
[#DIV28SUPER] Call for Division 28 archival materials

Hi all,

I'm sending the email below on behalf of Ty Schepis, our division Archivist.

Thank you,



Dear Members of APA Division 28,


The division is working to create an accessible archive of division records and other materials, with the ultimate goal of making this accessible to the entire membership of the division. As a first step, however, we need to collect all materials that are relevant to the division, including board minutes, committee minutes or reports, and any other information that would be worth including in an archive. As the division's Archivist, you can send those materials directly to me (schepis@txstate.edu). Alternatively, if the materials are housed in a cloud storage system like Box, Google Drive, or something similar, you can grant me access to the folder(s), and I can pull the materials that way. Please note that my institution has email file size restrictions, so if you send any big files they may bounce back. In that event, we can use a file transfer service as needed.


Please let me know if you have any questions, and thanks for your help with this divisional initiative!

Best wishes,

Ty Schepis

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