
[#DIV28SUPER] FINAL CALL: 2018 APA Convention in San Francisco (PROPOSALS DUE THIS FRIDAY)

FINAL Call for Abstracts and Symposia: 2018 APA Convention in San Francisco (DUE THIS FRIDAY)

Call for Proposals: http://www.apa.org/convention/index.aspx

Submission Portal: https://my.apa.org/apa/idm/login.seam

Divisional Deadline: December 1st (by 5pm EST) THIS FRIDAY!


We are excited to encourage any and all basic science and clinical researchers to submit abstracts for the 126th annual American Psychological Association convention. This year's convention will be held in beautiful San Francisco, California on August 9-12, 2018.


We need your help in making this a strong and breakout convention that highlights the latest and greatest in clinical and basic science research. Make plans now to drink great coffee and dodge bicycles on the way to see terrific posters and presentations. Take pleasure in knowing that someone is tech-ing out on a cable car trying to get to YOUR AWESOME WORK.  Together we can make this happen!


The 2018 Division 28 program will provide multiple networking opportunities and will highlight several hot-topic areas, including the opioid crisis and cannabis legalization, and clinical and research tools, like non-invasive brain stimulation and data crowdsourcing. We especially welcome submissions dealing with topics related to substance abuse in diverse populations, but all submissions related to psychopharmacology and substance abuse are welcome. We hope to see submissions featuring the work of students, early career investigators and established investigators.


More information about the convention is available at: http://www.apa.org/convention/index.aspx. Abstracts for individual submissions are due December 1st (by 5pm EST) and can be submitted online here: https://my.apa.org/apa/idm/login.seam.


Please email me (michael.wesley@uky.edu) with questions and be on the lookout for announcements about craft beer and our awesome 2018 convention plans.


Michael Wesley, Ph.D.



[#DIV28SUPER] Post-docs at Univ So California

We anticipate 2-3 post-doc openings in our NCI T32 program at USC starting in summer/fall 2018.  This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in any area of tobacco or alcohol use or any other cancer risk behavior.

Please feel free to distribute to colleagues.




The Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California seeks candidates for one- to three-year research fellowships (pending final funding decisions). Fellowship positions provide mentored training in research as well as protected time to participate in publishing, grant writing, and other career development activities. Fellows will have the opportunity to work with an interdisciplinary group of faculty who conduct research on the determinants, epidemiology, and intervention/prevention of behavioral influences on cancer risk: (a) tobacco product, alcohol, and drug use; (b) obesity, diet, physical activity, and sedentary behavior; (c) sexually-transmitted infections related to cancer (e.g., HPV infection); and (d) cancer survivorship. We seek candidates with backgrounds and interests that complement existing strengths in: (1) health disparities and social/environmental determinants of health; (2) psychological influences on health behavior, (3) behavioral and social science methodologies (e.g., longitudinal data analysis, ecological momentary assessment, social network analysis, qualitative research, and human biobehavioral laboratory paradigms), (4) developmental processes and youth/young-adult health behavior; and (5) psychoneuroimmunology.

The fellowship program is administered by the Division of Health Behavior Research within the Department of Preventive Medicine and provides an annual salary (based upon year doctorate received), health insurance, tuition, and conference travel support. This multidisciplinary department of behavioral scientists, epidemiologists, environmental health scientists, and biostatisticians has a long history of conducting innovative externally-funded research and currently holds active research programs on tobacco products, obesity, cancer survivorship, and other public health issues. Many faculty members are also members of the USC/Norris Cancer Center, an NCI-Designated Comprehensive Cancer Center with strong research programs in cancer control and epidemiology. 

More information about can be found at ipr.usc.edu and uscnorriscancer.usc.edu. Qualified individuals must have completed a PhD, MD or equivalent, and must be a US citizen or have permanent resident status. Women, minorities, and candidates from other underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply. USC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. 

Send curriculum vitae and statement of interest to: Marny Barovich, barovich@usc.edu; or call 323-442-8299 for more information.
Adam Leventhal, Ph.D.
Director, USC Health, Emotion, & Addiction Laboratory
Associate Professor of Preventive Medicine and Psychology
USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center
Keck School of Medicine
University of Southern California
2250 Alcazar St., CSC 271
Los Angeles, CA 90033
Phone: 323-442-8222

_____________________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org
Div28m members may post here list archive
twitter: @apadiv28 #div28


[#DIV28SUPER] NINDS seeks a Director to lead its extramural Division of Neuroscience.

Director, Division of Neuroscience National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS):   NINDS seeks a Director to lead its extramural Division of Neuroscience.  The Director of the Division of Neuroscience will be responsible for planning and directing a program of extramural and collaborative research in neuroscience, guiding NINDS’s largest research portfolio and charting the future of a vibrant, growing neuroscience research community https://www.ninds.nih.gov/.  The Division of Neuroscience has a flat organizational structure and includes 29 Program Directors and 17 Analysts assigned to 6specific scientific clusters including Neurogenetics, Channels, Synapses and Circuits, Systems, Cognitive Neuroscience, Repair and Plasticity, Neurodegeneration, and Neural Environment http://intranet.ninds.nih.gov/employee/policies_procedures/extramural/manual/D_Pre_Award_Procedures/Cluster_PD_Interests.pdf.


The Director will also be responsible for coordinating NINDS’s neuroscience collaborations across multiple NIH Institutes and Centers and with other Federal and private partners.  The Director will be a primary advisor to the NINDS Director and will report to the NINDS Director. The Director of the Division of Neuroscience will lead a group of approximately 60 professional staff.  The research portfolio of the Division of Neuroscience includes an annual budget of over $1 billion dollars in grants and over $30 million in R&D contracts.  Salary will be commensurate with experience. The position will be filled under a Title 42(f) excepted service appointment and a full package of federal benefits will be provided.  If you are ready for an exciting leadership opportunity, please see the link to the detailed Vacancy Announcement under Jobs at NINDS https://www.ninds.nih.gov/About-NINDS/Jobs-NINDS



This is being sent on behalf of NINDS a sister institute at NIH by NIDA.  The National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services  TO UNSUBSCRIBE: send email to listserv@list.nih.gov Copy and paste UNSUBSCRIBE NIDA_NEURO_SCIENCE-L   in the message body of the email - You will receive a confirmation email if successful. If you have problems contact jpollock@mail.nih.gov   301-435-1309




[#DIV28SUPER] Apportionment vote - Reminder to give all 10 of your votes to Division 28

To all Division 28 members:

You may have just received your apportionment ballot from APA. The subject line in your email should read 2017 Apportionment Ballot Election.  This is a very important vote that determines our Division's representation on APA council,  I am writing to ask you to consider allocating all 10 of your votes to Division 28 so that Division 28 continues to have a strong voice in council decisions and APA policy.  

Please note that the boxes to check and list the number of votes that you are allocating are above the name of our division rather than below it (a bit confusing in my opinion).

Thanks for your continued dedication and support!

Best regards,


David S. Festinger, Ph.D.

President, Division 28 - Psychopharmacology & Substance Abuse
American Psychological Association

PCOM provides email capability to all students, faculty, staff, and administration.  All emails and attached files transmitted between and among the foregoing are considered confidential. The emails and attached files are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed and reading, disclosing, disseminating, distributing or copying by a recipient other than that named therein is strictly prohibited. Any email described herein that is received by an entity or individual to which it is not specifically addressed should be immediately deleted by the unnamed recipient.

_____________________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org
Div28m members may post here list archive
twitter: @apadiv28 #div28

[#DIV28SUPER] Call for Nominations - Division 28 Awards

Dear Colleagues:  I am again writing to encourage you to submit nomination materials for APA Division 28 Awards for the 2018 APA meeting in San Francisco.  Attached you will find the official call for nominations with the detailed instructions for each of the three awards:  Med Associates Brady-Schuster Award, Young Psychopharmacologist Award and Outstanding Dissertation Award.  These awards are an excellent way to recognize your outstanding colleagues in science- both the young and more seasoned!  The Awards Committee looks forward to seeing this year’s nominees.  The deadline for materials is January 15, 2018.  




Cathy Stanger



Catherine Stanger, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department of Psychiatry

Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth

46 Centerra Parkway

Suite 300, HB 7255

Lebanon, NH 03766


Phone 603-646-7023

Fax 603-448-5335

_____________________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org
Div28m members may post here list archive
twitter: @apadiv28 #div28

_____________________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org
Div28m members may post here list archive
twitter: @apadiv28 #div28

[#DIV28SUPER] Postdoctoral Fellowship


Co-Occurring Substance Use and Mental Health Disorders

Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth


The Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth offers a unique postdoctoral training program in a developing area of transdisciplinary/translational research, co-occurring substance use and other mental disorders (COD) http://geiselmed.dartmouth.edu/scd/The philosophy of this program asserts that to effectively impact the problems of addiction and mental illness, one must be fully aware of their co-existence, etiologies, phenomenology, and clinical manifestations. Moreover, knowledge of integrated clinical approaches and the healthcare systems that serve those with co-occurring disorders are necessary to inform the questions to be asked in laboratory, animal and human imaging and clinical research studies.


At Dartmouth, six interconnected groups from neuroscience through implementation research, and across multiple departments provide research opportunities in intervention research, including digital health interventions, and developmental, social, behavioral, neurobiological mechanisms of addiction and co-occurring disorders. Faculty include preeminent national/international leaders and PhD and MD investigators with strong histories of training scientists. Program faculty lead diverse projects funded by many NIH institutes (NIDA, NIAAA, NIMH, NCI, NCATS and NICHD).


Appointment: Typically 2 years.  Eligibility: Applicants must have completed their training in psychology, or a related discipline and be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Trainees are selected on the basis of scholastic record and commitment to a career in research related to addiction and mental health.  Benefits: Stipend, medical insurance coverage, and travel funds supported by NIH Institutional Training Awards.  For more information:  Contact Dr. Alan Budney (alan.budney@dartmouth.edu).  To apply: Forward curriculum vitae, statement of research interests, and 3 letters of reference to Brian Goodness, Operations Assistant (Brian.D.Goodness@dartmouth.edu). 



Alan Budney, Ph.D.

Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth

Department of Psychiatry

One Medical Center Drive, HB 7459

Lebanon, NH  03756

Email: alan.j.budney@dartmouth.edu




[#DIV28SUPER] Second Call for Proposals: 2018 APA Convention in San Francisco

Second Call for Abstracts and Symposia: 2018 APA Convention in San Francisco, CA

Call for Proposals: http://www.apa.org/convention/index.aspx

Submission Portal: https://my.apa.org/apa/idm/login.seam

Divisional Deadline: December 1st (by 5pm EST) LESS THAN 3 WEEKS!


We are excited to encourage any and all basic science and clinical researchers to submit abstracts for the 126th annual American Psychological Association convention. This year's convention will be held in beautiful San Francisco, California on August 9-12, 2018.


We need your help in making this a strong and breakout convention that highlights the latest and greatest in clinical and basic science research. Make plans now to drink great coffee and dodge bicycles on the way to see terrific posters and presentations. Take pleasure in knowing that someone is tech-ing out on a cable car trying to get to YOUR AWESOME WORK.  Together we can make this happen!


The 2018 Division 28 program will provide multiple networking opportunities and will highlight several hot-topic areas, including the opioid crisis and cannabis legalization, and clinical and research tools, like non-invasive brain stimulation and data crowdsourcing. We especially welcome submissions dealing with topics related to substance abuse in diverse populations, but all submissions related to psychopharmacology and substance abuse are welcome. We hope to see submissions featuring the work of students, early career investigators and established investigators.


More information about the convention is available at: http://www.apa.org/convention/index.aspx. Abstracts for individual submissions are due December 1st (by 5pm EST) and can be submitted online here: https://my.apa.org/apa/idm/login.seam.


Please email me (michael.wesley@uky.edu) with questions and be on the lookout for announcements about craft beer and our awesome 2018 convention plans.


Michael Wesley, Ph.D.



[#DIV28SUPER] Fwd: Early Career Travel Awards for 2018 APA Convention


Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Hoeppner, Bettina,Ph.D." <BHOEPPNER@mgh.harvard.edu>
Date: November 7, 2017 at 4:15:38 PM CST
To: "fredblow@umich.edu" <fredblow@umich.edu>, "rgonzales@austin.utexas.edu" <rgonzales@austin.utexas.edu>, "grube@prev.org" <grube@prev.org>, "paula.hoffman@ucdenver.edu" <paula.hoffman@ucdenver.edu>, "horgan@brandeis.edu" <horgan@brandeis.edu>, "larimer@uw.edu" <larimer@uw.edu>, "leonard@ria.buffalo.edu" <leonard@ria.buffalo.edu>, "bmccool@wakehealth.edu" <bmccool@wakehealth.edu>, "bmccrady@unm.edu" <bmccrady@unm.edu>, "pmolin@lsuhsc.edu" <pmolin@lsuhsc.edu>, "peter_monti@brown.edu" <peter_monti@brown.edu>, "gar@pitt.edu" <gar@pitt.edu>, "eriley@mail.sdsu.edu" <eriley@mail.sdsu.edu>, "ryabinin@ohsu.edu" <ryabinin@ohsu.edu>, "sherk@missouri.edu" <sherk@missouri.edu>, "lspear@binghamton.edu" <lspear@binghamton.edu>, "mtaffe@scripps.edu" <mtaffe@scripps.edu>, "fvalenzuela@salud.unm.edu" <fvalenzuela@salud.unm.edu>, "woodward@musc.edu" <woodward@musc.edu>, "szemore@arg.org" <szemore@arg.org>
Subject: Early Career Travel Awards for 2018 APA Convention

Dear NIAAA T32 Directors,


NIAAA has a number of travel awards available for early stage investigators to attend the 126th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, which will be held August 9-12, 2018, in San Francisco, California.  Would you be able to post this call for submissions to your listserv to make your trainees available of this opportunity?


All the best,





Dear Students, Post-docs, and Junior Faculty,


If you are doing research on alcohol use, we would like to invite you to apply for our early career travel award.  This award is for $750 to help defray costs to the 126th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, which will be held August 9-12, 2018, in San Francisco, California.  Awards are made possible through funding from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (R13 AA022858; PI: Hoeppner), which seeks to foster the development of the next generation of alcohol researchers. 


To apply, simply submit your proposal via APA's online submission portal as you normally would

(http://www.apa.org/convention/proposals.aspx?tab=3).  You can submit directly to Division 50 (Addiction Psychology) or your home division.  APA's deadline for submission is December 1, 2017.


To be eligible for the travel award, proposals must focus on alcohol use or related problems.  If your proposal is accepted by your division for presentation, you can apply for the travel award by completing a short application form here: https://redcap.partners.org/redcap/surveys/?s=488JTE787YThe deadline for applying for the travel award is February 15, 2018.


If funded, presentations will be showcased at an Early Career Investigators Poster Session and Social Hour sponsored by the Society of Addiction Psychology (Division 50), Division 28 (Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse), NIAAA, and NIDA.  That means that you will present your work twice at APA: during your regularly scheduled time, and additionally at our early career investigator poster session.


We strongly encourage you to apply.  We will be able to fund a total of 20 travel awards, and an additional 15 awards will be awarded for projects focusing on drug use other than alcohol through funding by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (R13DA038955; PI: Obasi).  The Early Career Investigators Poster Session and Social Hour is a superb opportunity to connect with your peers and leading scientists in the field of addiction.  Last year, we had over 160 attendees, including NIH staff (11) and members from 27 APA divisions, spanning the range from early to senior investigators.  We would love to have you be part at our 2018 Early Career Investigators Poster Session and Social Hour!


All the best,


Bettina Hoeppner






Bettina B. Hoeppner, Ph.D., MS

Assistant Professor of Psychology

Harvard Medical School


Director of Biostatistics, Center for Addiction Medicine

Massachusetts General Hospital


151 Merrimac Street, Boston MA 02114

Office: 617-643-1988

Fax: 617-643-1998



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[#DIV28SUPER] APA Handbook of Psychopharmacology

Posted on behalf of Suzette Evans.


Contributor(s) needed for the Final Chapter of the new American Psychological Association publication: APA Handbook of Psychopharmacology

The APA Handbook of Psychopharmacology (edited by Suzette M. Evans, PhD and Kenneth M. Carpenter, PhD) will provide a working knowledge of basic pharmacology and psychopharmacology in a language suitable for the targeted readership, and summarize the current and emerging research and clinical evidence related to the pharmacologic treatment of mental health disorders. Although psychopharmacology is constantly changing, particularly as new medications emerge, this handbook will provide a solid foundation of the field specifically geared towards psychologists. Our target audience primarily includes established psychology researchers and practitioners, but the Handbook will also be of value to allied social and behavioral scientists, as well as professionals in complementary fields such as clinical social work and mental health counseling. Moreover, psychology graduate students will find the chapters in the Handbook extremely valuable for gaining a sound familiarity with major specialties across the field.

We have identified contributors for all of the content-driven chapters and the chapters are rolling in at a rapid pace. At this time, we are in need of suggestions/offers regarding contributors for a pivotal and final chapter of the Handbook: Future Directions in Theory, Research, Practice and Policy. We are looking for someone with a very broad and global viewpoint who would be able to speak to the changing landscape of psychologists in the treatment of mental health disorders.

If you are interested in writing this chapter or have suggestions of others who might be appropriate, please contact Suzette Evans directly at se18@cumc.columbia.edu. I am looking to identify someone as soon as possible so we can maintain our production schedule so please respond by November 15th, 2017.

_____________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org _____________________
Div28m members #div28 subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org