Hello Division 28 Colleagues,
Please see below a free summit related to the stigma of addiction. -
Warm regards,
Kelly Dunn
Registration now open: half-day action-oriented virtual summit on eradicating addiction stigma Join the National Academy of Medicine, Dell Medical School at The University of Texas at Austin, and Shatterproof on June 10, 2021 for the Stigma of Addiction Summit - a half-day, virtual, action-oriented summit entirely dedicated to understanding, addressing, and eliminating the harmful impacts of stigma on people who use drugs. The Summit will endeavor to elevate current efforts at reducing stigma, identify successes and gaps in the evidence base, and prioritize and identify areas for future research and funding with an explicit focus on stigma, which is often touched upon only marginally in broader conversations about addiction. The Summit has been organized by an interprofessional and interdisciplinary planning committee of people in recovery, clinicians, health profession educators, addiction medicine professionals, government stakeholders, and health professional organizations. The Summit is free to attend and will be recorded for viewing after the event concludes. | | Call for Innovation Abstracts! As part of the Stigma of Addiction Summit, the planning committee is announcing a call for innovation abstracts, intended to help promote promising initiatives that may not yet have received funding or been adopted broadly, and also to promote a broader network among those who are working to reduce stigma of people who use drugs. We invite individuals, teams, and organizations to submit abstracts showcasing programs, initiatives, strategies, research, courses, products, or solutions about reducing stigma of people who use drugs. The application period will remain open until April 23. Accepted abstracts will be published in a free-to-access Summit compendium and selected authors may be asked to share their work in a pre-recorded video that will be shown live at the Summit on June 10. | | Help us spread the word! Tweet this! The #StigmaSummit is a half-day, virtual, action-oriented symposium focused on understanding, addressing, and eliminating the harmful impacts of stigma on those who use drugs and experience addiction. Join us: https://nam.edu/event/stigma-of-addiction-summit/ Tweet this! Join @theNAMedicine @DellMedSchool @Shatterproofhq for a half-day virtual summit on 6/10 to hear about how stigma manifests in health care, how to intervene in real time, and the role of advocates and families: https://nam.edu/event/stigma-of-addiction-summit/ #StigmaSummit Tweet this! Do you have a promising approach to eradicating the stigma experienced by people who use drugs and experience addiction? Submit it to the #StigmaSummit's call for innovation abstracts by 4/23! https://nam.edu/event/stigma-of-addiction-summit/ | | Download the graphics below and share them on social media! | |
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Kelly Dunn, Ph.D., MBA
Associate Professor
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
5510 Nathan Shock Drive
Baltimore, MD 21224
BPRU Phone: (410) 550-2254
Fax: (410) 550-0030
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