
[DIV28SUPER] Call for papers-Special Issue of JEAB:Experimental Manipulations of Delay Discounting & Related Processes

Empirical research on the discounting of delayed consequences has a long and rich history in JEAB (e.g., Chung & 
Herrnstein, 1967; Rachlin et al., 1991). Over the last two decades, the relation between steep delay discounting and 
a variety of maladaptive behaviors (e.g., substance dependence) has been empirically established (e.g., MacKillop et 
al., 2011), and there is good reason to view steep delay discounting as a trans-disease process (see Bickel et al., 
2012). As such, basic and translational research examining experimental variables that impact delay discounting and 
related processes (e.g., temporal perspective, reinforcer value, risky choice), particularly those that produce lasting 
effects, is of great interest. For this Special Issue of JEAB, we invite empirical papers exploring the effects of these 
variables on human and nonhuman decision-making. Theoretical contributions and comprehensive literature reviews 
are also of interest. Manuscripts should be submitted online at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jeab. 
Submission Deadline: July 1, 2014
Warren K. Bickel, Ph.D. 


Addiction Recovery Research Center, 

Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute 

Professor of Psychology, Virginia Tech

Professor of Health Sciences, Virginia Tech

Professor of Psychiatry, Virginia Tech Carilion  School of Medicine


Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute
2 Riverside Circle
Roanoke, VA, 24016

Email: wkbickel@vt.edu
Tel: 540 526 2088

Fax:  540-985-3361 


International Quit and Recovery Website:



From: <Wood>, Ronald Wood <ronald_wood@URMC.ROCHESTER.EDU>
Reply-To: Ronald Wood <ronald_wood@URMC.ROCHESTER.EDU>
Date: Monday, January 6, 2014 at 4:45 PM
Subject: [DIV28SUPER] Fwd: APA Minority Fellowship Program: Applications due January 15!

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From: "Rodriguez, Jessica" <jrodriguez@apa.org>
Date: January 7, 2014 at 4:36:33 AM GMT+7
To: "awinsler@gmu.edu" <awinsler@gmu.edu>, "asulliva@umn.edu" <asulliva@umn.edu>, "anne.klee@va.gov" <anne.klee@va.gov>, "AThames@mednet.ucla.edu" <AThames@mednet.ucla.edu>, "apadiv38@verizon.net" <apadiv38@verizon.net>, "drblwingate1@gmail.com" <drblwingate1@gmail.com>, "dipasqualel@hotmail.com" <dipasqualel@hotmail.com>, "Connie.Hunt@ihs.gov" <Connie.Hunt@ihs.gov>, "David.Pilkey@va.go" <David.Pilkey@va.go>, "anamgirl@earthlink.net" <anamgirl@earthlink.net>, "webmaster@division55.org" <webmaster@division55.org>, "optimalex@aol.com" <optimalex@aol.com>, "heather.belanger@va.gov" <heather.belanger@va.gov>, "div54@hotmail.com" <div54@hotmail.com>, "herb.stewart@wsh.dmhmrsas.virginia.gov" <herb.stewart@wsh.dmhmrsas.virginia.gov>, "hbsavoy@hotmail.com" <hbsavoy@hotmail.com>, "SPSPMember@gmail.com" <SPSPMember@gmail.com>, "jkaufman@csusb.edu" <jkaufman@csusb.edu>, "casebolt@ohio.edu" <casebolt@ohio.edu>, "jasminllamas@gmail.com" <jasminllamas@gmail.com>, "josej331@newschool.edu" <josej331@newschool.edu>, "div53list@gmail.com" <div53list@gmail.com>, "jobinport@aol.com" <jobinport@aol.com>, "schwartz@latech.edu" <schwartz@latech.edu>, "Josette.Harris@ucdenver.edu" <Josette.Harris@ucdenver.edu>, "Josiah.S.Proietti@dartmouth.edu" <Josiah.S.Proietti@dartmouth.edu>, "kcdoty@loyola.edu" <kcdoty@loyola.edu>, "dreer@uab.edu" <dreer@uab.edu>, "forrestl@darkwing.uoregon.edu" <forrestl@darkwing.uoregon.edu>, "div12apa@comcast.net" <div12apa@comcast.net>, "ms446@evansville.edu" <ms446@evansville.edu>, "apa_div37@yahoo.com" <apa_div37@yahoo.com>, "mlm2106@columbia.edu" <mlm2106@columbia.edu>, "mrtobias@loyola.edu" <mrtobias@loyola.edu>, "Michael.Neale@med.va.gov" <Michael.Neale@med.va.gov>, "mfaust@bop.gov" <mfaust@bop.gov>, "nsmith1@mail.twu.edu" <nsmith1@mail.twu.edu>, "neilaltman@hotmail.com" <neilaltman@hotmail.com>, "bartonep@ndu.edu" <bartonep@ndu.edu>, "div44comm@earthlink.net" <div44comm@earthlink.net>, "Rnutt@mail.twu.edu" <Rnutt@mail.twu.edu>, "goodyea@usc.edu" <goodyea@usc.edu>, "Wood, Ronald" <Ronald_Wood@URMC.Rochester.edu>, "rosebarlow@boisestate.edu" <rosebarlow@boisestate.edu>, "div39@namgmt.com" <div39@namgmt.com>, "sara.e.house@okstate.edu" <sara.e.house@okstate.edu>, "scott.kaufman@yale.edu" <scott.kaufman@yale.edu>, "morrow@ed.utah.edu" <morrow@ed.utah.edu>, "suzmac@yorku.ca" <suzmac@yorku.ca>, "tqr0@lehigh.edu" <tqr0@lehigh.edu>, "assnmgmt1@cox.net" <assnmgmt1@cox.net>, "valerie.futch@gmail.com" <valerie.futch@gmail.com>, "spssi@spssi.org" <spssi@spssi.org>, "scra.lists@scra27.org" <scra.lists@scra27.org>, "westil3@pop.uky.edu" <westil3@pop.uky.edu>, "yminnesota_1979@yahoo.com" <yminnesota_1979@yahoo.com>, "billfried@hotmail.com" <billfried@hotmail.com>, "geoinmaine@verizon.net" <geoinmaine@verizon.net>
Subject: APA Minority Fellowship Program: Applications due January 15!

Hello, Division listserv owners—


Can you please send one final reminder about MFP applications to your respective listservs?


Thanks for your support!



Jessica Rodriguez

Program Coordinator

Minority Fellowship Program
American Psychological Association[apa.org]
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Tel: 202.336.6127 |  Fax: 202.336.6012



Applications for the APA Minority Fellowship Program are due January 15!

Please see the attached flyer for more details or visit the MFP website at http://apa.org/pi/mfp/[apa.org].


Kindly forward to all of your networks, and thank you for your support!




American Psychological Association Minority Fellowship Program:

Call for Fellowship Applications



MFP Fellows receive much more than financial support; they join a community committed to their success.  Fellows are mentored by leading ethnic minority psychologists and become part of a lifetime network of professional psychologists interested in ethnic minority behavioral health issues.


Fellowship Opportunities (Click for more information)

This fellowship is aimed at those pursuing doctoral degrees in clinical, counseling, and school psychology, as well as other behavioral health services or policy areas.


This fellowship is aimed at early career doctoral recipients who are interested in developing a career in behavioral health services or policy.


About the Minority Fellowship Program

The APA MFP is an innovative, comprehensive, and coordinated training and career development program that promotes psychological and behavioral outcomes of ethnic minority communities.  MFP is committed to increasing the number of ethnic minority professionals in the field and enhancing our understanding of the life experiences of ethnic minority communities. 


The application deadline is January 15



For more information or to apply, please visit our web site at www.apa.org/pi/mfp[apa.org]


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