
Re: [DIV28SUPER] Fwd: [DIVOFFICERS] Response from Drs Newman, Dunivin, Banks & James to the Hoffman Report

The very earliest interests by the CIA in psychopharmacology focussed on truth sera and the use of drugs in interrogation contexts at the outset of the Cold War.

About 7-10 % of our organization is in the security and defense sectors (va/dod/ intelligence ). Our field has received enormous funding from these agencies since WWII that paid overtly or covertly for  development  of our manpower and literature for the past seven decades. 

We are a division of psychopharmacology and responsible for the research and training portfolio by charter. 

Prescription privileges grew out of defense appropriations and will likely improve health care and affect the guild interests of the division in coming decades. If the research components of doctoral degrees continues, then that RxP economic manpower channelling drives the growth of the literature, the requests for research support, presence on review communities and the very future growth of the discipline and its literature.

Why this message? The short answer is that many feel the organization is not just in turmoil but at risk. Staff who have done great service to the division were involved in this process as professional employees. APA cannot continue to expect high level staff to pursue careers if APA is not regarded as a fair and hospitable employer. The vitriolic calls for immediate disciplinary action if executed would be inconsistent with due process. People stand accused in a 528 page report by a prosecutor; that report has not received the warranted and fair interval of study and review by leadership and by those accused of misconduct.

I forwarded the reply from the military psychologists to the executive board, but not to membership; this current plea is one for due process and thus no hasty action at next week's convention. It was distributed to division officers for redistribution and I thought it warranted redistribution to our division.

Ronald Wood PhD
A past president of division 28

(Note that "reply all" goes to the division membership subscribers, then to the web page, blog, and on to a thousand or so Twitter followers.)

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 1, 2015, at 7:59 AM, JOHN BRICK <intoxikon@comcast.net> wrote:

What does this have to do with division 28?  

Sent from my useful iPhone   

On Aug 1, 2015, at 04:45, Ronald Wood <ronaldwood@GMAIL.COM> wrote:

#div28 #apa2015
From: "James, Larry C." <larry.james@WRIGHT.EDU>
Date: August 1, 2015 at 2:03:32 AM EDT

          Attached is the response from Drs Newman, Dunivin, Banks & James

to the Hoffman report.


LC James

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