
[#DIV28SUPER] Application Period Open for NIDA Funded HIV/Drug Abuse Prevention Research Training Summer Institute for Early Career Investigators--Please forward

Dear Colleagues,

I would appreciate your help in forwarding the attached NIDA-funded, prestigious fellowship announcement to your early stage investigator colleagues working in HIV prevention and drug use research.

Please do not hesitate to contact Program Administrator, Rimah Jaber, at ethicsinst@fordham.edu or (718) 817-0927 if you have any questions.


Apply to become a fellow of the NIDA-funded
HIV & Drug Abuse Prevention Research Ethics Training Institute!
Celia B. Fisher, Ph.D.
Director & Principal Investigator (R25DA031608)
  • Attend two summer training institutes with fully funded travel and lodging between July 13-21, 2020 and July 2021 (TBD) at Fordham University in New York City
  • Receive a $30,000 grant to conduct a mentored research study that will contribute to evidence-based HIV & drug abuse research ethics practice
  • Join an international network of scholars examining current challenges in HIV & drug abuse research ethics
*Applicants who have completed their medical or doctoral degree within the past 10 years.

Our fellows have published their mentored research studies in peer-reviewed journals, presented the data at national and international conferences, and incorporated it as pilot data for grant applications. To see fellows' accomplishments, please visit our website: fordham.edu/ethicsinstitute.

Visit our website fordham.edu/ethicsinstitute for the application form or contact Rimah Jaber at ethicsinst@fordham.edu for more information. Applications are due March 11, 2020. Applicants will be notified of award decisions by April 27, 2020.

Celia B. Fisher, PhD.
Marie Ward Doty University Chair in Ethics
Professor of Psychology, 
Director Center for Ethics Education
Director HIV and Drug Abuse Prevention Research Ethics Training Institute
Fordham University, Dealy hall
441 East Fordham Road
Bronx, NY 10458
e. Fisher@fordham.edu  t. (718)817-3793  f. (718)817-0731
Administrative Assistant Lori Merone lmerone@fordham.edu (718) 817-0926
Follow the Ethics Center on Twitter and Facebook: @FordhamEthics and on our blog ethicsandsociety.org
Preferred pronouns: she, her, hers

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[#DIV28SUPER] Congress Should Make Cannabis Research Less Cumbersome, APA Says in Written Testimony


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[#DIV28SUPER] Student Representative - Division 28

Hello Division 28 Students!


We are recruiting a Student Representative to serve on Division 28’s Executive Committee. This is an excellent opportunity for professional service, networking, CV building, and having an impact at APA and Division 28.


Student Representative is an appointed position, typically 3-years, and entails attending Executive Committee meetings, recruiting new students, organizing student events and awards, maintaining Division 28 social media, writing a column for Division 28’s newsletter, and other similar tasks.


To apply, students need to email a statement of interest, including details of their involvement in Division 28, along with their CV to Wendy Lynch (wlynch@virginia.edu).   


If you know of any good candidates, would you please share this opportunity with them? 






Wendy J. Lynch, Ph.D.

President, APA Division 28 (Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse)

Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences

Physical Address: 450 Ray C. Hunt Drive (Aurbach Building), Room G164

Mailing Address: PO Box 801402, Charlottesville, VA 22904-1402

434-243-0580 (office)

434-249-3699 (cell)

[#DIV28SUPER] FW: Beckman Award Nominations - Please forward to your division



From: APA Division Presidential trios communicating about divisional topics <DIVTRIO@LISTS.APA.ORG> On Behalf Of Kaslow, Nadine
Sent: Sunday, February 9, 2020 6:24 PM
Subject: [DIVTRIO] Beckman Award Nominations - Please forward to your division


Dear Division Trio Presidents,


Attached please find the call for nominations for the 2019 Beckman Award.  I encourage you to recommend current or former academic faculty members who have inspired their former students to “create an organization which has demonstrably conferred a benefit on the community at large” or “establish on a lasting basis a concept, procedure, or movement of comparable benefit to the community at large.” I also hope that you will pass this announcement on to your respective division listservs and colleagues. Recipients of this award receive $25,000 (taxable income) and typically people have used the award monies to further their programs and organizations or those of their mentee. Many APA members have been proud recipients of this honor over the years.


Last year (2019), 10 professors were honored at a recognition ceremony for the Beckman Award winners and their nominators in Atlanta, GA in October. To date, 104 professors have been honored with the Beckman Award (totaling $2.5 million).



The deadline for nominations is April 30, 2020 at 5:00pm EST. The application/nomination form can be found at https://www.wellsfargo.com/private-foundations/beckman-award-trust


If you have any questions, please contact me at nkaslow@emory.edu


Thank you in advance for nominating deserving psychologists.






Nadine J. Kaslow, PhD, ABPP

Professor, Vice Chair, Director of Atlanta Trauma Alliance, Chief Psychologist (Grady)

Director of Postdoctoral Residency Training in Health Service Psychology

Past President (2014), American Psychological Association

Cell: 404-547-1957; Email: nkaslow@emory.edu




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Re: [#DIV28SUPER] Professional Psychology: Research and Practice

Excellent. There is also a new special issue of Training and Education in Professional Psychology on substance use training.


Michael B. Madson, Ph.D.


School of Psychology

Associate Chair – USM Institutional Review Board

The University of Southern Mississippi

118 College Dr #5025

Hattiesburg, MS 39406




Facebook Page

Twitter: @UsmBar


From: div28super reaches div28 and div28m and its nested lists (e.g. div28s) <DIV28SUPER@LISTS.APA.ORG> On Behalf Of Carl Tishler, Ph.D. ABPP
Sent: Thursday, February 6, 2020 6:27 PM
Subject: [#DIV28SUPER] Professional Psychology: Research and Practice


Have the members been involved with this month's issue which is dedicated to substance use disorders and addictions?

Carl Tishler 

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twitter: @apadiv28 #div28

[#DIV28SUPER] Professional Psychology: Research and Practice

Have the members been involved with this month's issue which is dedicated to substance use disorders and addictions?
Carl Tishler 

_____________________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org
Div28m members may post here list archive
twitter: @apadiv28 #div28


[#DIV28SUPER] Fwd: [Div 25] Fwd: Farewell, Victor Laties

From: Nancy Feresten <nancy@ferestenconsulting.com>
Date: February 4, 2020 at 11:57:16 AM EST
Subject: Farewell, Victor Laties

Hello, loved ones,

Dad died last night, at about 10 pm, after a brief illness. We are very grateful that he went fairly quickly and without much pain, but of course we are feeling the loss deeply. Dad chose to donate his body to the University of Maryland, so there will be no burial, but we will gather informally at Mom's apartment on this Saturday the 8th from 12 to 4 pm to remember him. The address is:

10450 Lottsford Road, Apt 244
Bowie, Maryland 20721

Mom requests that you please NOT bring flowers because she is allergic. If you are feeling moved to do something in his honor, make some funny faces at the next child you see, notice the beauty of the clouds, read a book, do a little scat singing, listen to big band jazz, dance with someone you love.

Love to you all,

Nancy, Andy, and Claire

P.S. ... Charlie, please pass it along to the scientific community (we will also text Ron and Debbie).

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Div28m members may post here list archive
twitter: @apadiv28 #div28