
[#DIV28M] Job Posting

Position Opening for Assistant Professor

Center for Transformative Research on Health Behaviors (CTRHB)

Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute


Position Summary:

Virginia Tech invites applications for 2 tenure-track faculty positions at the rank of assistant professor. These positions are part of a cluster hire that will have academic homes either at the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine and Research Institute (VTCSOM and VTCRI) or in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) in the Department of Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise (HNFE). We seek individuals with active research programs focused on health behaviors to join the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute's Center for Transformative Research on Health Behaviors (CTRHB; https://ctrhb.vtc.vt.edu). The mission of the CTRHB is to conduct and disseminate transformative health behaviors research with the primary objective of preventing and treating lifestyle-related disease. Competitive salary, space and start-up packages will be provided.

The Center for Transformative Research on Health Behaviors is looking for a health behavior researcher studying behavioral economics, obesity, diabetes and related diseases. For this position, we especially encourage applications from those whose research can complement existing strengths at the VTCRI in decision-making, cognitive neuroscience and the science of behavior change. Expectations include obtaining external funding, mentoring postdoctoral, doctoral, masters, and undergraduate level research trainees. The successful candidate will have a doctorate, postdoctoral training experience and a demonstrated track record of successful research related to health behavior, with strong potential for developing an extramurally funded innovative research program.

The VTC School of Medicine and Research Institute represent a successful public-private partnership between the Commonwealth of Virginia's leading research-intensive university – Virginia Tech – and a major health care system – Carilion Clinic, in Roanoke, VA. The research institute and medical school are located in the picturesque Roanoke Valley midway between Washington DC and Charlotte, NC. The VTCRI currently houses 25 independent research groups with over 250 research and support team members and over $70M in current active extramural research funding. Prospective faculty members can draw from an outstanding and diverse pool of graduate students to work with them in their research program. VT has over 6,000 graduate students and offers graduate programs in many disciplines related to health behaviors, including as a major focus area in the Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise (HNFE) as well as Translational Biology, Medicine and Heath (TBMH) programs. Applicants will also enjoy access to unique shared research facilities at the VTCRI including a DXA scanner, multiple MRIs, human and animal behavioral testing and molecular biology facilities.

The joint hiring initiative for a CTRHB Assistant Professor with VT's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Department of Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise is also currently inviting applicants.

Required Qualifications:

·       The successful candidate will have a doctorate and postdoctoral training experience. Successful applicants must have demonstrated a track record of successful research related to Health Behaviors, Public Health or related field with a strong potential of developing innovative research programs that can attract sustained extramural funding.

·       Demonstrated ability to publish high quality publications;

·       The ability to work independently and collaboratively on research with others;

·       Excellent communication skills; and

·       Commitment to quality student education.

How to Apply:

To apply, please submit your application including curriculum vitae, detailed statement of research accomplishments and interests and teaching/mentoring philosophy at www.jobs.vt.edu posting TR0170027. For additional information, please contact the search committee chair – Dr. Warren K. Bickel, wkbickel@vtc.vt.edu.

Link for VT Job: https://listings.jobs.vt.edu/postings/75026

Link for CTRHB: https://ctrhb.vtc.vt.edu/





William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
phone: (859) 257-5383
facsimile: (859) 257-7684

Associate Professor
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Behavioral Science
Department of Psychiatry
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Psychology

Regulatory Knowledge and Support Core
Component Lead
Research Methods
University of Kentucky Center for Clinical and Translational Science

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