                                                                                                   

High-throughput Discovery and Validation of Novel Signal Transducers or Small Molecules that Modulate Opioid or other Substance Use Disorder Relevant Pathways (R01 - Clinical Trials Not Allowed) RFA-DA-22-006  Application due date: Standard dates apply                                                                                                                                                   

Advancing technologies to improve delivery of pharmacological, gene editing, and other cargoes for HIV and SUD mechanistic or therapeutic research (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) RFA-DA-22-010 Application due dates: October 25, 2021 and October 25, 2022 by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.


Avenir Award Program for Genetics or Epigenetics of Substance Use Disorders (DP1 Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-20-225 (DP1) Application due dates: October 19, 2021, October 19, 2022 by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.


Avenir Award Program for Research on Substance Use Disorders and HIV/AIDS (DP2 Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-20-224 (DP2)   Application due dates: August 13, 2020, August 13, 2021, August 15, 2022 by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.


Exploratory studies to investigate mechanisms of HIV infection, replication, latency, and/or pathogenesis in the context of substance use disorders (R61/R33 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

RFA-DA-22-004 (R61/R33) Application due dates: July 14, 2021 and July 14, 2022 by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.


NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research: Tools and Technologies to Explore Nervous System Biomolecular Condensates (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-DA-22-008 Application due date: September 15, 2021 by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.


The National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services  TO UNSUBSCRIBE: send email to listserv@list.nih.gov Copy and paste UNSUBSCRIBE NIDA_NEURO_SCIENCE-L