
[#DIV28SUPER] APA Convention Updates

Hi Everyone,


I hope this message finds you doing well and that each of you has been able to maintain some sense of normalcy and good health over the past few difficult months. I know that here on the East Coast, the weather has taken an unseasonable turn towards the temperate, making for the excellent opportunity to get some fresh air (while maintaining social distancing guidelines) before a summer humidity sets in.


In my position as Division 28 program chair, I wanted to pass along some information, updates, and other potpourri regarding the upcoming APA Virtual Conference. I have reached out to many of you, such as those involved in collaborative or divisional symposium, and I know that presenters in general have received some broad guidance on how this will all (excellently) come together. But wanted to share some thoughts with the larger group to both provide updates as well as encourage those of you who may not already be presenting to attend!


First, and foremost, as many of you know APA 2020 Convention will be held virtually. Although this is a disappointment in some ways (no face-to-face meet ups with colleagues and friend, old and new), there are some excellent offsetting strengths.

  • Conference will still be "held" over the planned 8/6/20-8/9/20 timeframe. However, all material presented will be available from noon August 6th, 2020 until August 1st, 2021! That's right, one year of excellent content, on demand at your fingertips.
  • I did say registration, though. What fee might one expect for this vast universe of content? APA has fortunately markedly cut typical registration costs (by over 85%; see below for exact prices at each registration level). Now that is a deal if I ever saw one!
  • We are currently confirming with presenters about their availability to participate in this virtual setting. But what I can tell you (spoilers ahead) is that there will be cross-cutting and collaborative sessions on topics ranging from sex and gender vulnerabilities in psychological health to mobile assessments to individual medicine to behavioral economics, and more!

That enticing spiel aside, we understand that this is a stressful time for many of you and that lingering questions loom daily about what the next few months may look like. Hopefully APA convention will provide a no hassle, no stress opportunity to engage in the Division 28 programming you have previously known and loved (or attend convention for the first time!) and to do this on your own time.


I will provide more updates when the substantive ones develop. However, in the meantime, feel free to reach out with any questions.



Division 28 Program Chair


Registration costs are being reduced by over 85%.

  • APA member, fellow, associate, APA community college teacher affiliate, APA international affiliate: $50 (originally $315)
  • APA student affiliate, APAGS member, APA high school teacher affiliate: $15 (originally $100)
  • Nonmember Full-time student: $30 (originally $195)
  • Nonmember of APA: $75 (originally $495)

Justin C. Strickland, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow
Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Phone: (410) 550-1975

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