3/31/11 7:22 AM Update on NIH Substance Use, Abuse, and Addiction Review - feedback.nih.gov/index.php/suaa/suaaupdate |
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3/31/11 7:22 AM Update on NIH Substance Use, Abuse, and Addiction Review - feedback.nih.gov/index.php/suaa/suaaupdate |
Early Career Investigator Position Available
Parents’ Translational
Treatment Research Institute
An outstanding individual is sought for an entry level investigator position in the research group of Dr. Kimberly C. Kirby in the Parents’
Action Alert from CARE regarding adoption of new ILAR Guide as PHS PolicyThe NIH Office for Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) recently published a call for comments on adopting the newly revised Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (the Guide) as Public Health Services (PHS) policy. A preliminary review of the new Guide by CARE indicated that there are significant changes, including requirements for standard operating procedures, physical environment and housing, and level of veterinary care and oversight. Adoption of the new Guide will, for most investigators and institutions, result in increased cost of conducting research with nonhuman animals. While CARE is drafting detailed comments to submit to OLAW, CARE intends to recommend that 1996 Guide remain PHS policy and that the 2011 Guide be used as a reference. In addition, if contrary to the CARE recommendation, OLAW does decide to adopt the new Guide as PHS Policy, then CARE believes that the March 2012 deadline for compliance with the new standards is unrealistic and recommends a more gradual multi-year phase-in.CARE urges all scientists conducting research with nonhuman animals to submit individual comments to OLAW and to also encourage their institutional officials to do the same. The deadline for comments is April 24, 2011. Comments should be submitted online at http://grants.nih.gov/grants/olaw/2011guidecomments/add.htm
The NIH Office for Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) recently published a call
for comments on adopting the newly revised Guide for the Care and Use of
Laboratory Animals (the Guide) as Public Health Services (PHS) policy. A
preliminary review of the new Guide by CARE indicated that there are
significant changes, including requirements for standard operating procedures,
physical environment and housing, and level of veterinary care and oversight.
Adoption of the new Guide will, for most investigators and institutions, result
in increased cost of conducting research with nonhuman animals. While CARE
is drafting detailed comments to submit to OLAW, CARE intends to recommend
that 1996 Guide remain PHS policy and that the 2011 Guide be used as a
reference. In addition, if contrary to the CARE recommendation, OLAW does
decide to adopt the new Guide as PHS Policy, then CARE believes that the
March 2012 deadline for compliance with the new standards is unrealistic and
recommends a more gradual multi-year phase-in.
CARE urges all scientists conducting research with nonhuman animals to
submit individual comments to OLAW and to also encourage their institutional
officials to do the same. The deadline for comments is April 24, 2011.
Comments should be submitted online at
Barbara Kaminski, Ph.D.
Member/Div 28 liaison, APA Committee on Animal Research and Ethics
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The Science Directorate is currently accepting applications to the APA Science Student Council (SSC). Formed in 1993, the SSC is a diverse group of research-oriented psychology graduate students who serve as an advisory group to the APA Science Directorate. The Council represents the interests of research-oriented students by providing valuable advice to the Directorate on how it can best serve the science student population. The Council has been actively involved in a number of projects, including awarding prizes for graduate-level research, organizing student programs for the APA Convention, writing newsletter articles about graduate student issues, learning about and participating in advocacy for psychological funding, and making recommendations on the Directorate's student programs. The Council reports to and collaborates with the Board of Scientific Affairs and works cooperatively with the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students.
The Directorate is seeking applications from graduate students to serve two-year terms beginning September 1, 2011, during which time they will be actively engaged SSC members. By the beginning of the SSC term, new members must to have completed at least one year of graduate school, and have at least two years of graduate school remaining before receiving their PhD. SSC members are required to attend two weekend meetings per year in Washington, DC, at APA's expense, with the potential to attend additional optional APA governance events. In addition, SSC members are expected to remain available via email during an unofficial third (non-meeting) year to advise new members (this third year can be post-doctoral).
Five (5) positions will be available on the Council for the September 2011-September 2013 term. One person in each of the following areas of research will be selected:
· Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Potential SSC applicants are encouraged to contact current SSC members in their area of interest to discuss the positions and responsibilities. Current members contact info is available on the website.
Please note that the Council strives for diversity in all appropriate ways, including geographic diversity. Consequently, no more than one student from any given department may occupy a seat on the SSC at any given time. Please check the list of current members before applying. If you have a question about your eligibility, please contact the Science Directorate.
To apply to the SSC, please provide the following:
Applications are due electronically by May 16, 2011. Please submit all application materials to science@apa.org. New members will be selected in the summer for terms that begin September 1, 2011.
Application materials may be submitted as Word documents, zip files, or as PDFs. Please note that our email system blocks files that are 10MB or larger. If you try to email materials that are larger than this limit, we will not receive your email.
If the sum of your files is larger than 10MB, we suggest sending each attachment in a separate email.
After we receive your application materials, we will send a confirmation email. If you do not receive a confirmation email within two business days of sending your materials, it means that we did not receive your application (see note, above, regarding file size). Please contact us before resubmitting your materials.
Please direct questions to the APA Science Directorate by telephone (202-336-6000) or by email.
For more information on the SSC and the Council's current projects, please visit the website: http://www.apa.org/science/leadership/students/index.aspx
Nicolle Singer | Science Programs Associate
Science Directorate
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Dear Colleagues: APA participates in a large coalition of scientific and health groups called the Ad Hoc Group for Medical Research. As an advocacy tool in support of NIH funding, the coalition has initiated a petition that you and your colleagues may sign online. It is helpful for organizations to be able to print a list of signers in particular states or districts when visiting members of Congress, to demonstrate the depth of support for NIH.
The petition is available at: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/preservenihfunding/
Please sign the petition, and share this note with other organizations and individuals in your department who are concerned about NIH funding.
The petition will be open until the FY 2011 spending bill is resolved.
Patricia Clem Kobor
Sr. Science Policy Analyst
American Psychological Association
750 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002
(202) 336-5933
(202) 336-6063-f
P Please consider the environment before printing this email.
Charles R. Schuster Memorial Congressional Briefing
With the death of Charles R. (Bob) Schuster on February 21, there have been many expressions of interest from persons wishing to commemorate his contributions to science throughout his career by making donations to a suitable memorial.
Bob's family encourages such donations to the Friends of NIDA, a non-profit coalition of individuals, scientific and professional societies, patient groups and other organizations committed to the elimination of drug abuse and addiction through education, advocacy, and the promotion of broad public and private support for the research agenda of the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
This is a particularly suitable organization given Bob Schuster's leadership as Director of NIDA from 1986 to 1992. Bob was also a member of the Board of The Friends of NIDA, which has established the Charles R. Schuster Congressional Briefing Series. As we know, Bob was a great believer in the empowerment of science to inform policy. As NIDA Director, Bob provided congressional testimony and many briefings himself.
Tax-deductible memorial contributions by credit card may be designated at http://www.thefriendsofnida.org/
If you prefer, donations can be submitted by a check made out to Friends of NIDA and mailed to:
Friends of the National Institute on Drug Abuse
Attn: William L. Dewey, Ph.D.
Dept. of Pharmacology
P.O. Box 980613
Richmond, VA 23298-0613
The University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine, Department of Preventive Medicine, Division of Health Behavior Research, seeks candidates for two- to three- year NCI-funded postdoctoral fellowships. This Ruth L. Kirchstein NRSA Institutional Research Training Program in Cancer Control and Epidemiology focuses on transdisciplinary research on the behavioral and biological determinants of cancer (e.g., tobacco, alcohol, and drug use; physical activity; diet; obesity; adherence to cancer screening, detection, and treatment; STIs) and prevention efforts that target these risk factors. Research among fellows and training faculty is diverse and spans multiple areas. Potential candidates are encouraged visit http://ipr.usc.edu/research.php for more details about research opportunities in USC's Division of Health Behavior Research.
Candidates should have a strong background in health behavior studies, psychology, health disparities, public/global health, statistics, epidemiology or in other disciplines with strong potential for innovative applications to cancer risk and prevention. This training program has an outstanding track record. Among fellows who completed training over the last 10 years, 73 percent hold faculty posts and most others are engaged primarily in research at universities or major research institutes (e.g., NIH, CDC).
Qualified individuals must have completed a PhD, MD or equivalent, and must be a US citizen or have permanent resident status. Annual salary is based upon year doctorate received. Health insurance, tuition, and conference travel provided.
USC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.
Send curriculum vitae and statement of interest to:
Marny Barovich
1000 S. Fremont Ave., Box 8
Alhambra, CA 91803
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Beyond his scientific contributions, he was an influential mentor to many, both to his own undergraduates, predocs, and postdocs as well as many others in the field at all stages of professional development.His fingerprints are visible on many of us who have devoted our careers to the psychological study of addictive behaviors. He was an extraordinarily generous man who would also take the time to honor the numerous requests for his counsel from students world-wide and the general public and would always take the time to lend an ear to a colleague in need. It is difficult to think of any colleague who has shaped the field both intellectually and socially to the extent that Alan has and his absence from our professional and personal lives will be keenly felt.
Kenneth J. Sher, Ph.D.
Curators' Distinguished Professor of Psychological Sciences
University of Missouri
200 South Seventh Street
Columbia, MO 65211
email: sherk@missouri.edu
Web: http://web.missouri.edu/~sherk
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The National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH is pleased to support The Cellular Biology of Addiction Course, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, August 9-15, 2011, Application Deadline, April 15, 2011
Scholarship funds are available for partial support of tuition, room and board on a merit basis.
The National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services
TO UNSUBSCRIBE: send email to listserv@list.nih.gov, Copy and paste UNSUBSCRIBE NIDA_NEURO_SCIENCE-L in the message body of the email
- You will receive a confirmation email if successful. If you have problems contact jpollock@mail.nih.gov 301-435-1309
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), a component of the National Institutes of Health, has launched a major funding initiative to develop more effective smoking cessation medications.
NIDA has issued multiple Funding Opportunity Announcements, including Medication Initiative for Tobacco Dependence (MITD): A New Product Development Partnership (PDP) (RFA-DA-11-015). MITD invites cooperative agreement applications from qualified non-profit, private, and academic organizations to form a new Product Development Partnership (PDP), which will then work to develop safe and effective medications for the treatment of tobacco dependence
Up to five grants will be awarded for Phase One, the planning phase. Grantees will study the feasibility of novel smoking cessation medications and recommend specific private-public collaborations necessary to successfully support research efforts aimed at development and evaluation of new medications. The ultimate goal of this phase is the establishment of the PDP.
Phase Two funding will support a wide array of research and development projects to fulfill the regulatory requirements for approval and marketing in the US. The Phase Two awardee is likely to be chosen from among the Phase One grantees.
NIDA intends to commit an estimated $500,000 for Phase One and another $10 million for Phase Two.
Other NIDA funding announcements to support the development of new medications for tobacco dependence include the 2011 NIDA Translational Avant-Garde Award for Medication Development for Diseases of Addiction (PAR -11-102), 2011 NIDA Translational Avant-Garde Award for Medication Development for Diseases of Addiction (RFA-DA-11-009), Predictive Animal Models for Smoking Cessation Medications (RFA-DA-014) . Both non-profit and for-profit institutions are eligible to apply.
Background: Tobacco smoking is linked to more than 400,000 deaths occurring each year in the United States, and is expected, worldwide, to contribute to over 1 billion premature deaths over the next century. Despite considerable public health efforts, millions remain addicted; the smoking rate has remained unchanged at approximately 20 percent since 2004. Among those trying to quit, the vast majority relapse within 6 months.
Please send inquiries to Medications Initiative for Tobacco Dependence: NIDAMedTDWG@mail.nih.gov or call 301-443-9800”
The National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services
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2011 International Women's Fourth Meeting and Conference Drug Use, Abuse, and Dependence in Women: Friday, June 17, 2011, 12:00 to 18:00 In conjunction with the NIDA International Forum and the 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) co-sponsored by NIDA, CPDD, Office on Women's Health in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, RTI International, Reckitt Benckiser Pharmaceuticals Inc., and Danya International. This conference will bring together expert researchers and clinical providers passionate and committed to improving the lives of women and children.
Please join us in our mission to advance our field and expand global collaborations. Registration is $20 US ($10 for students and developing countries) For more information, contact Wendee Wechsberg, wmw@rti.org. If you would like know the mission and join the InWomen's network, please go to http://nivc.perpich.com and register online. Membership is free. Your registration will be activated within 48 hours and you will be automatically added to a discussion list to get alerts for upcoming meetings and where the minutes from meetings are disseminated. For more information on the Virtual Collaboratory, contact JGPerpich, LLC staff: info@perpich.com. |
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IBR 50th Anniversary Event Update
Celebrating the Contributions of Dr. Joseph V. Brady May 2 - 3, 2011 · Baltimore, MD
Latest Developments
Have You Told Your "Tale of Joe?" <#LETTER.BLOCK5>
IBR and Substance Use Disorders Community Mourns Loss of Dr. Charles R. (Bob) Schuster. <#LETTER.BLOCK7>
Addiction and Art on Display at IBR Gala Dinner on May 2nd <#LETTER.BLOCK9>
50th Anniversary Program Ads Due on April 1st <#LETTER.BLOCK13>
Baltimore Hotel Information - Discounted Rates Available for Limited Time Only <#LETTER.BLOCK11>
Have You Told Your "Tale of Joe?"
Deadline for submission of stories and anecdotes due on March 18th
When Dr. Sheppard "Shep" Kellam learned that he would be in Europe during IBR's anniversary event, he told Bob Schuster, Anniversary Event Co-Chair, that he wanted to make a statement. And he did - literally! - not only through a financial donation on behalf of himself and his wife, Dr. Margaret Ensminger, but also by submitting a letter about the impact Joe Brady has had on the behavioral sciences field overall. As a result of this generous and heartfelt gesture, IBR has formed a "Patrons Committee" of contributors whose writings - letters, handwritten notes, anecdotes - with their own perspective on Joe Brady will be compiled, printed in a commemorative volume and presented to Joe (and provided to all contributors) at the gala dinner. Read Shep Kellam's letter <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jq8895dab&et=1104694676851&s=652&e=001WBUnPB5o4qlGhyH8URO2CKH1j1-gn-KY6Mj5oCgu5MaxwxPlbZgDQO0PIu1pXfc_dqKIyFstHCDAlqqd_jjWeZczeASkk433TaKza8FiJyQ2mfsB_YX8jHQtWjBciCZcf0PncKdRgwTXgbsXQD1UcnYBB6wqIYYg5uB41fVyxTbxcYxUUZcYjzwgTdKvw-Kg> , plan to attend the celebration, and send your own story (please limit length to 1 - 2 typed pages) to Reid Blank at: rblank@ibrinc.org.
Institutes for Behavior Resources and Substance Use Disorders Community Mourn Loss of Dr. Charles R. (Bob) Schuster A letter from Dr. Steven Hursh, President of the Institutes for Behavior Resources To the Friends of IBR, We are shocked and saddened to report that our friend and colleague, as well as a giant in the field of substance abuse research and policy, Charles Robert (Bob) Schuster, passed away on Febuary 21st shortly after suffering a stroke. Bob was a life-long friend of Joe Brady, a dedicated supporter of the Institutes for Behavior Resources, and a vital member of our Board of Directors, an activity that reflected Bob's friendship with Joe and their collaboration on a broad range of initiatives. Bob was also my friend and inspiration, whom I will greatly miss. He possessed a rare combination of intelligence, wit, wisdom, grace and energy. We all extend our sympathies to Chris-Ellyn, their daughter Alyson, and Bob's family during this time of sadness and mourning. For information about the memorial service and related details, click here <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jq8895dab&et=1104694676851&s=652&e=001WBUnPB5o4qlZGpSkCJJ8kQ3QzeM0FWr_oHtAMMFVeKNaGwiBJAWWLDKQrb__Aa0mmvWqWFa68uEdzS7L-n-t8JZLFAzmj90JMoGUu9o1Q1KnnspRrQrxRQ==> . As many know, Bob was helping us as co-chair of IBR's 50th Anniversary events scheduled for May 2-3, 2011. Bob had already contributed a great deal to these events. I know he would have wanted us to continue in this endeavor and we will, of course, take a few moments during that event to acknowledge him and his contributions. We welcome any suggestions for how we might best remember Bob during our anniversary event. Sincerely, Steven R. Hursh, Ph.D. President, Institutes for Behavior Resource, Inc. Adjunct Professor, Johns Hopkins U. School of Medicine For more about Bob's career, click here <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jq8895dab&et=1104694676851&s=652&e=001WBUnPB5o4qnWW0GrQDXy1Gw3poZneQZKKxgVDN0KSsRsuVAIG3hTfjwc-1xSztO1cESPZ-5a3k849kbAZK16giS5a0V70x-NNB9QsHoQmf6B4OyM4PzlsTvU0p-bbEcmskq1dvXbBLeZFpcjdqeMo_kDoMPeX8y3ZU1Ji9Hqv9cjMF7mFdnbNZ-gu5DjKYbsULnBexA6u_VFCueJ3KPxCQw3mr0EwlV1sznpUP2q-z5eHF4ja-VBnwvr-IZji26Q> .
"Addiction and Art" at 50th Anniversary Gala Dinner on May 2nd
Selections will be on display at the American Visionary Art Museum venue
Edited by Drs. Patricia Santora, Margaret Dowell and Jack Henningfield, Addiction and Art was published to put a human face on addiction through the creative work of individuals who have been touched by it. The art includes unique stories about addiction, many of which are stark representations of life on the edge or disturbing contemplations of life, meaning, and death. Stunning and occasionally unsettling, this unique portfolio reveals addiction art as a powerful complement to addiction science. "One of our goals was to see if addiction art could change the way people understand addiction," said Dr. Santora, a senior public health advisor at SAMHSA. "We want people to see it not as a moral failing or an unlawful act, but to appreciate it as a chronic medical illness requiring treatment." IBR hopes that all who attend the anniversary dinner gala enjoy and appreciate the compelling images and stories that go with them. To read a review of the book, click here <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jq8895dab&et=1104694676851&s=652&e=001WBUnPB5o4qkvXPItKCTrynUbXBPxKEW2SVmkuEbBnUMSGXDsU5Y9ElriXyUL4IS_MwJ-rsu89DG5UHB7eI-FQbbN4Ak_QdeMxwErISP74XbRlP8YozWl6GznrhL8GXtjE393zhGcZiM5XhhLRKt7CP9MgTHm7357hZgsHQStNTvsT_aSITWiTO_3Me4Vd_cB> .
IBR 50th Anniversary Advertisements Due on April 1st
The IBR anniversary program is a printed publication that includes information on the two-day "Advancing Public Health and Safety" conference at Johns Hopkins, gala dinner honoring Dr. Joseph Brady and Rep. Elijah Cummings at the American Visionary Art Museum, and the "Tales of Joe", a keepsake collection of reflections from those whose lives and careers have been influenced by Dr. Brady. IBR is accepting advertisements for placement in the program until April 1st. For more information, click here <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jq8895dab&et=1104694676851&s=652&e=001WBUnPB5o4qn15Uwa5rDI6oLOFmrqNK80djzYEz3t78sKySF7DlbaznFmSWM4df2_HWSXytCAbWkrkTM-50Ddz_tnfTXoIJDqz7VzH4A1NTWQSSCUnPdo7yFW2BdiP3unxjDwdS3fG0bF6ut-cWg1ZgZ1He54rD2U59WR8sZBHtWvvJ_z8L8FlaQ5DJGdr6va> or contact Reid Blank at (408) 247-0030 or rblank@ibrinc.org.
Event Hotel Information - Special Discount Rates Available for a Limited Time
IBR has arranged for discounted room rates at the hotels listed below. Click on the hotel of your choice to make a reservation directly (or visit MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "r20.rs6.net" claiming to be www.ibrinc.org/anniversary <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jq8895dab&et=1104694676851&s=652&e=001WBUnPB5o4ql4-fuYVKCTR2se_W-f5FXZq2148TNsYU-SNfVMB5musT3OR2DagtTzPrUlYvRLXAFpGHw-UHt8auh5OTrRnZwgLgwiitQoCHgjXEa4dAm_A5Vs6EkGI2bb> ). Don't delay as the negotiated rates are available for a limited time only.
<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jq8895dab&et=1104694676851&s=652&e=001WBUnPB5o4ql8XcJW3O4VarADnf-WT1xOw0f9-C1O21FcCA-lHjZxiKLBfyUvZ5l6qqCYFcPY5_MYFDQ5HNTAM_6b5fImQulPWm2Z7gFtE75Rboxxlw5rsD9oi-U5T7Sio7CCWZirew0iX6KHbf31OkbufEGBw0txUzWEu3ex2AIdiNsbc3Or6V2cBJB5TL0p> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jq8895dab&et=1104694676851&s=652&e=001WBUnPB5o4qk9DROXxhkORwnTPJx9d2IyE2BmOCCnvGSk_3OGGVWEznrlBi_eqcOf7nibhD80sWDH1wdquVgFLApuk1EoXhYHxms02Sz0V8P68C8z9Q5bsJ6U1rCtvJfEK16WTG-PUiVmNR-wQJkJtRneZ0TmTCEmJMNxkfWYR0IJsjzYow4WCFbufyDfIAhtL1JiznYW50x7XYi_GUnSf2JW-8VuDp2s-2kDtjJAKqnZ-zxSc43eWMH8BFGP5lsp_tRz1gWrwiGZUPUgSYNnK3C-gNdKd8mlaXtzewTj6PDE232za7W3W13zNZTy93rE3FOlluLj4cE7KMVx7pmTRdK_eD4QrMc1OiGFL5eG2GWuzTGPNsjUejAmbQTwDrm2oZGG8_0d5LeH7p8qpsQKyNrKBcTUGte0gnZgklSAGok=> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jq8895dab&et=1104694676851&s=652&e=001WBUnPB5o4qmM92SeNSXQIplmouNyBmpWh9bgkzjD-d5IifbbVwsgQWaXqswgqZk34yZ6aq8C9tMQGmQX7ZGV7sUpV6x-iNQ7xMD_d2HL0kjf8wvTkO0UOyeciZaizaiUwFsCdv5gYcmqOpgSjyCCK-Tx2035CanUXgDB9YWuA6JFDAbdggyyG8Ovbdtxjx_dqCxoLl_36IZSffDumiEpUsCWuYatSqsSWcJ41sDW2PU=> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jq8895dab&et=1104694676851&s=652&e=001WBUnPB5o4qn18BOz8EXdwBQzAnoFzp_pb41POd7zNzAh-IyYU3ouD2IMrxZByuXWditPgxhJmRgWaK-iA7vvwxcf0B0moEn_LK6V4lOZ9i0XA5FWwfXtsUHhfKJA2viMnsGrrNwczmCxwuIsUNo3o1hjUE3sC58rKf52bzZyDeWwPSx58B8Zs7Ec0FyiznHA>
IBR wishes to welcome the College on Problems of Drug Dependence <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jq8895dab&et=1104694676851&s=652&e=001WBUnPB5o4qn9bjNvg_XXMvWbEct_m46jW5_LghlD5WsA8G7U51b9xuLT2ro_2ZMXj-ybuWOG-IrOdd0283bxjWl9x8dwASbLkUKwbE9ViZsTV3DqxJcIoRSyXrQ-GO7G> , Dominion Diagnostics, <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jq8895dab&et=1104694676851&s=652&e=001WBUnPB5o4qmNyrojs1Av2daOlMLYs8OnxEXNM1ILeuVU0XLmpBWmqetIsw8KkOlP77a-qzsjbXCDAx_XsIQJrbvSAaO8ju73nTh3RJs9vNFDSQkYNBg366Euk1CuFZzA> Netalytics <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jq8895dab&et=1104694676851&s=652&e=001WBUnPB5o4qnC9glOxfXwDbTdiZosm2mCwyWNcVyH_xNIx-5dsNrB_KuDWsDvD4q7FKdax5TB2lOm0tDJm08DgrWt0R-u4isrJyWfntkRMo2_HQEr_U4W2g7ckFGFxbdAqduwM7s9R3t_BwmpSH5swQ==> , and Curry Architects <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jq8895dab&et=1104694676851&s=652&e=001WBUnPB5o4qmOGi_tXNS2xcKYYg5L1oMEZEjx0CWbqSfaWUiSzJSDIhsop18fKVr-w1k6vjxCqBnpyUv6o5ymx3Mg4EbWDqppnOkvuIDF1e_Z5Nogbf1Qn4C-jrknT9VA> as new Corporate & Organization Supporters (as of 3/1/11):
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