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From: "Laumeier, Emily" <elaumeier@APA.ORG>
Date: July 28, 2014 at 4:04:55 PM EDT
Subject: [DIVOFFICERS] Convention Programming Especially for Science Graduate Students
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Posted on behalf of Brian Woodburn, Communications Associate, APA Science Directorate (bwoodburn@apa.org):


If you are attending the 2014 APA convention, please view the sessions below and be sure to mark them on your calendar. This list can also be viewed online at http://www.apa.org/science/about/psa/2014/07/convention-sessions.aspx


Convention sessions especially for science-oriented graduate students

At the American Psychological Association Annual Convention in Washington, D.C., Aug. 7-10, 2014, the APA Science Student Council (SSC) and the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS) will be hosting several exciting and informative panels, symposia and presentations and one poster session, all designed especially for science-oriented graduate students. In addition, these other sessions listed below will be of special interest to science-oriented graduate students. These programs all cover a range of topics including: non-traditional job opportunities, securing research funding, cutting-edge student research, research methods, networking and career development. 

Wednesday, Aug. 6 

Happy Science Social Hour
Courtesy of Divisions 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 23, 28, 40 and 50 and the Board of Scientific Affairs 
5-6:50 p.m., Renaissance Washington Hotel, Mount Vernon Square Room A & B

Thursday, Aug. 7

Alternative Careers with a Doctorate in Psychology
10-10:50 a.m., Room 206
This session will explore alternative careers available to psychologists with a graduate degree. Speakers include a performance psychologist and a psychologist involved in public policy.
Disparities in Ethnic Minority Research and Future Directions
11-11:50 a.m., APAGS Suite, Marriott Marquis Hotel
During this conversation hour, separate tables will be set up for different topics, including (but not limited to) surveying current methodologies and their inherent problems in research in minority communities; developing culturally-sensitive research; networking and novel approaches to research in ethnic minority communities.
Beyond Academe — Alternative Careers for Experimental Psychologists
12-12:50 p.m., Room 147A
Speakers have careers at National Public Radio, the National Institutes of Health, and the APA Office of Scientific Affairs
Financial Literacy for Students and Recent Graduates
2-2:50 p.m., Room 144C
Using data from APA and other sources, this session will use an interactive and information-rich format to educate attendees on oft-avoided topics like what recent graduate owe, what they earn, where they work and how they pay back student loans.
Publish or Perish: What Grad Students Need to Know about Publication and Peer-Review
3-3:50 p.m., Room 101
Presenters will offer advice on how to navigate the publication and peer-review process with the goal of demystifying it for students and providing them with helpful information they can use in attaining their own academic goals.

NIH/OppNet Conversations on Culture: Present and Future Efforts in Basic, Neuroscience, and Translational Research

3:30-5:30 p.m., Science Directorate Hospitality Suite, Marriott Marquis Hotel

Sheba George, Shinobu Kitayama, John McGowan, Stephen Suomi and Lawrence Yang will discuss their findings, answer questions and mentor participants in writing successful grant applications. Officials from the National Institutes of Health's OppNet program will participate as well. View more detailed information, including participation affiliations. (PDF, 62KB) 

Convention Opening Session and Reception
4-5:30 p.m., Convention Center Ballroom Level 3
Don't miss this year's invigorating keynote address by Jane Pauley, broadcast journalist and best-selling author. At the age of 50, Pauley was diagnosed with bipolar depression. This diagnosis spurred The New York Times bestseller "Skywriting: A Life Out of the Blue." The 2014 APA Award for Outstanding Lifetime Contributions to Psychology will be presented to Beverly Daniel Tatum, PhD, for her work on the psychology of racism in higher education. Tatum is an author, educator and administrator who is currently serving as the president of Spelman College. As a clinical psychologist, she has published a number of best-selling books examining race relations in education and received the Brock International Prize in Education in 2005.

Science Suite Grant Writing Workshop: How to Apply for the NRSA
6:30-8:30 p.m., Science Directorate Hospitality Suite, Marriott Marquis Hotel
This workshop will be primarily for graduate students who are in their dissertation research stage or seeking a postdoctoral position. The workshop will walk through the NIH National Research Service Award (NRSA) application. The NRSA is awarded as both predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowships. The workshop will cover both the predoctoral and postdoctoral applications and will consist of three speakers who will describe the application process and discuss what a successful application looks like. The event will last up to two hours with plenty of time afforded to Q&A with the panelists.

Friday, August 8

Federal Funding in Experimental Psychology
8-8:50 a.m., Room 208
Speakers will be from the National Institute on Aging, National Science Foundation, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, and National Institute of Mental Health.
Finding Success Outside of Academia: What's Out There and How You Qualify
1-1:50 p.m., Room 147B
This panel will highlight nontraditional career options for psychological scientists through a discussion of advantages and disadvantages of work in non-academic fields and practical suggestions for students considering nontraditional employment.

American Psychological Foundation: Grants and Scholarships

1-1:50 p.m., Room 148

APF will give a brief overview of its programs and then open it up to questions.  It's a great opportunity for people to find out what they qualify for and what programs we have that best fit their research. 

Hands on Stats: A Guide to Basic Statistical Analyses
2-3:50 p.m., APAGS Suite, Marriott Marquis Hotel
This session will cover how to run basic statistical tests commonly used in psychological research. Participants will walk away knowing, (a) what kinds of research questions may be answered using each method, (b) what types of data and assumptions are needed to run each analysis, (c) how to perform each test in SPSS, and (d) how to interpret each test's output. This session is intended for students who have some background in statistics and are looking for a practical, skill-focused refresher to help them in their own research. The session will be hands-on, so please try to bring your laptop.
Navigating the National Funding Climate: Why What Happens on Capitol Hill Matters
3-3:50 p.m., Room 158
A panel of distinguished scientists familiar with public and private research funding will shed light on how to stay afloat in the current funding climate and how to navigate changing political climates in the U.S. to secure research grants.


Cutting Edge Research from Emerging Psychological Scientists: Late Breaking Poster Session
4-4:50 p.m., Convention Center Exhibit Hall
Late-breaking research in psychological science by graduate student first authors. Students had until March 1 to submit an abstract for this session, an extension of the original Dec. 2 deadline. The 40 posters were selected by reviewers from more than 135 submitted abstracts and represent excellence in psychological science.

Saturday, Aug. 9

Psychology Without Borders: A Round-table Discussion on International Teaching, Research and Service
8-9:50 a.m., Convention Center East Salon C
This session will provide psychologists and students with an opportunity to meet with colleagues who have experience in international research, service and/or teaching. Six facilitators will provide an overview of their work and guide discussion.

NIH/OppNet Conversations on Self-Regulation and Health: Basic, Translational and Clinical Perspectives

10:00 a.m-noon, Science Directorate Hospitality Suite, Marriott Marquis Hotel

Meet with David Amodio, Warren Bickel, Alison Miller, Kevin Ochsner, Timothy Strauman and NIH officials to discuss current findings and future directions in this area of research, and to get advice about funding and review. View more detailed information, including participation affiliations. (PDF, 60KB)

An Insider's Guide to Research and Training Opportunities

10-10:50 a.m., Marriott Marquis Hotel, Archives Room

Join NIH Staff for a lively roundtable discussion about research and training funding. The session chair will be Dionne Jones, PhD, National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), and participants will be Jennifer Alvidrez, PhD, National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD); Judith Arroyo, PhD, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA); Pamela Goodlow, PhD, National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA); and LeShawndra N. Price, PhD, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).

Diverse Doctoral Students: Bridging the Gap between Culture and Psychology 
10-10:50 a.m., APAGS Suite, Marriott Marquis Hotel
An open dialogue about diverse students' experiences in doctoral programs. The focus will be on students' perspectives and experiences navigating academic and clinical demands, especially as they pertain to issues of diversity.

Meet and Greet with the APA Center for Workforce Studies (CWS)
1-1:50 p.m., Science Directorate Hospitality Suite, Marriott Marquis Hotel
CWS collects, analyzes and disseminates information relevant to psychology's labor force and educational system. To do this, the center conducts major periodic surveys examining the early labor market experiences of new doctorates in psychology, salaries of psychologists and the characteristics of new degree recipients (degree level, fields, employment, debt, salaries, etc.) and of graduate departments (e.g., faculty salaries and student characteristics). Stop by and meet the staff.

Hire Me! Being Strategic when Seeking Employment in Academia
4-4:50 p.m., Room 144C
This panel will provide potential strategies and tools that can be used to differentiate oneself from other applicants when seeking academic employment and ways in which technology can be used to promote oneself while on the academic job market.

Sunday, Aug. 10

Giving Yourself an Edge: Frank Advice on Funding for Graduate Research 
9-9:50 a.m., Convention Center East Salon F 
It's never too early to start honing the skills required to write a top tier grant. This symposium will cover topics ranging from sources of funding to stylistic aspects of grant writing focused on increasing the chances of getting your project funded.

This is just a subset of the many excellent sessions that will be held at the APA convention. To view highlights and browse the full searchable online program, visit the convention programming webpage.



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