
[#DIV28SUPER] Accepting Applications for New NIH/NIAAA Postdoctoral Fellowship Program on Alcohol and HIV Research at the University of Florida

The University of Florida is seeking qualified applicants for a NIH/NIAAA T32 Multidisciplinary Postdoctoral Training Program. Co-led by Drs. Cook, Leeman, and Lucero in the Colleges of Public Health and Health Professions, Health and Human Performance, and Nursing. Fellows will receive interdisciplinary training across various areas of research. In addition, trainees gain essential career development skills through participation in extensive workshops. Taking advantage of the diverse expertise of participating faculty mentors, this program provides intensive research training for individuals who are highly motivated to seek a broader research and professional development experience.



We are seeking highly qualified applicants to join our first cohort:

-- Postdoctoral funding includes limited research and travel expenses, health insurance, and stipend.

-- Funding for fellows is from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and thus only U.S. citizens and permanent residents are eligible



For more information and application materials:

Applicants should contact Dominique Nesbit deasterling@ufl.edu or 352-273-5468



Robert F. Leeman, Ph.D.
Associate Professor

Department of Health Education and Behavior

University of Florida

Florida Gymnasium, Room 14

PO Box 118210
Gainesville, FL  32611

Phone: (352) 294-1808

Fax: (352) 392-1909

Email: robert.leeman@ufl.edu




[#DIV28SUPER] Substance Use and Addiction Conference

Colleagues – Please see information below about the upcoming Substance Use and Addiction Conference in Washington DC. 

Substance Use and Addiction Conference
November 19–20, 2018
Grand Hyatt Washington, Washington, D.C.
CE Credits Available

Save the dates for this single-track conference on the latest behavioral research and best practices on substance use and addiction. Enjoy an informative weekend in the U.S. capital and plan some time to enjoy D.C.—the Grand Hyatt is only a 10-minute walk from the National Mall, which hosts many of the nation's leading historical monuments and more than 10 national museums and art galleries.

Addictive behaviors create many significant health problems, from smoking-related diseases to the current opioid overdose epidemic. Behavior analysts have made important contributions to the understanding and treatment of addictive behaviors, and these will be showcased in this single-track, two-day conference for researchers, practitioners, and students interested in substance use issues. The invited speakers and discussants are all widely recognized leaders in their fields and will present integrative reviews of cutting-edge developments in basic, translational, and applied behavioral approaches to substance use and addiction. Topics will include delay discounting, impulsivity, reinforcement pathology, and more. A major focus will be contingency management approaches, which are highly effective in reducing problem drug-taking; new techniques and technologies that can enhance dissemination of these treatments will be featured. In addition, presentations on behaviorally grounded and effective verbal interventions (such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) will be offered. An evening poster session will allow for additional participation and interaction.


[#DIV28SUPER] Call for Papers: Coordinated Special Issues on Practice, Education, and Training in Substance Use Disorders and Addictions

Dear Members of Division 28,


Professional Psychology: Research and Practice (PPRP) and Training and Education in Professional Psychology (TEPP) have planned coordinated special issues on substance use disorders and addictions. Details can be found on each journal’s website or through the dedicated links below:


PPRP seeks manuscripts on professional work of psychologists that addresses the problems of substance use disorders or addictions. The call for papers can be found here: http://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/pro/call-for-papers-education-training.aspx


TEPP seeks manuscripts on education and training of psychologists to work with problems of substance use disorders or addictions. The call for papers can be found here: http://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/tep/call-for-papers-education-training.aspx


The deadline for submissions is November 1, 2018. Please feel free share this announcement with any of your colleagues or associates who may be interested.



Many thanks,


Sarah Wiederkehr



Sarah Wiederkehr
Journal Services Associate, APA Journals
American Psychological Association


750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
O: 202-312-6479 / swiederkehr@apa.org



Re: [#DIV28M] Nancy Petry

Thank you for sharing this sad news so we can begin to grieve with William on the untimely passing of Nancy. She was a wonderful person and junior colleague that I enjoyed getting to know. She taught me a lot about  about behavioral economics and treatment. Her groundbreaking work shifted my interest from only animal research to translational research with animals and humans. She was such a leader in many important areas of drug-abuse research. My heart goes out to William and the kids, some things are just not fair. 
Marilyn E. Carroll, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychiatry and Neuroscience
Department of Psychiatry
MMC 392
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN  55455

On Jul 20, 2018, at 10:50 AM, Dustin Stairs <dustinstairs@CREIGHTON.EDU> wrote:

I saw this on the CPDD list serve and thought our members would be interested in the sad news.


Dear fellow CPDD members and affiliates,
It is with great sadness that I pass on the news that Nancy Petry has died. Below I have included the loving tribute by her husband, Dr. William White, which was distributed to the faculty at the University of Connecticut.

Those of us lucky enough to know Nancy will greatly miss her intelligence, kindness, and sense of humor.  She was a uniquely gifted scientist who made an enormous impact on our field. And, she was a wonderful friend and colleague to so many.  
It is with profound sadness that I inform you that my dear wife, Nancy M. Petry, PhD, Professor of Medicine in the Calhoun Cardiology Center and Editor-in-Chief of Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, died on Tuesday, July 17, 2018 from breast cancer. She was 49 years old.  
Nancy joined the faculty of the University of Connecticut School of Medicine in 1996 after receiving her PhD from Harvard University and completing a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Vermont School of Medicine in clinical addiction research.  She became an academic superstar at UConn School of Medicine as she developed unique methodologies to treat addictive disorders with a treatment known as contingency management. She received 2 accelerated promotions and after only 6 years on our faculty was the youngest full professor with tenure in the history of the School at age 34.  Nancy was internationally known for her work in behavioral treatments and impulsivity disorders. During her career at UConn she garnered over $40 million in funding as a principal investigator from the National Institutes of Health, wrote and published over 300 original articles and single-handedly wrote a number of books in the areas of pathological gambling, contingency management and internet gaming disorders.  Nancy was very proud that her proven methods to treat addiction disorders from her NIH trials were successfully disseminated to the Veteran's Administration Medical Centers across the USA and over a multi-year period showed large successes of contingency management in real world practice. She always told me that it was one of the largest translational demonstration projects in the field of experimental psychology.
Despite her enormous successes during her career, Nancy was very modest and willing to mentor and help others in their careers. She trained a large number of post-doctoral fellows during her 22 years on the faculty, many of whom became successful faculty members at academic institutions around the country.
On a very personal note, Nancy was a loving wife, my best friend, and a wonderful mother to our two young children Hannah and Noah. They will truly miss growing up without her. When Hannah developed type 1 diabetes at the age of 1, Nancy became a 'clinical expert' in her management while maintaining a busy academic career. Hence, in lieu of any material items of any kind to our family in these trying times, please send donations in Nancy's honor to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) of Connecticut and Western Massachusetts, 20 Batterson Park Road, #302, Farmington, Connecticut 06032.
William B. White, MD
Professor of Medicine

__________________ Div28m@lists.apa.org ___________________
restricted to APA members      subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org

[#DIV28M] Nancy Petry

I saw this on the CPDD list serve and thought our members would be interested in the sad news.


Dear fellow CPDD members and affiliates,
It is with great sadness that I pass on the news that Nancy Petry has died. Below I have included the loving tribute by her husband, Dr. William White, which was distributed to the faculty at the University of Connecticut.

Those of us lucky enough to know Nancy will greatly miss her intelligence, kindness, and sense of humor. She was a uniquely gifted scientist who made an enormous impact on our field. And, she was a wonderful friend and colleague to so many.
It is with profound sadness that I inform you that my dear wife, Nancy M. Petry, PhD, Professor of Medicine in the Calhoun Cardiology Center and Editor-in-Chief of Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, died on Tuesday, July 17, 2018 from breast cancer. She was 49 years old.
Nancy joined the faculty of the University of Connecticut School of Medicine in 1996 after receiving her PhD from Harvard University and completing a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Vermont School of Medicine in clinical addiction research. She became an academic superstar at UConn School of Medicine as she developed unique methodologies to treat addictive disorders with a treatment known as contingency management. She received 2 accelerated promotions and after only 6 years on our faculty was the youngest full professor with tenure in the history of the School at age 34. Nancy was internationally known for her work in behavioral treatments and impulsivity disorders. During her career at UConn she garnered over $40 million in funding as a principal investigator from the National Institutes of Health, wrote and published over 300 original articles and single-handedly wrote a number of books in the areas of pathological gambling, contingency management and internet gaming disorders. Nancy was very proud that her proven methods to treat addiction disorders from her NIH trials were successfully disseminated to the Veteran's Administration Medical Centers across the USA and over a multi-year period showed large successes of contingency management in real world practice. She always told me that it was one of the largest translational demonstration projects in the field of experimental psychology.
Despite her enormous successes during her career, Nancy was very modest and willing to mentor and help others in their careers. She trained a large number of post-doctoral fellows during her 22 years on the faculty, many of whom became successful faculty members at academic institutions around the country.
On a very personal note, Nancy was a loving wife, my best friend, and a wonderful mother to our two young children Hannah and Noah. They will truly miss growing up without her. When Hannah developed type 1 diabetes at the age of 1, Nancy became a 'clinical expert' in her management while maintaining a busy academic career. Hence, in lieu of any material items of any kind to our family in these trying times, please send donations in Nancy's honor to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) of Connecticut and Western Massachusetts, 20 Batterson Park Road, #302, Farmington, Connecticut 06032.
William B. White, MD
Professor of Medicine

__________________ Div28m@lists.apa.org ___________________
restricted to APA members subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org

[DIV28ANNOUNCE] Division 28 July newsletter

Good morning APA Division 28,


Attached is the July issue of the division newsletter. Enjoy!



Erin McClure 




Erin A. McClure, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Addiction Sciences Division

Medical University of South Carolina

67 President St, MSC 861

Charleston, SC  29425

Phone: 843-792-7192

Fax: 843-792-8206



Like us on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter!



Re: [#DIV28SUPER] Fwd: [#DIV28SUPER] Call for Volunteers- Invitation to Review 2018 APA Dissertation Research Award Applications

Please remove me from this DIV28SUPER.... list.

Thank you,
M. Douglas Reed, Ph.D.

From: "maykall76" <maykall76@GMAIL.COM>
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2018 11:39:21 PM
Subject: [#DIV28SUPER] Fwd: [#DIV28SUPER] Call for Volunteers- Invitation to Review 2018 APA Dissertation Research Award Applications

I will be willing to help.  What do you need from me.
Mary Jeanne Kallman

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Dustin Stairs <dustinstairs@CREIGHTON.EDU>
Date: 7/18/18 4:11 PM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: [#DIV28SUPER] Call for Volunteers- Invitation to Review 2018 APA Dissertation Research Award Applications

Posted at the request of Cameron Hatcher (chatcher@apa.org);

Subject:  Call for Volunteers- Invitation to Review 2018 APA Dissertation Research Award Applications


As you may know, the APA Science Directorate supports science-oriented psychology graduate students each year through its student awards programs. 

I am organizing the review committee for the APA Science Directorate's Dissertation Research Award, and I hope that you will consider volunteering your time and expertise. 

The APA Dissertation Research Awards recognize excellence in psychological research and are intended to assist graduate students with research costs. The awards are sponsored by the APA Science Directorate, and the most current information about this program can be viewed online at http://www.apa.org/about/awards/scidir-dissertre.aspx

We would be grateful if you would contribute to supporting the next generation of psychological scientists by serving as a reviewer. If you are interested, please respond to this invitation to let me know that you can review this year.

If you choose to volunteer, copies of this year's applications will be shared to you online from the APA Science Directorate's Google Drive account. All applications will be ready for review by the middle of September, and your ratings will be due by late October. We request a numerical rating and a yes/no recommendation about whether we should fund the student.

Serving on this Review Committee is a great opportunity to engage in service to the profession without having to commit a lot of time. There is no travel involved and reviewing all assigned applications can be accomplished in a matter of an hour or two. Depending on your research area and this year's application volume, you will be assigned 5-8 applications, but will not be assigned more than 9 applications maximum. Each application consists of a maximum of 6-pages total: a cover letter (one-page), dissertation summary (two-pages), letter of reference (one-page), and CV (two-pages). 

If you have any questions about reviewer commitments, feel free to contact me at Chatcher@apa.org or dra@apa.org

Be sure to inform your graduate students about this opportunity to apply for a Dissertation Research Award if they are eligible: http://www.apa.org/about/awards/scidir-dissertre.aspx?tab=2

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Cameron Hatcher
Science Programs Associate, Science Directorate
American Psychological Association

750 First Street NE, Washington DC 20002-4242

_____________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org _____________________
Div28m members  #div28   subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org

_____________________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org
Div28m members may post here list archive
twitter: @apadiv28 #div28


[#DIV28SUPER] Fwd: [#DIV28SUPER] Call for Volunteers- Invitation to Review 2018 APA Dissertation Research Award Applications

I will be willing to help.  What do you need from me.
Mary Jeanne Kallman

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Dustin Stairs <dustinstairs@CREIGHTON.EDU>
Date: 7/18/18 4:11 PM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: [#DIV28SUPER] Call for Volunteers- Invitation to Review 2018 APA Dissertation Research Award Applications

Posted at the request of Cameron Hatcher (chatcher@apa.org);

Subject:  Call for Volunteers- Invitation to Review 2018 APA Dissertation Research Award Applications


As you may know, the APA Science Directorate supports science-oriented psychology graduate students each year through its student awards programs. 

I am organizing the review committee for the APA Science Directorate's Dissertation Research Award, and I hope that you will consider volunteering your time and expertise. 

The APA Dissertation Research Awards recognize excellence in psychological research and are intended to assist graduate students with research costs. The awards are sponsored by the APA Science Directorate, and the most current information about this program can be viewed online at http://www.apa.org/about/awards/scidir-dissertre.aspx

We would be grateful if you would contribute to supporting the next generation of psychological scientists by serving as a reviewer. If you are interested, please respond to this invitation to let me know that you can review this year.

If you choose to volunteer, copies of this year's applications will be shared to you online from the APA Science Directorate's Google Drive account. All applications will be ready for review by the middle of September, and your ratings will be due by late October. We request a numerical rating and a yes/no recommendation about whether we should fund the student.

Serving on this Review Committee is a great opportunity to engage in service to the profession without having to commit a lot of time. There is no travel involved and reviewing all assigned applications can be accomplished in a matter of an hour or two. Depending on your research area and this year's application volume, you will be assigned 5-8 applications, but will not be assigned more than 9 applications maximum. Each application consists of a maximum of 6-pages total: a cover letter (one-page), dissertation summary (two-pages), letter of reference (one-page), and CV (two-pages). 

If you have any questions about reviewer commitments, feel free to contact me at Chatcher@apa.org or dra@apa.org

Be sure to inform your graduate students about this opportunity to apply for a Dissertation Research Award if they are eligible: http://www.apa.org/about/awards/scidir-dissertre.aspx?tab=2

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Cameron Hatcher
Science Programs Associate, Science Directorate
American Psychological Association

750 First Street NE, Washington DC 20002-4242

_____________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org _____________________
Div28m members  #div28   subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org

[#DIV28SUPER] Call for Volunteers- Invitation to Review 2018 APA Dissertation Research Award Applications

Posted at the request of Cameron Hatcher (chatcher@apa.org);

Subject: Call for Volunteers- Invitation to Review 2018 APA Dissertation Research Award Applications


As you may know, the APA Science Directorate supports science-oriented psychology graduate students each year through its student awards programs.

I am organizing the review committee for the APA Science Directorate's Dissertation Research Award, and I hope that you will consider volunteering your time and expertise.

The APA Dissertation Research Awards recognize excellence in psychological research and are intended to assist graduate students with research costs. The awards are sponsored by the APA Science Directorate, and the most current information about this program can be viewed online at http://www.apa.org/about/awards/scidir-dissertre.aspx

We would be grateful if you would contribute to supporting the next generation of psychological scientists by serving as a reviewer. If you are interested, please respond to this invitation to let me know that you can review this year.

If you choose to volunteer, copies of this year's applications will be shared to you online from the APA Science Directorate's Google Drive account. All applications will be ready for review by the middle of September, and your ratings will be due by late October. We request a numerical rating and a yes/no recommendation about whether we should fund the student.

Serving on this Review Committee is a great opportunity to engage in service to the profession without having to commit a lot of time. There is no travel involved and reviewing all assigned applications can be accomplished in a matter of an hour or two. Depending on your research area and this year's application volume, you will be assigned 5-8 applications, but will not be assigned more than 9 applications maximum. Each application consists of a maximum of 6-pages total: a cover letter (one-page), dissertation summary (two-pages), letter of reference (one-page), and CV (two-pages).

If you have any questions about reviewer commitments, feel free to contact me at Chatcher@apa.org or dra@apa.org

Be sure to inform your graduate students about this opportunity to apply for a Dissertation Research Award if they are eligible: http://www.apa.org/about/awards/scidir-dissertre.aspx?tab=2

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Cameron Hatcher
Science Programs Associate, Science Directorate
American Psychological Association

750 First Street NE, Washington DC 20002-4242

_____________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org _____________________
Div28m members #div28 subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org

[#DIV28SUPER] APA Dissertation Research Awards and Early Graduate Student Researcher Awards: Call for applications

Posted at the request of Cameron Hatcher (chatcher@apa.org);

APA Dissertation Research Awards and Early Graduate Student Researcher Awards: Call for applications
The Science Directorate of the American Psychological Association is managing two award programs for graduate student research in 2018. For both awards, applications are welcome from graduate students of psychology in any research specialty area. The application deadline for the Dissertation Research Award is Sept. 1, 2018, and the deadline for the Early Graduate Student Researcher Award is Sept. 14, 2018.
If you have questions, please contact the Science Directorate via email or by telephone at (202) 336-6000.
APA Dissertation Research Awards
The Dissertation Research Award assists science-oriented doctoral students of psychology with research costs. In 2018, APA will grant up to 30 awards of $1,000 each, as well as several awards of up to $5,000 each to students whose dissertation research reflects excellence in scientific psychology.
For more details about this award, including eligibility requirements and application materials, visit the APA Dissertation Research Awards webpage.
Early Graduate Student Researcher Awards
The Early Graduate Student Research Award, sponsored by the APA Science Student Council, recognizes students who demonstrate outstanding research abilities early in their graduate training (i.e., research conducted within the first two years of doctoral study). Both overall research experience and specific completed research projects are considered in selecting awardees.
Up to three awards are given each year, drawn from basic science, applied science and interdisciplinary science areas. Each Early Graduate Student Research Award is in the amount of $1,000.
For more details about the awards, including eligibility requirements and application materials, visit the Early Graduate Student Researcher Awards webpage.

Cameron Hatcher
Science Programs Associate, Science Directorate
American Psychological Association

750 First Street NE, Washington DC 20002-4242

_____________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org _____________________
Div28m members #div28 subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org

[#DIV28SUPER] Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement

From: NIDA-Constituent <NIDAConstituent@leedmci.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2018 12:09 PM
Subject: Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement


Sent on behalf of Dr. Jack Stein, Director, Office of Science Policy and Communication, National Institute on Drug Abuse/National Institutes of Health




I wanted to update you on the HEALing Communities Study that NIH is planning in partnership with SAMHSA, as part of the HEAL Initiative.  


Today we released a Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for a Data Coordinating Center and for Research Sites for the HEALing Communities Study (see also https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-DA-18-026.html 
and https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-DA-18-025.html).  These Notices of Intent to Publish will alert the research and substance use treatment community of expected elements of a successful application, including critical partnerships and infrastructure as part of this multi-site national research effort.  Please disseminate widely to your membership and encourage them to submit.


Thank you,



Jack B. Stein, Ph.D.


Office of Science Policy and Communications

National Institute on Drug Abuse


CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

[#DIV28SUPER] Remove from email listings

Dear Sir or Madam:


Please remove my email from these listings.






[#DIV28SUPER] POST-DOC at Univ of Nebraska

Please share...  Thanks, Rick

POST-DOC: Preclinical Models of Drug Use & Addiction

Post-doctoral position now available in the Behavioral Neuropharmacology Laboratory at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Ongoing research uses standard and novel rat models to study the behavioral, pharmacological, and neural processes mediating the effects of abused drugs. Specific projects include sex differences in meth and nicotine self-administration, drug stimuli and acquired incentive-motivation, treatment of neuroinflammation for meth use, and behavioral economics of nicotine enhancement of reinforcers including alcohol. We are looking for a highly motivated individual to join our research team and bring an infusion of new ideas and contribute significantly to the progress of ongoing projects that includes writing manuscripts. Candidates must have a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in related area. Salary will be competitive. Send CV and the name of 3 references electronically to Dr. Rick Bevins at rbevins1@unl.edu. The University of Nebraska is committed to a pluralistic campus community through affirmative action and equal opportunity. We assure reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act.


NIH Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Opportunity


The University of Vermont's Center on Behavior and Health announces an NIH postdoctoral research fellowship opportunity in our internationally recognized center of excellence for the study of substance abuse. The fellow will participate in the conduct of an ongoing NIDA/FDA-funded trial on the use of tobacco in vulnerable populations, as well as develop new research opportunities in related areas. The mentoring team has an exceptional track record of helping fellows further their careers as independent investigators.


Eligibility: Applicants must have completed their training in psychology, behavior analysis, or a related discipline and be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Trainees are selected on the basis of scholastic record and commitment to a career in tobacco research. Individuals must be highly motivated, possess initiative and a desire to learn and expand their interests and expertise. Experience with behavioral economics is highly valued. Appointment:  2-3 yrs.


Benefits: Stipend, medical insurance coverage, and travel funds supported by NIH Institutional Training Awards.


To apply: Send application form (downloaded from VCBH website), a cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of research interests, and 3 letters of reference to: Dr. Diann Gaalema c/o Ms. Marissa Wells (mwells2@uvm.edu). 


About us: The VCBH was established in 2013, sponsored in part by a Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) Award from the National Institute on General Medical Sciences and a Centers of Tobacco Regulatory Science (TCORS) Award from the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The VCBH resides within the College of Medicine at the University of Vermont, with the director and administrative offices being located within the Department of Psychiatry, and participating investigators, collaborators, and advisors across 15 academic departments in the College of Medicine and 7 colleges within UVM and 5 other universities. The VCBH is further strengthened by interdisciplinary collaborations with key community healthcare leaders and distinguished scientific advisory panels. The focus of the VCBH is on investigating relationships between personal behaviors and risk for chronic disease and premature death, with a specific focus on understanding mechanisms underpinning risk, and developing effective interventions and policies to promote healthy behavior.


For more information:  Contact Ms. Marissa Wells, mwells2@uvm.edu or see our website.


Burlington, Vermont is located in the beautiful Lake Champlain region, surrounded by the Green and Adirondack Mountains. It is a great place for families, boasting excellent schools and year-round recreational opportunities. It is home to the University of Vermont and many other colleges that provide an academically stimulating and culturally rich environment. Montreal and Boston are within easy driving distances.


Stephen T. Higgins, Ph.D.
Director, Vermont Center on Behavior and Health
Virginia H. Donaldson Professor of Translational Science
Departments of Psychiatry and Psychological Science
Vice Chair, Department of Psychiatry
University of Vermont
1 South Prospect Street
Burlington, VT  05401-1419

VCBH Administrator: Marissa Wells, MPH

[#DIV28SUPER] APA Convention Addiction-related Programming

Dear APA Division 28,


The 2018 APA convention is less than a month away!  Please see find attached a brochure summarizing addiction-related programming, including programming by:


·        Division 28 (Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse)

·        Division 38 (Health Psychology)

·        Division 50 (Addiction)

·        Division 40 (Clinical Neuropsychology)


As you may agree, the content this year looks particularly impressive. On behalf of Mark Smith and myself, we encourage you to attend the convention and support the dedicated students, scientists and clinicians working in your fields of interest.


Please register here: http://convention.apa.org/attend/pricing


Hope to see you in San Francisco,




Michael J. Wesley, Ph.D.

Program Chair, Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse

Mark Smith

President, Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse


Assistant Professor and Director

Neurobehavioral Systems Lab

University of Kentucky College of Medicine

Department of Behavioral Science


Office: (859) 323-1332

Lab:    (859) 257-7444



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[#DIV28SUPER] University of Kentucky Department of Behavioral Science Chair Search

Department of Behavioral Science
Department Chair
The College of Medicine seeks a dynamic academic and research driven innovative leader to serve as its next Chair for the Department of Behavioral Science and invites applications for the position.

This is a unique opportunity to build upon a strong and diverse foundation to substantially impact the behavioral health challenges facing the Commonwealth of Kentucky and beyond. Therefore, we desire a visionary Chair with an understanding of the future of behavioral science for the Commonwealth and demonstrated leadership abilities.

The Department of Behavioral Science (BSC) at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine was founded in 1959 by William R. Willard, MD, the medical school's first dean, and was the first of its kind in the United States. The department's first Chair was Robert Straus, PhD, who was also a member of the founding committee for the medical center.

Although unique at the time, the decision to enhance the behavioral science content of medical education now has become an established priority for NIH and the Institute of Medicine. Behavioral scientists in most medical schools, though, are still either scattered throughout clinical departments, located in medical education units, or are placed in divisions within Departments of Psychiatry. As a free-standing basic science department, BSC is an academic teaching and research unit, administratively independent, but with strong collaborative ties to clinical departments and to other basic science departments.

The department is multidisciplinary, with 33 Faculty Appointments across the disciplines of experimental psychology, social psychology, clinical psychology, cognitive neuroscience, behavioral pharmacology, epidemiology, anthropology, psychiatry, pediatrics, ethics history, pharmacology, sociology, and social work. Strong areas of research within the department include Oncology, Aging, and Drug Abuse, among others. However, the department is open to any Behavioral Science research background for this position. Departmental faculty members collaborate with many other academic departments in the College of Medicine and across the University. Having responsibility for "Introduction to Clinical Medicine," the department has a primary role in medical student education. Additionally, Behavioral Science faculty members also teach in the College of Dentistry and the Honors College. Graduate education includes an interdisciplinary certificate, master's degree, and doctoral degree in clinical and translational science.

A successful candidate should be recognized for exceptional accomplishments as a researcher and academician in a behavioral science field. Additionally, the candidate will have a strong record of administrative experience as a department chair, division chief or program/center director; and ability to serve as a listener, decision-maker, humanist, servant leader, and effective advocate for the Department of Behavioral Science and its faculty.

Furthermore, the candidate should collaborate effectively; possess the desire to learn and share; and should have people-skills that promote, foster, and facilitate the trust of colleagues, the broader University, and those who might make philanthropic gifts to the University. The Chair should have impeccable integrity; be an effective and able communicator; be nationally/internationally recognized for achievement in research, educational, and service pursuits that would warrant appointment as a full professor; demonstrate upward movement in leadership or administrative positions in medical school or academic medical center setting; and have a proven record of recruitment and retention of talented faculty and staff, as well as mentorship of faculty, staff and trainees.

Reporting to the dean of UK College of Medicine, Robert S. DiPaola, MD, the Chair serves as the chief academic and administrative officer for the department. The Chair will have the opportunity to significantly enhance the academic and research missions of the department, to build upon its partnerships within UK Healthcare, the University, and with numerous external partners.
For more information regarding the Behavioral Science Department and to view the full leadership profile for the chair position please visit us online: http://med.uky.edu/news/department-behavioral-science-chair-search

Terminal degree in a behavioral science field (e.g., psychology, behavioral science, social science, sociology, etc.) with a sustained record of scholarly activity.
How to Apply
Candidates should apply online at http://ukjobs.uky.edu/postings/179325 with a curriculum vita and letter of interest. Applications will be reviewed immediately, and applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
Upon offer of employment, successful applicants must undergo a national background check and pre-employment drug screen as required by University of Kentucky Human Resources. The University of Kentucky is an Equal Opportunity University that values diversity and inclusion. Individuals with disabilities, minorities, veterans, women, and members of other underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply.

William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
phone: (859) 257-5383
facsimile: (859) 257-7684

University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Behavioral Science
Department of Psychiatry
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Psychology

Regulatory Knowledge and Support Core
Component Lead
Research Methods
University of Kentucky Center for Clinical and Translational Science

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[#DIV28SUPER] Membership Joint Initiative Between Divisions 28 and 50

Members, Students, and Affiliates of APA Divisions 28 and 50,

The Presidents and Membership Chairs of APA Division 28 (Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse) and Division 50 (Society of Addiction Psychology) encourage members of each division to join both divisions. Divisions 28 and 50 are closely affiliated and have worked jointly for over two decades to address problems related to substance use and addiction. We partner regularly to develop programming for the APA Convention, to engage in interdivision initiatives within APA, and to contribute to APA-sponsored task forces that address the problems of drug addiction.

The missions of our two divisions are closely aligned and many of our leaders maintain active memberships in both divisions. Importantly, membership fees for both divisions are remarkably low.  Annual membership dues are $20 ($9.00 for students) in Division 28, and $45 ($29 for students with journal subscription; $12.50 without) in Division 50. This represents an enviable cost-to-benefit ratio for two of the leading organizations in our field.

To learn more about each division, the benefits of membership, and how to become a member, please visit our websites:

We are excited about this opportunity to further the collaboration between our divisions.

Mark Smith
President, Division 28

Bruce Liese
President, Division 50

Dustin Stairs
Membership Chair, Division 28

David Eddie
Membership Chair, Division 50


[#DIV28SUPER] Call for Papers: Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology

Special Issue for April 2019 on:

Therapeutic and Abuse-Related Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids


This special issue will provide an overview of current research on cannabis and cannabinoids with an emphasis on issues related to their legalization for medical and recreational use.  We encourage submission of review articles and original research reports in this area, including the following topics: therapeutic efficacy of cannabis and cannabinoids across different disease conditions; etiology of cannabinoid use disorders; consequences of cannabinoid exposure during pregnancy, adolescence, and adulthood; development of forensic testing for detecting acute cannabis intoxication;  influence of route of cannabinoid administration on therapeutic effects and abuse liability;  variations in THC content across cannabis strains and cannabinoid-enriched products, and implications for use; current federal restrictions on cannabis research; prevalence of synthetic cannabinoids, issues with their regulation, mechanisms of action and consequences of their use; and changes in public perceptions of perceived harm of medicinal and recreational cannabis and cannabinoid use.


Researchers in this area may submit review articles or primary research reports to Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology to be considered for inclusion in this special issue. Manuscripts should be submitted as usual through the APA Online Submission Portal (http://pha.edmgr.com/), and the cover letter should indicate that the authors wish the manuscript to be considered for publication in the special issue on Therapeutic and Abuse-Related Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids.  All submissions will undergo our normal peer review. Manuscripts received no later than October 1, 2018 will be considered for inclusion in the special issue. We strongly encourage individuals to contact the guest editors in advance with their ideas and a draft the title and abstract.


Questions or inquiries about the special issue can be directed to the Guest Editors of the issue, Ashley Acheson, PhD, awacheson@uams.edu, or William Fantegrossi, wefantegrossi@uams.edu, or the Editor, William Stoops, PhD at william.stoops@uky.edu.

William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
phone: (859) 257-5383
facsimile: (859) 257-7684

University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Behavioral Science
Department of Psychiatry
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Psychology

Regulatory Knowledge and Support Core
Component Lead
Research Methods
University of Kentucky Center for Clinical and Translational Science

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[#DIV28SUPER] Postdoctoral Position at UAB

Postdoctoral Position- UAB Department of Psychiatry

The University of Alabama at Birmingham Department of Psychiatry is recruiting a postdoctoral research fellow (2-3 year appointment) who desires to become an independent researcher. This NIH funded position is available for a qualified Clinical Psychologist Postdoctoral Fellow with research interests in addiction with vulnerable populations.  Ongoing NIH projects include two different behavioral interventions focused on improving medication adherence for use of pharmacotherapy during a smoking cessation attempt among low income and criminal justice-involved smokers, respectively. An additional NIH-funded project is focused on the use of a computerized brief intervention combined with a behavioral and pharmacotherapy algorithm to provide alcohol treatment to persons living with HIV.

The fellow will gain experience in clinical trials research, participate in writing NIH grants, as well as papers for publication from existing data sets and ongoing projects. Mentoring on grant writing and publications is available to transition the fellow to an independent scientist position in an academic medical setting. The fellow will be encouraged to develop an independent project with internal pilot funding available. Candidates must be a doctoral level clinical or counseling psychologist (Alabama license or license-eligible after post-doc) who is dedicated to an academic medical research career in addiction. In addition to writing papers and grants, the fellow will be expected to participate as a member of a team of psychologists and physicians conducting clinical research, and participate in limited clinical responsibilities necessary for licensure. Excellent writing and communication skills are essential, as well as a dedication to working with underserved and stigmatized patient populations.

The metro area of Birmingham has become one of the top foodie destinations in the country and was rated #1 on America's Next Hot Food Cities https://www.al.com/entertainment/index.ssf/2015/04/birmingham_is_no_1_on_zagats_l.html


Affordable housing, year round outdoor activities, and fantastic schools make Birmingham a city with a great quality of life. UAB is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer committed to fostering a diverse, equitable and family-friendly environment in which all faculty and staff can excel and achieve work/life balance irrespective of race, national origin, age, genetic or family medical history, gender, faith, gender identity and expression as well as sexual orientation.  

Please forward a letter of interest and CV to Dr. Karen Cropsey, Conatser Turner Endowed Professor of Psychiatry, UAB Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurobiology, Email: kcropsey@uab.edu. Women and members of minority groups are especially encouraged to apply.

William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
phone: (859) 257-5383
facsimile: (859) 257-7684

University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Behavioral Science
Department of Psychiatry
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Psychology

Regulatory Knowledge and Support Core
Component Lead
Research Methods
University of Kentucky Center for Clinical and Translational Science

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[#DIV28SUPER] Faculty Position Thomas Jefferson University - Director of Maternal Addiction Treatment, Education, & Research

PRIMARY FUNCTION:  Direct, advance, and expand a multidisciplinary addictions treatment, education, and research program (MATER) specializing in the care of pregnant and parenting women. This program has provided leadership in the care of addicted pregnant women for over three decades and is widely appreciated as a leader in the field.  The successful candidate will bring working knowledge and experience in addiction treatment, research and scholarly vision, and strong leadership skills to a multidisciplinary team. (S)he will build and maintain relationships within Jefferson and outside organizations to continue and extend MATER’s local, national, and international reputation in the care of pregnant and parenting women with substance use disorders. The successful candidate will be a faculty member in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and may be in either the Clinician-Educator or Tenure track; joint appointment in other department(s) will be considered as appropriate.  It is anticipated that this individual will have sufficient experience to have leadership responsibilities within the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and potentially enterprise-wide.


  • Direct, lead, and mentor a multidisciplinary team of management level supervisors
  • Conduct short-, medium-, and long-term strategic planning to ensure programmatic advancement and growth.
  • Develop a program of addictions research and/or integrate cutting-edge addictions research into clinical operations.
  • Programmatic advocacy through community outreach, teaching and speaking engagements at local, national, and international levels
  • Maintain MATER’s financial stability, including overseeing annual budgeting, negotiations of service reimbursement rates, and obtaining external funding through Jefferson’s academic, innovation, and/or philanthropic pillars.
  • Liaison to Chair of OBGYN, Women’s and Children Service Line, and other Jefferson departments regarding programmatic needs and risks
  • Interact with co-workers, visitors, and other staff consistent with the core values of the University.
  • Provide direct clinical care either specifically in the field of addiction or more broadly in OB/GYN (or other primary field) depending on the background, qualifications, and focus of the individual to be determined in conjunction with the Chairman of OB/GYN.


A PhD or MD from an accredited college with a major in chemical dependency, psychology, social work, counseling, or other related field


7-10 years’ experience in a human service agency, preferably in a drug and alcohol setting, which includes supervision of others, direct service, program planning and administrative experience. Proven experience as Managing Director or other managerial position

To apply: https://www.healthecareers.com/acog/job/jobid/1945489

Closing Statement

Jefferson Health delivers state-of-the-art healthcare services to patients throughout the Delaware Valley and southern New Jersey. Jefferson (Philadelphia University + Thomas Jefferson University) provides more than 7,800 students from nearly 40 states and 40 countries with 21 st century professional education. We have 30,000 employees.

Jefferson Health , with 14 hospitals (three are Magnet-designated by the ANCC for nursing excellence) and 50+ outpatient and urgent care locations, offers a broad range of primary and complex, highly specialized care that touches the lives of more than four million patients annually This year, U.S. News & World Report has ranked Thomas Jefferson University Hospital as the 16 th best hospital in the nation, and among the nation’s best in 11 specialties. Jefferson Health also includes the NCI-designated Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center; it is one of only 69 such centers in the nation.

Thomas Jefferson University, nationally recognized for advancing groundbreaking developments in healthcare education and research, recently combined with Philadelphia University, internationally known for architecture, design, engineering, textiles and more. Jefferson (Philadelphia University + Thomas Jefferson University) has nine colleges and three schools dedicated to interprofessional and transdisciplinary approaches to learning that offer a vibrant and expandable platform for professional education. Through this unique model, we are preparing our students for current and yet-to-be-imagined careers.

As an employer, the Jefferson Enterprise maintains a commitment to provide equal access to employment. Jefferson values diversity and encourages applications from women, members of minority groups, LGBTQ individuals, disabled individuals, and veterans.



Dennis J. Hand, Ph.D

Assistant Professor

Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology

Department of Psychiatry & Human Behavior

Thomas Jefferson University

1233 Locust St. Suite 401

Philadelphia, PA 19107

Ph. 215-955-8419


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