
Re: [#DIV28SUPER] Membership to Division 28 - Just leaving VA Hosp. In Minneapolis after a procedure


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From: div28super reaches div28 and div28m and its nested lists (e.g. div28s <DIV28SUPER@LISTS.APA.ORG> on behalf of Justin Yates <000011ef09c77d33-dmarc-request@LISTS.APA.ORG>
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2023, 10:25
Subject: [#DIV28SUPER] Membership to Division 28

Hi everyone,

Apologies for the second email. I realize the content of my previous message does not appear in the email. Please see the attached document concerning Division 28 membership.


Justin R. Yates, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychological Science
Northern Kentucky University
Division 28 Membership Chair

_____________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org _____________________
Div28m members  #div28   subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org

[#DIV28SUPER] Membership to Division 28

Hi everyone,

Apologies for the second email. I realize the content of my previous message does not appear in the email. Please see the attached document concerning Division 28 membership.


Justin R. Yates, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychological Science
Northern Kentucky University
Division 28 Membership Chair

_____________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org _____________________
Div28m members #div28 subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org

[#DIV28SUPER] Membership to Division 28

_____________________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org
Div28m members may post here list archive
twitter: @apadiv28 #div28


[#DIV28SUPER] Fwd: [EXTERNAL]Re: position


Please see below posting for a faculty job opportunity.



[#DIV28SUPER] NIDA Neuroscience Update Feb 17, 2023





  1. Request for Information (RFI): Announcement: Re-envisioning U.S. Postdoctoral Research Training and Career Progression within the Biomedical Research Enterprise NOT-OD-23-084


  1. Notice of Early Termination of NOT-DA-23-005, Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): HEAL Initiative: Biospecimen Collection in Pregnancy NOT-DA-23-016


  1. Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Support for existing data repositories to align with FAIR and TRUST principles and evaluate usage, utility, and impact NOT-OD-23-044


  1. Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Administrative Supplements to Support the Exploration of Cloud in NIH-supported Research NOT-OD-23-070


  1. BRAIN Initiative: Theories, Models and Methods for Analysis of Complex Data from the Brain (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-DA-23-039


  1. Notice of Joint NSF/NIDA Initiative to Support Research in the Incorporating Human Behavior into Epidemiological Models Program NOT-DA-23-017


  1. Science Collaborative for Health disparities and Artificial intelligence bias Reduction (ScHARe) Think-a-Thon Registration


  1. NIDA Animal Genomics Program (U01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-21-244


  1. NIDA Guidance on NIH Data Management & Sharing Policy https://nida.nih.gov/research/nih-policies-guidance/guidance-nih-data-management-sharing-policy




  1. Request for Information (RFI): Announcement: Re-envisioning U.S. Postdoctoral Research Training and Career Progression within the Biomedical Research Enterprise NOT-OD-23-084


NIH seeks input on the status of the postdoctoral training system through a Request for Information (RFI) open February 14 through April 14, 2023


Ensuring the future of U.S. competitiveness and innovation in biomedical research is of utmost importance to NIH. A new Advisory Committee to the NIH Director (ACD) Working Group was recently established to address growing concerns about the postdoctoral training system and  recruiting qualified postdoctoral candidates in the future.  The goal of this working group is to explore the status of the postdoctoral training system, identify and understand critical factors and issues relating to this perceived decline in the number of postdoctoral fellows in academia, and provide recommendations to address those factors. The working group has developed an RFI to get input from the extramural research community:



NIH is particularly interested in hearing about promising solutions to address current challenges affecting the postdoctoral trainee community. This RFI will assist NIH in hearing the voices of postdoctoral trainees along with others impacted by this unique and skilled training position, and in exploring ways to address some of the fundamental challenges faced by the postdoctoral trainee community.


The insights from the RFI responses will inform the working group to develop recommendations to address the challenges impacting the postdoctoral community. We would greatly appreciate your time and effort in responding to this RFI. Furthermore, we encourage you to share this RFI with other interested groups. Below is suggested language you may use:


NIH is seeking input from the community, particularly trainees, early-stage faculty, and others invested in the biomedical workforce, about challenges faced by the postdoctoral trainee community. An NIH Advisory Committee to the Director Working Group has posted a Request for Information where you can share your insights on issues affecting and possible solutions to the recent decline in postdoctoral trainees. Your responses will be used to help develop recommendations to address this problem which impacts U.S. competitiveness in biomedical research and innovation. Please consider responding to the RFI, which closes on April 14, 2023. 




  1. Notice of Early Termination of NOT-DA-23-005, Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): HEAL Initiative: Biospecimen Collection in Pregnancy



The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) announces the early termination of Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): HEAL Initiative: Biospecimen Collection in Pregnancy, NOT-DA-23-005. NIDA will not accept applications for administrative supplements in response to NOT-DA-23-005 after March 31, 2023.

Notice of Early Termination of NOT-DA-23-005, Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): HEAL Initiative: Biospecimen Collection in Pregnancy



The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) announces the early termination of Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): HEAL Initiative: Biospecimen Collection in Pregnancy, NOT-DA-23-005. NIDA will not accept applications for administrative supplements in response to NOT-DA-23-005 after March 31, 2023.




  1. Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Support for existing data repositories to align with FAIR and TRUST principles and evaluate usage, utility, and impact NOT-OD-23-044

The goal of this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) is to strengthen NIH-funded biomedical data repositories to better enable data discoverability, interoperability, and reuse by aligning with the FAIR and TRUST principles and using metrics to measure their effectiveness. This NOSI provides an opportunity for existing repositories to increase “FAIR”-ness and “TRUST”-worthiness to improve their usage, utility, and impact throughout the data resource lifecycle.

Application Due Date(s) – March 1, 2023 by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization




  1. Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Administrative Supplements to Support the Exploration of Cloud in NIH-supported Research NOT-OD-23-070

This notice announces the availability of supplemental funds from the Office of Data Science Strategy (ODSS) to NIH-managed or NIH-majority-funded projects that may benefit from using the cloud. The purpose of this announcement is to explore and test potential opportunities for leveraging cloud solutions to enhance existing NIH activities. Projects already using cloud may apply to explore and test cloud capabilities not yet leveraged. This initiative is aligned with the NIH Strategic Plan for Data Science, which describes actions aimed at building a better data infrastructure and a modernized data ecosystem.

Application Due Date(s) – Apr. 11, 2023 by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization




  1. BRAIN Initiative: Theories, Models and Methods for Analysis of Complex Data from the Brain (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-DA-23-039

This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) seeks the development of theories, computational models, and analytical tools to derive understanding of brain function from complex neuroscience data. Proposed projects could develop tools to integrate existing theories or formulate new theories; conceptual frameworks to organize or fuse data to infer general principles of brain function; multiscale/multiphysics models to generate new testable hypotheses to design/drive future experiments; new analytical methods to substantiate falsifiable hypotheses about brain function. It is expected that the tools developed under this FOA will be made widely available to the neuroscience research community for their use and modification. Investigative studies should be limited to model parameter estimation and/or validity testing of the tools being developed.

Application Due Date(s) – September 12, 2023 & September 12, 2024 by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization



  1. Notice of Joint NSF/NIDA Initiative to Support Research in the Incorporating Human Behavior into Epidemiological Models Program NOT-DA-23-017

The purpose of this notice announces the participation of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), effective immediately, in a joint initiative, the Incorporating Human Behavior in Epidemiological Models (IHBEM) Program, in collaboration with the National Science Foundation (NSF). 

The IHBEM announcement is released under NSF-23-546. The purpose of the IHBEM activity is to support interdisciplinary collaborations that integrate research on behavioral and/or social processes in mathematical epidemiological models. Projects supported under this activity should be collaborative in nature and have coordinated interaction of two or more PIs/co-PIs, with balanced participation from the mathematical sciences and the social, behavioral, or economic sciences. Additional participants from other disciplines, especially the biological sciences, are also welcome. 

NIDA is specifically interested in applications that support scientific research on drug use and its health and social consequences across the spectrum, from occasional use to problematic use and substance use disorders (SUDs). Some examples of areas of interest include:

  • Using technology and advanced statistical methods to inform our understanding of both social, behavioral and neurobiological components of drug use that are strongly influenced by diverse environmental and social factors
  • The development and validation of technologies, analytics, and models to help individuals gather, manage, and use data and information related to drug use and their personal health
  • Methods and algorithms for aggregation of data including, but not limited to, electronic health records (EHRs), laboratory generated data, environmental, and/or behavioral data
  • Diagnostic/monitoring tools and technology platforms to optimize drug use interventions and delivery 

Submission Window Date(s): April 03, 2023 – April 14, 2023; March 01-2024 – March 15, 2024; March 1 – March 15, Annually Thereafter (due by 5 p.m. submitter's local time)




  1. Science Collaborative for Health disparities and Artificial intelligence bias Reduction (ScHARe) Think-a-Thon Registration

Science Collaborative for Health disparities and Artificial intelligence bias Reduction (ScHARe) is a cloud-based social science data platform designed to accelerate research in minority health and health disparities, health care outcomes, and artificial intelligence bias mitigation strategies. They will be hosting a Think-a-Thon on February 15 from 2:30-4:30pm to introduce researchers and students to ScHARe and its innovative, low-cost, and user-friendly data analysis tools.



  1. NIDA Animal Genomics Program (U01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-21-244

The purpose of the NIDA Animal Genetics Program is to identify genetic, genomic, and molecular (epi)genetic variants that underlie: 1. Phenotypes associated with addictive behaviors and/or vulnerability to distinct stages along the substance use disorder (SUD) trajectory (e.g. initial/acute use, escalation of use, acquisition of tolerance, dependence, uncontrolled use, abstinence and relapse or recovery); 2. Behaviors associated with SUD (e.g. impulsivity, novelty seeking, delayed discounting, and other genetically-associated phenotypes); and 3. Comorbidities that demonstrate genetic correlations with phenotypes and behaviors linked with SUD (e.g. anxiety, stress, poor maternal care, social defeat, and other paradigms). Applications may examine any type of variant, including single nucleotide variants (SNVs), indels, large and small structural variants, and all types of mobile DNA. NIDA encourages applications that take genomics, multi-omics, and/or data-based approaches that integrate multi-level ‘omics data, delineate gene networks, and/or uncover the function of known or newly discovered genetic or epigenetic variants. NIDA expects these studies to uncover novel mechanisms that contribute to SUD and facilitate the discovery of targets for intervention and guide the development of individualized therapeutics to treat these different aspects of SUD.


Application due dates by 5:00PM local time:  March 2, 2023; July 2023; March 4, 2024




  1. NIDA Guidance on NIH Data Management & Sharing Policy https://nida.nih.gov/research/nih-policies-guidance/guidance-nih-data-management-sharing-policy


Beginning January 25, 2023, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Policy for Data Management and Sharing (DMS) requires researchers to submit a DMS Plan. The goal of this policy is to maximize the availability of data from NIH-supported research to advance NIH’s mission to enhance health, lengthen life, and reduce illness and disability. The DMS policy will provide a consistent, minimum expectation of data management and sharing for all research supported by the agency. Additionally, the policy applies to all research, funded or conducted in whole or in part by the NIH, that generates scientific data. Several resources are available to help investigators implementing the NIH DMS policy. See the overview at NIDA Guidance on NIH Data Management & Sharing Policy and visit the NIH Scientific Data Sharing Website for additional details.



The National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services  TO UNSUBSCRIBE: send email to listserv@list.nih.gov Copy and paste UNSUBSCRIBE NIDA_NEURO_SCIENCE-L .  If you are unable to add or remove yourself from the listserv please contact Jonathan D. Pollock, Ph.D. at jpollock@mail.nih.gov








[#DIV28SUPER] AHRQ Draft Documents Available for Review and Comment

Dear Division 28 Members,


The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) recently posted the following draft research plans/reports that are currently available for review and comment:




Our office plans to review and submit comments and you are welcome to share them with us if you wish. If you would like to share your comments with our office, please email them to jmarzalik@apa.org by the end of the day Monday, March 6.


For any questions, please contact Dr. Raquel Halfond, Senior Director, Evidence-Based Practice and Health Equity, at rhalfond@apa.org.


Please disseminate widely to colleagues.


Thank you,



Jacob S. Marzalik, MA (he/him/his)

Project Manager, Clinical Practice Guidelines

Practice Transformation and Quality, Practice Directorate

American Psychological Association


750 First Street NE, Washington DC 20002-4242



All APA staff are teleworking until further notice and are experiencing a high volume of inquiries related to COVID-19. For immediate information and resources, visit APA's COVID-19 page for psychologists, health-care workers, and the public.



[#DIV28SUPER] NIDA Neuroscience Update Feb 9, 2023

Table of Contents

I.                Registration and Call for Abstracts for May 16-17, 2023, NIDA Genetics and Epigenetics Meeting, Natcher Conference Center, NIH, Bethesda MD

II.              Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Effects of Cannabis Use and Cannabinoids on the Developing Brain (NOT-DA-20-039)

III.             Chemical Countermeasures Research Program (CCRP) Initiative: Basic Research on The Deleterious Effects of Acute Exposure to Ultra-Potent Synthetic (UPS) Opioids (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (RFA-DA-23-056)

IV.             Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for NIH Brain Development Cohorts Biospecimen Access (X01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (NOT-DA-22-064)

V.              Education Activities for Responsible Analyses of Complex, Large-Scale Data (R25- Clinical Trial Not Allowed)  (RFA-DA-24-027)

VI.             Job Opening for Data Science (Neuroinformatics) Program Officer https://www.usajobs.gov/job/704383400

VII.           Learn More About the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) https://nida.nih.gov/



I.                    Registration and Call for Abstracts for May 16-17, 2023, NIDA Genetics and Epigenetics Meeting, Natcher Conference Center, NIH, Bethesda MD

You are invited to register and/or submit an abstract for the NIDA Genetics and Epigenetic Meeting to be held at Natcher Conference Center, Bldg. 45, on the NIH Campus in Bethesda, MD. This is an in-person meeting.

To register: https://apps1.seiservices.com/NIDA/GeneticsConsortium/Default.aspx


To submit an abstract:


Abstracts are due by Midnight PST on March 3, 2023


There is no registration fee to attend this meeting. However, attendees are responsible for their own

travel, meals, and lodging.


The goals of the meeting are to:

• Showcase the exciting research on the genetics and epigenetics of substance use disorders.

• Encourage collaboration among investigators with different expertise in genetics and


• Foster collaboration between investigators working on the genetics and epigenetics of

substance abuse disorders and HIV/AIDS investigators.

• Identify new research opportunities in the genetics and epigenetics of substance use


• Provide attendees with an opportunity to meet with NIDA program directors to discuss their ideas for grant applications and funding opportunities.


I.                    Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Effects of Cannabis Use and Cannabinoids on the Developing Brain (NOT-DA-20-039)


The purpose of this Notice is to encourage investigators to submit grant applications to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)to study the effects of cannabis and cannabinoid exposure on the developing brain, from pre-, peri-, and post-natal development through young adulthood in humans and using animal models.


Application due dates: Standard dates apply by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.


II.                  Chemical Countermeasures Research Program (CCRP) Initiative: Basic Research on The Deleterious Effects of Acute Exposure to Ultra-Potent Synthetic (UPS) Opioids (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (RFA-DA-23-056)


This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) will support transformative research to identify and validate mechanisms, signaling pathways, and therapeutic targets, for understanding and reversing the effects of an overdose and the observed toxicities caused by acute Ultra-Potent Synthetic (UPS) opioid exposure. This FOA will also support mechanistic studies of persistent or delayed pathophysiological effects be acute exposure to UPS opioids. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) will support transformative research to identify and validate mechanisms, signaling pathways, and therapeutic targets, for understanding and reversing the effects of an overdose and the observed toxicities caused by acute Ultra-Potent Synthetic (UPS) opioid exposure. This FOA will also support mechanistic studies of persistent or delayed pathophysiological effects after acute exposure to UPS opioids.


Application Due Date (New and Renewal/Resubmission/Revision):

November 17, 2023, and November 19, 2024

Link to the RFA:




III.                Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for NIH Brain Development Cohorts Biospecimen Access (X01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (NOT-DA-22-064)


The National Institute on Drug Abuse intends to promote a new resource access program by publishing a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) to seek applications for the following: NIH Brain Development Cohorts (NBDC) Biospecimen Access Program (X01- Clinical Trial Not Allowed). This FOA will allow investigators to apply for access to biological samples from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive DevelopmentSM (ABCD) Study. By making these specimens available to the greater scientific community, this resource award seeks to maximize the scientific potential of the biospecimens collected in the ABCD Study® and expand the scope of ABCD’s open science model, allowing scientists from around the world to utilize these specimens and enrich the child and adolescent health data being obtained from the ABCD Study.  

No funds will be provided through this opportunity. Applicants will be responsible for costs associated with conducting the research and sample shipment. Applicants will need to submit proof of funding for costs of analyses and sample shipment at the time of application.  

This Notice is being provided to allow potential applicants sufficient time to develop meaningful collaborations and responsive projects. 

The FOA is expected to be published in Spring 2023 with an expected application due date in Summer 2023.

This FOA will utilize the X01 activity code.  See notice for more details of planned FOA.


IV.                Education Activities for Responsible Analyses of Complex, Large-Scale Data (R25- Clinical Trial Not Allowed)  (RFA-DA-24-027) This FOA will support creative educational activities with a primary focus on methodological rigor in the analysis of large complex datasets involving brain, behavior, genomic, and socioenvironmental data. This could involve:

Courses for Skills Development: For example, advanced statistics and research design courses in a specific discipline or research area, rigor and robustness in research practice, or ethical conduct of biomedical research.

Curriculum or Methods Development: For example, to improve biomedical, behavioral or clinical science education, or develop novel instructional approaches or computer-based educational tools that support methodological rigor in analysis of large complex datasets.     


This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages applications that seek to advance methodological rigor in biomedical and behavioral research by supporting training on the responsible analyses of complex, large-scale datasets involving brain, behavioral, genomic, and socioenvironmental data.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Analytical approaches for large-scale, longitudinal data

  • Enhanced rigor and robustness in research practice (e.g., pre-registration of experimental           protocols, plans, and analyses)
  • Estimation of meaningful associations, including population inferences, effect sizes, control of covariates, and interpretation of associations
  • Ethical conduct of biomedical and behavioral research, including consideration of social constructs such as race/ethnicity and gender, and the potential for stigmatization
  • Community-partnered research to inform data analyses and interpretation
  • Consideration of socioenvironmental contexts known to introduce inequities, such as family income and education, employment, housing, neighborhood-level characteristics, and exposure to violence
  • Factors to consider when examining the influence of socioenvironmental factors (e.g., non-random data missingness, sampling methodologies)

In addition, NIDA emphasizes responsible analyses of data related to neurodevelopment and neurocognition, as it relates to the substance use trajectory.

Research education programs may complement ongoing research training and education occurring at the applicant institution, but the proposed educational experiences must be distinct from those training and education programs currently receiving Federal support. R25 programs may augment institutional research training programs (e.g., T32, T90) but cannot be used to replace or circumvent Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) programs.

Application Deadline:  February 8, 2024, 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.



V.                  Job Opening for Data Science (Neuroinformatics) Program Officer

To apply: https://www.usajobs.gov/job/704383400


The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), Division of Neuroscience and Behavior (DNB), Office of the Director is currently recruiting for a data science Program Officer. The mission of the Division of Neuroscience and Behavior is to discover, facilitate and promote outstanding basic animal and human research supporting the mission of NIDA, to identify the causes and consequences of drug addiction and misuse across the lifespan and to guide treatment strategies. DNB develops and supports an extramural research program that will advance the understanding of the genetic, chemical, neurobiological and behavioral mechanisms of addictive drugs and their long-term consequences. Research related to the neurobiological bases of reward and the behaviors that characterize the cycle of addiction are a primary focus of DNB. Additionally, an integral component of DNB’s scientific mission is to grow and maintain a diverse workforce that is dedicated to these research goals and is supported through training initiatives that span from predoctoral level to mid-stage investigator. The Office of the Director directs, coordinates, and supports the Division’s missions and activities through maintaining and evaluating strategic directions and goals, supporting goals through the branch structure, and developing and leveraging collaborations and activities across NIDA and NIH.

The data science Program Officer would be responsible for assisting in the management of a research portfolio of grants using data science approaches to advance science on the causes of consequences of drug use and addiction. Additionally, the grant portfolio would include data curation, sharing, access, reproducibility, security, analysis, harmonization, quality metrics and standards, and visualization. The data science program officer would also serve as a representative for NIDA on NIH-wide and multi-agency committees.

For additional information about this position, please contact Dr. Roger Little, alittle@mail.nih.gov



VI.                Learn More About the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) https://nida.nih.gov/

·       About NIDA

·       Research Topics

·       Research and Training

·       Clinical Resources

·       Grants and Funding

·       News and Events


The National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services  TO UNSUBSCRIBE: send email to listserv@list.nih.gov Copy and paste UNSUBSCRIBE NIDA_NEURO_SCIENCE-L







[#DIV28SUPER] Call for self-nominations for Div 28 elected positions

Dear Members of Div 28:

It is the time of year to set our election slate for 2024 officers and Division 28 needs you.  We have openings for Council Representative and for Member-at-Large.  This is an excellent way make a difference in our profession and acquire leaders experience in your profession that is also important for career advancement.  If you are interested in standing for election for either position, please email Tom Gould (tug70@psu.edu) or Matt Kirkpatrick (mgkirkpa@usc.edu) by February 11th.

Thank you,

Matthew Kirkpatrick, PhD

Associate Professor of Research, Department of Population and Public Health Sciences

USC Drug Use & Behavior Laboratory (PI)


Keck School of Medicine

University of Southern California

Phone: 323-442-8221