
[#DIV28SUPER] NYTimes: Those With Multiple Tours of War Overseas Struggle at Home


The number of veterans with multiple tours of combat duty is the largest in modern American history — more than 90,000 soldiers and Marines.

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[#DIV28SUPER] Fwd: [DIVOFFICERS] Happy Memorial Day!

Subject: [DIVOFFICERS] Happy Memorial Day!
Reply-To: "McDaniel, Susan (Psychiatry)"              <SusanH2_McDaniel@URMC.ROCHESTER.EDU>

Dear Division Leaders:


Yesterday I sat at the airport waiting for our daughter to arrive.  Three little girls, ages 5 to 15, sat very near me.  I say "sat," but actually they were up and down like jumping beans.  Finally their young mother looked at me and said, "military kids—they haven't seen their Dad in a year."  Wow—a year.  That's a very long time.  I said:  "They must be so excited."  She said:  "It's his 5th deployment.  We started this when I was pregnant with the oldest. One was born in Hawaii, one in Texas, and one in Missouri.  We've been through this before."  It was clear no matter how many times they'd been through it, it was difficult.  We were together for perhaps 20 minutes.  During that time, the mother cried twice, and the two youngest more than that.  The mother spent some time explaining to the youngest how people could cry when they were happy as well as sad, and that hers were tears of happiness.  I'm not sure it fully sank in, as the little girl then interviewed me about who I was waiting for.  I told her I was waiting for my daughter, now a big girl at 27.  The mother asked where she lived, and I told her "Manhattan."  The little girl looked me with big eyes and said:  "She doesn't live with you?  That's SO sad!"  We had other exchanges, mostly about me telling the girls how important the work their dad did on behalf of all of us and asking them to thank him for me.  I told the mother I knew that it also meant many sacrifices for her and her daughters, and I hoped she had a lot of support.  She said:  "thank you," rather than the answer I was hoping for, which was more like "I do."  It was a poignant exchange appropriate for Memorial Day, and made me think of when my own father was in the Navy, and the sacrifices my mother made until I was 4.  I know it wasn't easy, and that was clear from watching this beautiful young family.


So let us commemorate Memorial Day for all that have given their lives for what we enjoy today, and in support of all our active duty and veteran psychologists and to all our members with military partners, parents, siblings, and close friends.  We are deeply grateful to all of you for protecting the many important rights associated with being an American.   Before we had a Memorial Day to celebrate those who gave their lives for our freedoms, Abraham Lincoln spoke of the challenges of preserving our democracy "of the people, by the people, for the people."  We are still working to live up to this vision—of a country full of sometimes passionate disagreements yet one that is inseparable, and dedicated to the proposition that all people are created equal.  Lincoln completed his 1st inaugural address in 1861 referring to the service of our military:  "The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature."   Here's to Psychology supporting "the better angels of our nature," with gratitude to all the military psychologists who serve us so well.




Susan H McDaniel PhD

Dr Laurie Sands Distinguished Professor of Families &  Health                  

Director, Institute for the Family, Department of Psychiatry

Associate Chair, Department of Family Medicine

Director, Physician Faculty Communication Coaching Program

University of Rochester Medical Center

Rochester NY


2016 President, American Psychological Association


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NIH Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Opportunity


The University of Vermont’s Center on Behavior and Health announces an NIH postdoctoral research fellowship opportunity in our internationally recognized center of excellence for the study of substance abuse. The fellow will participate in the conduct of an ongoing NIDA/FDA-funded trial on the use of tobacco in vulnerable populations, as well as develop new research opportunities in related areas. The mentoring team has an exceptional track record of helping fellows further their careers as independent investigators.


Eligibility: Applicants must have completed their training in psychology, behavior analysis, or a related discipline and be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Trainees are selected on the basis of scholastic record and commitment to a career in tobacco research. Individuals must be highly motivated, possess initiative and a desire to learn and expand their interests and expertise. Experience with behavioral economics is highly valued. Appointment:  2-3 yrs.


Benefits: Stipend, medical insurance coverage, and travel funds supported by NIH Institutional Training Awards.


To apply: Send application form (downloaded from VCBH website), a cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of research interests, and 3 letters of reference to:  Dr. Diann Gaalema c/o Ms. Diana Cain (Diana.Cain@uvm.edu). 


About us: The VCBH was established in 2013, sponsored in part by a Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) Award from the National Institute on General Medical Sciences and a Centers of Tobacco Regulatory Science (TCORS) Award from the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The VCBH resides within the College of Medicine at the University of Vermont, with the director and administrative offices being located within the Department of Psychiatry, and participating investigators, collaborators, and advisors across 15 academic departments in the College of Medicine and 7 colleges within UVM and 5 other universities. The VCBH is further strengthened by interdisciplinary collaborations with key community healthcare leaders and distinguished scientific advisory panels. The focus of the VCBH is on investigating relationships between personal behaviors and risk for chronic disease and premature death, with a specific focus on understanding mechanisms underpinning risk, and developing effective interventions and policies to promote healthy behavior.


For more information:  Contact Ms. Diana Cain at  Diana.Cain@uvm.edu or see our website.


Burlington, Vermont is located in the beautiful Lake Champlain region, surrounded by the Green and Adirondack Mountains. It is a great place for families, boasting excellent schools and year-round recreational opportunities. It is home to the University of Vermont and many other colleges that provide an academically stimulating and culturally rich environment. Montreal and Boston are within easy driving distances.


Stephen T. Higgins, Ph.D.
Director, Vermont Center on Behavior and Health
Virginia H. Donaldson Professor of Translational Science
Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology
Vice Chair, Department of Psychiatry
University of Vermont
1 South Prospect Street
Burlington, VT  05401-1419


[#DIV28SUPER] University of Vermont seeking Research Health Care Nurse/Project Manager

Research Health Care Nurse/Project Manager


The University of Vermont’s Center on Behavior and Health is seeking a full-time Research Health Care Nurse/Project Manager who will work closely with our Director and staff to oversee the day-to-day clinical research operations of the TCORS P50 Center grant, which includes four distinct projects.


Other responsibilities include:

Serving as the primary licensed medical professional on the trials, overseeing and monitoring the eligibility and safety of all study participants.

Providing nursing care, educating and counseling subject participants. Functionally supervise four full-time research staff, two undergraduate students and a number of pre-doctoral and post-doctorate trainees.

Functionally supervise and train external staff at two collaborating sites.

Will be responsible as the main point of contact for all Institutional Review Board (IRB) related submissions and correspondence.

Prepare and submit applications to external agencies (NIH/NIDA & FDA) to ensure regulatory compliance.

Responsible for overseeing monitoring, auditing, and quality control of all study sites. This includes database development, reviewing data for quality assurance, and preparing site and treatment group reports for the DSMB.

Coordinate and provide direction to a number of subcontractors that establish various study databases and data collection systems.


Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor of Science in Nursing and 2-4 years’ related experience required. Specialized Vermont Board of Medical Practice approved certification and/or licensure required. Prior research experience and understanding of research design required. Travel is required for protocol development, training and other regulatory meetings.


Experience working with FDA-regulated clinical research protocols is desired.


To apply online, please visit www.uvmjobs.com and search Position # 00023365.


Stephen T. Higgins, Ph.D.
Director, Vermont Center on Behavior and Health
Virginia H. Donaldson Professor of Translational Science
Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology
Vice Chair, Department of Psychiatry
University of Vermont
1 South Prospect Street
Burlington, VT  05401-1419


[#DIV28SUPER] APA Division 28 Convention Program

Dear Colleagues,


The 2016 American Psychological Association Convention in Denver, CO is fast approaching! To help with travel plans, I have attached a brief Division 28 program noting session dates and times. As always, this year's program includes several strong symposia, invited addresses, new fellows' addresses, poster sessions, and continuing education opportunities. We will also be celebrating the 50th anniversary of our Division with a unique symposia from our past presidents with a social hour to follow.  Please take a minute to look over the highlights. We hope to see you in Denver!



Mollie Miller, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Brown University
Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies
121 South Main St., Box G-S121-4
Providence, RI 02912

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4th Annual Conference:

Behavior Change, Health, and Health Disparities


October 6-7, 2016

Burlington, Vermont


Obesity, Tobacco Use in Vulnerable Populations, and Health Implications of Marijuana Legalization, Among Other Health Topics


Personal behavior patterns (i.e., lifestyle) increase risk for chronic disease and premature death. Unhealthy behaviors (e.g., physical inactivity/unhealthy food choices, tobacco use, prescription opioid abuse) represent the leading cause of chronic disease and premature deaths in the U.S. and are a major driver behind spiraling healthcare costs. These risk behaviors are overrepresented among socioeconomically disadvantaged populations and are major contributors to the problem of health disparities.  


During the Conference, scholars from leading U.S. universities and medical centers will share their research and knowledge on how to apply the concepts and methods of behavioral economics to improve scientific understanding and clinical outcomes with these highly challenging and costly public health problems in the areas of obesity, tobacco use and prescription opioid abuse.


VCBH will once again be hosting its highly regarded poster session. Submissions in all areas addressed by the conference are welcome. Please see submission guidelines linked below. The deadline for poster submissions is July 31.


For conference program, registration, hotel reservations and abstract submissions, please click here.  



Stephen T. Higgins, Ph.D.
Director, Vermont Center on Behavior and Health
Virginia H. Donaldson Professor of Translational Science
Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology
Vice Chair, Department of Psychiatry
University of Vermont
1 South Prospect Street
Burlington, VT  05401-1419


[#DIV28SUPER] NIDA Neuroscience Update May 10, 2016

Dear Colleague,


The following announcements and funding opportunities may be of interest to you:


·         Identification of Genetic and Genomic Variants by Next-Gen Sequencing in Non-human Animal Models (U01) PAR-15-120

National Institute on Drug Abuse

Application Dates:  June 30, 2016; October 20, 2016; March 1, 2017; June 30, 2017; October 20, 2017; March 1, 2018, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization


·         Request for Information (RFI): Strengthening the Early Stages of the NIDA Training Pipeline through Massively Open Online Courses on the Biomedical Informatics of Addiction Research (NOT-DA-16-027)
National Institute on Drug Abuse

Response Date: July 3, 2016

  • Extracellular Vesicle Tools, Technologies, and Products for Neuroscience Research (R41/R42)
    National Institute on Drug Abuse
    Application Receipt Date(s): November 22, 2016


  • Extracellular Vesicle Tools, Technologies, and Products for Neuroscience Research (R43/R44)
    National Institute on Drug Abuse
    Application Receipt Date(s): November 22, 2016


·         Short Course on the Genetics of Addiction, The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME

Short Course September 11, 2016 - September 16, 2016

Students will leave the course able to design and interpret genetic and genomic studies of addiction as they relate to their specific research question, and will be able to use current bioinformatics resources to identify research resources and make use of public data sources in their own research.  Scholarships are available!


The National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services  TO UNSUBSCRIBE: send email to listserv@list.nih.gov Copy and paste UNSUBSCRIBE NIDA_NEURO_SCIENCE-L   in the message body of the email - You will receive a confirmation email if successful. If you have problems contact jpollock@mail.nih.gov     301-435-1309