
[DIV28SUPER] Fwd: [DIVOFFICERS] APA Convention App: New Division-Centric Feature


NEW! APA is pleased to announce new division-centric features to the 2014 convention mobile app making it easier to browse sessions by the following categories. The app is available to all registered attendees for the 2014 APA Convention. Information on login, password and unlock code will be sent to registrants by email.


More information on the Convention App:


New features for the APA2014 app

·        Browse sessions by division in addition to day, index term and other categories.

·        Add desired sessions to your device calendar.

·        Career Center describing our totally revamped PsycCareers LIVE.

Continuing features

·        A complete searchable listing of sessions and speakers.

·        A customizable convention schedule/personal itinerary.

·        An interactive exhibitor list with the ability to search for exhibitors and products.

·        An interactive exhibit floor plan.

·        Convention center and area maps.

·        Real-time convention alerts via text messaging.

·        Social media interaction with live Twitter, blog and news feeds.

·        Convention Documents area to be updated with FAQs, division hospitality suites and more as the convention draws near.

·        Optional Friends feature (for Apple and Android) to invite your contacts and share your schedule, notes and status updates.

·        Optional Attendees feature: Complete a brief profile, publish it to the app and other app users will be able to search for and connect with you based on your profile settings.

·        Option to rate the sessions you attend and comment on them too (Please note: the app is not for CE Evaluation/Credit. That can be done either on-site via self-service kiosks located in the main APA registration area or after convention online).

This free app, sponsored by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, provides registrants a convenient and comprehensive way to navigate the APA Annual Convention. It's a native application for iPad and smartphones (iPhone and Android), a hybrid Web-based app for Blackberry, and a Web-based version of the application for all other Web browser-enabled phones.


The first time you open the app, you will be prompted for a login and password.  Instructions are provided after completing convention registration.


We are excited to bring this technology to attendees and exhibitors at this year's event and hope this enhances your convention experience.


Downloading the APA 2014 Convention mobile app is easy.


For iPhone (plus iPad and iPod Touch) and Android phones: Visit your App Store or Google Play on your device and search for "2014 APA Annual Convention".  The first time you open the app, you will be prompted for a login and password.  Instructions are provided after completing convention registration.


For all other phone types (including BlackBerry and all other Web browser-enabled phones): While on your smartphone, point your mobile browser to http://m.core-apps.com/apa2014. From there you will be directed to download the proper version of the app for your particular device or, on some phones, bookmark this page for future reference.  The first time you open the app, you will be prompted for a login and password.  Instructions are provided after completing convention registration.


If you have any questions, please contact: convention@apa.org or 202-336-6020.



Christine L. Chambers

Membership Marketing Manager

Division Services Office, Governance Affairs
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Tel: 202-336-6165 |  Fax: 202-218-3599

email: cchambers@apa.org | www.apa.org




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