
[#DIV28SUPER] position announcement

Dear Colleagues,

Please find the following position announcement that may be of interest to the membership:

TENURED / TENURE-TRACK FACULTY POSITION. The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Department of Behavioral Science, is accepting applications for one open rank tenured or tenure-track position in addiction neuroscience. For this position, we are interested in outstanding scientists with interests in applying neuroscience approaches to the study of nicotine dependence in humans. Individuals with expertise in applying cognitive or affective neuroscience paradigms to the study of addiction using imaging technology (e.g., fMRI) are of particular interest. Additional areas of interest include developmental neuroscience, neuropharmacology, learning, behavioral economics, and genetics, as applied to the study of nicotine dependence. The successful candidate will join a group of investigators with complementary expertise in tobacco research. She/he will have an opportunity to conduct research in the context of large clinical trials for smoking cessation in community populations utilizing behavioral and pharmacological treatments, and/or stand-alone human laboratory paradigms.

This position is fully funded, with an obligation for only 40% extramural support following the third year of appointment. Salary is extremely competitive and commensurate with experience. MD Anderson offers excellent benefits, including a very generous start-up package with value depending on the rank of the appointment. Information about the Department of Behavioral Science can be found at http://www.mdanderson.org/education-and-research/departments-programs-and-labs/departments-and-divisions/behavioral-science/index.html<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.mdanderson.org_education-2Dand-2Dresearch_departments-2Dprograms-2Dand-2Dlabs_departments-2Dand-2Ddivisions_behavioral-2Dscience_index.html&d=BQMFAw&c=6vgNTiRn9_pqCD9hKx9JgXN1VapJQ8JVoF8oWH1AgfQ&r=5vaE3IBw6zz-86SyHJInHsFEiwslapZNIH07dRsjURA&m=F1Kno3bRGPHV6YXlTKaTv3i8DtmCoQ4UYPm6h-jCAx4&s=lyTiekVZ7xKPg3BRxJClUndWZt6gZIQ8G7l7RiH2WXQ&e=>

Qualifications: Minimum qualifications include a doctoral degree in neuroscience, psychology, or a related discipline, and a focus on neuroscience approaches applicable to the study of nicotine dependence in humans. Preferred qualifications include a demonstrated potential of peer-reviewed funding and scientific publication, a commitment to collaborative and transdisciplinary research, and a commitment to mentoring trainees and junior scientists.

To apply, send cover letter, curriculum vitae, a brief statement of current and proposed research, and 3 letters of recommendation by email to Dr. Paul M. Cinciripini, Professor and Chair, Department of Behavioral Science, email: BehSciFacultySearch@mdanderson.org<mailto:BehSciFacultySearch@mdanderson.org>. The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and is a smoke-free environment. Minorities, women, veterans, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

The MD Anderson campus is located in Houston, Texas (http://www.visithoustontexas.com/about-us/<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.visithoustontexas.com_about-2Dus_&d=BQMFAw&c=6vgNTiRn9_pqCD9hKx9JgXN1VapJQ8JVoF8oWH1AgfQ&r=5vaE3IBw6zz-86SyHJInHsFEiwslapZNIH07dRsjURA&m=F1Kno3bRGPHV6YXlTKaTv3i8DtmCoQ4UYPm6h-jCAx4&s=hG_17TUWjAygWYKU_EzFNwnKPrtdmp8zokKgEgcsBLg&e=>) - the 4th largest city in the nation, which is highly regarded for its beautiful neighborhoods, world class restaurants and coffee shops, museums, and cultural and outdoor activities. Houston is also home to the Texas Medical Center (http://www.texasmedicalcenter.org/<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.texasmedicalcenter.org_&d=BQMFAw&c=6vgNTiRn9_pqCD9hKx9JgXN1VapJQ8JVoF8oWH1AgfQ&r=5vaE3IBw6zz-86SyHJInHsFEiwslapZNIH07dRsjURA&m=F1Kno3bRGPHV6YXlTKaTv3i8DtmCoQ4UYPm6h-jCAx4&s=HvM754sKRMd_ivPGg6-4K64-2qvFtMMK_80-tcAnbfs&e=>), the largest medical complex in the world - and therefore an extraordinary environment to conduct scientific and medical research.

_____________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org _____________________
Div28m members #div28 subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org

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