
[DIV28SUPER] NIDA Neuroscience Update March 26, 2010

Informatics for Data and Resource Discovery in Addiction Research...Frontiers in Addiction Research 12Nov2010

I. Instructional Workshop Announcement and Early Registration Invitation: "Informatics for Data and Resource Discovery in Addiction Research" Space limited to 40 participants.  To register send email to kskinner@mail.nih.gov  with subject heading "Informatics Workshop Registration".  Limited travel award of $1000 per person are available (For more information see below). 


Location:  The NIH Neuroscience Center, Bethesda MD


Dates: July 8-9, 2010


Who Should Attend: Developers, generators, providers, and users of biomedical and biobehavioral research data and resources* at the post-doctoral level and beyond, representing a new cadre of addiction investigators enthusiastic about interconnecting data, knowledge and resources to advance substance abuse research.


Purpose:  This instructional workshop will address the following:


·         Introduction to tools and methods for discovering data and resources available to addiction researchers

·         Barriers to data and resource discovery and use

·         Application of best practices in structuring, identifying, presenting and reporting data and resources to enhance their discovery and interoperability

·         Enabling concept based queries through community adopted vocabularies

·         Case studies and lessons to be learned from major efforts in other areas of neuroscience research

·         Exciting new approaches for tying together statements made in scientific publications or on the Web to scientific evidence, biological terminologies, and knowledge bases, and to claims and counterclaims made by other researchers.

·         Roundtable discussion of discoverability and potential interoperability of data and resources described in attendee poster session

*(Examples of relevant resource and data types may be found through the Neuroscience Information Framework at www.neuinfo.org)


Travel Awards

Those interested in inquiring about travel awards should submit their name, title and affiliation, relevant NIDA grant number(s), and biosketch, as well as a brief essay (not to exceed 1000 words) addressing the following: (1) nature of the data and resources developed, provided or used by their NIDA grant(s); (2) reasons for wanting to attend the workshop and (3) plans for implementing knowledge and skills learned at the workshop.  Travel award inquiries should be sent no later than April 9, 2010 to kskinner@nida.nih.gov in an email message with the subject heading "Informatics Workshop Travel Inquiry"




II. Hold the Date: "NIDA Mini-Convention: Frontiers in Addiction Research," Friday, November 12, 2010 at the annual meeting of the Society of Neuroscience.  The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Mini-Convention, Frontiers in Addiction Research, will feature cutting-edge presentations and discussion of future directions in the neurobiology of drug abuse and addiction. The NIDA Mini-Convention includes four symposia, the SfN Jacob Waletzky Memorial Lecture and a poster session featuring early career investigators. The agenda this year includes: 8:00 – 8:15 Welcome: NIDA Director; 8:15 – 10:00 The Role of Nicotinic Receptors in the Habenula in Mediating Addiction; 10:00-10:35 Jacob P. Waletzky Memorial Lecture; 10:55-12:40 A Fresh Look at Dopamine Release & Uptake; 12:40- 2:40 Early Career Investigators Poster Session; 2:40-4:25 Using Model Organisms to Discover Unanticipated Pathways to Addiction; 4:45-6:30 Connectivity of the Human Brain and its Disruption by Drugs of Abuse.




The National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services

TO UNSUBSCRIBE: send email to listserv@list.nih.gov,

Copy and paste UNSUBSCRIBE NIDA_NEURO_SCIENCE-L   in the message body of the email

- You will receive a confirmation email if successful

If you have problems contact jpollock@mail.nih.gov 301-435-1309




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