Table of contents
I. Grants Development and Technical Assistance Workshop for Early Stage Investigators, February 10-11, 2014 - Neuroscience Center, 6001 Executive Blvd, Rockville, MD
II. PAR-14-010 Identification of Gene Variants for Addiction Related Traits by Next-Gen Sequencing in Model Organisms Selectively Bred for Addiction Traits (UH2/UH3)
III. PA-14-025 Discovering Novel Targets: The Molecular Genetics of Drug Addiction and Related Co-Morbidities (R01)
IV. Functional Genetics, Epigenetics, and Non-coding RNAs in Substance Abuse (R21 and R01 FOAs)
V. Neuroscience Research on Drug Abuse (R03, R21, and R01 FOAs)
VI. All NIDA Funding Opportunities Announcements
I. Grants Development and Technical Assistance Workshop for Early Stage Investigators, February 10-11, 2014 - Neuroscience Center, 6001 Executive Blvd, Rockville, MD
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), Office of Diversity and Health Disparities will offer a Research Development Seminar Series Workshop (Part I) on February 10-11, 2014 for early stage investigators from underrepresented populations interested in applying for funding from NIDA. The workshop will include information on funding opportunities, an overview of the grant review process, presentations from the NIDA research Divisions and Offices, and one-one-one meetings with program staff and grantees. The application deadline is Friday, December 13th. For application instructions and additional information about this grant workshop opportunity please click on the following link: NIDAseminarseries.
II. PAR-14-010 Identification of Gene Variants for Addiction Related Traits by Next-Gen Sequencing in Model Organisms Selectively Bred for Addiction Traits (UH2/UH3)
Application due date(s): January 31, 2014; June 30, 2014; October 31, 2014; June 30, 2015; October 31, 2015; June 30, 2016; by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
The goals of this funding opportunity announcement are to: 1) develop strategies and methodologies for the sequencing, mapping and genomic analyzing of established phenotypes of selectively bred animal models with addiction traits, and 2) identify, from new or existing selectively bred animal models, genetic variants with implications for addiction related traits.
III. PA-14-025 Discovering Novel Targets: The Molecular Genetics of Drug Addiction and Related Co-Morbidities (R01)
Application due date(s): Standard dates apply, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
This FOA encourages applications for research projects that identify and/or validate chromosomal loci and variations in genes that are associated with vulnerability to addiction and that inform the likelihood of responsiveness to treatment. Applications that propose to examine intermediate phenotypes or endophenotypes to assess the molecular genetics of drug addiction, addiction vulnerability and/or their associated co-morbidities and how they are related to drug addiction are especially encouraged. Also encouraged are genetic as well as computational and large-scale genomic approaches, which may include but are not limited to linkage, linkage disequilibrium, case-control or family-based studies, and integration of data from other databases that may supplement substance abuse genetics and genomics data. Data may be collected from the general population, special populations, recent admixed populations, and/or animal models. Secondary data analysis of data collected from the general population, special populations, recent admixed populations, and/or animal models is also appropriate for this announcement. Investigators are encouraged to include, as a component of their project and as appropriate, gene x gene interactions, gene x environment interactions, gene x environment x development interactions, pharmacogenetics, and non-human models.
IV. Functional Genetics, Epigenetics, and Non-coding RNAs in Substance Abuse
PA-14-013 Functional Genetics, Epigenetics, and Non-coding RNAs in Substance Abuse (R21)
PA-14-014 Functional Genetics, Epigenetics, and Non-coding RNAs in Substance Abuse (R01)
Application Due Dates: Standard dates apply, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
Genetic and genomic studies have identified genes and gene variants that potentially modulate the fundamental biological mechanisms underpinning addictive processes. Discovery of these genes/variants, while extremely valuable, is only a first step in understanding molecular mechanisms of addiction. This Funding Opportunity Announcement encourages basic functional genetic and genomic research in two areas: 1. functional validation to determine which candidate genes/variants/epigenetic/non-coding RNA features have an authentic role in addictive processes, and 2. detailed elucidation of the molecular pathways and processes modulated by candidate genes/variants, particularly for those genes with an unanticipated role in addiction.
V. Neuroscience Research on Drug Abuse
PA-13-336 Neuroscience Research on Drug Abuse (R03)
PA-13-337 Neuroscience Research on Drug Abuse (R21)
PA-13-338 Neuroscience Research on Drug Abuse (R01)
Application Due Dates: Standard dates apply, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
Substance abuse results in widespread changes in brain structure and function, and research is needed to explain these changes and how they affect behavior. The goals of the research areas described in this Neuroscience of Drug Abuse FOA are to understand the neurobiological mechanisms underlying drug abuse and addiction, with special emphasis on changes that occur during chronic drug use, withdrawal and relapse. An understanding of the basic mechanisms underlying drug addiction can help to identify targets for prevention and treatment interventions. Research utilizing basic, translational, or clinical approaches is appropriate.
VI. All NIDA Funding Opportunities Announcements
The National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services TO UNSUBSCRIBE: send email to,
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