
[DIV28SUPER] FW: IBR's 50th Anniversary -- Latest Developments!

Dear Friends

Please note updates from the Institutes for Behavior Resources (IBR) regarding their 50th anniversary event and celebration of Dr. Joseph Brady.  

In particular, please note they are encouraging "Tales of Joe" contributions to be submitted by March 18. Also, if you plan to attend, please note information on local hotels.



Mark Greenwald, PhD
           Community of Sciencehttp://myprofile.cos.com/markgreen
            Collexis http://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/wayne/expert.asp?n=&u_id=310

Professor and Director,  Substance Abuse Research Division
Dept. of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences
Wayne State University School of Medicine
2761 E. Jefferson Ave., Detroit, MI 48207
Tel (313) 993-3965        Fax (313) 993-1372


IBR 50th Anniversary Event Update

Celebrating the Contributions of Dr. Joseph V. Brady May 2 - 3, 2011 · Baltimore, MD  
 Latest Developments  
Have You Told Your "Tale of Joe?" <#LETTER.BLOCK5>
IBR and Substance Use Disorders Community Mourns Loss of Dr. Charles R. (Bob) Schuster. <#LETTER.BLOCK7>
Addiction and Art on Display at IBR Gala Dinner on May 2nd <#LETTER.BLOCK9>
50th Anniversary Program Ads Due on April 1st <#LETTER.BLOCK13>
Baltimore Hotel Information - Discounted Rates Available for Limited Time Only <#LETTER.BLOCK11>

Have You Told Your "Tale of Joe?"
Deadline for submission of stories and anecdotes due on March 18th

When   Dr. Sheppard "Shep" Kellam learned that he would be in  Europe during   IBR's anniversary event, he told Bob Schuster,  Anniversary Event   Co-Chair, that he wanted to make a statement. And he  did - literally! -   not only through a financial donation on behalf of  himself and his  wife,  Dr. Margaret Ensminger, but also by submitting a  letter about  the impact  Joe Brady has had on the behavioral sciences  field overall.  As a result  of this generous and heartfelt gesture, IBR has formed a  "Patrons Committee" of contributors whose writings -   letters,  handwritten notes, anecdotes - with their own perspective on   Joe Brady  will be compiled, printed in a commemorative volume and   presented to  Joe (and provided to all contributors) at the gala dinner. Read Shep Kellam's letter <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jq8895dab&et=1104694676851&s=652&e=001WBUnPB5o4qlGhyH8URO2CKH1j1-gn-KY6Mj5oCgu5MaxwxPlbZgDQO0PIu1pXfc_dqKIyFstHCDAlqqd_jjWeZczeASkk433TaKza8FiJyQ2mfsB_YX8jHQtWjBciCZcf0PncKdRgwTXgbsXQD1UcnYBB6wqIYYg5uB41fVyxTbxcYxUUZcYjzwgTdKvw-Kg> , plan to attend the celebration, and send your own story (please limit length to 1 - 2 typed pages) to Reid Blank at: rblank@ibrinc.org.
Institutes for Behavior Resources and Substance Use Disorders Community Mourn Loss of Dr. Charles R. (Bob) Schuster A letter from Dr. Steven Hursh, President of the Institutes for Behavior Resources To the Friends of IBR, We  are shocked and saddened to report that our friend and colleague, as  well as a giant in the field of substance abuse research and policy,  Charles Robert (Bob) Schuster, passed away on Febuary 21st shortly after suffering a stroke. Bob  was a life-long friend of Joe Brady, a dedicated supporter of the  Institutes for Behavior Resources, and a vital member of our Board of  Directors, an activity that reflected Bob's friendship with Joe and  their collaboration on a broad range of initiatives.  Bob was also my  friend and inspiration, whom I will greatly miss.  He possessed a rare  combination of intelligence, wit, wisdom, grace and energy. We  all extend our sympathies to Chris-Ellyn, their daughter Alyson, and  Bob's family during this time of sadness and mourning. For information  about the memorial service and related details, click here <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jq8895dab&et=1104694676851&s=652&e=001WBUnPB5o4qlZGpSkCJJ8kQ3QzeM0FWr_oHtAMMFVeKNaGwiBJAWWLDKQrb__Aa0mmvWqWFa68uEdzS7L-n-t8JZLFAzmj90JMoGUu9o1Q1KnnspRrQrxRQ==> .  As  many know, Bob was helping us as co-chair of IBR's 50th Anniversary  events scheduled for May 2-3, 2011.  Bob had already contributed a great  deal to these events.  I know he would have wanted us to continue in  this endeavor and we will, of course, take a few moments during that  event to acknowledge him and his contributions.  We welcome any  suggestions for how we might best remember Bob during our anniversary  event. Sincerely, Steven R. Hursh, Ph.D. President, Institutes for Behavior Resource, Inc. Adjunct Professor, Johns Hopkins U. School of Medicine For more about Bob's career, click here <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jq8895dab&et=1104694676851&s=652&e=001WBUnPB5o4qnWW0GrQDXy1Gw3poZneQZKKxgVDN0KSsRsuVAIG3hTfjwc-1xSztO1cESPZ-5a3k849kbAZK16giS5a0V70x-NNB9QsHoQmf6B4OyM4PzlsTvU0p-bbEcmskq1dvXbBLeZFpcjdqeMo_kDoMPeX8y3ZU1Ji9Hqv9cjMF7mFdnbNZ-gu5DjKYbsULnBexA6u_VFCueJ3KPxCQw3mr0EwlV1sznpUP2q-z5eHF4ja-VBnwvr-IZji26Q> .  

"Addiction and Art" at 50th Anniversary Gala Dinner on May 2nd
Selections will be on display at the American Visionary Art Museum venue

Edited by Drs. Patricia Santora, Margaret Dowell and Jack Henningfield, Addiction and Art was published to put a human face on addiction through the creative  work of individuals who have been touched by it. The art includes unique  stories about addiction, many of which are stark representations of  life on the edge or disturbing contemplations of life, meaning, and  death. Stunning and occasionally unsettling, this unique portfolio  reveals addiction art as a  powerful  complement to addiction science. "One of our goals was to see if  addiction art could change the way people understand addiction," said  Dr. Santora, a senior public health advisor at SAMHSA. "We want people  to see it not as a moral failing or an unlawful act, but to appreciate  it as a chronic medical illness requiring treatment." IBR hopes that all  who attend the anniversary dinner gala enjoy and appreciate the  compelling images and stories that go with them. To read a review of the  book, click here <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jq8895dab&et=1104694676851&s=652&e=001WBUnPB5o4qkvXPItKCTrynUbXBPxKEW2SVmkuEbBnUMSGXDsU5Y9ElriXyUL4IS_MwJ-rsu89DG5UHB7eI-FQbbN4Ak_QdeMxwErISP74XbRlP8YozWl6GznrhL8GXtjE393zhGcZiM5XhhLRKt7CP9MgTHm7357hZgsHQStNTvsT_aSITWiTO_3Me4Vd_cB> .  

IBR 50th Anniversary Advertisements Due on April 1st

The IBR anniversary program is a printed publication that includes information on the two-day "Advancing Public Health and Safety" conference at Johns Hopkins, gala dinner honoring Dr. Joseph Brady and Rep. Elijah Cummings at the American Visionary Art Museum, and the "Tales of Joe", a keepsake collection of reflections from those whose lives and careers have been influenced by Dr. Brady. IBR is accepting advertisements for placement in the program until April 1st. For more information, click here <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jq8895dab&et=1104694676851&s=652&e=001WBUnPB5o4qn15Uwa5rDI6oLOFmrqNK80djzYEz3t78sKySF7DlbaznFmSWM4df2_HWSXytCAbWkrkTM-50Ddz_tnfTXoIJDqz7VzH4A1NTWQSSCUnPdo7yFW2BdiP3unxjDwdS3fG0bF6ut-cWg1ZgZ1He54rD2U59WR8sZBHtWvvJ_z8L8FlaQ5DJGdr6va> or contact Reid Blank at (408) 247-0030 or rblank@ibrinc.org.  

Event Hotel Information - Special Discount Rates Available for a Limited Time
IBR has arranged for discounted room rates at the hotels listed below. Click on the hotel of your choice to make a reservation directly (or visit
MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "r20.rs6.net" claiming to be www.ibrinc.org/anniversary <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jq8895dab&et=1104694676851&s=652&e=001WBUnPB5o4ql4-fuYVKCTR2se_W-f5FXZq2148TNsYU-SNfVMB5musT3OR2DagtTzPrUlYvRLXAFpGHw-UHt8auh5OTrRnZwgLgwiitQoCHgjXEa4dAm_A5Vs6EkGI2bb> ). Don't delay as the negotiated rates are available for a limited time only.  

<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jq8895dab&et=1104694676851&s=652&e=001WBUnPB5o4ql8XcJW3O4VarADnf-WT1xOw0f9-C1O21FcCA-lHjZxiKLBfyUvZ5l6qqCYFcPY5_MYFDQ5HNTAM_6b5fImQulPWm2Z7gFtE75Rboxxlw5rsD9oi-U5T7Sio7CCWZirew0iX6KHbf31OkbufEGBw0txUzWEu3ex2AIdiNsbc3Or6V2cBJB5TL0p>  <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jq8895dab&et=1104694676851&s=652&e=001WBUnPB5o4qk9DROXxhkORwnTPJx9d2IyE2BmOCCnvGSk_3OGGVWEznrlBi_eqcOf7nibhD80sWDH1wdquVgFLApuk1EoXhYHxms02Sz0V8P68C8z9Q5bsJ6U1rCtvJfEK16WTG-PUiVmNR-wQJkJtRneZ0TmTCEmJMNxkfWYR0IJsjzYow4WCFbufyDfIAhtL1JiznYW50x7XYi_GUnSf2JW-8VuDp2s-2kDtjJAKqnZ-zxSc43eWMH8BFGP5lsp_tRz1gWrwiGZUPUgSYNnK3C-gNdKd8mlaXtzewTj6PDE232za7W3W13zNZTy93rE3FOlluLj4cE7KMVx7pmTRdK_eD4QrMc1OiGFL5eG2GWuzTGPNsjUejAmbQTwDrm2oZGG8_0d5LeH7p8qpsQKyNrKBcTUGte0gnZgklSAGok=>  <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jq8895dab&et=1104694676851&s=652&e=001WBUnPB5o4qmM92SeNSXQIplmouNyBmpWh9bgkzjD-d5IifbbVwsgQWaXqswgqZk34yZ6aq8C9tMQGmQX7ZGV7sUpV6x-iNQ7xMD_d2HL0kjf8wvTkO0UOyeciZaizaiUwFsCdv5gYcmqOpgSjyCCK-Tx2035CanUXgDB9YWuA6JFDAbdggyyG8Ovbdtxjx_dqCxoLl_36IZSffDumiEpUsCWuYatSqsSWcJ41sDW2PU=>  <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jq8895dab&et=1104694676851&s=652&e=001WBUnPB5o4qn18BOz8EXdwBQzAnoFzp_pb41POd7zNzAh-IyYU3ouD2IMrxZByuXWditPgxhJmRgWaK-iA7vvwxcf0B0moEn_LK6V4lOZ9i0XA5FWwfXtsUHhfKJA2viMnsGrrNwczmCxwuIsUNo3o1hjUE3sC58rKf52bzZyDeWwPSx58B8Zs7Ec0FyiznHA>  
IBR wishes to welcome the
College on Problems of Drug Dependence <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jq8895dab&et=1104694676851&s=652&e=001WBUnPB5o4qn9bjNvg_XXMvWbEct_m46jW5_LghlD5WsA8G7U51b9xuLT2ro_2ZMXj-ybuWOG-IrOdd0283bxjWl9x8dwASbLkUKwbE9ViZsTV3DqxJcIoRSyXrQ-GO7G> , Dominion Diagnostics,  <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jq8895dab&et=1104694676851&s=652&e=001WBUnPB5o4qmNyrojs1Av2daOlMLYs8OnxEXNM1ILeuVU0XLmpBWmqetIsw8KkOlP77a-qzsjbXCDAx_XsIQJrbvSAaO8ju73nTh3RJs9vNFDSQkYNBg366Euk1CuFZzA> Netalytics <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jq8895dab&et=1104694676851&s=652&e=001WBUnPB5o4qnC9glOxfXwDbTdiZosm2mCwyWNcVyH_xNIx-5dsNrB_KuDWsDvD4q7FKdax5TB2lOm0tDJm08DgrWt0R-u4isrJyWfntkRMo2_HQEr_U4W2g7ckFGFxbdAqduwM7s9R3t_BwmpSH5swQ==> , and Curry Architects <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jq8895dab&et=1104694676851&s=652&e=001WBUnPB5o4qmOGi_tXNS2xcKYYg5L1oMEZEjx0CWbqSfaWUiSzJSDIhsop18fKVr-w1k6vjxCqBnpyUv6o5ymx3Mg4EbWDqppnOkvuIDF1e_Z5Nogbf1Qn4C-jrknT9VA> as new Corporate & Organization Supporters (as of 3/1/11):

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