
[#DIV28SUPER] Happy New Year Division 28!!

I hope this e-mail finds everyone doing well and off to a good start navigating the complexities of COVID, winter weather, grant deadlines and other fun things that come with the turn of a new year.  This e-mail is my first communication after assuming the role of president of the division on January 1.  While I do not intend to spam everyone's inbox, I hope to keep a pretty steady line of communication with members throughout the year to make sure everyone is aware of APA advocacy related to the division, opportunities for members, and awareness of what the executive committee is up to.

I want to take a moment to thank Kelly Dunn for her incredible service to the division as president last year and I am thankful to have her guidance in the role of past-president this year to keep momentum on her presidential initiatives.

I want to encourage all members to consider submitting an abstract for the annual APA convention.  I realize there is hesitancy and a lot of uncertainty about travel at this time, but, as of now, there is optimism that the meeting will be held as planned this summer from Aug 4-6 in Minneapolis.  Jake Borodovsky (Jacob.borodovsky@dartmouth.edu) is our program chair and can answer any questions or concerns you may have.  Abstracts are due on Monday Jan 10th and can be submitted here:  https://convention.apa.org/proposals  

Also, just a quick reminder about nominations for open positions on various APA boards and committees.  See below for details sent around previously by Kelly.  Nominations are due by Jan 31st.  

I would like communication to be a 2-way street during my presidency.  If there are initiatives that folks think Div 28 should take on, be a part of, or issues that need to be addressed, please feel free to reach out to me directly.  If anyone is interested in getting involved in leadership positions within Division 28, please let me know.

Finally, if you have not already done so, please take a few minutes to renew your membership in Division 28.  The dues for membership in the division are very modest, but are critical for our success.  Similarly, please encourage your colleagues, students, mentees and mentors to become members if they are not.  Just go to https://www.apadivisions.org/division-28 and follow the prompts: 

Take care and more to come soon!


Ryan Vandrey, Ph.D.
Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
5510 Nathan Shock Dr.
Baltimore, MD 21224
410-550-4036 (phone)
410-550-0030 (fax)

The 2022 APA Board and Committee Call for Nominations is now open.  Please visit https://nomination.apa.org/ to make a self-nomination or to nominate someone else.  You will need to login using your MyAPA account ID and password.  If you haven't yet registered for your MyAPA account or have forgotten your login ID or password, simply follow the instructions provided once you click on the link.  January 31, 2022 is the deadline for submitting nominations. 


Nominations are sought for the following boards and committees whose members are elected by Council:


  1. Board for the Advancement of Psychology in the Public Interest
  2. Board of Convention Affairs
  3. Board of Educational Affairs
  4. Board of Professional Affairs
  5. Board of Scientific Affairs
  6. Commission for the Recognition of Specialties and Subspecialties in Professional Psychology
  7. Committee on International Relations in Psychology
  8. Committee on Rural Health
  9. Ethics Committee
  10. Finance Committee
  11. Membership Board
  12. Policy and Planning Board
  13. Publications and Communications Board


Nominations are sought for the following committees whose members are appointed by the Board of Directors:


  1. Committee for Postdoctoral Education and Training Programs in Psychopharmacology for Prescriptive Authority
  2. Committee on Aging
  3. Committee on Associate and Baccalaureate Education
  4. Committee on Children, Youth, and Families
  5. Committee on Disability Issues in Psychology
  6. Committee on Division/APA Relations
  7. Committee on Early Career Psychologists
  8. Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs
  9. Committee on Professional Practice and Standards
  10. Committee on Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity
  11. Committee on Socioeconomic Status
  12. Committee on Women in Psychology
  13. Continuing Education Committee
  14. Fellows Committee
  15. Health Equity Committee


Boards and committees typically have one hybrid (option to attend in-person or virtually) and one virtual meeting each year as well as monthly calls, but this varies depending on the group. Additional details can be found in the description for each board and committee. A video platform, such as Zoom, is used for all virtual calls and meetings.


If you have any questions, please contact the Election Office via email, or by phone at (202) 336-6087. All nominations must be submitted using the online form.


Additional Information: 


·         The Board of Directors encourages the nomination of those members who may be new to APA volunteer leadership or who are underrepresented in the current volunteer leadership structure.
·         Self-nominations are encouraged.
·         2022 Calendar
o    January 31 is the deadline for submitting nominations.
o    The election slates are developed by respective boards and committees in the spring for those elected by Council members.
o    The Board of Directors approves the slates by mid-April for those elected by Council.  Following approval of the slates by the Board, nominees are contacted to confirm their willingness to run, and serve, if elected, and to submit a statement to be included with the ballot.
o    The Ballot is sent to members of the 2022 Council on August 15.
o    The Board of Directors approves continuing committee appointments by August 30.



Thank you
Election Office


Garnett Coad
Director, Elections, Governance Office
American Psychological Association


750 First Street NE, Washington DC  20002-4242

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