
[#DIV28SUPER] Position in Behavioral and Cellular Neuroscience at TAMU

In collaboration with other colleges at Texas A&M University, the Behavioral and Cellular Neuroscience area in Psychology will be hiring an assistant professor. We are particularly interested in individuals who could interface with both department faculty and researchers examining recovery after neural injury. The focal area is spinal cord injury. The position is not limited to those doing animal research and the start-date is flexible.

A copy of the job ad is attached.

Please feel free to e-mail if you have any questions.

Jim Grau
Mary Tucker Currie Professor
Neuroscience and Psychology
_____________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org _____________________
Div28m members #div28 subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org


[#DIV28SUPER] ECP Call for Papers

Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology

Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology ® invites you to submit a high-quality paper that advances the translational and interdisciplinary research on psychopharmacology and drug abuse. The scope of research in these areas continues to expand and to benefit from collaborations across a broad range of disciplines, including behavioral science, brain imaging, genetics, neuroendocrinology, neuroscience, and pharmacology.


Submitted papers that involve the following are given preference: 

• Methods of wide interest to a broad range of researchers in psychopharmacology
• Innovations in psychopharmacology that report a novel method, measure, or result
• An advanced methodological procedure that can be applied to several areas 
• Submissions in the broader areas of brain imaging and genetics  
• Author(s) that have not published (very much if at all) previously in Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology
• Authors from underrepresented groups  (e.g., early career, women, ethnic minorities and international) 

One goal of the journal is to encourage increased attention to biologic factors that may influence both the pharmacodynamicand the pharmacokinetic effects of drugs. Recent research has shown the importance of examining the effects of sex and menstrual/estrous cycle phase on the effects of abused drugs, as well as responses to medications for the treatment of drug abuse and the alleviation of pain.

The journal publishes original reports on the development and evaluation of new pharmacotherapies, the influence of genetics and hormones on responses to abused drugs and treatment medications, the pharmacological management of pain, and brain imaging studies of the neural correlates of drug effects.The journal will focus on clinical laboratory studies and controlled clinical medication trials as well as basic preclinical experiments on psychopharmacology, including substance use and related disorders.


Manuscripts should be submitted electronically through the Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology submission portal.

Authors must indicate in their cover letter that their paper should be considered for this call for papers. All submissions will undergo peer-review. 

We look forward to your submission. For questions or further information please contact the Editor, Suzette Evans.


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[#DIV28SUPER] Public comments wanted on DEA Scheduling the drug Kratom

Dear Colleagues – We wanted to let you know about an important development at the Drug Enforcement Administration regarding its notice of intent to place mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, two substances of the plant Mitragyna speciosa also referred to as kratom, in Schedule I.  According to our colleagues at the DEA, since publishing that notice, they have received a number of comments from members of the public.  Some of the commenters offered their opinions regarding the pharmacological effects of mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine.  To allow consideration of these comments, as well as others, DEA has withdrawn its notice of intent to temporarily place Schedule I controls on kratom and is soliciting public comments until December 1, 2016.


DEA’s withdrawal notice and solicitation of comments may be found here: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2016/10/13/2016-24659/schedules-of-controlled-substances-temporary-placement-of-mitragynine-and-7-hydroxymitragynine-into


Should you have any questions, please contact the DEA’s Office of Congressional and Public Affairs at 202-307-7423.



Geoffrey Laredo

Senior Advisor to the Director

Office of Science Policy and Communications

National Institute on Drug Abuse

6001 Executive Blvd.

Bethesda, MD  20892


mobile 202.329.3060




Connect with NIDA:

Science = Solutions


The National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services  TO UNSUBSCRIBE: send email to listserv@list.nih.gov Copy and paste UNSUBSCRIBE NIDA_NEURO_SCIENCE-L   in the message body of the email - You will receive a confirmation email if successful. If you have problems contact jpollock@mail.nih.gov     301-435-1309



[#DIV28M] Postdoctoral Fellowship

VTCRI Addiction Recovery Research Center Postdoc Opportunity


The Addiction Recovery Research Center of the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute has NIH-funded postdoctoral research associate opportunities in a state-of-the-art research facility. The postdoctoral associate will contribute to NIDA, NIAAA, NCI, and NIDDK funded research studies employing behavioral economics and neuro-economic approaches to address addiction, obesity, and other health behaviors using both human laboratory and clinical trial methodologiesThese positions will participate in studies using our International Quit & Recovery Registry and studies employing neuro-modulatory transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and fMRI technologies. Research duties will involve authoring and co-authoring manuscripts, assisting with grant writing, and collaborating with investigators. The Addiction Recovery Research Center has an exceptional track record of helping postdoctoral associates further their careers as investigators. 


Appointment:  2-3 yrs.


Eligibility: Applicants should be interested in pursuing a career in addiction, obesity, and health behaviors research. Applicants should also be effective and productive writers and have research training in clinical, experimental, or cognitive psychology or related disciplines. Applicants must have completed a Ph.D. in psychology, behavior analysis, or a related field. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.


Benefits: Full-time annual salary, medical insurance coverage, and travel funds supported by NIH grants. Translational research training and career development opportunities are provided as part of this position.


For more information:  Contact Ms. Patsy Marshall (patsym@vtc.vt.edu).


To apply: Send cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of research interests, and 3 letters of reference to:  Dr. Warren K. Bickel c/o Ms. Patsy Marshall (patsym@vtc.vt.edu). Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.


About us: The Addiction Recovery Research Center (ARRC) was established in 2011 as part of the Virginia Tech CarilionResearch Institute, an innovative partnership of Virginia Tech and Carilion Clinic. The facilities and research teams are world-class and focus on transdisciplinary research on the scientific underpinnings of health and a range of diseases and disorders. Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute represents a new model for biomedical and behavioral science in which creative scientists can approach major problems with breadth and depth in a nurturing and intellectually challenging environment. 


About Roanoke, Virginia: Roanoke, Virginia is located in Southwest Virginia in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains and accessible by the Blue Ridge Parkway. Roanoke is a vibrant community with an active downtown full of restaurants, theaters, museums, and a new amphitheater that is home to many seasonal festivals and music events. Roanoke also offers great opportunities for an active outdoor lifestyle with 30 miles of greenway connecting charming neighborhoods and beautiful parks along the Roanoke River.


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[#DIV28M] Updates from APA Division 28

Dear Division 28 Members- hope this finds everyone well.  A brief update on two important Division 28 items.  

First, it is time to identify candidates for the following Division 28 positions:


Newsletter Editor

Membership Chair


These leadership positions offer a fantastic way to contribute to our Division and to our field more broadly!  They are great professional and personal experiences as well.  The new positions will begin January 1, 2017 and last 3 yrs.  Please consider running- and if you know someone else who would be a great candidate for one of these roles, encourage that person to run as well.   Interested candidates should email me by November 1.

Second, the Presidential election for the larger APA organization will close on October 31.  If you have not already done so, please vote.  At the August Convention, the Executive Committee met to review the five candidates.  After reviewing the candidates’ biographies and statements, we believe that Rodney Lowman, PhD and Jessica Henderson Daniel, PhD are the two candidates who would best promote the professional interests of Division 28 members.  The Executive Committee encourages you to highly rank one or both of these candidates during the election this fall.  The candidates' official biographies and statements may be found at:


Candidate profiles, bios and more for the 2016 president-elect nominations.


Stacey Sigmon, Ph.D.
Department of Psychiatry
College of Medicine

University of Vermont
UHC-SATC, Room 1415
1 S. Prospect Street
Burlington, VT 05401
P: (802) 656-9987
F: (802) 656-5793
E: stacey.sigmon@uvm.edu


[#DIV28SUPER] 2016 Frontiers in Addiction Research Mini-Convention- "Relapse and Recovery: from Mechanistic Understanding to Translational Research" San Diego Convention Center, Room 7AB, 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM, Friday November 11, 2016

Please register for 2016 Frontiers in Addiction Research Mini-Convention- "Relapse and Recovery: from Mechanistic Understanding to Translational Research"   San Diego Convention Center, Room 7AB, 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM, Friday November 11, 2016





The National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services  TO UNSUBSCRIBE: send email to listserv@list.nih.gov Copy and paste UNSUBSCRIBE NIDA_NEURO_SCIENCE-L   in the message body of the email - You will receive a confirmation email if successful. If you have problems contact jpollock@mail.nih.gov     301-435-1309



[DIV28_ANNOUNCEMENT] Fellowship in Addiction Treatment


Interprofessional Advanced Fellowship in Addiction Treatment

VA San Diego Healthcare System



The VA San Diego Healthcare System (VASDHS) is one of seven sites selected for a VA-funded Interprofessional Advanced Fellowship in Addiction Treatment. Our two-year advanced fellowship is recruiting clinical/counseling psychologists and physicians. Advanced Fellows must demonstrate interest in pursuing VA and/or academic careers with addiction treatment as a significant focus. Fellows will spend at least 75% of their time in educational experiences and clinical research in addiction treatment. No more than 25% of fellow effort shall be for non-educational clinical service. Research mentors hold appointments at VASDHS and/or the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). These include Drs. Tamara Wall and Scott Matthews (Co-Directors), Abigail Angkaw, Robert Anthenelli, Sandra Brown, Neal Doran, Eric Granholm, Igor Grant, Moira Haller, Joanna Jacobus, Nick Mellos, Mark Myers, Robert Nastasi, Sonya Norman, Marc Schuckit, Andrea Spadoni, Susan Tapert, Ryan Trim, and Matthew Worley. Faculty research interests include comorbidity and treatment outcome research, tobacco-related research, brain imaging and neuropsychological sequelae, etiology and genetics of substance use disorders. Please see the UCSD, Department of Psychiatry website for research interests of individual faculty mentors as well as additional information about our affiliate.


Application: Please submit a letter of interest (maximum 2 pages), CV, and 3 letters of recommendation. The letter of interest should include: a brief summary of educational, clinical and research experiences relevant to addictions and a statement of career goals, including research mentor(s) with whom you might be interested in working. For psychologist applicants, materials should be submitted via the APPA CAS website: https://appicpostdoc.liaisoncas.com/ For physician applicants, materials should be submitted by email to vafellowship@ucsd.edu. The application deadline is December 19, 2016 at 7:00 am. Late applications will be considered only for positions that are not filled by applicants who applied by December 19th. Applicants should be available for an interview in late 2016 or early 2017. Phone interviews are possible. Please contact Dr. Tamara Wall (Tamara.Wall@va.gov) with questions about the psychologist position or Dr. Scott Matthews (Scott.Matthews@va.gov) with questions about the physician position.


Qualifications: The following are required for psychologists: 1) completion of an APA-accredited doctorate in clinical or counseling psychology and an APA-accredited clinical psychology internship by September 1, 2015, and 2) U.S. citizenship. The following are required for physicians: 1) completion of an ACGME accredited residency program, 2) a full and unrestricted license to practice in the U.S. or any of its territories, 3) be board certified or eligible with demonstration of active pursuit of board certification, 4) U.S. citizenship, and 5) if a graduate of a foreign medical school, must have evidence of ECFMG certification.


San Diego enjoys a reputation for a highly desirable climate. The nearby ocean, mountains and deserts allow an unusually wide variety of year-round outdoor activities. Major attractions include the San Diego Zoo, theater, music concerts, professional sports teams, and a rich art scene.

[#DIV28SUPER] Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs Special Section on Mechanisms of Behavior Change - Call for Papers!

Dear friends and colleagues,


Please see the attached Call for Papers for a special section of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs devoted to the study mechanisms of behavior change in alcohol and drug use disorders. All submissions will undergo peer review. Manuscripts received by April 1, 2017 will be considered for inclusion in the special section.


We strongly encourage individuals to contact us in advance with ideas by sending a Letter of Intent with draft title and abstract by January 15, 2017 to the Special Section Guest Editors: Molly Magill molly_magill@brown.edu and Katie Witkiewitz katiew@unm.edu.



Katie Witkiewitz

On Behalf of the Mechanisms of Behavior Change RSA Satellite Session Planning Committee (NIAAA U13AA024013)



Katie Witkiewitz, PhD

President, Society of Addiction Psychology (APA Division 50)

Associate Professor

Department of Psychology

Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Addictions


University of New Mexico

Albuquerque NM 87131

Office phone: 505-277-5953

Vmail: 505-925-2334

Fax: 505-277-1394




[#DIV28SUPER] APA Collaborative Program Deadline is this Friday (10/14/16)

Greetings everyone,

Just a reminder that the deadline for collaborative program abstracts is this Friday (10/14/16). More information is below, and please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Warm regards,
Kelly Dunn, Ph.D.

The 2017 American Psychological Association Convention will be held from August 3rd – 7th in Washington DC.  As your incoming 2017 Program Chair for Division 28, I ask you to please consider submitting an abstract for the convention. You may submit abstracts for Collaborative Programming (described below, Due October 14), Continuing Education Workshops (Due November 14),  and conventional abstracts for posters or symposiums (Due December 1) . 

Full details are available in the APA Call for Convention Proposals (PDF, 5.8MB).

The link to additional convention information is available here:  http://www.apa.org/convention/proposals.aspx

I will send reminders as the deadlines approach. Please note that Collaborative Programs must be sponsored by more than 1 Division, so please consider contacting me with ideas you may have prior to your submission to help ensure your proposal will meet the requirements for review.
What is a Collaborative Program?

A collaborative program pulls together multiple perspectives on a topic significant to psychology and, where relevant, to society at large. It is a cohesive session that showcases multiple perspectives and involves more than one core area of psychology (i.e., science, practice, education, public interest). Psychologists frequently work in teams across interest areas and disciplines. Collaborative sessions are therefore encouraged to reflect interdisciplinarity and relevant aspects of diversity.

Collaboration goes beyond multiple divisions co-listing a program. Rather, a collaborative program is actively developed by stakeholders with diverse points of view. The overarching goal is to highlight the unique role of APA as a unifying force in psychology.

  • One- or two-hour proposals only.
  • At least two participants in addition to the chairperson of the session.
  • Innovative formats encouraged.
  • Proposals from all career stages, settings and fields encouraged.
  • Programs integrating psychological sciences and practices encouraged.
  • Identify a minimum of two or up to seven divisions relevant to the proposal content.
Review Criteria

Broad appeal, importance of work, current and timely topic, originality and innovativeness, interactive/creative format, scientifically/empirically based and attention to diversity.

Kelly Dunn, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
5510 Nathan Shock Drive
Baltimore, MD 21224
P: 410-550-2254; F: 410-550-0030

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Div28m members may post here list archive
twitter: @apadiv28 #div28

[DIV28_ANNOUNCEMENT] UCSF Postdoctoral Traineeship in Drug Abuse Treatment and Services Recruitment

Postdoctoral Traineeship in Drug Abuse Treatment and Services

Research Training Program

University of California, San Francisco


The Substance Abuse Research Program at the University of California, San Francisco is currently accepting applications to its two-year postdoctoral research training program.  This program, funded by a National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) T32 grant, aims to produce the next generation of leaders in the field of drug abuse treatment and services research.  With the support of faculty mentors, scholars design and implement studies on treatment of drug dependence.  Current research interests of faculty include trials of efficacy and effectiveness of psychosocial and pharmacologic treatment of drug abuse, including:


§  Tobacco dependence and food insecurity

§  Innovative methodology including Internet-based studies

§  Treatment of complex patients in innovative settings

§  Diagnostic techniques and research on treatment tailored for HIV-positive drug abusers and drug abusers with psychiatric and medical disorders

§  Provision of services to drug abusing populations

§  Instrument development in drug abuse

A variety of university-affiliated and community substance abuse programs are available as research sites. These include inpatient and outpatient setting programs that treat a range of problems related to drugs of abuse, including dependence on cocaine, nicotine, alcohol, and opiates. Our program encourages close research involvement with your preceptor, and involvement in selected classes, seminars, and grant preparation.  Resources from other significant extramural funding and R01-level grants are also routinely available to scholars.  Funds for travel and training opportunities are available.

More information can be found at:



Positions with start dates for July 1, 2017 are available.


To Apply: Submit a cover letter stating your research interests along with CV, representative work or dissertation chapters, and 2 letters of reference to: Rebecca.cook@ucsf.eduApplicants must have completed their doctoral degree and be a U.S. citizen or have Lawful Permanent Residency (green card) status at the time of appointment.



Rebecca Cook, Division Administrator

Substance Abuse Research Program

ZSFG Psychiatry, UCSF School of Medicine


(415) 206-3051



Re: [#DIV28SUPER] PCORI: Clinical Strategies for Managing and Reducing Long-Term Opioid Use for Chronic Pain

PCORI has just released the formal announcement on this. LoI due November 1:

On Aug 16, 2016, at 1:04 PM, Mumford, Geoff <gmumford@apa.org> wrote:

Dear Colleagues,

PCORI didn’t receive enough meritorious proposals to spend the $40 million allocated for the PFA described below.  The PCORI Board of Governors voted today to reopen the PFA to spend out the remaining $19 million.  I’ll forward the formal announcement as soon as it becomes available. Please consider applying.

Clinical Strategies for Managing and Reducing Long-Term Opioid Use for Chronic Pain | View the funding announcement | View the topic brief

·         Among patients with chronic non-cancer pain on moderate to high-dose long-term opioid therapy, what is the comparative effectiveness of strategies for reducing/eliminating opioid use while managing pain?

·         Among patients on moderate/low-dose long-term opioid therapy, what are the comparative effectiveness and harms of strategies used to limit dose escalation?





Geoffrey K. Mumford, Ph.D. | Associate Executive Director for Government Relations

Science Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Tel: 202.336.6067 |  Fax: 202.336.6063

email: gmumford@apa.org | www.apa.org



P Most people consider the environment before printing their email.






[#DIV28SUPER] Graduate Study in Health Education and Behavior at the University of Florida

Apadiv50-forum mailing list

_____________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org _____________________
Div28m members #div28 subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org

Dear Colleagues and Friends,


Below please find information about M.S. and Ph.D. programs in my department of Health Education and Behavior at the University of Florida. Our department has a strong focus on the addictions with several faculty working in this area. In general, UF is an outstanding environment to study the addictions given the presence of investigators in the Center for Addiction Research and Education (CARE), the Southern HIV and Alcohol Research Consortium (SHARC) and other outstanding resources. Please note that there are opportunities for highly qualified and interested prospective Ph.D. students to visit our department, including our College’s graduate student research day on November 4th. UF and the Department of Health Education and behavior are committed to recruiting talented students, particularly those from underrepresented minority groups. We would greatly appreciate it if you would be willing to spread the word to talented undergraduates and research assistants who are interested in graduate education related to health education, health behavior and/or public health. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. Thank you very much for your consideration.


Best Wishes,


Rob Leeman



Robert F. Leeman, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator

Department of Health Education and Behavior

University of Florida

Florida Gymnasium, Room 14

PO Box 118210
Gainesville, FL  32611

Phone: (352) 294-1808

Fax: (352) 392-1909

Email: robert.leeman@ufl.edu





Graduate Programs in 

Health Education and Behavior


Graduate programs in the Department of Health Education & Behavior at the University of Florida prepare health behavior scientists and Certified Health Education Specialists (CHES) to research, develop, implement and evaluate health promotion programs to improve health and well-being.


Degree Programs

The department offers 3 main degree programs:

nDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Health & Human Performance with a Health Behavior concentration

nnon-thesis 30-credit Master of Science (M.S.) in Health Education and Behavior 

nthesis/project 36-credit Master of Science (M.S.) in Health Education and Behavior


The Ph.D. program trains health behavior researchers for academic positions and for post-doctoral fellowships. The non-thesis M.S. program allows students to select coursework that matches their professional interests with faculty expertise. The thesis and project in lieu of thesis M.S. program is designed for students pursuing a career in research and/or a doctoral degree.


Faculty Areas of Research Interest

Faculty interests include substance abuse; child and adolescent health; digital health applications; human sexuality; HIV/AIDS; injury prevention; minority health and health equity; obesity; physical fitness; program planning and evaluation; rural health; chronic disease management; and women’s health.


Skills You Learn

Our students develop skills such as conducting needs assessments; setting measurable objectives; planning, implementing, and evaluating health behavior change and health promotion programs. Our program graduates use their knowledge and skills to promote positive health behavior change and prevent behavioral risk factors associated with disease and disability; advocate for community health programs; conduct research and evaluation on program and intervention effectiveness; and work collaboratively with public health organizations and agencies to build healthy communities.


Places Our Graduates Work

Our graduates hold positions in public and private health organizations and agencies at the local, state, national and international levels, including these position titles: Professor, Physician, Regional Health Educator, Substance Abuse Specialist, Exercise Therapist, HIV/AIDS Program Coordinator, Dietitian.


For more information including a list of faculty and their current research interests,

please visit us on the web at heb.hhp.ufl


Or contact Jenny Neelands, MPH, CPH, MS Coordinator of Academic Support Services & Communications, 352-294-1803, jennifer4@ufl.edu or


Robert Leeman, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator

352-294-1808, robert.leeman@ufl.edu