
[DIV28SUPER] APA Convention and Division 28 Program

Esteemed Colleagues,


Registration is now open for the 2012 APA Convention in Orlando.  Please visit http://www.apa.org/convention/index.aspx to register for this year’s Convention and secure your hotel reservations today.


The executive committee of Division 28 has put together an outstanding program for this year’s Convention (see attached program).  Our theme for this year is Translational Research in Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse.  This year’s program is filled with late-breaking science, ample networking opportunities, and numerous social events.  In addition to our annual Young Investigator’s Award Symposium, Med Associates Brady-Schuster Award Lecture, New Fellows Symposium, and President’s Lecture, we will be sponsoring several symposia highlighting translational research in behavioral pharmacology and substance use:


1. Contingency Management Interventions in Substance Abuse and Health

2. Triggers, Treatments, and Sex Differences in Models of Relapse and Translational Implications

3. Risk Factors for Alcohol Abuse in Females Exposed to Trauma: Translational Research

4. Psychopharmacology of Antipsychotics

5. Missing Not at Random and Missing at Random Growth Models for Substance Use Clinical Trials


We will also be partnering with our colleagues in Division 25 (Behavior Analysis) to co-sponsor two additional symposia focusing on behavioral factors contributing to substance abuse and dependence:


6. Translational Research in Impulsivity

7. Behavior Analysis for Addressing Socially Important Problems


As always, we will be partnering with our colleagues in Division 50 (Addictions) to co-sponsor five symposia dealing with addiction and addictive behavior:


8. Stimulant Medication, ADHD, and Substance Use Outcomes

9. Behavioral Economics as a Platform for Translational Research on Addiction

10. From Innovations in Neuroscience to Innovations for Adolescent Drug Abuse Treatment

10. State of the Science and Clinical Implications of Outcome Measures in Drug Abuse Treatment

12. Understanding Addictive Behaviors: Celebrating the Work and Generativity of G. Alan Marlatt


In addition to our these symposia, Division 28 will co-host a social hour (a Happy Science Hour!) with our friends in Divisions 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, and 54 on Wednesday night to kick off the conference.  On Friday night, we will host the annual NIDA/NIAAA Young Investigators Poster Session and Social with our colleagues in Division 50.  On Saturday afternoon, we will showcase the research of our junior and senior investigators in our Division 28 Poster Session, which is always a highlight of the Convention.


In addition to the events planned in Division 28, other divisions will be hosting a number of symposia, workshops, panel discussions, and invited lectures dealing with psychopharmacology and substance abuse.  The Association will be hosting its annual Master Lecture Series and Presidential Lectures in topics critical to our field.  Finally, our colleagues at the Science Directorate will be hosting a number of events showcasing translational research in psychology, and this year Dr. George Koob will give a keynote lecture on the Neurobiology of Addiction.


The location of this year’s Convention promises to be exciting.  Orlando is home to a number of one-of-a-kind theme parks (e.g., Walt Disney World, SeaWorld Orlando, Universal Orlando).  It’s also home to world-class shopping, fine dining, and numerous museums.  It’s the ultimate family friendly destination, and we encourage everyone to turn your trip to this year’s Convention into a vacation to remember.


Best regards,




Mark Smith, PhD

Department of Psychology

Box 7037

Davidson College

Davidson, NC 28035-7037


Phone: 704-894-2470

Fax: 704-894-2512



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