I. RFA-DA-11-004. A Funding Opportunity for Nicotine Dependence Medication (and Formulation) Development
II. NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience: Training Grant Funding Opportunity Announcements (T90/R90)
III. Request for Information (RFI): Acquisition, Processing, Storage, and Distribution of Human Brain Tissues
IV. NIH Grant Workshop for Early Career Investigators at SfN
I. RFA-DA-11-004. A Funding Opportunity for Nicotine Dependence Medication (and Formulation) Development
Applications Due: January 13, 2011
Specific information can be obtained by visiting: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-DA-11-004.html
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) solicits applications for the development of novel treatments for nicotine dependence. Up to $1.5M has been set aside to fund 4 or more meritorious small business technology transfer phase I (STTR) 1-year grants in FY2011! Awardees would subsequently be eligible to apply for Phase II funding. Phase II projects can be supported at a level of ~$1M over two years and be competitively renewed.
The STTR program ( http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/sbirsttr_programs.htm) is designed to fund collaborative projects between small businesses and non-profit research institutions. Its objectives are to move ideas from the laboratory into the marketplace and foster high-tech economic development. Because NIDA recognizes the potential complexity of establishing business-academic collaborations, NIDA staff will help cultivate these relationships for potential applicants.
Please contact us if we can be of any assistance to you!
Kristopher Bough, PhD
II. NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience: Training Grant Funding Opportunity Announcements (T90/R90)
Training in Computational Neuroscience: From Biology to Model and Back Again
Letter of Intent Receipt Date: December 13, 2010
Application Receipt Date(s): January 13, 2011
This funding opportunity will support programs in computational neuroscience that provide research training and research education in both experimental neuroscience and in the theories and principles of the physical, computer, mathematical, or engineering sciences that are necessary to develop models, test them experimentally, and use experimental data to refine the models of neural systems or neuronal function. Each training program must have two components: a] a full-time undergraduate research education program (R90), and b] a pre-doctoral NRSA institutional training program (T90). Programs may also include: a full-time non-NRSA institutional pre-doctoral training component (R90) and/or a short course or summer course that may be open to scientists at any stage of the career continuum, from the grantee institution as well as other institutions (R90).
Training in Neuroimaging: Integrating First Principles and Applications
Letter of Intent Receipt Date: December 13, 2010
Application Receipt Date(s): January 13, 2011
This funding opportunity will support novel, interdisciplinary training programs that integrate comprehensive training in basic neuroscience, the physical and biological bases of neuroimaging, the technologies of in vivo neuroimaging, and the application of these technologies to understanding questions in neuroscience across the life span. Each training program must have two components: a] a pre-doctoral NRSA institutional training program (T90) and b] a short-term research education program (R90) that may include scientists at any stage of the career continuum who are interested in neuroimaging. Programs may also include a full-time non-NRSA institutional pre-doctoral training component (R90).
III. Request for Information (RFI): Acquisition, Processing, Storage, and Distribution of Human Brain Tissues
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), National Institute on Aging (NIA), and National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) recognize that human Brain Tissue Repositories (BTR) can contribute to the advancement of many aspects of research in addiction, developmental disorders, mental illness, neurological diseases, and aging. To facilitate collaborative research and enhance the ability of BTR to serve a diverse set of constituents, these institutes are evaluating existing collections and the possibility of new approaches to acquiring, storing, and distributing these important tissues, through collaborations and partnerships with other organizations, foundations and/or groups. The participating Institutes also anticipate discussions with those who maintain other similar human tissue repositories to develop common collection protocols, QA/QC standards, processing, storage, and distribution policies and procedures for specimens and associated data. This Request for Information (RFI) serves to gather information about these topics from the research, advocacy, and other stakeholder communities.
For more details on information and how to respond to this request please go to: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-MH-10-034.html
IV. NIH Grant Workshop for Early Career Investigators at SfN
Date & Time: Monday, November 15, 6:30 PM - 10:00 PM
Location: San Diego Marriott Hotel and Marina
Room: Rancho Las Palmas
Organized By:
Calling all postdocs, new faculty, junior faculty- Do you seek research training, additional career development, or your first research project grant? Do you have questions about the NIH and the funding of grant applications? Would you like to speak face-to-face with NIH staff about preparing and submitting a grant application to the NIH? Then this is the workshop that you should be attending. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is hosting this informational workshop as an opportunity for early career investigators to learn about the NIH and its grants process. From this workshop you will be able to get the information that will position you to successfully obtain NIH grant support for your training and research activities.
Contact: Nancy Pilotte
Natl Inst on Drug Abuse, NIH
Phone: (301) 443-1887
E-mail: npilotte@nih.gov
Web site: www.nida.nih.gov/about/organization/DBNBR/PICNRB.html
The National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services
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- You will receive a confirmation email if successful. If you have problems contact jpollock@mail.nih.gov 301-435-1309
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