
[#DIV28SUPER] SAMHSA/APA Policy Fellowship

Dear Colleagues-

Please see below for an exciting opportunity to work as a SAMHSA/APA Policy Fellow. This is a one-year fellowship with an option to extend to a second year.

-Bill Stoops.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) APA Policy Fellowship 


The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) APA Policy Fellowship is a two-year program focused on improving state and community behavioral health systems through federal policies and programs.  


SAMHSA is the agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) that leads public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation. SAMHSA's works to reduce the impact of substance use and mental illness on America's communities. Fellows will work within the SAMHSA's Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS)


SAMHSA is seeking fellows who are dedicated to improving access to quality mental health and substance use care. Ideal fellows will have strong analytical and writing skills as well as knowledge and experience related to behavioral health care and systems in the United States. Fellows will use their experiences and training in research and/or clinical practice to inform the development and implementation of SAMHSA programs and improve policies and practices. Fellows will work on the Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) program and on special projects. Potential areas of work include supporting the development and operation of the CCBHC program; program evaluation; development and management of technical assistance efforts; conducting program reviews; supporting interagency partnerships such as the Interdepartmental Serious Mental Illness Coordinating Committee; and development of white papers and other materials for the field. The fellowship will offer the opportunity to impact national programs and policy, engage with CMHS leadership, work on a variety of topics in behavioral health policy, and interact with a range of agencies and stakeholders.  


We anticipate that the fellow will serve for a one-year term which can be extended for an additional year at the agreement of both parties. Fellows will be compensated at GS-12 step 1 level (currently $89,834). This full-time fellowship position will be based in the Washington, DC area with options for remote work. It is the expectation that fellows will need to work at SAMHSA headquarters (Rockville, MD) at least one day per week. 


Interested applicants should submit a CV and brief statement of interest (2 paragraph maximum) about their interest in improving public mental and behavioral health care systems to bvonachen@apa.org by close of business on May 27, 2022

William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
telephone: (859) 257-5383

Departments of Behavioral Science, Psychiatry and Psychology
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky

Regulatory Knowledge and Support Core-Center for Clinical and Translational Science
Clinical Research Support Office

Associate Director for Clinical Research
Substance Use Priority Research Area

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