Hi All,
Abstracts for the 2020 APA convention are due in one week! Time to get your abstracts in before that Thanksgiving tryptophan hits.
The submission portal (https://convention.apa.org/proposals/division-programs ) is now open and Division 28 is accepting poster and symposium submissions for the upcoming 2020 APA Convention in Washington, DC. The deadline for submissions is December 2, 2019 at 5PM EDT.
We also would like to remind everyone of a few exciting opportunities for Division 28 members at convention. First, APA has recently made a commitment to emphasizing and supporting interdisciplinary programs and research groups (i.e., one that include at least one non-psychologist member). To this end, APA has indicated that if a non-psychologist speaks at a session as a part of one of these collaborative teams, that individual's registration fee will be waived. These may include traditional research sessions or workshops and sessions on team science designed to benefit graduate students and ECPs (and others) by describing the strengths of such collaborative efforts.
Second, we will once again offer an early career travel award for graduate students, post-docs, and early stage faculty members conducting research on alcohol or other substance use. See the below message for more details on applying.
Finally, APA has traditionally supported graduate student travel to APA through the Science Directorate APA Student Travel Award (https://www.apa.org/about/awards/scidir-stutrav). Although details on the availability of this opportunity have not been formally shared for the 2020 convention, we will be sure to share this or other opportunities as they are announced.
Hoping to see everyone in Washington, DC next year! Please feel free contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Division 28 2020 Convention Program Chair
Justin C. Strickland, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow
Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Phone: (410) 550-1975
Postdoctoral Fellow
Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Phone: (410) 550-1975
Dear Graduate Students, Post-docs, and Junior Faculty,
If you are doing research on alcohol or other substance use, we would like to invite you to apply for our early career travel award. This award is for $750 to help defray costs to the 128th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, which will be held August 6-9, 2020, in Washington, DC. Awards are made possible through funding from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (R13DA049497; PI: Hoeppner) and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (renewal under review for R13 AA022858; PI: Hoeppner), which seek to foster the development of the next generation of alcohol and substance use researchers.
To apply, simply submit your proposal via APA's online submission portal as you normally would (https://convention.apa.org/proposals). You can submit directly to Division 50 (Addiction Psychology) or your home division. APA's deadline for submission is December 2nd, 2019.
To be eligible for the travel award, proposals must focus on alcohol or other substance use or related problems. Additionally, applicants are required to be the first author on the paper or speaker in the symposium. You must also be a current graduate student, postdoc or early stage faculty member (within 10 years of receiving your degree). If your proposal is accepted by your division for presentation, you can apply for the travel award by emailing my Research Coordinator, Ms. Hannah Carlon, at hcarlon@mgh.harvard.edu. The deadline for applying for this travel award is February 15th, 2020.
If funded, presentations will be showcased at an Early Career Investigators Poster Session and Social Hour sponsored by the Society of Addiction Psychology (Division 50), Division 28 (Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse), NIAAA, and NIDA. That means that you will present your work twice at APA: during your regularly scheduled time, and additionally at our early career investigator poster session.
We strongly encourage you to apply. We will be able to fund a total of 15 travel awards, and an additional 15 awards may be possible if our NIAAA R13 renewal application is funded. The Early Career Investigators Poster Session and Social Hour is a superb opportunity to connect with your peers and leading scientists in the field of addiction. We would love to have you be part at our 2020 Early Career Investigators Poster Session and Social Hour!
All the best,
Bettina B. Hoeppner, Ph.D., MS
Associate Professor of Psychology, Harvard Medical School
Associate Director (Research), Recovery Research Institute, MGH
Director of Biostatistics, Center for Addiction Medicine, MGH
151 Merrimac Street, Boston MA 02114
Office: 617-643-1988 │ Fax: 617-643-7667
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