
[#DIV28SUPER] ABCT Addictive Behavior Special Interest Group - Faculty Seeking Graduate Students List - Deadline 09/30/20

[Sent on behalf of Jeremiah Weinstock]


Dear Members of APA Division 28,  


I am emailing because I coordinate the Association for Behavior and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Addictive Behaviors Special Interest Group's (SIG) list of faculty recruiting new graduate students for the 2021-2022 academic year.  You may have seen this list in previous years.  This year we are opening the list to any and all faculty with interests in addictive behaviors (broadly defined) who are recruiting students for graduate programs (e.g., masters, doctoral).  You do not have to be an ABCT Addictive Behaviors SIG member to participate.  This list is a service the SIG provides to our field and is a means to promote our most awesome group. (Obligatory pitch: It's a great group - you should join! 😉  See or website for info.)  Below is the information about the list if you are interested.  On the same spreadsheet in a different tab, we also create a list each year of faculty NOT accepting students.  Please note, I will send out a view only link and a pdf of the list for broad dissemination on October 1, 2020.  Also, feel free to forward this email to colleagues who may be interested.


Jeremiah Weinstock, PhD 

Professor of Psychology

Saint Louis University 



It is that time of year again to solicit for the ABCT Addictive Behaviors Special Interest Group's faculty seeking students list. Below is the standard email sent every year, so for those who are new to the list it describes the motivation and rationale for the list.  Attached is last year's list for reference. Based upon feedback from last year, I am compiling the list slightly different this year. We are using a Google Spreadsheet where faculty are to review and update information as necessary.  If you are new to the list, just insert a line in the appropriate spot (alphabetical order by last name) and add your information. The main advantage of using a Google Spreadsheet is it becomes a living document and each person is responsible for their own information!

New instructions for this year:        

Use this link to get to the Google Spreadsheet to review and update your information.  Last year's list is the starting point for the list. Please note there are two tabs:  (1) Faculty Taking Students, and (2) Faculty Not Taking Students.  Please update your information to the correct list.  Currently, all entries from last year are in red font with green shading.  Upon updating your information, please change the font to black, and remove the shading.  The font and shading allows me to know who has and has not updated their information. Individuals who do not update their information by September 30, 2020 will have it deleted so that the disseminated list is as accurate as possible.   

Please follow-up with me (jeremiah.weinstock@health.slu.edu) with any questions or concerns.   



Standard Email About the List: 

Each year many of us work with undergraduate students who are interested in pursuing a masters or doctoral degree in an area of psychology with an emphasis on addictive behaviors. And speaking for myself, each year I provide the same five to ten names of colleagues who I know may be taking students. On the flip side, each year I am trying to find good students whose research interests align with mine and who would be a good candidate for admissions to our graduate program.

So, in order to better serve our undergraduate students and aid in the recruitment of qualified graduate students, I am hoping to again coordinate a list of faculty in graduate programs (both masters and doctoral) with research interests in addictive behaviors, broadly defined, who are taking students for the upcoming academic year (2021-2022).  We also include a list of faculty who are not taking students in the upcoming year -- hopefully sparing you of several emails inquiring about whether you are taking a student in the upcoming year.  The plan would then be to distribute the lists to members of Addictive Behaviors SIG and other outlets by October 1, 2020 so that they may then share it with their students.

If you are interested in participating please enter your information by September 30, 2020.  Below is an example for a faculty member who is taking a student.  If you are not taking a student, please place your name, graduate program and institution on the Not Taking Students list.     


Graduate Program Degree Level  



Extra Info  

Bluto Blutarsky, PhD 

Masters, Clinical Psychology  

Faber College  


Research interests in college student drinking & Greek life.   



Saint Louis University

Jeremiah Weinstock, PhD
Department of Psychology

3700 Lindell Blvd
Morrissey Hall, Room 2735
St. Louis, MO 63108


slu.edu | wagerlabslu.wordpress.com



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