
[#DIV28SUPER] FREE Division 28 Live Event on August 7th

Hi Everyone,

I hope everyone is doing well.

As many of you know, APA convention has moved virtual, and with that the vast majority of material has moved to pre-recorded (to be available for one year!). This is a great benefit as it allows everyone to enjoy content within the comfort of their home and on own their own schedule! I encourage you to consider registering, particularly given the reduced registration costs to attend (https://convention.apa.org/

But, in some ways, this does miss out on one of the things Division 28 members love about convention: the face-to-face catch-ups and interactions with our colleagues. Because of this, we at Division 28 have put together a brief "live" portion of the virtual meeting to occur during convention. This event will occur on Friday, August 7th from 2:00 to 3:50pm (Eastern Time). We hope that this event will provide the opportunity to catch up with colleagues, old, and meet colleagues, new, as well as act as a venue for sharing the cutting-edge science in psychopharmacology and substance use that makes Division 28 great. For many of you, this might be the first time you attend convention, and so also an excellent opportunity to see what it is all about!

There's many exciting events planned to include:
  • Data Blitz! A Series of 3 Minute Talks from Early-Career Members on topics like Decision-Making Science and Opioid Use Treatment
  • Division 28 Presidential Address "Impact of Sex/Gender in Substance Use Disorder" by Dr. Wendy Lynch

There will be NO cost to attend the event. You will also NOT be required to register for convention to attend this event nor do you need to be an APA member.

To ensure the integrity of the event we ask that you pre-register at the link below. Again, there will be no cost, but we will use this pre-registration to share the password and meeting link over a private setting.

Please feel free to share this email and the attached flyer with friends and colleagues who may be interested. We Look Forward to Seeing You Soon!

Division 28 Program Chair

Justin C. Strickland, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow
Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Phone: (410) 550-1975

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