
[#DIV28SUPER] NIDA Neuroscience Update, August 16, 2022

Table of Contents:

I.                    Early Career Investigator Showcases Applications (NIDA-NIAAA Frontiers in Addiction Research Mini-Convention)

II.                  NIDA Racial Equity Initiative (NIDA REI)




I.                  Early Career Investigator Showcases Applications (NIDA-NIAAA Frontiers in Addiction Research Mini-Convention)


Call For Applications. The 2022 NIDA-NIAAA Frontiers in Addiction Research Mini-Convention calls for applications for the Early Career Investigator Showcases (ECIS). The ECIS symposium provides a forum for scientific presentations by premier young and junior investigators working in the fields of alcohol and substance abuse and addiction research. This symposium will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, November 1-2, 2022, during the Annual NIDA-NIAAA Frontiers in Addiction Research Mini-Convention. To apply, please complete the application form, include your Curriculum Vitae/Resume and list of publications, and send via email to (ECIS.Abstracts@seiservices.com) by Friday, September 2, 2022, 5:00 PM (EDT).


For additional information, please contact: for NIDA [Anne Tsai, stsai@nih.gov] or for NIAAA [John Matochik, jmatochi@mail.nih.gov]


II.               NIDA Racial Equity Initiative (NIDA REI)


New Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) have been released by NIDA and the NIDA Racial Equity Initiative (NIDA REI). These FOAs are focused on research to advance equity for racial and/or ethnic minority populations in the United States. The FOAs call for innovative, solution-oriented, community-engaged research from research teams with a commitment to broad dissemination of findings. Applications are expected to incorporate diverse perspectives and all types of institutions are strongly encouraged to apply.


There will also be a webinar on September 26, 2022 at 3:00pm ET during which NIDA staff will provide an overview of the FOAs and respond to questions. Registration details for the webinar will be posted on the NIDA REI website.


Please reach out to the NIDA staff listed on the FOAs with questions!


Coordination Center. Single receipt date of November 15, 2022

RFA-DA-23-025: NIDA REI: Coordination Center to Support Racial Equity and Substance Use Disparities Research (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (nih.gov)


HIV and Substance Use. Multiple receipt dates. First due date of November 14, 2022.

RFA-DA-23-024: NIDA REI: Reaching Equity at the Intersection of HIV and Substance Use: Novel Approaches to Address HIV Related Health Disparities in Underserved Racial/Ethnic Populations (R34 Clinical Trial Optional) (nih.gov)

RFA-DA-23-023: NIDA REI: Reaching Equity at the Intersection of HIV and Substance Use: Novel Approaches to Address HIV Related Health Disparities in Underserved Racial/Ethnic Populations (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) (nih.gov)


Community Engaged R01 Projects. Multiple receipt dates. First due date of November 14, 2022.

RFA-DA-23-013: NIDA REI: Addressing Racial Equity in Substance Use and Addiction Outcomes Through Community-Engaged Research (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) (nih.gov)

RFA-DA-23-032: NIDA REI: Addressing Racial Equity in Substance Use and Addiction Outcomes Through Community-Engaged Research at Minority Serving Institutions (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)


Racial Equity Visionary Award Program. Multiple receipt dates. First due date of November 14, 2022.

RFA-DA-23-026: NIDA REI: Racial Equity Visionary Award Program for Research on Substance Use and Racial Equity (DP1 Clinical Trial Optional) (nih.gov)

RFA-DA-23-031: NIDA REI: Racial Equity Visionary Award Program for Research at Minority Serving Institutions on Substance Use and Racial Equity (DP1 Clinical Trial Optional) (nih.gov)


Neurocognitive Mechanisms. Multiple receipt dates. First due date of November 14, 2022.

RFA-DA-23-028: NIDA REI: Research on Neurocognitive Mechanisms Underlying the Impact of Structural Racism on the Substance Use Trajectory (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Optional) (nih.gov)


The National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services  TO UNSUBSCRIBE: send email to listserv@list.nih.gov Copy and paste UNSUBSCRIBE NIDA_NEURO_SCIENCE-L




[#DIV28SUPER] August Council Update

Dear Division 28 Colleagues-
Please find attached a summary of what happened at our August 2002 Council meeting and draft minutes. APA also shared a brief video ("Psychology: Answering the Call" https://youtu.be/BJKQs7_xoGg) that may be of interest.
If you have any questions and concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.
-Bill Stoops, Division 28 Council Representative.

William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
telephone: (859) 257-5383

Departments of Behavioral Science, Psychiatry and Psychology
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky

Regulatory Knowledge and Support Core-Center for Clinical and Translational Science
Clinical Research Support Office

Associate Director for Clinical Research
Substance Use Priority Research Area

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[#DIV28SUPER] Fwd: RFI on NIH Wide Strategic Plan for Research on the Health of Women

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Sharpe, Angela" <ASharpe@apa.org>
Date: August 10, 2022 at 10:43:49 AM EDT
To: …
Subject: RFI on NIH Wide Strategic Plan for Research on the Health of Women

Good morning, all:


I am writing to request your sharing of the note below from the Advocacy staff with the respective listservs you manage.


Thanks in advance for your assistance.


Angela Sharpe



Dear Colleagues:


I am writing to request your assistance in APA's response to a recently released request-for-information (RFI)  from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Research on Women's Health (ORWH) updating the  NIH-Wide Strategic Plan for Research on the Health of Women. We want the expertise of psychological scientists from a variety of subdisciplines to inform the updated plan.


, We are seeking APA members' input on the following topics:



  • Emerging research needs and opportunities that reflect the changing landscape of the study of the health of women that should be added to the plan.


  • Cross-cutting scientific themes (for example, multidisciplinary research, and/or utilizing data science, natural language processing, and artificial intelligence) or research-related themes that should be common to all future strategic goals and objectives (such as considerations of sex, gender, and age on health and disease, and health disparities)


Please note that in 2021 the NIH Advisory Committee on Research on Women's Health (ACRWH) held an ORWH-led  "Advancing NIH Research on the Health of Women: A 2021 Conference." It included a review of NIH activities to identify research opportunities to address maternal mortality and morbidity, survival rates of cervical cancer, and chronic and debilitating diseases in women. The recommendations from that conference will be considered for the next NIH-Wide Strategic Plan for Research on Women's Health. 


Please share any comments electronically via this web form by September 23, 2022, or to Angela Sharpe (asharpe@apa.org). Additionally, please let me know in advance if you or the division you represent intend to provide comments. Please share any comment you have on any part of the RFI, references are also welcome. We are grateful for your assistance in ensuring that NIH research includes the contributions of psychological science to women's health.


All the best,



Angela L. Sharpe, MG
Senior Director, Congressional & Federal Relations

Scientific Affairs Advocacy
asharpe@apa.org  | Tel: (202) 336-5688

American Psychological Association

Services, Inc.

750 First St. NE, Washington, D.C. 20002-4242


Twitter: @APA, @APAScience



Advancing psychology to benefit society and improve people's lives


APA is proud to introduce Science Spotlight, a new newsletter for psychological scientists. Subscribe today!


All APA staff are teleworking until further notice and are experiencing a high volume of inquiries related to COVID-19. For immediate information and resources, visit APA's COVID-19 page for psychologists, health-care workers, and the public.



[#DIV28SUPER] Early Grad Student Researcher Award


Just wanted to make sure folks are aware of the APA Early Graduate Student Researcher award.  This provides $1000 in funding for direct research expenses (e.g., computer time, animal care, equipment, participant fees, incentives), software and/or conference travel.  Please share with student affiliates that may be interested.

Good luck to Division 28 applicants!


Ryan Vandrey, Ph.D.
APA Division 28



[#DIV28SUPER] APA Convention and Division Updates

Greetings Division 28!

I'm writing this from the Minneapolis airport, awaiting my flight home from the APA convention.  It was great to spend the last 4 days talking with so many of you.  For those unable to attend in person, Division 28 was very well represented at the meeting and had some truly outstanding programming.  

As is tradition, we began the meeting by recognizing our award winners, Cassie Boness, Lorenz Neuwirth, and John Roll as well as out new fellows, Mickey Koffarnus and Rob Leeman.  Congrats again to each of you.  

Div 28 member Adam Levinthal was also honored with the APF Gold Medal Award for Impact in Psychology.  Dr. Levinthal was recognized for his research on youth tobacco use and vaping and service on several key advisory panels related to tobacco regulation.  This is a very well-deserved honor!

A key update from the Division 28 Executive Committee meeting is that there was a vote to make a couple slight changes to the name of the division.  In the coming week or two, I will file a petition to APA Council to request that the division be renamed to "Society for Psychopharmacology and Substance Use."  This is the culmination of work that began under the leadership of Kelly Dunn as part of her 5-year strategic plan. The desire to adopt "society" in the name is to better convey the independence that the division has from APA (for example, many people I have spoken to recently were not aware that you can be a member of the division without being a member of APA).  This also has broader brand appeal and is something that many other divisions of APA have adopted recently.  The change from substance misuse to substance use stems from the increasing perception of "misuse" as being somewhat pejorative, and the increasing engagement of division members in research that is not related to misuse, but rather therapeutic use.  This includes work targeting new applications of substances like cannabinoids, ketamine, and psychedelics.

I also want to take a moment to give a very big thank you to Jake Borodovsky for his outstanding service to the division as program chair and to Andrea Vasquez Ferreiro and Madison Murray for the work they did in organizing a wonderful ECPO social hour.

Hope everyone has a great wrap up to their summer and I am already excited for next years' convention in Washington DC.


Ryan Vandrey, Ph.D.
APA Division 28



[#DIV28SUPER] NIDA Neuroscience Update August 5, 2022

Please scroll to bottom:


Adjustments to NIH and AHRQ Grant Application Due Dates Between September 22 and September 30, 2022

Notice Number:NOT-OD-22-190


Colleagues—below is a link to a Notice in the Guide to alert potential NIH applicants to a change in the receipt date for applications due between Sept 23 and Sept 30, 2022.  The new receipt date will be October 3, 2022 to allow the migration of grants.gov to the cloud.   The notice also contains information on continuous submission and AIDS applications due dates.  Please disseminate this information widely.  Thanks. 




Avenir Award Program for Genetics or Epigenetics of Substance Use Disorders (DP1 Clinical Trial Optional) Notice Number: PAR-20-225

Application deadline October 19, 2022 by 5:00PM local time of applicant organization.


Funding Opportunity Purpose:


Avenir means future in French, and this award looks toward the future by supporting early stage investigators proposing highly innovative studies. The award will support those in an early stage of their career who may lack the preliminary data required for an R01 grant, but who propose high impact research and who show promise of being tomorrow's leaders in the field. NIDA has developed two Avenir Award Programs, one for HIV/AIDS research and the other for genetics or epigenetics studies.

The Genetics or Epigenetics of Substance Use Disorders Avenir Award program supports early-stage investigators proposing highly innovative studies that open new areas of research for the genetics or epigenetics of addiction. These may be novel methods or approaches that can potentially be applied to the analysis of the genetics or epigenetics of addiction. Investigators outside the field of addiction interested in applying their novel approaches to the genetics or epigenetics of addiction are encouraged to apply. The award will support those in an early stage of their career who may lack the preliminary data required for an R01 grant, but who propose high impact research and who show promise of being tomorrow's leaders in the field of genetics or epigenetics of substance use disorders.https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-20-225.html



Early Career Investigator Showcases Applications (NIDA-NIAAA Frontiers in Addiction Research Mini-Convention)


Call For Applications. The 2022 NIDA-NIAAA Frontiers in Addiction Research Mini-Convention calls for applications for the Early Career Investigator Showcases (ECIS). The ECIS symposium provides a forum for scientific presentations by premier young and junior investigators working in the fields of alcohol and substance misuse and addiction research. This symposium will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, November 1-2, 2022, during the Annual NIDA-NIAAA Frontiers in Addiction Research Mini-Convention. To apply, please complete the application form, include your Curriculum Vitae/Resume and list of publications, and send via email to (ECIS.Abstracts@seiservices.com) by Friday, September 2, 2022, 5:00 PM (EDT).


For additional information, please contact: for NIDA [Anne Tsai, stsai@nih.gov] or for NIAAA [John Matochik, jmatochi@mail.nih.gov


The National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services  TO UNSUBSCRIBE: send email to listserv@list.nih.gov Copy and paste UNSUBSCRIBE NIDA_NEURO_SCIENCE-L




[#DIV28SUPER] Division 28 August 2022 Newsletter

Dear Division 28, 

Hope you are all having a great summer! Attached please find the latest issue of the Division 28 Newsletter, with up-to-the-minute programming and social events scheduled for the convention. We hope to see many of you at the convention later this week!

Warm wishes, 
Meredith (Division 28 Newsletter Editor)


Meredith S. Berry, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Health Education and Behavior
Department of Psychology
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida 32611
Email: mberry@ufl.edu


[#DIV28SUPER] Fwd: [DIVTRIO] The History Makers, Thursday at Convention, 2-5PM, CC Level 1, Auditorium Rm2


See below for a very unique (and awesome) bit of programming at the convention later this week.  Not on the Division 28 program, but likely of broad interests to members…  Safe travels to those heading to Minneapolis!


Ryan Vandrey, Ph.D.
APA Division 28


Begin forwarded message:

From: FRANK FARLEY <frank.farley@COMCAST.NET>
Subject: [DIVTRIO] The History Makers, Thursday at Convention, 2-5PM, CC Level 1, Auditorium Rm2
Date: July 31, 2022 at 1:01:10 AM EDT
Reply-To: APA Division Presidential trios communicating about divisional topics <DIVTRIO@LISTS.APA.ORG>

      External Email - Use Caution      

Hi All,
I bring to your attention The History Makers---Pinker, Beck, Chomsky. Next Thursday afternoon from 2-5PM these giants of psychology, proven leaders in influencing our science and practice and impacting the public are highlighted. The Minneapolis Convention Center, Level 1, Auditorium Room 2.

At 2PM Steve Pinker and I will converse on his incredible range of interests, engagements and perspectives;

At 3PM a memoriam for the late Aaron T. Beck will constitute a conversation between his daughter Judith Beck and myself

At 4PM Noam Chomsky and I will converse on his incredible range of interests, engagements and perspectives.

For convenience these 3 sequential sessions are all in the same room, back-to-back.Join us!

Frank Farley, Ph.D
President, Society for the History of Psychology (APA Division 26)
Former President, APA

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[#DIV28SUPER] Social Hour - Division 28

Are you attending the upcoming APA Conference in Minneapolis? Division 28 invites members and their colleagues interested in psychopharmacology and substance use to join us for a Social Hour. The event takes place on August 5th at 7:30pm at the Union Rooftop. Appetizers will be provided at the beginning along with a cash bar for the duration of the event. 

This will be a fun event to catch up with colleagues, find future mentors and mentees, and unwind after a full day at the conference! We hope to see you there! See flyer attached for more information! 

Andrea Vásquez Ferreiro

PhD Student | Research Assistant

Graduate School Fellow

Department of Health Education and Behavior

College of Health and Human Performance | University of Florida

Yon Hall North 031 | PO Box 118210 Gainesville, FL 32611