
Re: [#DIV28SUPER] APA Presidential Election

Esteemed Colleagues,


The executive committee discussed all five candidates running for President. We uniformly agreed that all candidates were accomplished and outstanding professionals, each with an impressive background of service and leadership within APA and the broader discipline. We further believe that each has the competence, disposition, and ethical compass necessary to serve as President.


Our decision to support these three candidates was based on their well-articulated positions on issues that are particularly relevant to our division, whether these positions were relayed in public forums, during meetings with various APA constituencies, or to individual members of the executive committee. Specifically, we found their messaging on issues related to substance abuse and the clinical application of psychotherapeutic drugs to be clear, well-researched, and highly supportive our mission:


The mission of this Division shall be to encourage the advancement of knowledge on the behavioral effect of psychotropic drugs and toxicants, which includes not only basic psychopharmacology research but also research into the determinants and treatment of substance abuse, the pharmacological treatment of mental illness, and other clinical uses of centrally active drugs.


Given that most of our members are also members of other constituencies within APA, I know we are receiving numerous messages expressing both passionate support and well-articulated arguments for each of the five candidates for President. I personally try to read all of these messages, and I have no reason to believe that any are disingenuous. The executive committee assumes that all members of the Division will vote their conscious, and consider our support for these candidates as one of many factors that will go into making an informed decision.


I am happy to see such passionate discussion on our distribution list. The executive committee strongly believes that access to the distribution list is a perk of divisional membership. We always welcome intellectual and scholarly discourse on all issues relevant to our Division.


Warmest regards,


President, Division 28


From: NINA SCHOOLER <nina.schooler@gmail.com>
Date: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 1:06 PM
To: "Smith, Mark" <masmith@davidson.edu>
Cc: "DIV28SUPER@lists.apa.org" <DIV28SUPER@lists.apa.org>
Subject: Re: [#DIV28SUPER] APA Presidential Election


To the Executive committee c/o Mark Smith


I cannot fathom why Steve Hollon didn't make the cut for the Division Executive Committee.   He Seems to me to be the epitome of the kid of person we would like to see as the President of APA.     Please enlighten me before I vote.  He would actually be my first choice in the election.


Nina R. Schooler, PhD

Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences

SUNY Downstate Medical Center

Brooklyn NY




On Fri, Sep 14, 2018 at 9:47 AM Smith, Mark <masmith@davidson.edu> wrote:

Esteemed Colleagues –


The election for APA President is now open.  You should soon receive an email from the Association with a member-specific link that will allow you to cast your votes.


The Executive Committee of Division 28 discussed the five candidates running for APA President at its recent meeting during the APA Convention.  We identified three candidates whose positions on issues facing the field today most closely align with the Division's mission and the professional interests of its members.  We encourage you to use APA's ranked-choice voting method when voting for the following three candidates:


1.  Sandra L. Shullman, PhD

2.  Susan K. Whitbourne, PhD

3.  Jean Lau Chin, EdD


Mark Smith


Division 28


_____________________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org
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