
[DIV28SUPER] Reminder: APA Achievement Awards for ECP's

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This is just a reminder to submit your materials for the APA Achievement Awards for Early Career Professionals


American Psychological Association

2014 APA Achievement Award

for Early Career Professionals


The Committee on Early Career Psychologists is pleased to announce the achievement award program for early career members from all areas of psychology (education, practice, public interest and science) to  attend the 2014 APA Annual Convention in Washington, DC, August 7—10 at the Washington Convention Center.


Forty award recipients will receive $750 to be applied toward their 2014 APA convention expenses.  The program is designed to encourage first time attendance and increase representation of early career members  at the APA convention.


Criteria for applying are: an APA early career member (within ten years receipt of their doctorate) and a first-time convention attendee. In addition, preference will be given to those in independent practice, those in basic psychological science or those who will be presenting at the 2014 convention. The submission package  must include the following information:


1.     Brief statement (maximum one page) about your interest in attending the convention and how you will use this award to support your attendance. Please highlight any significant achievements in your career as well as any leadership positions  you have held as an early career psychologist (within APA, other related scholarly or professional organizations such as state and local psychological associations) and indicate how you believe you would benefit from attending the convention.  Also, please  include in your statement if your primary work is in independent practice, basic psychological science, or if the 2014 convention will be your first APA convention and if you will be receiving other funding to help cover your expenses.


2.     Please include an abstract of your presentation along with the title and the names of co-presenters that you will be presenting at the 2014 convention.


3.     Include your Curriculum Vitae (the year you were awarded a doctorate in psychology should be clearly stated).


Electronic submission instructionsPlease submit all materials in a single Word document.  Put your name and the name of the award in the subject line (e.g. Jane Smith, Early Career Achievement Award).


The deadline for submission of materials is March 3, 2014, 11:59 pm (EST). Email all materials to earlycareer@apa.org. Award winners will be notified in April 2014 and will be acknowledged during the Early Career Social Hour sponsored by the Committee on Early Career Psychologists at the APA convention in Washington,  DC.









Kelly Dunn, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
5510 Nathan Shock Drive
Baltimore, MD 21224
BPRU Phone: (410) 550-2254
Fax: (410) 550-0030
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