
[DIV28SUPER] Fwd: 2012 APA LIWP Call for Applications

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From: "Cooke, Keith" <kcooke@apa.org>
Date: February 6, 2012 9:31:10 AM EST
Subject: 2012 APA LIWP Call for Applications

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Keith Cooke

APA Division Services Office



5th Annual Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology

July 30-August 1, 2012, Orlando, FL and March 14, 2013, Washington, DC

View the 2012 Call for Applications

Learn more about the APA Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology



Deadline to submit: March 12, 2012


Please note: the Academic and Academic Medicine application reflected an error in the 'Supporting Documents' section. A change has been made to reflect the appropriate requirement of one letter of recommendation from a person most familiar with your leadership aspirations and potential (preferably from a Dean or your Department Chair) which addresses how she or he envisions your leadership role(s) in the next two years.


The American Psychological Association Committee on Women in Psychology (CWP) announces its fifth annual Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology to be held on  Monday, July 30, Tuesday, July 31 and August 1, 2012 in Orlando, FL and March 2013 in Washington, DC.  This year we are accepting approximately 30 mid-career women psychologist who work full time in academic/academic medical settings, and approximately 30 mid-career women psychologists who work primarily in clinical or consulting settings. Mid-career women psychologists in leadership roles in integrated primary care settings in academic health centers, public, community or private sectors are encouraged to apply as well. This is a competitive process.  Please complete the application for the group with which you most clearly identify and meet the eligibility criteria discussed below.


The overall mission of the LIWP is to empower, prepare and support women psychologists as leaders to promote positive changes in institutional, organizational and practice settings as well as APA and State, Provincial, and Territorial Associations (SPTA) governance, and increase the diversity, number, and effectiveness of women psychologists as leaders. The program's mission supports APA's goal to advance psychology as a science and profession and as a means of promoting health, education and human welfare.


The APA Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology has several objectives:


1.       Ensure that mid-career and senior women in psychology have the knowledge and skills necessary to compete for leadership/senior management positions in academic, practice, and other professional settings as well as APA and SPTA governance.


2.       Enhance the number and effectiveness of women psychologists holding leadership positions in academic, practice, and other professional settings as well as APA and SPTA governance.


3.       Increase the diversity of women psychologists in academic, practice, and other leadership positions as well as APA and SPTA governance.


4.       Create networks of women psychologists in leadership/senior management positions in varied professional settings including APA and SPTA governance.


5.       Document the career movement, professional advancement as well as the perceived impact of the LIWP among participants.



Who Should Apply?


Mid-career (10-20 years post-doctoral degree) women psychologists who are APA members with demonstrated leadership experience, strengths and goals:


a)      holding either full-time, paid faculty appointments at the associate professor or clinical associate professor level or above in academic or academic medicine settings




b)      working 20 or more hours per week primarily in clinical or consulting  settings. If you are in a clinical setting, you must be a licensed psychologist to apply to the LIWP.




c)       if you are more than 20 years post-doctoral degree but view yourself as mid-career and not senior, provide careful justification for your application as a mid-career psychologist in academic, academic medical, clinical or consulting settings.          


Women of color, lesbian and bisexual women, transgender women, and women with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.


Program components


·         Highly interactive, skills-focused workshops with experts in the field.  The core curriculum includes:

·         Leadership Models

·         Mid-Career Management, Goal Setting and Planning

·         Negotiation Skills

·         Mentoring Networks, including gender and diversity issues


Previous Institutes and Web seminars during the year have also addressed:


·         Sustaining and Funding a Research Program

·         Fiscal, Program, and Personnel issues

·         Managing Work-Life Balance

·         Strategic Planning

·         Dealing with Difficult People


Individuals who participate will leave with clearly defined professional goals and identify next steps towards promotion and leadership positions.


Applications and supporting materials (CV or resume and one letter of recommendation) are due by 5:00 pm eastern time on Monday, March 12, 2012.  Applications submitted after the deadline or incomplete applications will not be considered. Please complete either the application for mid-career women in academic and academic medical settings or the application for mid-career women in clinical and consulting settings. The applications are not the same. You may also print out the completed application and: either fax it with accompanying documents to the Women's Programs Office at (202) 336-6117 or send an email with your name and the track to which you are applying in the subject line.


If selected, participants will be asked to pay a $600 fee, which covers registration, program materials, and food (breakfast, lunch and snacks). In addition, participants are expected to attend a follow-up leadership program in March 2013 at the APA headquarters in Washington, DC; and complete questionnaires on an annual basis regarding career advancement and leadership training needs. Participants are also invited to Web seminars on leadership issues throughout the year; and have access to a list serve for LIWP participants, faculty and staff.


Selections will be announced by Monday, May 9, 2012.


For additional information, please review frequently asked questions or contact Shari Miles-Cohen, PhD, Senior Director, Women's Programs Office.

1.       Via hard copy to the American Psychological Association, 750 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242


2.       Via phone at (202) 336-6044


3.       Via email to womensleadershipinstitute@apa.org.


The American Psychological Association Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology has been generously funded by APA Board of Directors, the APA Council of Representatives, the APA Women's Programs Office, the National Institutes of Health Office of Research on Women's Health, Psychologists in Independent Practice, the Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Psychology, the Society for the Psychological Study of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Issues, the Society for the Psychology of Women, and the Women's Caucus of the APA Council of Representatives.


Kari Hill | Program Assistant, Women's Programs Office

Public Interest Directorate

American Psychological Association

750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242

Tel: 202.336.6044 |  Fax: 202.336.6117

email: khill@apa.org | http://www.apa.org/pi/women/index.aspx

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1 comment:

harry @ GoalsonTrack.com said...

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