
[DIV28M] Position at Texas A&M

I would like to draw your attention to a new position in the area of Behavioral and Cellular Neuroscience (Psychology) at Texas A&M University.  We are seeking to recruit an internationally recognized scholar who will build on existing strengths in the areas of learning, memory, addiction, neurodegenration, and/or neural injury.  

Current faculty include:

Federico Bermudéz-Rattoni (learning & memory)
Antonio Cepeda-Benito (addiction)
Shoshy Eitan (addiction)
Jim Grau (learning, neural injury)
Michelle Hook (addiction, neural injury)
Mary Meagher (pain, neurodegeneration)
Mark Packard (learning & memory)
Paul Wellman (feeding & addiction)

Generous resources have been identified for this position, with the aim of recruiting a researcher with an outstanding record of publications and grant support.  We will begin interviewing candidates in early May.  To be considered for the position, simply send a copy of your CV and a letter of intent, to j-grau@tamu.edu.

Jim Grau, Mary Tucker Currie Professor
Chair, Texas A&M Institute for Neuroscience

Full Professor in Behavioral and Cellular Neuroscience

at Texas A&M University

The Department of Psychology at Texas A&M University (TAMU) is seeking to fill a tenured position in Behavioral and Cellular Neuroscience.  We are especially interested in recruiting a scientist who will bring an outstanding record of scholarly research and external funding that complements existing strengths in learning, memory, addiction, neurodegeneration, or neural injury. 

Behavioral and Cellular Neuroscience is associated with the Texas A&M Institute for Neuroscience (TAMIN), an interdisciplinary program that involves over 70 faculty, distributed across TAMU and the Texas A&M Health Science Center (TAMHSC).  Over the last decade, TAMU/TAMHSC have invested heavily in the area of Neuroscience, with the recruitment of over 20 assistant professors, new facilities at both TAMU and TAMHSC, and the approval of graduate and undergraduate programs.  Generous research laboratory space has been identified in the newly constructed Interdisciplinary Life Sciences Building (http://ilsb.tamu.edu). 

Successful candidates are expected to have a well-funded, internationally recognized research program.  Additional information can be obtained by contacting the search chair, Jim Grau [j-grau@tamu.edu]. Individuals wishing to be considered for the position should send an electronic copy of their CV and a letter of intent.  Additional information, and letters of recommendation, will not be requested until after a preliminary review of the applicant pool.  Review of the applicant pool will begin in April.  Start-dates are flexible and the position will remain open until filled.

Texas A&M University is an Equal Opportunity Employer and has a policy of being responsive to the needs of dual-career couples.

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