
[DIV28SUPER] REMINDER-- NIGMS and APA Invite Your Ideas on Research Training

Dear colleagues,

The National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) part of NIH, is accepting comments at its website to help develop a strategic plan on research training. APA will develop and submit comments and is asking for YOUR input.  Please examine the questions below and send a response to Pat Kobor in the Science Government Relations Office no later than Monday, April 12, 2010.
NIGMS is seeking responses to the following questions:

1.       What constitutes success in biomedical research training from the perspectives of an individual trainee, an Institute, and society? 

2.       What can NIGMS do to encourage an optimal balance of breadth and depth in research training? 

3.       What can NIGMS do to encourage an appropriate balance between research productivity and successful outcomes for the mentor’s trainees? 

4.       What can NIGMS do through its training programs to promote and encourage greater diversity in the biomedical research workforce? 

5.       Recognizing that students have different career goals and interests, should NIGMS encourage greater flexibility in training, and if so, how? 

6.       What should NIGMS do to ensure that institutions monitor, measure, and continuously improve the quality of their training efforts? 

7.       Do you have other comments or recommendations regarding NIGMS-sponsored training?

In addition to sharing your views with APA, psychological scientists are encouraged to respond directly to the NIGMS announcement no later than April 21, 2010, and/or to participate in the institute’s additional efforts to get feedback.  For more information, see the recent article in Psychological Science Agenda.




Patricia Clem Kobor

Sr. Science Policy Analyst

American Psychological Association

750 First Street, NE

Washington, DC 20002

(202) 336-5933

(202) 336-6063-f


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