The scientific program includes 2 keynote addresses from leaders in the field, 15 symposia, over 80 poster presentations and two days of clinical skill-building opportunities!
Two days of clinical skill-building opportunities!
Mini-workshop #1: Emotion Regulation Training: Helping Clients to Manage Negative Emotions
Presented by Clara M. Bradizza, PhD, Kim Slosman, MS, & Paul R. Stasiewicz, PhD, University at Buffalo. This introductory workshop on Emotion Regulation Training (ERT) will review the ERT intervention, describe its basic components and provide a step-by-step guide on implementing core therapeutic principles of ERT.
Mini-Workshop #2: Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Alcohol and Drug
Problems: An Introductory Workshop
Presented by Barbara McCrady, PhD, University of New Mexico. The goal of this workshop is to provide an overview of the CBT approach and basic skills in CBT. The workshop will use active learning techniques and application of workshop material to sample cases.
Mini-Workshop #3: Treating Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors in Adults with Substance Use Disorders (SUDs)
Presented by Mark Ilgen, PhD & Erin Goldman, LMSW, University of Michigan. This workshop will review the cognitive behavioral model for suicidal thoughts and provide descriptions of techniques to specifically target suicidal thoughts and behaviors among those with SUDs.
Mini-Workshop #4: Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment: SBIRT in Diverse Practice Settings
Presented by Jessica L. Martin, PhD, M. Dolores Cimini, PhD, & Laura Longo, MS, University at Albany. This workshop will present cutting-edge research and training on integrating screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment in primary health and mental health care settings.
Mini-Workshop #5: Drug Use, Misuse, and Abuse: A Workshop on Recent Advances in Psychopharmacology
Presented by Cecile A. Marczinski, PhD, Northern Kentucky University. The purpose of this workshop is to provide a general audience with an overview of how recreational drugs
affect the brain and behavior and can lead to addiction. In addition, the current medications being used to effectively treat addiction will be highlighted.
Up to 12 credits of Continuing Education will be available! Please visit our website for more information.
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