
[DIV28SUPER] Fwd: Call Today to Defend Federal Funding for Research

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From: "American Psychological Association" <cjamieson@apa.org>
Date: Sep 20, 2012 6:00 AM
Subject: Call Today to Defend Federal Funding for Research
To: "Kelly Dunn" <kdunn9@jhmi.edu>

Call Today to Defend Federal Funding for Research

Take Action!

Ask Your Members of Congress to Prevent Sequestration

The federal government supports many programs that benefit all Americans, including medical and scientific research; public health; education and job training; public safety and law enforcement; weather monitoring; housing and social services; and international relations. In Washington, these programs are collectively referred to as "nondefense discretionary" or simply "NDD" programs. On January 2, 2013 these programs will face devastating, across-the-board cuts of 8.2 percent through a procedure known as "sequestration," unless Congress works together to prevent these cuts through a bipartisan, balanced approach to deficit reduction.

These large cuts were included in the Budget Control Act of 2011 as a mechanism to ensure that Congress reached a compromise on deficit reduction efforts.  But the partisan estrangement has grown so strong in Washington that there is a real chance Congress will not be able to reach an agreement to avoid these cuts. Congress has put off dealing with this very real crisis until after the national election in a lame-duck session of Congress.

On September 20th please join the NDD community in a National NDD Community Call-in Day and ask your member of Congress to support a balanced approach to deficit reduction that does not include further cuts to NDD programs, including critical funding for agencies like the National Science Foundation (NSF), the NIH, and other divisions of Health and Human Services (HHS) that support psychological science.  APA is a member of NDD United, a coalition of organizations to oppose sequestration.

NDD programs represent a relatively small and shrinking share of the federal budget—already reduced to levels not seen since President Eisenhower held office. They are not the drivers of the debt. In fact, even completely eliminating all NDD programs would still not balance the budget. Yet to date NDD programs have borne the brunt of deficit reduction efforts. If sequestration is allowed to take effect, core services upon which Americans have come to rely will be greatly curtailed or even eliminated.

Call your Members of Congress today to let them know that NDD programs, including those that support scientific research, have already done their part to help reduce the deficit – it's now time for a balanced approach!  Sample talking points are included to help you advocate to protect NDD programs.

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