This is a unique opportunity to build upon a strong and diverse foundation to substantially impact the behavioral health challenges facing the Commonwealth of Kentucky and beyond. Therefore, we desire a visionary Chair with an understanding of the future of behavioral science for the Commonwealth and demonstrated leadership abilities.
Although unique at the time, the decision to enhance the behavioral science content of medical education now has become an established priority for NIH and the Institute of Medicine. Behavioral scientists in most medical schools, though, are still either scattered throughout clinical departments, located in medical education units, or are placed in divisions within Departments of Psychiatry. As a free-standing basic science department, BSC is an academic teaching and research unit, administratively independent, but with strong collaborative ties to clinical departments and to other basic science departments.
The department is multidisciplinary, with 33 Faculty Appointments across the disciplines of experimental psychology, social psychology, clinical psychology, cognitive neuroscience, behavioral pharmacology, epidemiology, anthropology, psychiatry, pediatrics, ethics history, pharmacology, sociology, and social work. Strong areas of research within the department include Drug Abuse, Oncology and Aging, among others. Departmental faculty members collaborate with many other academic departments in the College of Medicine and across the University. Having responsibility for "Introduction to Clinical Medicine," the department has a primary role in medical student education. Additionally, Behavioral Science faculty members also teach in the College of Dentistry and the Honors College. Graduate education includes an interdisciplinary certificate, master's degree, and doctoral degree in clinical and translational science.
Furthermore, the candidate should collaborate effectively; possess the desire to learn and share; and should have people-skills that promote, foster, and facilitate the trust of colleagues, the broader University, and those who might make philanthropic gifts to the University. The Chair should have impeccable integrity; be an effective and able communicator; be nationally/internationally recognized for achievement in research, educational, and service pursuits that would warrant appointment as a full professor; demonstrate upward movement in leadership or administrative positions in medical school or academic medical center setting; and have a proven record of recruitment and retention of talented faculty and staff, as well as mentorship of faculty, staff and trainees.
Reporting to the dean of UK College of Medicine, Robert S. DiPaola, MD, the Chair serves as the chief academic and administrative officer for the department. The Chair will have the opportunity to significantly enhance the academic and research missions of the department, to build upon its partnerships within UK Healthcare, the University, and with numerous external partners. The University of Kentucky is seeking a Chair of Behavioral Science for an exciting opportunity to promote growth and development of research and teaching excellence of the Department, as well as oversee research, education, and other departmental activities. This Chair will work closely with the Department's Faculty, the Dean and senior leadership within the College and University to implement a strategic plan for the Department. The Chair must also foster and support research in alignment with the vision and mission of the University, oversee the continuing education of the Department's faculty and overall educational mission. The Chair serves as an important spokesperson for UK's Behavioral Sciences Department research, service, and educational activities at the local, regional and national level. Applications will be reviewed immediately, and will continue until the position is filled. Please include a CV and cover letter along with application. |
Upon offer of employment, successful applicants must undergo a national background check and pre-employment drug screen as required by University of Kentucky Human Resources. The University is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from minorities and women.
William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
phone: (859) 257-5383
facsimile: (859) 257-7684
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Behavioral Science
Department of Psychiatry
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Psychology
Regulatory Knowledge and Support Core
Component Lead
Research Methods
University of Kentucky Center for Clinical and Translational Science
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