
[DIV28M] New programming initiatives for APA2014

Dear Division 28 Colleagues,

We are excited to inform you about some new programming initiatives at
the 2014 APA Annual Convention in Washington DC. APA is implementing
cross-cutting themes and integrative programming across the different
divisions of APA to highlight the unifying nature of psychology as a

If you have an interest or an idea for collaborative programming between
Division 28 and any other Divisions (e.g., 2-Teaching of Psychology; 6-
Behavioral Neuroscience; 25-Behavioral Analysis; 38-Health Psychology;
50-Addictions) or have collaborations already established with colleagues
from other divisions, let us help you develop your proposals.

The advantages of the collaborative programming initiative for the
Divisions are an increased number of programming hours of interest to
Division 28 members, earlier submission of symposia and programming
ideas prior to the regular deadline, a potential to bring in secondary
members from other divisions to Division 28, and some limited funding
opportunities to bring in "high draw" presenters.

The basic ground rules are that at least two divisions must participate,
innovative formats are encouraged (workshops, debates, panel
discussions), and one Division must be the Primary submitter. If a
proposal is not accepted for the collaborative programming initiative,
Division 28 can still consider your idea via the traditional division
programming process.

Drafts of potential collaborative programming are due by November 1 to
Program Chairs of the Divisions. However, since this is the first year of the
process, we encourage your ideas and suggestions earlier. Please send any
questions, ideas, or topics you would like to see at the 2014 Annual
convention to either myself (ellen.walker@temple.edu) or our Program
Chair Richard Allen (Richard.Allen@ucdenver.edu).

We look forward to hearing your ideas and hope to see you in Washington

Ellen Walker, PhD, President-Elect, Division 28

Richard Allen, PhD, 2014 Program Chair, Division 28

APA Divisions and Descriptions:

__________________ Div28m@lists.apa.org ___________________
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