
[#DIV28SUPER] SPECIAL INFO SESSION: Masters of Addiction Science Program at Univ So California Nov 10 at 11am Pacific Time

Dear colleagues,


Please share this announcement with anyone who would be interested in learning about USC's new addiction science Master of Addiction Science (MAS) program.  This inter-disciplinary and inter-professional program is ideal for:

  1. Undergraduate or post-bacs students who wish to gain research or clinical experience as a stepping stone to a future graduate/professional degree
  2. Undergraduate or post-bacs students interested in applied careers in public health or policy and want to make an impact on the addiction epidemic with their MAS degree
  3. Clinical or public health professionals who wish to gain addiction-focused expertise to enhance the impact of their work


See below and click the link to register for our informational Zoom with the program directors.  Prospective students and professionals who work with prospective students are welcome to attend!  People from diverse backgrounds especially encouraged to join.




November 10, 2022 - 11:00am - ZHS 163 and Zoom

Please join us on Nov. 10th at 11am PT for a special Informational Session about the new Master of Addiction Science (MAS) Program!  This session is open to all students, faculty, staff, academic advisors, and anyone interested in learning more about this unique program for either yourself or students you may be in communication with.  See flyer and link to registration site below.



The USC Master of Addiction Science (MAS) is designed for students interested in transdisciplinary and inter-professional approaches to the study of addiction. We offer courses across multiple disciplines designed to expose students to an array of science and policy perspectives in addiction. By interacting with instructors and peers from a variety of disciplines and professions, students in the MAS program will obtain a broader and deeper understanding and set of skills that considers addiction from the 'cell to society perspective.' As such, MAS graduates are poised to take the knowledge and skills gained in the program back to their respective current or future professions to enhance interdisciplinary and interprofessional collaboration. 


Questions?  Please contact Vickie Williams at victoria.williams.0@usc.edu






[#DIV28SUPER] Seeking applicants for T32 postdoc at Yale School of Medicine

The Department of Psychiatry at the Yale School of Medicine is currently accepting applications to its NIDA-funded T32 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program in Addictions for a July 2023 start.  This two-year training program in the Division of Addictions aims to provide trainees: (1) sufficient knowledge and understanding of clinical research methods, biostatistics, the responsible conduct of scientific research, and the key issues in addiction clinical research to pursue independent research careers; (2) experience in all aspects of conducting clinical research in the field of addictions, from initial project conceptualization and design, through implementation, data analysis, manuscript preparation and oral presentation of results; and (3) a mentored and closely supervised opportunity for trainees to develop, implement and complete all phases of an independent clinical research project.  In existence since 1988, the program has a strong track record of graduating highly accomplished research scientists and faculty members, and individuals who have leadership positions throughout the country.  Applicants are encouraged to identify a potential mentor from our multidisciplinary and diverse group of productive, nationally-recognized faculty scientists from the Division of Addictions and other departments at the Yale School of Medicine who collaborate on a range of pre-clinical, clinical, and epidemiological research projects on drug addiction.  The interests of affiliated faculty range from genetics to clinical psychopharmacology, behavioral and digital therapeutics, neuroimaging and cognitive neuroscience, psychiatric epidemiology and health services research to name a few.


For further information on the program and how to apply, please see here or contact Diana DeNegre (diana.denegre@yale.edu).


[#DIV28SUPER] Requesting your expertise and Input on the proposed NIH OBSSR Strategic Plan 2023-2028 by Nov. 7th

Dear Division 28 Colleagues:


First, let me thank you for your important contributions to the APA response to the recent NIH Office of Research on Women’s Health RFI updating the NIH-Wide Strategic Plan for Research on the Health of Women. Please know that your input is greatly valued by the Advocacy staff. NIH requests for information are important. The responses are used to assist the agency in establishing priorities and identifying needs and gaps. And we have yet another opportunity to provide critical feedback!


The NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) is seeking input on scientific priorities and cross-cutting themes for its OBSSR Strategic Plan 2023-2028 (NOT-OD-22-211). APA plans to provide a response. Accordingly, I am again seeking your input on any or all of the proposed draft priorities and themes to inform the APA response. OBSSR’s current strategic plan is available here. Reflecting the Office’s coordinating role, OBSSR notes that the themes and priorities are not specific to any given diseases or conditions. The proposed scientific priorities and themes for the OBSSR Strategic Plan 2023-2028 include:

Three scientific priorities:

1.     Improve the synergy between basic BSSR and research testing approaches to improve health outcomes

      • Objective 1.1: Identify and encourage promising and ecologically valid basic BSSR relevant to health.
      • Objective 1.2: Facilitate the translation of basic BSSR into research applying this knowledge to enhance health, lengthen life, and reduce illness and disability.

2.     Enhance and promote research measures, methods, and infrastructure needed to support an integrated and more cumulative approach to BSSR

      • Objective 2.1: Support the development, testing, and application of data collection and measurement approaches that are rigorous, reproducible, and replicable.
      • Objective 2.2: Facilitate the development and testing of new approaches to measurement with an emphasis on enhanced data quality, harmonization, and sharing.
      • Objective 2.3: Expand the repertoire and use of innovative and new research methods in the behavioral and social sciences.

3.     Accelerate sustained adoption of BSSR findings in practice

      • Objective 3.1: Encourage intervention research and implementation science to understand and test mechanisms of action and effectiveness in context (e.g., tested in the intended populations, delivery modalities and settings).
      • Objective 3.2: Enhance the adoption, scalability, and sustainability of evidence-based behavioral and social interventions.

Four cross-cutting themes:

  1. Integration of BSSR across NIH research - Facilitate multiple aspects of BSSR integration and team science across the NIH research enterprise that may include, but is not limited to, integration across disciplines, diseases, and the translational continuum.
  2. Science of Science - Facilitate multiple aspects of BSSR integration and team science across the NIH research enterprise that may include, but is not limited to, integration across disciplines, diseases, and the translational continuum.
  3. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) - Facilitate multiple aspects of BSSR integration and team science across the NIH research enterprise that may include, but is not limited to, integration across disciplines, diseases, and the translational continuum.
  4. Training and capacity building - Facilitate multiple aspects of BSSR integration and team science across the NIH research enterprise that may include, but is not limited to, integration across disciplines, diseases, and the translational continuum.

Please share any comments you have any part of the RFI electronically via this web form by November 7, 2022, or via email to Angela Sharpe (asharpe@apa.org).

Your input is valued! We are grateful your assistance and having the benefit of your expertise.


All the best,



Angela L. Sharpe, MG (she, her, hers)
Senior Director, Congressional & Federal Relations

Scientific Affairs Advocacy
asharpe@apa.org  | Tel: (202) 336-5688

American Psychological Association

Services, Inc.

750 First St. NE, Washington, D.C. 20002-4242


Twitter: @APA, @APAScience



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APA is proud to introduce Science Spotlight, a new newsletter for psychological scientists. Subscribe today!


All APA staff are teleworking until further notice and are experiencing a high volume of inquiries related to COVID-19. For immediate information and resources, visit APA's COVID-19 page for psychologists, health-care workers, and the public.




[#DIV28SUPER] APA 2023 Preliminary Info

Hello All,

I will be the Division 28 program chair for the APA 2023 conference. It's already time to start thinking about next year's meeting! Here is some preliminary information to keep in mind:

1. The APA 2023 conference will take place August 3–5 in Washington, D.C.

2. The 2023 Call for Convention Proposals will be posted on the APA convention website on Tuesday, November 1, 2022 with a submission deadline of Tuesday, January 10, 2023.

3. Please start to think about submissions. If you plan on submitting a symposium proposal, please let me know about it (including the general theme of the symposium) as soon as you can.

4. We will be requesting collaborative proposals again for 2023. If you have an idea for a collaborative proposal with another Division, please let me know.

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions!


Jessica Weafer, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
University of Kentucky
Phone: 859-257-5451
Email: jweafer@uky.edu

_____________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org _____________________
Div28m members #div28 subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org


[#DIV28SUPER] Assistant/ Associate/ Full Professor in behavioral and translational science of addiction at Northeastern University

Northeastern University is searching for multiple tenured and tenure-track faculty positions at all ranks (Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and/or Professor) in the broad research area of Mental Health. As part of a cluster hire, Bouve College of Health Sciences seeks an open rank (assistant/ associate/ full professor) scholar with research and expertise in the broad area of behavioral and translational science of addiction. An understanding of the populations at greatest risk of addiction and behaviors underlying that risk is needed to develop, test and implement efficacious new interventions for prevention and treatment and to impact public health policy. The ability to apply methods, tools and findings across contexts and disciplines is also essential. To that end, we seek a scholar capable of leading and collaborating on translational research. We have particular interest in a scholar with expertise in areas that are existing strengths for Bouve and Northeastern, including, but not limited to technology-based assessment or intervention, artificial intelligence/big data, behavioral neuroscience, behavioral genetics, the genetics of addiction, animal models of addiction, counseling interventions in-person and/or via telehealth, health care policy; and social justice/reduction of stigma. There is strong potential for collaborations on translational research with investigators from the Center for Drug Discovery, the College of Science, the College of Social Sciences and the Humanities, the College of Arts, Media and Design, the School of Law, and other units at Northeastern.



The successful candidate will be located in Boston and have a tenure home in one of the 8 departments in the Bouve College and will be jointly appointed at another department/college at the university (to be determined based on the candidates' expertise). The candidate will also engage undergraduate and graduate teaching and student advising, lead/participate in experiential learning opportunities for students, such as capstones and directed research, as well as serving on dissertation committees, and engaging in service activities in the Department, College, and University. We seek individuals who can leverage their program of research to facilitate collaborations with other Colleges and nodes of Northeastern global university system (the Network), who are interested in the behavioral and translational science of addiction and bring innovative pedagogical methods into undergraduate, graduate and professional lifelong learning.


A Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent doctoral degree in a public health field (e.g., health behavior, epidemiology), psychology (clinical/counseling or experimental), pharmaceutical sciences, or a related field required by the appointment start date. Candidates must articulate or demonstrate a commitment to undergraduate/graduate teaching excellence and a record of interdisciplinary scholarly achievement commensurate with rank. The successful applicant will have a robust research portfolio and demonstrate extramural funding or the promise to secure such funding.


Interested candidates should apply here (https://northeastern.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/careers/job/Boston-MA-Main-Campus/Assistant--Associate--Full-Professor-in-behavioral-and-translational-science-of-addiction_R109615 ) with a curriculum vita that includes a list of publications, and statements addressing the prompts provided. Applications will be reviewed beginning on November 1, 2022. Questions can be directed to search chair, Dr. Laurie Kramer, 

Successful faculty at Northeastern will be dynamic and innovative scholars with a record of research and teaching excellence and a commitment to contributing to improved equity, diversity, and inclusion. Thus, strong candidates for this faculty position will have the expertise, knowledge, and skills to build their research, pedagogy, and curriculum in ways that reflect and enhance this commitment.




Robert F. Leeman, Ph.D. 

Professor and Chair 

Department of Health Sciences 

School of Community Health and Behavioral Sciences 

BouvĂ© College of Health Sciences 

Northeastern University 

360 Huntington Ave.

316L Robinson Hall

Phone: (617) 373-6501

Faculty page: https://bouve.northeastern.edu/bchs/directory/robert-leeman

Email: r.leeman@northeastern.edu 

Twitter: @LeemanRobertF 






[#DIV28SUPER] Call for papers: Special Issue of Psychology of Addictive Behaviors on Reproductive Rights and Addictive Behaviors

Call for papers for Special Issue of Psychology of Addictive Behaviors on Reproductive Rights and Addictive Behaviors

Guest Editors:
Kelly Cue Davis, PhD; Nisha Gottfredson, PhD; Blythe Rhodes, MSPH

In this special issue, we seek to advance the science regarding the intersection of reproductive rights (i.e., the right to bodily autonomy, including decisions about child bearing) and addictive behaviors. Reproductive health and substance use are inextricably linked at multiple socio-ecological levels, and continued research regarding this linkage is especially warranted in the current legal and political climate. This special issue solicits manuscripts investigating the influence of reproductive choice and restriction on addictive behaviors as well as those investigating the influence of addictive behaviors on reproduction-related care and outcomes. We will consider conceptual, empirical, review, and methodological full-length manuscripts and brief reports.

Read the full call HERE and visit the journal webpage HERE

If you have any questions or are interested in submitting a paper for this issue, please contact Kelly Davis – kelly.cue.davis@asu.edu or Nisha Gottfredson – gottfredson@unc.edu.

Submission Deadline: February 1, 2023



Katie Witkiewitz, PhD (she/her)

Director, Center on Alcohol, Substance Use, And Addictions (CASAA)

Distinguished Professor, Department of Psychology

University of New Mexico

MSC 03-2220

Albuquerque, NM 87131

Office/Vmail: 505-585-1686

Email: katiew@unm.edu

Book a meeting with me!


Twitter: @KatieWitkiewitz


I choose to work flexibly and often send emails outside of typical working days/hours. It is not my expectation that you read, respond, or follow-up on this email outside of your hours of work.


[#DIV28SUPER] Fwd: Join Us: 2022 APA Awards

Div 28,

See below e-mail and note that Martin Iguchi, a visionary scientist and long-time Div 28 member/leader, will be honored with APAs highest award for career achievement.  Sadly, as most of you know, Martin passed after a hard fought battle with cancer last summer.  Consider registering for this virtual ceremony that honors his work in remembrance of a truly remarkable scientist and friend to us all.


Ryan Vandrey, Ph.D.
APA Division 28


Begin forwarded message:

From: "American Psychological Association" <convention@info.apa.org>
Subject: Join Us: 2022 APA Awards
Date: October 19, 2022 at 12:40:37 PM EDT
Reply-To: "American Psychological Association" <reply-fe9015797c66057e73-79_HTML-25778701-7237681-1001@reply.info.apa.org>

      External Email - Use Caution      


[#DIV28SUPER] FW: NIDA Neuroscience update 10/6/2022

Reminder: NIH Natural Disaster Policy – Hurricanes Fiona and Ian

Notice Number:


Key Dates

Release Date:

October 3, 2022

Related Announcements


Issued by



NIH is deeply concerned for the health and safety of people and animals, and about the biomedical enterprise in the areas affected by Hurricanes Fiona and Ian. Due to the exceptional impact of these storms, NIH wants to assure our recipient community that we will be doing our part to help the extramural community continue its research. Our website onExtramural Response to Natural Disastershas a list of available resources, including guidance on animal welfare issues.

NIH has identified the following actions to relieve short-term administrative, financial management, and audit requirements under the Uniform Guidance at 2 CFR Part 200 – “Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards” – which are implemented in HHS regulation at 45 CFR 75 – without compromise to accountability requirements. This guidance will be updated as appropriate once further guidance is received from HHS and the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Specific policy exceptions are detailed below.

Flexibility with application deadlines (NIH GPS 2.3.9)

  • Although NIH's general policy is to accept applications submitted late due to a natural disaster by no more than the number of days the applicant organization was officially closed, due to the catastrophic damage caused by the Hurricanes, NIH recognizes the need to provide additional exceptions and guidance.
  • NIH will accept late applications from institutions that have been directly impacted by the aforementioned hurricanes. This late policy will apply to all funding opportunity announcements with due dates from the beginning of the Public Health Emergency (PHE) declaration by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra, September 20, 2022, until such time as the PHE is rescinded by the Secretary, regardless of how many days the applicant organization was officially closed.
  • NIH encourages a cover letter explaining the reason for late submission, but these letters are not required.

Extension of financial and other reporting (NIH GPS 8.4.1)

  • During the declared public health emergency, if recipients are unable to complete and submit interim and/or final Research Performance Progress Reports, Federal Financial Reports, and/or Final Invention Statement reports by the scheduled due date, contact the assigned Grants Management and Program Official at the awarding NIH Institute or Center to let them know the reports will be late, even if by phone, and the NIH staff will document the file until the recipient is able to submit the request electronically.
  • Although NIH will accept these late reports, we will delay issuing grant awards until the required reports are submitted and accepted by NIH. This does not prevent the institution from receiving disaster relief supplemental funding if those funds become available.
  • See below for details related to Extension of Closeout Requirements.

Extension of final budget period of a previously approved project period (NIH GPS

  • As a reminder, NIH recipients may extend the final budget period of the previously approved project period one time for a period of up to 12 months beyond the original completion date shown in the Notice of Award when certain conditions apply without prior approval.
  • Any additional extensions require prior approval. Recipients should contact the Program Official and Grants Management Specialist listed on the Notice of Award to discuss, as appropriate

Prior approval requirement waivers (NIH GPS

  • As a reminder, NIH recipients maintain rebudgeting authority under the NIH Grants Policy Statement Section Cost-Related Prior Approvals, which states that “NIH prior approval is not required to rebudget funds for any direct cost item that the applicable cost principles identify as requiring the Federal awarding agency’s prior approval, unless the incurrence of costs is associated with or is considered to be a change in scope.”

Extension of currently approved Facilities and Administration (F&A/indirect cost) rates (NIH GPS 7.4)

  • For recipient institutions whose current Federally approved F&A rates are close to expiring (i.e., in the next several months, but less than a year from now), NIH will allow recipients in the affected areas to continue to use the current Federally approved indirect cost rates (predetermined, fixed, or provisional rates) to recover their F&A/indirect costs on Federal awards for one additional year without submission of an indirect cost proposal.
  • NIH will also approve recipient requests for an extension of the F&A/indirect cost rate proposal submission (for up to one year) to finalize the current rates and establish future rates.

Alternatives for record retention and cost documentation

  • NIH will allow recipients to submit paper copies in lieu of machine readable formats when necessary, as permitted under 45 CFR 75.363.

Expenditure of award funds for salaries (NIH GPS 7.9.1)

  • Remember that, in general, expenditure of award funds to continue paying salaries and fringe benefits to researchers during any period when no work is performed under the award is unallowable.

Extension of Closeout Requirements (NIH GPS 8.6)

  • As outlined under the Extension of Reports, NIH will allow affected recipients to delay submission of any pending final financial, performance and other reports required by the terms and conditions of award for the closeout of expired projects, provided that the recipient provide the IC with the notice as soon as feasible. This delay may not exceed one year without prior approval from the appropriate IC grants management staff.

Post-submission materials (NIH GPS

  • Institutions in the affected area may submit post-submission grant application materials to revise information that was submitted in an application for a due date before September 17, 2022, or in an application submitted under this Notice’s exception. Post-submission materials will be accepted from institutions in the affected areas until fourteen days before the start of the review meeting. See “Frequently Asked Questions; Post-Submission Materials Policy” for details of the NIH post-submission materials policy. A letter of explanation (maximum of one page) is required.


Please direct all inquiries to:

Division of Grants Policy
Office of Policy for Extramural Research Administration (OPERA)

Weekly TOC for this Announcement
NIH Funding Opportunities and Notices

The National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services  TO UNSUBSCRIBE: send email to listserv@list.nih.gov Copy and paste UNSUBSCRIBE NIDA_NEURO_SCIENCE-L