
Re: [#DIV28SUPER] In Memoriam: Dr. Martin Iguchi, Ph.D.

Thank you for sharing this news, Kelly.  I am just now seeing it.

For those who did not get to know Martin personally, I strongly suggest looking him up on google scholar and reading the links below.  You will find the breadth and depth of his work both inspiring and humbling.  And as the words below convey, he was not only a stellar psychologist, but a stellar human being who was simply kind and encouraging to all who wanted to learn and help the world be a better place.

I really do consider him to be one of the trail blazing giants of our time in the field, particularly in terms of his impact on public health.  I hope the division will consider someway to memorialize him and the work he was able to do.

I will miss him very much; he was an inspiration and amazing role model.


Nancy A. Piotrowski, Ph.D.
Council Representative, Society of Environmental, Population, & Conservation Psychology, Division 34, American Psychological Association
Treasurer/Past President/LAN Chair, Napa Solano Psychological Association
Trustee, California Psychological Association PAC
Commissioner, National Certification Commission for Addiction Professionals
MAIL:  P.O. Box 5525, Vallejo, California 94591-0552
With Offices in the San Francisco Bay Area
Office Phone:  707.561.2358
FAX by request
Email:              napiotrowski@yahoo.com    
ALT Email:       PiotrowskiConsultation@gmail.com
Skype:             napiotrowski

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On Thursday, June 10, 2021, 9:03:09 AM PDT, Kelly Dunn <kdunn9@jhmi.edu> wrote:

Dear Colleagues,

I am writing with the sad news that Dr. Martin Iguchi, Ph.D., a pillar in our Division and scientific community, passed away on Saturday June 5, 2021. Dr. Iguchi earned his PhD in experimental psychology from Boston University in 1986 and established himself as a major leader in our field over the past several decades. As his CV demonstrates, he led research in several impactful areas that included HIV research, treatment access for minority individuals, and expansion of care for persons with OUD and alcohol. His collective work spanned the spectrum from understanding mechanistic foundations of substance use to treatment implementation. Despite his strong science, Dr. Iguchi may have been equally well-known for being an exemplary scientific citizen. He has served in every capacity, including study sections, committee memberships, board of director and advisory board positions, and editorial roles. He also shared his wisdom through teaching, mentoring numerous junior scientists in predoctoral, post-doctoral, and early career roles, and his service on dissertation and promotion committees, earning awards for his prowess in this area. In recent years he had established himself as a policy leader who could be relied upon to help advocate for the advancement of research and care for persons with substance use disorder, producing a lasting legacy on our field.  


Dr. Iguchi was particularly committed to the work of APA and Division 28. He achieved Fellow status of our division in 2000 and was a fellow of Divisions 6, 9, and 50 as well.  He was the 2004 Division 28 Convention Chair, Member-at-Large for Division 50, member of the Board of Professional Affairs, member of an APA task force to make changes to the convention that would appeal to scientists, a member of the Board of Scientific Affairs, on the Health Disparities Steering Committee, on the Committee of Psychology of AIDS, and on the Board for the Advancement of Psychology in the Public Practice.  As a result of his profound contributions to the field, Dr. Iguchi was awarded an APA Presidential Citation in 2019 (a prestigious honor reserved for only a small number of outstanding psychologists).  


Dr. Iguchi was well-known at APA Consolidated Meetings as well as other professional organizational meetings, and always approached people with a smile and kind words. His welcoming demeanor and breadth of expertise made him an ideal ambassador for our science and his veracity in advocating for the use of science to advance public policy no doubt benefited countless numbers of patients and scientists. He represents the type of scientist we all aspire to become and will be dearly missed.  

More about his work is available here https://www.rand.org/about/people/i/iguchi_martin_y.html  and his APA Presidential citation is available here: https://www.apa.org/about/governance/president/citation/martin-iguchi

Please also see the following thoughts from our Divisional member and past President Dr. Maxine Stitzer

"I first met Martin Iguchi in the late 80's when he worked as a Postdoc at the BPRU on studies conducted in our methadone research clinic.  Over the years, he became a friend as well as a valued colleague and he will be sorely missed in both roles. Martin was enthusiastic, passionate, and optimistic about life.  He was diagnosed with metastatic colon cancer 5 years ago, and at that time, given a prognosis of one year.  He looked at the life he loved and chose to forge ahead.  He loved his work in addictions research and he loved his wife, Beth and their children Benjamin and Sarah.  He chose to pursue his research projects vigorously until he physically could no longer, contributing his wisdom to the important public health issues of the day and the research that underpins sensible policy.   


Maybe it was his positive attitude- these things are unknowable- but Martin beat the odds and stayed in this world, fighting his disease, for 5 long years after that first bleak prognosis.  We called him the "medical miracle".  In the end, of course, the cancer won.  But Martin's attitude was truly admirable.  He accepted his diagnosis and was forthright with friends about the process of the illness and its treatment, all the while continuing to work and to enjoy his life.   


Meanwhile, Beth was beside him offering her support.  They were a team, Martin and Beth, and I know it's hard for her to imagine her life without him.  Because I grew up in Los Angeles where Duncan and I visited frequently, we would always stop to see Martin and Beth in Santa Monica and bask in their gracious hospitality.  Nothing fancy mind you, but they were always pleased to see us and to share a meal in the house or the backyard.  I have a fond memory of taking my elderly mother with us on one or two of these visits and seeing her entertained by Martin and Beth's friendly company.  Our world will be a lesser place without Martin; we will greatly miss his enthusiasm, energy, passion, wisdom and friendship.  Farewell, dear friend and colleague."- Dr. Maxine Stitzer

Kelly Dunn, Ph.D., M.B.A.
President, Division on Psychopharmacology and Substance Use (Division 28)
American Psychological Association

Associate Professor
Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
5510 Nathan Shock Drive
Baltimore, MD 21224
P:410-550-2254; F:410-550-0030

_____________________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org
Div28m members may post here list archive
twitter: @apadiv28 #div28

[#DIV28SUPER] Fwd: disseminating new alcohol training program info


See below announcement about a new program for a new diversity training program for those interested in research related to alcohol.


Begin forwarded message:

From: "Flanagan, Julianne" <hellmuth@musc.edu>
Subject: disseminating new alcohol training program info
Date: June 28, 2021 at 12:58:25 PM EDT

      External Email - Use Caution      

Dear Drs. Dunn and Vandrey,
I'm writing to ask if you might be willing to share an announcement (included below) of a new, NIAAA-sponsored and diversity-focused training program with the APA Division 28 community? This is a 2 year, fully virtual program funded by an R25 mechanism. The program will provide mentorship, didactics, and financial support to psychology trainees from underrepresented minority backgrounds with the primary objective of helping URM trainees navigate the challenging internship and fellowship application process. We'd certainly like to ensure that Division 28 trainees are aware of the program, as quite a few of our available mentors have psychopharm and medication development expertise. No previous alcohol research experience is required, so if a trainee has previously been more focused on individuals with or at-risk for drug use disorders, that's perfectly acceptable! Applications are currently being accepted.
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Thanks so much for considering,
Applications are currently being accepted for the inaugural cohort of the Enhancing Diversity in Alcohol Research (EDAR) training program! This two-year, fully virtual, NIAAA-sponsored training program is open to psychology doctoral trainees from underrepresented backgrounds (per NIH NOT-OD-20-031). No prior alcohol research experience is required! More details are available in our EDAR Program Brochure. Please also contact Dr. Julianne Flanagan (Director) or Ms. Jocelyn Rogers (Coordinator) with questions.
Applications are due July 31, 2021 and include a brief online survey, a 1-2 page statement of interest, and current CV: Click here to apply to EDAR 
*** Attention Faculty: Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a prospective EDAR mentor!***
Julianne C. Flanagan, Ph.D.
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Associate Professor 
Addiction Sciences Division
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 
Medical University of South Carolina
Staff Psychologist, Ralph H. Johnson VAMC
Tel: 843 792 5569
She/her/hers (what's this?)


[#DIV28SUPER] Endorsement for Mary Ann McCabe for APA President

Dear Division 28 Colleagues-
I am serving on Dr. Mary Ann McCabe's campaign committee as she runs for APA President. Please consider voting for Dr. McCabe when ballots become available--as indicated in her statement below, she is a strong supporter of psychological science and have interests that align with those of our Division.
-Bill Stoops.

Statement for Members of Division 28 

Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse 


Mary Ann McCabe, Ph.D., ABPP 

Candidate for APA President-Elect 


Serving as President of APA would be a continuation of my life's work – which has been promoting psychology and breaking down silos. I was the first in my family to graduate from college, and I have acquired rich training and experience in psychology because of hard work and opportunity. I am a clinical psychologist and have held leadership roles in science, education, and public policy. I have a longstanding record – both inside APA and other organizations - of working on interests beyond my own and for fostering collaboration and consensus.   


I have learned that in every crisis there really is opportunity. We have several before us, including the health and mental health effects and inequities of the pandemic and racial trauma (with rising rates of addiction). Never in our lifetimes has psychology been poised to make such significant contributions to public wellbeing. Yet we need to showcase psychological science and practice that contributes to public health. We need to persist and partner to promote race and gender justice and equity. We need to promote psychology as a STEM science in K-12 education and collaborate with other disciplines to promote science literacy. We need to elevate psychological science as a hub discipline and expose students to the full range of subfields and careers in psychology. We need to support all teachers of psychology - who serve as our ambassadors. We need to advocate for funding basic and applied psychological science and innovation and harness technology. And we need to concentrate on growing a diverse psychology workforce and leadership pipeline and measure our progress.   


As APA President, I would emphasize evidence-based, two-generation and culturally-responsive prevention across the lifespan. Based on our science, we know that what happens early in life – both positive and negative - affects adult health, communities, and society. This is especially true for the developmental trajectories for substance use disorders, where early environments, trauma, and brain development can constitute risk factors for substance abuse. I was fortunate to be introduced to this area of science and policy when I served as Director of the Office for Policy and Communications for the Society for Research in Child Development. I was heartened by the developmental emphasis, and the burgeoning science regarding the risk of addiction with exposure during adolescence, in my meetings with Dr. Volkow, Director of NIDA. This was reinforced during meetings of the Friends of NIDA coalition. A number prevention programs have been shown to be evidence-based or promising (See, for example, https://www.blueprintsprograms.org/program-search/?localPageSize=5000&programType%5B%5D=896&keywords=) and, increasingly, prevention programs for youth substance abuse are being subjected to study for cost:benefit ratios for state policy making (see, for example, https://www.wsipp.wa.gov/ReportFile/1562/Wsipp_Preventing-Youth-Substance-Use-A-Review-of-Thirteen-Programs_Report.pdf ). Prevention scientists in this area are partnering  with neuroscientists, psychopharmacologists, and others in an effort to address, "What works best for whom, why, and under what circumstances." This work may gain further momentum since substance use disorders are a priority for the current U.S. Surgeon General. 

In short, this is a critical time to shift our gaze to population health and prevention. APA will, of course, need to work across disciplines, sectors, and systems to promote and sustain funding for this science, grow policy support for prevention, and advocate for valid measurement of returns on investment to accommodate lifespan benefits.  


I have earned a reputation, within and outside APA, as someone who is collaborative, hard-working, strategic, and who demonstrates integrity and respect for others. It is within our reach to enable a new generation to live healthier lives in a safer world.  Thank you for your support. 

William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
telephone: (859) 257-5383

Departments of Behavioral Science, Psychiatry and Psychology
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky

Regulatory Knowledge and Support Core-Center for Clinical and Translational Science
Clinical Research Support Office

Associate Director for Clinical Research
Substance Use Priority Research Area

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[#DIV28SUPER] Virtual Open House for Alcohol/HIV Training Opportunities at the University of Florida--Monday June 28th at 4pm EST


The University of Florida T32—TRANSLATIONAL SCIENCE TRAINING TO REDUCE THE IMPACT OF ALCOHOL ON HIV INFECTION—is hosting a virtual open house on Monday, June 28th at 4pm (Eastern).

Meet the directors, current and former trainees!


Please attend this session if you are considering graduate or postdoctoral training with a focus on alcohol and/or HIV.

We have strengths in intervention research, neurocognition/brain science and data analysis.

Learn more about our outstanding, interdisciplinary, community-focused team.

Note that we have other training opportunities at the University of Florida as well, so interested students/trainees who are NOT T32 eligible should also attend.

RSVP to Christine Frank (cafrank@ufl.edu) to receive the Zoom info!




Robert F. Leeman, Ph.D.
Associate Professor 

Mary F. Lane Endowed Professor 

Department of Health Education and Behavior 

College of Health and Human Performance 

Co-Director, NIH/NIAAA T32: Translational Science Training to Reduce the Impact of Alcohol on HIV Infection 

Associate Director, Southern HIV & Alcohol Research Consortium (SHARC) 

University of Florida 

Florida Gymnasium, Room 14 

PO Box 118210     Gainesville, FL  32611 

Phone: (352) 294-1808 

Email: robert.leeman@ufl.edu 

Faculty webpage: Robert Leeman, Ph.D. - College of Health and Human Performance (ufl.edu)

Lab webpage: EDGE Lab - College of Health and Human Performance (ufl.edu)




[#DIV28SUPER] Division 28 Election Results

Greetings Division 28 colleagues,

I am happy to report the results of our Division 28 elections. Please join me in congratulating Dr. Thomas Gould (https://hhd.psu.edu/contact/thomas-gould) as our President for 2023 (President-elect in 2022) and Dr. Cassie Gipson-Reichardt (https://med.uky.edu/users/cdgips2) as Member-at-Large for 2022-2024.

We also send our sincerest thanks to Dr. Jin Yoon for his candidacy and look forward to working with him in other capacities moving forward.

Many congratulations and thanks to all candidates,

Kelly Dunn, Ph.D., M.B.A.
President, Division on Psychopharmacology and Substance Use (Division 28)
American Psychological Association

Associate Professor
Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
5510 Nathan Shock Drive
Baltimore, MD 21224
P:410-550-2254; F:410-550-0030


[#DIV28SUPER] *** Postdoctoral Fellowship in Addiction Research*** NIDA T32 Training Program



NIDA T32 Training Program
Postdoctoral Training in Drug Abuse Research:  Behavior & Neurobiology

*** Postdoctoral Fellowship in Addiction Research***


Position Description:

The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio is seeking qualified, highly motivated applicants for a NIDA T32 Postdoctoral Training Program. Postdoctoral fellows receive interdisciplinary training across various laboratories and areas of expertise, taking advantage of the research diversity of participating faculty mentors, including molecular pharmacology, electrophysiology, neurochemistry, biochemistry, neuropharmacology, behavioral pharmacology, clinical trials, and human laboratory studies.


Program Benefits:

  • Initial 1-year appointment, renewable for up to 3 years
  • Research training with outstanding, well-funded investigators
  • Career development opportunities including "Getting a Job Boot Camp"
  • Fringe benefits including health care
  • Large trainee community and support from the UT Health Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
  • Additional activities include:
    • Seminars
    • Journal clubs
    • Opportunities to present at local (BBC) and national meetings
    • Grant writing/reviewing workshops
    • Career development workshops
    • Community outreach activities


Eligibility: Applicants must possess a doctoral degree or equivalent and be a US Citizen, non-citizen national, or permanent resident of the US.


Application: Send curriculum vitae, letter of intent, and two letters of recommendation to drugabusetraining@uthscsa.edu  (Charles P France, PhD, Program Director, Department of Pharmacology, UT Health San Antonio, 7703 Floyd Curl Drive, Mail Code 7764, San Antonio, TX 78229).  For more information, please visit the NIDA T32 Training Program Website (http://uthscsa.edu/ARTT/T32/index.asp).


The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer, including protected veterans and persons with disabilities.  All Postdoctoral appointments are designated as security sensitive positions.  The project described is supported by Award Number T32DA031115 from the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institute on Drug Abuse or the National Institutes of Health.


Addiction Research Treatment and Training  Center of Excellence

UT Health San Antonio

7703 Floyd Curl Drive MC 7764

San Antonio, TX 78229-3900


[#DIV28SUPER] Senior Scientist and Public Health Policy Association Positions

Dear colleagues,


Please see details about two job postings below from Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. ("AHP"). We are looking to hire a Senior Scientist with specialty in behavioral health treatment and policy to join our team of leading researchers in behavioral health studies. This position will be in AHP's Chicago office or Sudbury, MA office (i.e., Boston). 

We are also seeking a Public Health Policy Associate who is passionate, energetic, and knowledgeable about public health policy to work with our team of subject matter experts in cannabis regulation and other areas of public health and policy. This position is a remote position.

Please email myself (msofis@ahpnet.comor Jim Klepper (jklepper@ahpnet.com) with any questions. Interested candidates should click here to apply: https://www.ahpnet.com/Careers/positions.

Senior Scientist

AHP (www.ahpnet.com), is a fast-growing consulting and research firm specializing in health and behavioral health, offering technical assistance and training, system and program development, resource development and dissemination, and research and evaluation. Our core content areas include substance use treatment and prevention, mental health policy and services, co-occurring disorders, workforce development, homelessness and housing, and criminal justice.


  • Design and manage the implementation of all or a portion of evaluation/research and analysis plans.
  • Conceptualize and write a range of evaluation and research proposals.
  • Contribute to and coordinate interactions with clients and partners.
  • Lead project meetings and other activities, assign responsibilities, supervise staff assigned to projects, manage data collection, resolve problems, and track budgets and timelines.
  • Conduct quantitative and qualitative analyses.
  • Prepare reports, presentations, literature reviews and other work products.


  • Ph.D. or equivalent in social work, psychology, public health, or related field.
  • Expertise in designing and leading research or evaluation projects in at least one of the following areas:
    • Substance use treatment and policy
    • Infants, young children, and their families/caregivers affected by substance use disorders.
  • Strong quantitative skills, well grounded in statistical methods and approaches to data analysis.
  • Evidence of ability to win, manage, and monitor government contracts, grants, and/or cooperative agreements is required.
  • Knowledge of and direct experience with Illinois behavioral health programs and policies.
  • Prior experience working on NIDA, NIAAA, SAMHSA, CDC or other federal agency projects is highly valued.
  • Excellent communication skills, written and verbal.
  • Published peer-reviewed applications are a plus.
  • Ability to perform duties that require close attention to detail.
  • Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with co-workers, supervisor, technical staff, partners, and clients.
  • Independent self-starter. Able to operate in a team environment and be flexible in taking on and performing assignments, as necessary.
  • Experience with quantitative analysis software (Stata strongly preferred), data collection tools (e.g., REDCap), qualitative analysis software (e.g., Dedoose) MS Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel, and citation management software.

AHP is an equal opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, or protected veteran status.


Public Health Policy Associate

AHP is seeking a passionate, energetic, and knowledgeable policy and program associate to work with our team of subject matter experts in cannabis regulation and other areas of public health and policy. Will have working knowledge and experience in policy development and project management. Candidates with experience in cannabis regulations or other politically sensitive issues are preferred, particularly candidates with experience in promoting social equity. In addition, the candidate should possess strong project management, analytical, and writing skills. Only candidates committed to anti-racism should apply.

The policy and program associate will primarily be assigned to work under subcontract to Cannabis Public Policy Consulting, LLC (CPPC), which has multiple contracts with state, local, and tribal governments.

At AHP, we don't just accept differences – we celebrate them. We believe that the more inclusive we are, the better our work will be. AHP is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or protected veteran status. Black, Indigenous and People of Color, immigrants, women and LGBTQIA candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.

This role is supportive to the Deputy Director and Senior Analyst and is both dynamic and fast-paced in nature.


  • Serve as a policy analyst for arising state and local statutes and regulations on cannabis
  • Act as a project coordinator for current and incoming projects
  • Create stakeholder resources and programs materials
  • Present materials in a digestible way for different audiences
  • Assist in the cataloging and publishing of policy best practices for the areas of public health, public safety and equity.
  • Support the development of Cannabis Public Policy Consulting in proposal and grant writing.
  • Support the Deputy Director in facilitating learning communities, working meetings, and product development.
  • Draft web content, messages, and project reports
  • Manage and oversee the website and communication platform, identifying trends and topical opportunities for expert messaging.
  • Assist in data collection and contribute to data analysis as needed.

Specialized Requirements

  • Applicants must have two to three years of legislative, executive, or administrative agency public policy experience.
  • Applicants with specific experience in cannabis regulations are preferred.
  • Applicants must have knowledge of legislative, executive, and administrative functions.
  • Applicants must have demonstrated ability to provide problem-solving consultation, manage projects and address diversity, equity, and inclusion goals.
  • Applicants should have experience working with public health, public safety, and social equity stakeholders.
  • Applicants should have experience with blog writing and communication efforts.
  • Applicants with experience with proposal and grant writing a plus.

Education and Training

Candidates for this position must possess a bachelor's degree.

AHP is an equal opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. All qualified applicants will receiveconsideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex,national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, or protectedveteran status.


Mike Sofis

_____________________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org
Div28m members may post here list archive
twitter: @apadiv28 #div28

[#DIV28SUPER] NIDA Neuroscience Update June 11, 2021

Table of Contents:

I.                    Request for Information: Access and use of data from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study. NOT-DA-21-055 Response needed by June 30, 2021

II.                  Avenir Award Program for Genetics and Epigenetics of Substance Use Disorders (DP1) PAR-20-225. Next application deadline: October 19, 2021 by 5PM local time of applicant organization.

III.                Advancing technologies to improve delivery of pharmacological, gene editing, and other cargoes for HIV and SUD mechanistic or therapeutic research (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) RFA-DA-22-006 (R01).  Application due date: October 25, 2021 by 5PM local time of applicant organization.

IV.               NIDA Animal Genomics Program (U01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-21-244

Next application deadline:  July 26, 2021by 5PM local time of applicant organization.

I. Request for Information: Access and use of data from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study. NOT-DA-21-055 Response needed by June 30, 2021

NIH has issued a Request for Information (RFI) to solicit feedback from the external scientific community about ABCD data access and use. The NIH is publishing this RFI to seek input on topics to inform development of data use guidelines, cloud-based analytic tools, and other resources from its stakeholders, including members of the scientific community, academic institutions, the private sector, health professionals, professional societies, as well as other interested members of the public. Click here to view the RFI. Please submit responses by June 30, 2021 and direct all inquiries to Dr. Elizabeth Hoffman at adolescentbrain@nih.gov.

II.                 The Avenir Award Program for Genetics or Epigenetics of Substance Use Disorders (DP1) PAR-20-225

Next application deadline: October 19, 2021 by 5PM local time of applicant organization.

The Genetics or Epigenetics of Substance Use Disorders Avenir Award program supports early stage investigators proposing highly innovative studies that open new areas of research for the genetics or epigenetics of addiction.  These may be novel methods or approaches that can potentially be applied to the analysis of the genetics or epigenetics of addiction.  Investigators outside the field of addiction interested in applying their novel approaches to the genetics or epigenetics of addiction are encouraged to apply.  The award will support those in an early stage of their career who may lack the preliminary data required for an R01 grant, but who propose high impact research and who show promise of being tomorrow's leaders in the field of genetics or epigenetics of substance use disorders.  

If you are interested please read the entire announcement: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-20-225.html If you have questions, please contact: 

Jonathan D. Pollock, Ph.D.




John Satterlee, Ph.D.




III.              Advancing technologies to improve delivery of pharmacological, gene editing, and other cargoes for HIV and SUD mechanistic or therapeutic research (R01- Clinical Trial Optional) RFA-DA-22-006 (R01).  Application due date: October 25, 2021 by 5PM local time of applicant organization.

The purpose of this funding opportunity is to develop technologies to improve the delivery of pharmacological, gene editing, or other cargoes for HIV and SUD mechanistic research. This initiative focuses on technologies to improve the delivery of pharmacological, gene editing, or other cargoes for HIV and SUD mechanistic or therapeutic research. The development of combination Anti-retroviral therapy for HIV has transformed HIV/AIDS into a chronic disease by suppressing viral replication to undetectable levels. However, even after combination anti-retroviral therapy, HIV reservoirs remain in the gut, the immune system, and the nervous system where HIV infected CD4+ T cells, macrophages, dendritic cells and microglia may reside. Thus, no cure has been found for HIV infection and no effective vaccine for HIV exists. Current anti-retroviral therapies also have problems with drug toxicity, bioavailability, and have not been formulated for sustained release. Long term sustained delivery is needed among people with substance use disorders where compliance with an anti-retroviral therapy regimen may be problematic. To address these issues the development of improved reagents or technologies to enable targeted delivery of reagents (e.g. small molecules, biologics, gene editing reagents, etc.) to particular CNS regions or cell types is of great interest. Such delivery systems would improve our ability to monitor or manipulate HIV and SUD processes and could serve as the foundation for improved future therapeutics for HIV and/or SUD. Targeted delivery of CRISPr/CAS9 constructs, a gene editing technology, to HIV reservoirs has the potential to eradicate and cure HIV. The effectiveness of gene editing technology may be enhanced through combination with nano-formulations of anti-retroviral therapeutic agents.Such nano-formulations could potentially reduce drug toxicity, improve bioavailability, and provide vehicles for sustained delivery to the periphery and the central nervous system. Sustained delivery formulations that suppress viral expression in the blood stream may eradicate HIV transmission as effectively as a vaccine among drug abusing populations who have problems with treatment compliance.

Applications without proposed technology developments to improve the delivery of cargoes for HIV and SUD research will be considered non-responsive and returned without review.


IV.              NIDA Animal Genomics Program (U01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-21-244

Next application deadline:  July 26, 2021by 5PM local time of applicant organization.


The purpose of the NIDA Animal Genetics Program is to identify genetic, genomic, and molecular (epi)genetic variants that underlie: 1. Phenotypes associated with addictive behaviors and/or vulnerability to distinct stages along the substance use disorder (SUD) trajectory (e.g. initial/acute use, escalation of use, acquisition of tolerance, dependence, uncontrolled use, abstinence and relapse or recovery); 2. Behaviors associated with SUD (e.g. impulsivity, novelty seeking, delayed discounting, and other genetically-associated phenotypes); and 3. Comorbidities that demonstrate genetic correlations with phenotypes and behaviors linked with SUD (e.g. anxiety, stress, poor maternal care, social defeat, and other paradigms). Applications may examine any type of variant, including single nucleotide variants (SNVs), indels, large and small structural variants, and all types of mobile DNA. NIDA encourages applications that take genomics, multi-omics, and/or data-based approaches that integrate multi-level ‘omics data, delineate gene networks, and/or uncover the function of known or newly discovered genetic or epigenetic variants. NIDA expects these studies to uncover novel mechanisms that contribute to SUD and facilitate the discovery of targets for intervention and guide the development of individualized therapeutics to treat these different aspects of SUD.


The National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services  TO UNSUBSCRIBE: send email to listserv@list.nih.gov Copy and paste UNSUBSCRIBE NIDA_NEURO_SCIENCE-L



[#DIV28SUPER] Trauma-Informed Care Research Participation Opportunity

Message sent on behalf of Arielle Carmel (contact information below).


Good Afternoon,


Midwestern University in Illinois is looking for licensed healthcare professionals working in Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) across the Midwest to take part in about a one-hour trauma-informed care study. This study incorporates a free webinar-based training designed to educate healthcare professionals on trauma-informed care. The educational webinar is 45 minutes, and the study questions take about 15-20 minutes.  


Given the high prevalence rates of adversity and trauma in society, this study aims first to provide learning on trauma-informed care, and second, to investigate if the webinar increased knowledge and attitudes towards trauma-informed care. The long-term goal is to help us to bring awareness to the level of knowledge, attitude, practice, and perceived barriers towards trauma-informed care so that FQHCs can incorporate this information into their efforts at implementing trauma-informed care. 


In order to be eligible to participate, you must be a licensed health care professional (i.e., medical, dental, or mental health provider) and be currently employed at an FQHC across the Midwest. The full study procedures, including the measures and the training, will take approximately one hour to 1 hour and twenty minutes. 


If you would like to learn more about the study and/or to access the pre-survey questions prior to attending the live webinar, please click the following link: 




If you have further questions or concerns about your rights as a participant in this study, contact James Woods, Ph.D., Midwestern University's Director of Research and Sponsored Programs, at (630)-515-6173 or at jwoods@midwestern.edu. You may also feel free to reach out to Arielle Carmel, M.A. (Email- acarmel96@midwestern.edu) or Rachael A. Piszczor, Psy.D. (Email- rpiszczor@midwestern.edu; Phone- [630]-515-7633) if you have any questions about the study.





Brent Kaplan

Assistant Professor

Department of Family and Community Medicine

University of Kentucky

phone: 859-562-2714

email: brentkaplan@uky.edu

bio | github | researchgate


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