Call for Papers for Special Issue of Psychology of Addictive Behaviors on
“Addictive Behavior as Behavioral Allocation”
Guest Editor Jalie A. Tucker with Associate Guest Editors Joanna Buscemi,
James G. Murphy, and Derek D. Reed
Fifty years ago basic science research on behavioral choice fomented a revolution in reinforcement theory by showing that any voluntary behavior can be fruitfully studied as choice arising out of a context of all possible behaviors and associated environment constraints. As epitomized by the pioneering work of psychologist Howard Rachlin, research on behavior patterns over time in relation to available activities in the surrounding environment demonstrated that preference for a given activity varies with constraints on its access and on the other alternatives, and strength of preference for an activity is measured by the relative amount of resource (e.g., time, effort, money) allocated to gain access to it. This molar level of analysis relating rates of behavior to rates of consequences over time laid the foundation for the emergence of behavioral economics in the 1980s, and seminal applied connections were soon made between the molar choice perspective, behavioral economics, and the analysis of substance use in humans. This work has continued to the present and has expanded to include other addictive and health behaviors.
This special issue, dedicated to Howard Rachlin who died in 2021, honors his work and recognizes his influence on applied research on addictive behaviors, the initial area of application and arguably the most successful to date. Manuscripts are sought in all areas of research on human addictive behaviors spanning the basic to applied continuum that aim to understand addictive behavior as molar behavior allocation patterns over time. Conceptual, empirical, and methodological contributions that advance applied research on addictive behaviors and inform positive behavior change at the individual or community level will be considered. For example, papers may focus on the behavioral economics or neuroeconomics of addictive behaviors; choice behavior and decision-making processes; choice biases and choice architecture in strategies to reduce addictive behavior; intervention approaches informed by behavioral economics or theories of choice; natural recovery from addictive behavior patterns; measurement approaches in laboratory and natural environments; quantitative methods for representing and analyzing data on behavioral patterning over time; social cooperation and interactions with addictive behaviors; and unresolved and under-developed conceptual and empirical issues in the field. Papers that contextualize individual choice behavior within broader community and policy environments and consider social determinants of health will be given favorable consideration.
We will consider full-length articles and brief reports that present on original research and scholarship. All submissions must adhere to journal guidelines and will undergo peer review. The special issue article type will be open to submissions on August 10, 2021 with a deadline for manuscript submission on February 15, 2022. Prior to submitting a manuscript, authors are asked to submit a brief letter of intent to Guest Editor Dr. Jalie A. Tucker (
For more information about the journal submission process, please visit
Katie Witkiewitz, PhD
Editor, Psychology of Addictive Behaviors
Regents’ Professor, Department of Psychology
Center on Alcohol, Substance Use, And Addictions (CASAA)
University of New Mexico
Logan Hall, Room 118
MSC 03-2220
Albuquerque, NM 87131
Lab website:
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
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