
[#DIV28SUPER] NIDA Neuroscience Update, January 18, 2023

Table of Contents:

I.                    Virtual NIH Grants Conference & PreCon Events, February 1-2, 2023

II.                  Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Effects of Cannabis Use and Cannabinoids on the Developing Brain

III.                Avenir Award Program for Chemistry and Pharmacology of Substance Use Disorders (DP1- Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (RFA-DA-24-007)

IV.                Mechanisms and Targets at the Intersection of HIV and Substance Use (R01 Clinical Trials Not Allowed) (RFA-DA-24-013)

V.                  Mechanisms and Targets at the Intersection of HIV and Substance Use (R21 Clinical Trials Not Allowed) (RFA-DA-24-014)

VI.                Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) Targeting Epigenetic Regulators for Treating Addiction and Substance Use Disorders (NOT-DA-24-004)

VII.              Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Chemoproteomic Approaches for Discovery of Targets and Therapeutics to Treat Substance Use Disorders (NOT-DA-24-005)

VIII.            Targeting Inflammasomes in Substance Abuse and HIV (R01 and R21, Clinical Trial Not Allowed). (RFA-DA-24-003) and (RFA-DA-24-004)

IX.                Exploratory studies to investigate mechanisms of HIV infection, replication, latency, and/or pathogenesis in the context of substance use disorders (R61/R33 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed). (RFA-DA-24-002).

X.                  Other NIDA Funding Opportunities - National Institute on Drug Abuse


I.                    Virtual NIH Grants Conference & PreCon Events, February 1-2, 2023

Please join us at the 2023 Virtual NIH Grants Conference: Funding, Policies, & Process that will take place Wednesday, Feb 1 – Thursday, Feb 2. The conference will cover topics including: Navigating Early Career Funding Opportunities; NIH Loan Repayment Programs; forging International Collaborations; Human Subjects Research; and Research Misconduct and Detrimental Research Practices. NIDA program officers, grants management specialists, and scientific review officers will be available for 20 minute appointments during the 2-day conference to answer your questions via the 1:1 Meet the Experts event. We look forward to seeing you there.



II.                  Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Effects of Cannabis Use and Cannabinoids on the Developing BrainNotice Number: NOT-DA-20-039


The purpose of this Notice is to encourage investigators to submit grant applications to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)to study the effects of cannabis and cannabinoid exposure on the developing brain, from pre-, peri-, and post-natal development through young adulthood in humans and using animal models.


Application Dates: Standard dates apply



III.                Avenir Award Program for Chemistry and Pharmacology of Substance Use Disorders (DP1- Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (RFA-DA-24-007)


The purpose of this award is to support early stage investigators proposing highly innovative research in the area of chemistry and pharmacology of substance use disorders and addiction. This award is to support those in an early stage of their career who may lack the preliminary data required for an R01 grant, but who propose high impact research and who show promise of being tomorrow's leaders in the field. The research may focus on development of novel chemical, pharmacological, or computational methods and tools that can potentially be applied to investigate basic mechanisms, targets, and pathways of relevance to treating addiction and substance use disorders. Investigators outside the field of addiction who are interested in applying their novel approaches to the chemistry and pharmacology of addiction are encouraged to apply.


Application Due Date: August 09, 2023

Link to the RFA: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-DA-24-007.html




IV.                Mechanisms and Targets at the Intersection of HIV and Substance Use (R01 Clinical Trials Not Allowed) (RFA-DA-24-013)


The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support research on the discovery and development of novel chemical and biological approaches to prevent and/or treat central nervous system (CNS) complications associated with HIV infection and substance use. NIDA is specifically interested in supporting basic research on signaling pathways, virus-host protein interactions, and post-translational protein modifications, which are commonly affected by HIV and substance use and lead to neuropathology and neurocognitive dysfunction.


Application Due Date: August 09, 2023

Link to the RFA: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-DA-24-013.html




V.                  Mechanisms and Targets at the Intersection of HIV and Substance Use (R21 Clinical Trials Not Allowed) (RFA-DA-24-014)


The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support research on the discovery and development of novel chemical and biological approaches to prevent and/or treat central nervous system (CNS) complications associated with HIV infection and substance use. NIDA is specifically interested in supporting basic research on signaling pathways, virus-host protein interactions, and post-translational protein modifications, which are commonly affected by HIV and substance use and lead to neuropathology and neurocognitive dysfunction.


Application Due Date: August 09, 2023

Link to the RFA: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-DA-24-014.html




VI.                Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) Targeting Epigenetic Regulators for Treating Addiction and Substance Use Disorders (NOT-DA-24-004)


The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is issuing this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) to inform applicants about NIDA's special interest in innovative research that uses chemical and pharmacological approaches to identify and target epigenetic regulators and mechanisms for the treatment of addiction and substance use disorders.


Link to the Notice: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-DA-24-004.html




VII.              Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Chemoproteomic Approaches for Discovery of Targets and Therapeutics to Treat Substance Use Disorders (NOT-DA-24-005)


The purpose of this Notice is to inform potential applicants to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) about a special interest in supporting basic research on the application of chemoproteomic approaches for the discovery of targets and for development of drugs to treat addiction and substance use disorders.


Link to the Notice: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-DA-24-005.html




VIII.            Targeting Inflammasomes in Substance Abuse and HIV (R01 and R21, Clinical Trial Not Allowed). (RFA-DA-24-003) and (RFA-DA-24-004)


This FOA supports studies to either (1) elucidate the mechanisms of inflammasomes in virus and drug-induced immune activation, or (2) identify molecular markers and CNS immune cells associated with HIV-1 infection or disease progression among individuals with SUD. 

RFA-DA-24-003 (Application deadline: March 16, 2023)

RFA-DA-24-004 (Application deadline: March 15, 2023)




IX.                Exploratory studies to investigate mechanisms of HIV infection, replication, latency, and/or pathogenesis in the context of substance use disorders (R61/R33 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (RFA-DA-24-002)


This FOA supports exploratory studies that 1) develop or apply novel tools or technologies or 2) test novel hypotheses to investigate mechanistic questions in HIV infection, replication, latency, and/or pathogenesis (including neuroHIV) in the context of SUDs.

RFA-DA-24-002 (Application deadline: March 23, 2023)



X.                  Other NIDA Funding Opportunities - National Institute on Drug Abuse



See NIDA's Resources for Grants & Contracts to learn more about applying for a grant and the pre-approval and approval process. The NIDA Racial ...

National Institute on Drug... · ‎NIDA Funding Strategy · ‎FY22 Priority Research Areas





XI.                NIDA Division of Therapeutics and Medical Consequences (DTMC) Supervisory Health Scientist Administrator (Branch Chief) Substance Use Disorders 


The NIDA DTMC is seeking an exceptional candidate for a Supervisory Health Scientist Administrator (Branch Chief) position focused on research of novel therapeutic approaches for Substance Use Disorders (SUD). DTMC administers a research portfolio of grants and contracts that includes the identification and evaluation of the efficacy and/or safety of medications, devices, digital, behavioral, or other therapeutic interventions for SUDs, and the medical consequences of SUDs.


The Supervisory Health Scientist Administrator will provide authoritative advice and guidance on highly technical matters and therapeutic strategies pertaining to the development of treatments for opioid, stimulant (cocaine and methamphetamine), cannabis, and nicotine use disorders and overdose. The ideal candidate should have an advanced degree in medicine, psychology, pharmacology, biochemistry, or biomedical related field.


How to apply? Please apply to the Supervisory HSA job announcement links below.  The announcement is open from January 18th – January 27th, 2023.


Delegated Examining (Open to the Public)



Merit Promotion (Open to Status Candidates)





The National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services  TO UNSUBSCRIBE: send email to listserv@list.nih.gov Copy and paste UNSUBSCRIBE NIDA_NEURO_SCIENCE-L  If unable to add or remove yourself from listserv contact Jonathan D. Pollock, Ph.D.  jpollock@mail.nih.gov




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