Greetings members,
The voting for proposed changes to the Division 28 bylaws will end
tomorrow (5/30). If you would still like to vote, please see the changes
(and clarification) outlined below and email me by 5 pm tomorrow with your
1. Allowing Division 28 membership to be directly available through the
online membership portal: ______
2. Change in requirement for Members/Associate Members to have a doctoral
degree in psychology or a substantially related field: (Note that this
change does not impact student and affiliate members) _____
Warm regards,
Kelly Dunn
Division 28 Secretary
Kelly Dunn, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
5510 Nathan Shock Drive
Baltimore, MD 21224
P: 410-550-2254; F: 410-550-0030
-----Original Message-----
From: Kelly Dunn <>
Date: Monday, May 19, 2014 8:30 AM
To: "" <>
Subject: Clarification to proposed changes to membership bylaws- please
Greetings members,
I would like to clarify that students and other affiliate members are not
impacted by the second proposal to change the requirement for Members to
have a doctoral degree in psychology or a substantially related field.
That proposal impacts only Fellows, Members, and Associate Members, so the
membership requirements for student and affiliate membership will not be
changed. Below are the existing bylaws for affiliate and student members.
If this changes the status of your previous vote, please let me know.
Warm regards,
Kelly Dunn
In addition to the regular membership classes, there shall be three
classes of Affiliates, who are not Members of APA: Affiliate,
Distinguished Affiliate, and
Corporate Affiliate. They shall have all rights and privileges of
membership; they shall receive the Division Newsletter and be eligible to
subscribe to the Division members-only electronic list. The Executive
Committee (EC) may from time to time review Corporate Affiliates (who
could be both an individual member and corporate liaison). If, during
such review, a conflict of interest is believed to exist, the EC shall
first discuss the conflict and then may vote whether to limit specific
rights or privileges of a Corporate Affiliate. A decision to limit any
right or privilege of a Corporate Affiliate must pass with a majority of
EC members present for the vote. The Corporate Affiliate shall be
Affiliates shall be those individuals who are Student Affiliates of APA
(undergraduate or graduate students, as defined in Article II of the
Bylaws of the APA); other graduate
students actively involved in research or clinical psychopharmacology; and
persons who are not members of the APA, but who have equivalent
qualifications in psychology or in neuroscience, pharmacology or
physiology, and whose work is related to advancing a fuller understanding
of drugs and behavior.
Distinguished Affiliates shall be those who are not Members of APA, but
who are outstanding scientists in psychology, pharmacology, neuroscience,
or physiology, whose work is related to advancing a fuller understanding
of drugs and behavior. Distinguished Affiliates are elected by a majority
vote of the voting members of the Executive Committee pending the majority
approval of the Members voting in a regular business meeting.
Distinguished Affiliates will have all rights and privileges granted other
Affiliates in the Division.
Kelly Dunn, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
5510 Nathan Shock Drive
Baltimore, MD 21224
P: 410-550-2254; F: 410-550-0030
-----Original Message-----
From: Kelly Dunn <>
Date: Friday, May 16, 2014 12:57 PM
To: "" <>
Subject: Proposed changes to membership bylaws- please review
Greetings Division 28 Members,
Attached to this email you will find the existing Division bylaws (April
2013) and a set of revised Division bylaws (May 2014) with two changes
proposed. The changes are highlighted in yellow for you to review. The
proposed changes are related to the new online portal through which
individuals can apply for APA membership. The first change would allow
persons signing up as an APA member to choose to become a member of
Division 28 at the time of APA membership enrollment, with dues being
collected from them at that time. The proposed member would only become a
division member if they meet the requirements of becoming an APA member;
therefore the second change is that the requirements for being a Member
and Associate Member of Division 28 include a doctoral degree in
psychology or a substantially related field, which would make our Division
requirements consistent with existing APA membership requirements.
Please consider adopting the proposed changes to Division 28 bylaws.
Please review these changes and respond to me (,
indicating your vote ("Yes" or "No") in the spaces provided below for each
of the proposed changes by Friday, May 30, 2014.
Allowing Division 28 membership to be directly available through the
online membership portal: ______
Change in requirement for Members/Associate Members to have a doctoral
degree in psychology or a substantially related field: _____
Kind regards,
Kelly Dunn
Division 28 Secretary
Kelly Dunn, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
5510 Nathan Shock Drive
Baltimore, MD 21224
P: 410-550-2254; F: 410-550-0030
___________________ _____________________
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