Addictive Behaviors - Call for Papers
Special Issue: Ambulatory Assessment of Addictive Disorders
Addictive Behaviors is now accepting submissions for a special issue, Ambulatory Assessment of Addictive Disorders. Ambulatory assessment broadly refers to a number of remote monitoring techniques, including ecological momentary assessment (EMA), used to intensively study behavior in naturalistic settings. Submissions should utilize technology-based ambulatory assessment to enhance the study and treatment of addictive disorders. This may include substance use disorders and other addictive disorders (i.e., gambling disorder, internet addiction). Multimethod assessment approaches are particularly encouraged. Examples of potential topics include:
· Identification of proximal risk factors for substance use or other addictive behaviors in real-world settings using ambulatory assessment/EMA
· Continuous, physiological measurement of substance use using transdermal monitors
· Detection or confirmation of substance use or other addictive behaviors in real-world settings
· Mobile interventions for addictive disorders
· Novel ambulatory methodologies for studying substance use and other addictive behaviors
· Agreement between laboratory and ambulatory/EMA studies of addictive behaviors
· Single-participant research designs using ambulatory assessment/EMA
Original research submissions, methodological papers, and review papers will be considered. Submissions may be focused on a variety of addictive behaviors (e.g., alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, opiate, cocaine, gambling, internet addiction) and in a variety of populations (e.g., adolescents, college students, older adults, underrepresented populations, individuals with comorbid psychopathology).
Successful papers will discuss how the results replicate, extend, or fail to replicate existing laboratory-based, cross-sectional, or epidemiological findings.
The deadline for manuscript submission is July 1, 2017 for consideration for inclusion in this special issue. All submissions must adhere to journal guidelines and will undergo peer review. Accepted papers will be published online individually prior to print publication. In order to be considered for this special issue, authors must select “SI: Ambulatory Assessment” from the “Choose Type of Article” drop down menu. Prior to submitting a manuscript, the authors are encouraged to submit a brief letter of intent to the Guest Editors, Rachel Tomko ( and Erin McClure (, to ensure that their topic fits within the scope of this special issue.
Erin A. McClure, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Medical University of South Carolina
125 Doughty St., Suite 190, MSC 861
Charleston, SC 29425
Phone: 843-792-7192
Fax: 843-792-3982
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