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Dear Colleagues and Friends,
Below please find information about M.S. and Ph.D. programs in my department of Health Education and Behavior at the University of Florida. Our department has a strong focus on the addictions with several faculty working in this area. In general, UF is an outstanding environment to study the addictions given the presence of investigators in the Center for Addiction Research and Education (CARE), the Southern HIV and Alcohol Research Consortium (SHARC) and other outstanding resources. Please note that there are opportunities for highly qualified and interested prospective Ph.D. students to visit our department, including our College’s graduate student research day on November 4th. UF and the Department of Health Education and behavior are committed to recruiting talented students, particularly those from underrepresented minority groups. We would greatly appreciate it if you would be willing to spread the word to talented undergraduates and research assistants who are interested in graduate education related to health education, health behavior and/or public health. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. Thank you very much for your consideration.
Best Wishes,
Rob Leeman
Robert F. Leeman, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator
Department of Health Education and Behavior
University of Florida
Florida Gymnasium, Room 14
PO Box 118210
Gainesville, FL 32611
Phone: (352) 294-1808
Fax: (352) 392-1909
Email: robert.leeman@ufl.edu
Graduate Programs in
Health Education and Behavior
Graduate programs in the Department of Health Education & Behavior at the University of Florida prepare health behavior scientists and Certified Health Education Specialists (CHES) to research, develop, implement and evaluate health promotion programs to improve health and well-being.
Degree Programs
The department offers 3 main degree programs:
nA Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Health & Human Performance with a Health Behavior concentration
nA non-thesis 30-credit Master of Science (M.S.) in Health Education and Behavior
nA thesis/project 36-credit Master of Science (M.S.) in Health Education and Behavior
The Ph.D. program trains health behavior researchers for academic positions and for post-doctoral fellowships. The non-thesis M.S. program allows students to select coursework that matches their professional interests with faculty expertise. The thesis and project in lieu of thesis M.S. program is designed for students pursuing a career in research and/or a doctoral degree.
Faculty Areas of Research Interest
Faculty interests include substance abuse; child and adolescent health; digital health applications; human sexuality; HIV/AIDS; injury prevention; minority health and health equity; obesity; physical fitness; program planning and evaluation; rural health; chronic disease management; and women’s health.
Skills You Learn
Our students develop skills such as conducting needs assessments; setting measurable objectives; planning, implementing, and evaluating health behavior change and health promotion programs. Our program graduates use their knowledge and skills to promote positive health behavior change and prevent behavioral risk factors associated with disease and disability; advocate for community health programs; conduct research and evaluation on program and intervention effectiveness; and work collaboratively with public health organizations and agencies to build healthy communities.
Places Our Graduates Work
Our graduates hold positions in public and private health organizations and agencies at the local, state, national and international levels, including these position titles: Professor, Physician, Regional Health Educator, Substance Abuse Specialist, Exercise Therapist, HIV/AIDS Program Coordinator, Dietitian.
For more information including a list of faculty and their current research interests,
please visit us on the web at heb.hhp.ufl
Or contact Jenny Neelands, MPH, CPH, MS Coordinator of Academic Support Services & Communications, 352-294-1803, jennifer4@ufl.edu or
Robert Leeman, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator
352-294-1808, robert.leeman@ufl.edu
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