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Department Chair
Department of Health Education & Behavior
College of Health and Human Performance
The Department of Health Education & Behavior (HEB) in the College of Health and Human Performance at the University of Florida (UF) invites applications and nominations for the position of department chair at the rank of tenured Associate Professor/Professor. The Department of Health Education & Behavior (http://heb.hhp.ufl.edu/) includes a diverse faculty of health promotion and health behavior specialists and currently enrolls approximately 640 undergraduate and 45 graduate students in residential and online educational programs. The Department has established research programs in behavioral aspects of substance misuse; obesity, physical activity, and nutrition; and HIV/AIDS, other sexually transmitted infections, and reproductive health. HEB faculty members are active research collaborators and contribute to research training in several university-wide centers, including the Center for Behavioral Economic Health Research, Center for Addiction Research and Education, and Southern HIV and Alcohol Research Consortium. This is a 12-month fulltime appointment with an effective start date of July 1, 2019.
The Chair serves as the chief academic and administrative officer of the Department and reports to the Dean of the College. The Chair is responsible for strategic planning; academic leadership; curriculum development; fiscal management; personnel matters; working with the College’s Development officer; effective representation of the Department, College and University on campus, and to state, national and international communities.
Candidates must possess a vision of research and graduate education compatible with the goals of the Department, College, and University; a strong record of research funding and publications in refereed journals, collaborative research experience, and teaching excellence commensurate with appointment to the rank of Associate or full Professor with tenure; appropriate professional training, including a doctoral degree; a sustainable line of research inquiry that supplements and expands the department’s current research foci; ability to oversee and develop distance/online education; evidence of administrative and/or leadership experience, skills and abilities; managerial and communications skills; financial management expertise; ability and willingness to mentor early career faculty members and doctoral students; support shared governance; and a commitment to integrity, academic excellence, professional service and cultural diversity.
Preference will be given to applicants with outstanding leadership skills; a vision for developing the Department of Health Education & Behavior into a preeminent department; and an outstanding national and international scholarly reputation.
The successful candidate must be able to work with students, faculty and staff from a wide range of social and cultural backgrounds. We are especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity, inclusivity, and excellence of the academic community.
Review will begin on February 1, 2019, and will continue until the position is filled. Applications must be submitted online at https://jobs.ufl.edu/ (Requisition #41124) and include: (1) a letter of application summarizing the applicant's qualifications, ongoing research, interest in the Department and administrative philosophy; (2) a curriculum vitae; and (3) names, addresses, email addresses, and telephone numbers of five references. Please send email inquiries or nominations to Dr. Tom Clanton, Chair of the Search Committee, at tclanton@hhp.ufl.edu.
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